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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 37

by Colin Flaherty

  The footage shows nothing of the kind. [757]

  In Savannah, nothing says GUILTY louder than victims of black mob violence asking for justice.

  The tourist director piled on, saying there are two sides to every story. So let’s look at the tourist director’s side. The backstory as he sees it:

  Two middle class white families complete with small children decide to visit Savannah for Mother’s Day. They eat dinner. They take a stroll through the charming downtown made famous in “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.”

  The video shows lots of people on the street, most of them black. That is when these terrorists posing as a family of tourists unleashed a vicious attack on the unsuspecting black populace of Savannah.

  Is that how the tourist director sees it?

  You betcha. Let’s pick up more of the back-story that had to happen if the tourist director’s fairy tale is going to make any sense at all.

  Luckily, the black victims were able to defend themselves, leaving the white aggressors with lots of bruises, black eyes and a broken bone or two. During the attack, the white aggressors cleverly pretended they were the ones under assault from a large group of black people, and ducked into an ice cream store for assistance.

  Cleverly, the people working in the store saw through that ruse and refused. Here is what one of the men who attacked the black mob said:

  “Our attackers stood out front in a mob, waiting for us. The shop owner yelled at us that he didn’t need any of this in his store to hurt his business.”[758]

  The mayor of Savannah Edna Jackson said people should not panic: She could not control the behavior of people who visit Savannah. And white families with children attacking large black mobs could have happened anywhere.[759]

  As to be expected in the case of this non-random violence that is directed at locals in Savannah, the two white families told their stories on Facebook, and on Atlanta TV.

  They even posted a curiously deceptive police report they filed at the time: [760]

  All of a sudden,” the police report said,“a black male and a black female forcefully walked through his [Mr. Thomas'] family bumping into him and the small children in his family.”

  Thomas then advised that he then said something to the black male about his actions. He then explained that the black male then stopped and turned around and charged at him and assaulted him.

  Mr. Thomas then advised that several more unknown black individual[s] came from behind and attacked his family including the children. Mr. Thomas advised that he does not know how many people were attacking him and his family, but they ran off after the assault.

  It is not clear whether Mr. Thomas is aware that filing a false police report is a crime. Even so, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

  When Thomas and his family returned to their homes in Atlanta, they talked to WTEV-TV about how the mob attacked his six year old daughter: “There was a man holding her by the nape of her neck, with her hair and dragging her. My 6-year-old daughter was punched in the stomach by an adult.”

  Thomas’s wife was also punched and dragged by the hair. So he claims. You can see this so-called black eye at WND.[761]

  “My family the whole way back was, ‘Daddy we thought you were going to die. We knew they were going to kill you.’”

  Well, little girl, maybe you and your daddy should not go around attacking large groups of black people for no reason whatsoever. More video here at this footnote.[762]

  Thomas’s brother-in-law Rob Gray was hit in the eye and suffered a broken orbital bone.

  Curiously the local paper did not run a story on this attack as part of the regular news cycle. Maybe because white tourists attacking black people is a normal thing in Savannah. A ‘dog bites man’ kind of thing.

  But the local paper did do a major story on a white-on-black attack involving a father and his stepdaughter’s boyfriend, labeling it a hate crime.

  They also had a major feature story on turtle attacks.

  Turtle attacks.

  But nothing on a family of eight that is attacked, pursued, and chased into a local business, while the black mob that created the violence waited outside threatening more.

  Several weeks later, Savannah police issued misdemeanor warrants for two people involved in the attack. The guy who hit Rob Gray. And Rob Gray, for getting hit

  So, does this kind of thing happen often in Savannah? Let’s go to another WTOC report from a year earlier:

  “This one is going to be hard to imagine,” said a WTOC anchor. “A couple said they were brutally attacked right in the middle of one of Savannah’s busiest squares because they were not the same race.”

  Let’s hear a bit more from the field reporter: “The girl friend, who is African American, says the only reason her boyfriend was beaten was because he is white and dating her.”

  The pictures of the beaten boyfriend, we are told, are hard to look at: His eye swollen shut, gashes all over his face.

  Hmmm ...that is what the visiting terrorists from Atlanta looked like after their beat down.

  “The couple,” says the reporter, “insist they did nothing to spark the attack.”[763]

  No word yet from the tourist director.

  Long Island: Fighting back is a crime. Black mob violence is not.

  It is not just the Thomas and Gray families ruthlessly attacking black mobs. The same thing happened several times within a month of what Savannah media are now calling the River Street Fight.

  This one in Babylon, Long Island. Let’s go to a black reporter for the heartbreaking account of this lone white guy attacking a black mob.[764]

  “Police say he stabbed James Moran to death just inches away from a baseball field where kids were playing nearby.”

  Kids! Inches away! Cue the picture of the young black guy in a baseball cap. Ignore the neck tattoos, please.

  Then we hear from the so-called victim’s father. He was a good kid. No matter how many pictures on social media show him holding guns, flashing gang signs and displaying gang tattoos.[765] And there were a lot.

  Just in case you forgot, she mentioned it again: This really, really bad person name Michael Grusel stabbed the innocent Mr. Moran “just steps away from kids and parents getting ready for a Little League game.” Apparently For No Reason What So Ever.

  Finally we get to the real story: Grusel had been the victim of black mob violence several times before, involving several people also involved in this attack, his friends say.

  Before the stabbing, the mob of black people threatened, then chased Grusel. They threw him in a lake. They pummeled him.

  When he could not run anymore, he turned around and did something that must have surprised his attackers. He fought back. “They tried to rob him. He protected himself. They pulled out a knife. He took it from them and stuck him with it.”[766]

  When an off-duty police officer caught Grusel, he was still wet and his face covered in fresh bruises.

  The 28-year old Grusel has a history of mental illness and was known as a guy who rode a bike and talked to himself. When he wasn’t trying to avoid bullying and attacks from people like Moran and his buddies.

  He is being held on $1 million bail.[767]

  Jacksonville: Suspended for being the victim of black mob violence. Down in Jacksonville, a local TV news station sent a black reporter to cover the case of a “middle school fight” that was not a fight. [768]

  But it was on video. One of those “this video may be painful to watch” deals. It showed the Wyatt Davis, junior high student, being attacked by black classmates in May 2014. “But it doesn’t end there. When Wyatt left the locker room, security cameras caught Wyatt and one of his friends being attacked by a group of students.”

  “I watched them kick him over and over again,” said his mother. “There was between 10 and 20 of them.”

  No one was arrested. And two people were suspended: One of the “students” for attacking Wyatt. And Wyatt for being attacked.
  If you want to take a moment to read that last sentence again, go ahead. I did. It is that hard to believe.

  About the same time in Dover, Delaware, another junior high student was attacked by another group of black students. Again on video.[769]

  Not for the first time.

  “They tried to say my son provoked it,” said his father Dale Guessford. “The same kid had attacked him before.”

  You decide.[770] Then insert your favorite expletive deleted here.

  When I posted the video of the attack on YouTube, it received 30,000 hits in a few hours before YouTube took it down: It violated their terms of service, they said.

  But I was exposing this violence, not glorifying it, quoth I.

  It reappeared in a few weeks.

  Wilmington, Delaware: Meet the Lynams.

  This elder couple attacked a black mob. So say police.

  Meet the Lynams, Edna and Jay. Card carrying members of the Delaware liberal establishment.

  Edna worked for Joe Biden before, during and after his 1972 election to the United States Senate. Sometimes an office worker, sometimes a baby sitter for the future Attorney General of the State of Delaware, Beau Biden.

  Jay used to hang out at the Biden’s house in high school.

  Flash forward to the mid 80’s: The Lynam’s were living in D.C., Edna still working for Joe, that’s what everyone in Delaware calls the Vice-President - as if they know him; as if they have spent a lot of time with him, which they probably have. As have I.

  Is 20 hours a lot?

  Jim was a Capitol Hill police officer. But they wanted to go home to Wilmington. So they bought a house in what used to be a stable, middle class white and Polish immigrant neighborhood called Brown Town.

  But that is not what the house or neighborhood was anymore: It was run down. Beat up. And increasingly .... diverse.

  They thought that was OK: The whole urban pioneer thing had exploded in Wilmington and some people even thought it might catch on. Then anyway. Nobody talks like that anymore.

  The Lynams stayed there for about ten years. Then they moved. Not because they wanted to, not really. But there was just too much crime. Too much garbage. And not enough of anything else.

  They tried to sell but could not. So they rented it and got lucky: One tenant stayed for 12 years.

  But after that, it was one disaster after another: Move in. Don’t pay rent. Trash the place. Move out. Repeat.

  In the spring of 2014, the 60-something year old couple was down at their house, piecing it back together after their latest unfortunate rental experience.

  Outside, the same black children who greeted them with obscenities a few minutes before, were now taking it to the next level: They were throwing balls and rocks at the couple’s stucco walls -- breaking off pieces as they did.

  Like every true urban pioneer, the Lynams sought to reason with the little devils. I mean angels. That earned them some more obscenities, more scorn and more damage to their stucco walls.

  It continued. The next time, a few minutes later, the Lynams were a bit more firm. That brought one of the children’s mothers racing to the scene from across the street. With a baseball bat. Soon she was hitting Jay with it. Then chasing him around the neighborhood for more.

  Edna tried to dial 911. But the mother’s friends knocked the phone out of her hands, destroying it. “Someone please dial 911,” she pleaded to the largely black crowd that was now surrounding the action.

  Even the black faces she knew turned their eyes away.

  Somehow a call was made. And the cops showed up. Then it started to get truly strange, with crazy not too far behind.

  The Lynams wanted police to arrest the people who beat Jay and destroyed Edna’s phone. The police officer was curiously reluctant -- and said he had to first file a report.

  And that would be available in a few days. Then a few more days. Then it was not available at all. Then only a part of it would be available. And only to an attorney.

  Sill no charges.

  Finally, after lots of phone calls from Edna, Wilmington police filed misdemeanor charges against the bat-wielding mom and her phone destroying accomplices.

  “But the cop told us that he would have to file charges against Jay too,” Edna said. Because all her friends said the older couple attacked the mob. Not the other way around. “The detective told us we should not have been down there. We had no business being in that neighborhood.”

  So Jay turned himself in. As part of the arrest, Jay is not allowed to go within 100 feet of Mrs. Bat. Which means he cannot return to his house to fix it up, for the next tenant, to come through and wreck it.

  I’ve had Edna on the radio show I do with my brother at WDEL in Delaware. My brother worked for Biden too. That’s where he met Edna. He does not really like it when I ask her whether it is kind of ironic that the big diverse society she and my brother had worked so hard to achieve for so long was now turning on them.

  Come to think of it, they never answered the question.

  Glenn Beard: Guilty of getting harassed, robbed and beaten.

  From Indianapolis.

  Glenn Beard was not exactly Rotary material. An ex-con, out of prison on a weapons charge, Beard lived in a black neighborhood in Indianapolis.

  This was not exactly a gentrification move.

  Beard was fresh meat for Jarrell Tucker and his friends of robbers, taunters and miscreants: Old. White. Alone. Defenseless. So they thought.

  They tried to rob him. Just like they had tried to rob Beard’s son the week before. They were surprised when Beard punched Terrell, rather than submit to the robbery. Like the Kevin Hart movies says: “White people don’t fight.”

  Soon black people were pouring out of houses, including Terrell’s mom.

  Beard took off. It seemed as if it was over. It wasn’t.

  Soon after, Beard and his son saw Jarrell and his compadres back on the porch of their house. The one they tried to rob before. They were looking for trouble.

  Beard took a gun and chased them away. Did something happen next? I don’t know. But soon Beard shot and killed Terrell. [771]

  Then the drama began: “The fact that the suspect is white and the shooting victim is a young black teenager, we have heard some concerns by neighbors that this may escalate and that's why we are involved in this case," said a local minister.[772]

  Didn’t do much good: Soon after, someone set fire to his house. Then Beard turned himself in. Then they burned it again, finishing the job.

  All the while, family and friends and media were telling us about the 13-year old angel named Jarrell and how he wanted to grow up to be a nuclear engineer or whatever. Not a word of it true.

  But this is, and not one of this friends or parental units said so: He was a bad kid: Terrell, it turns out, had a long history of violence and theft, says WTHR TV: [773]

  “Jarrell Tucker has also had run-ins with police. Records show that he has been arrested at least six times. The most serious arrest happened July 30, 2012 when officers took Tucker and four other teenagers into custody on robbery-related charges.”

  That we know about. But his mom said he was going to study bio-metrics at UCLA. She said he was a good boy. That is why they left teddy bears in the alley.

  Terrell was 13-years old.

  Beard was convicted of murder.

  Someone call Aamidor.

  Hey wait a minute: We forgot that letter from the parent who was arrested after a black mob attacked him and his child.

  Guess that makes six. Hard to keep count.

  Lakim Faust: The Black Serial Shooter in North Carolina.


  Everything people in Greenville, North Carolina thought they knew about why Lakim Faust shot four people near a Wal-Mart parking lot is wrong.

  They thought he was just another random guy who goes around shooting random people for no reason whatsoever. Nope.

  Faust tried to kill them because they were white.[774] T
hat is what a grand jury indictment released a few weeks after the 2013 attacks. [775] This contradicts earlier police reports the shootings were random. According to CBS affiliate:[776]

  Faust, who is black, picked out his victims based on their race, according to the indictments. The documents didn't specify why Faust wanted to shoot white people, and police have not talked about why he picked out his targets.

  I’m going out on a limb here to speculate he did not much care for white people. Prosecutors made this determination after searching his apartment and computer. Police also found a copy of the Koran and other Moslem books in his residence.

  The shootings took place in June and began in the parking lot of a Greenville law firm. Faust shot one man in the face while sitting in his car. Faust then crossed a major highway, carrying more than 100 rounds of ammunition in a backpack, to the Wal-Mart parking lot.

  Using a pistol grip, pump-action shotgun, he opened fire on several more people, wounding three before police found him and gunned him down.

  "If we had responded the way police used to respond to active shooters, we would’ve had more victims," said police chief Hassan Aden. "The way we train now is, literally, the first officers on the scene go to the threat. That’s exactly what they did without regard for their own safety. They went right for the threat, engaged it and neutralized it.”

  What we call people like that has not changed. We call them heroes.

  The shooter and victims survived.

  All four of the victims were white. Justin Lawler was working at a nearby fireworks stand and saw much of the carnage after Faust walked by him without attempting to shoot him. Lawler is black.

  The day after the shooting, police said Faust had a limited criminal history. Soon after, a clearer picture emerged of his long and violent record.

  According to WITN, Faust was charged in Maryland with attempted first-degree murder, assault and attempted second-degree murder. “The case was remanded to juvenile court and is sealed. There is no way to determine what became of the charges,” says WITN.[777]


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