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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 38

by Colin Flaherty

  These incidents happened when Faust was 14 years old.

  After moving to North Carolina, Faust had been found guilty of resisting an officer, trespassing and defrauding an innkeeper. He was also charged with injury to real property and personal property but those charges were dismissed.

  He was arrested twice for returning to a local college campus after he was banned from a classroom for disruptive behavior.

  He applied in 2012 for a permit to carry a handgun but was denied because of his criminal record. Most states, however, do not require a background check to purchase a shotgun or rifle.

  The news that police had found evidence of racial motivation encouraged some in Greenville to comment that race was not the problem, guns were.

  The vast majority of the posts highlight the fact that the shooter was black and acted out his crime with racial motivations. A lot of them sound rather smug.

  Not much about the real problem - we had a crazy man shooting civilians in a public place- again.

  This is what happens when you have a culture of gun fanaticism and our political leaders take to the world with violent force to right wrongs real and imagined.

  Another, identified only as southbrother4dems said:“One incident compared to thousands committed against black Americans!”

  Another entry in the “They deserve it” file.

  Faust remains behind bars under $6 million bail. His victims have been released from the hospital; all are expected to suffer life-long injuries from the shootings.

  Faust was employed as a gardner and was part of a government job-training program. Deborah Moody of the Intergenerational Community Center told WCTI that “she was very surprised to hear he was the one they suspected.” Faust was polite, she said, showed up to work on time, and dreamed about opening his own record label.

  Raleigh: More Black Mob Violence

  No biggie.

  Raleigh citizens were on alert after two cases of black mob violence in two nights in their downtown in the summer of 2013.

  The attacks were the latest in a series of episodes of racial violence in the area.

  The local ABC affiliate was the only media outlet to report that a group of at least 15 black people stalked and beat a homeless woman after she saw them coming and tried to run away.

  Maybe she did not make them feel welcome.

  In contrast to most cases of black racial violence, local journalistic hot shot Kelli O’Hara actually identified the mob the way victims and the police did: They were black.

  O’Hara fills in the details:[778]

  On Tuesday night, Ardena Best was sleeping on a park bench when she said out of nowhere a mob of young men approached her.

  "I happen to look across the street, I see a whole group of 15 of them," Best said.

  She said the men crossed Fayetteville Street, and one stopped and yelled at her before the attack.

  "'What are you scared?' And the guy looked and punched me on the side of my face real fast," Best said. "He clutched his fist and slugged me above my eye."

  This was the second such assault in Raleigh in two days.

  The other happened in the same street in the previous evening: According to the 911 tapes obtained by O’Hara, a man was walking down the street when he came upon a group of black people. One said ‘excuse me’ and punched him in the face. Quoth O’Hara:

  Police said the two incidents sound similar. They describe the attackers as a group of African-American teens wearing gym clothes and traveling in a large group.

  Best said she was shaken by the attack and now fears for her life.“This is the only place I have to sleep,” she said.

  Despite that, O’Hara confidently reports Best is “OK and suffered no damages.”

  There they go again: She ruined a good report. That is not OK with Taleeb Starkes, author of The Uncivil War.

  The bruises will heal,” said Starkes.“The emotional damage will not. If you look at the news accounts of these kinds of crimes, the police and press tell us this was not a major crime. There was not much money involved.

  The victim lived. But one of the reasons these crimes happen so much is that we take them so lightly. This kind of violent crime is life changing and traumatic to the victim. But we rarely treat the predators that way. If they lose a little money or no one gets hurt, it’s no harm, no foul. These predators are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such.

  Despite North Carolina’s bucolic, Andy of Mayberry-like roots, black mob violence has become a regular fact of life in places like Greensboro, neighboring Durham, Charlotte and Asheville. But Raleigh often stays under the radar.

  It does not have to: There are a number of recent video accounts of black mob violence in Raleigh. Several videos show late-night “Let Out” violence after the downtown clubs close.

  Others document home invasion robberies, and of course, good old neighborhood fights involving lots of people.[779]

  IHOP is an increasingly popular place for late night black mob violence, sometimes fatal. But not this time. Not in Raleigh. No one died. A lot of restaurant furniture was damaged in this video.

  In 2008, a Raleigh shopping center was the site of a full-scale “Mall Brawl” involving 300 black people. Six black people were arrested. Several residents reported this was not an uncommon occurrence.[780]

  One local resident pled guilty, with an explanation at the WRAL web site:[781]

  This is only because they build a mall right in the middle of two well-known gang areas. The bloods and crips. They have always been trying to fight over whose area it is.

  Why do you think so many of them sit and the front of the mall by the food court. There are so many hard working blacks that are embarrassed by their youth.

  Get a job and work for what you get and stop have us pay our taxes for your 16-year-old babies mama?

  GROW UP! And shut up about this racist BS! Statistics don’t lie! Yall are destroying our schools and our city!

  No one has been arrested in the downtown attacks.

  Seattle Military Vet.

  He just got back from Combat. Died in the streets.

  An active duty combat veteran is dead, a victim of black mob violence in Seattle, October 2013.

  The soldier had been celebrating his return from combat and imminent entry to civilian life. He and his buddies were walking to his hotel early Saturday morning near a Seattle area military base when a car full of black people did a drive-by racial shout out: “Crackers,” they screamed. KOMO TV news picks up the antiseptic version:[782]

  A group of men in a car drove by and someone inside shouted a racial comment toward the white soldiers, the Lakewood Police Department said.

  "One of the soldiers yelled back something about the suspects treating combat soldiers with disrespect," Lt. Chris Lawler said.

  The vehicle turned around, and five black males got out of the car and confronted the soldiers, according to reports. As the verbal confrontation ensued, the driver of the vehicle realized the men were actually combat veterans and called his friends off.

  While the men headed back to their vehicle, one of the suspects appeared to have bumped into the victim, witnesses say.

  The soldiers saw their friend fall to the ground as the car sped away. The victim was bleeding profusely from a stab wound and died at the scene.

  Clint Zimmerman was with the soldier when he died. “I don’t understand how anyone could do this,” Zimmerman told KOMO. “He gave his life for people to enjoy the freedoms they have and he was stabbed for no fuckkin’ reason. What was it all over: Just because they were some white boys?”[783]

  The murder is less of a mystery for people from the area. That part of town is black. And “off limits” for white people day and night, say many local commenters to Tacoma news sites.

  One woman, who calls herself Nanamamabjm, describes a recent violent crime against her family nearby:

  We had an attempted break last weekend DESPITE a very large and
another moderate sized dog and my mom being home.

  Black dudes in hoodies I dare to say. . . but that is the reality of things. They were black, they were wearing gray hoodies.

  When my husband retires, we're outta here.

  Many of the readers of the KOMO web site, as well as readers of the Seattle Times, were surprised the newspaper would break with their tradition and report the race of the suspects. Even so, some wondered why the Times would refer to the crime, as “racially tinged confrontation” instead of a potential hate crime.

  King 5, another Seattle TV news outlet, did not include a description of the alleged assailants. Nor did it include a quote from what the alleged killers allegedly said.

  This was the second “racially tinged” stabbing death in the Seattle area in less than a month. In September 2013, a black man stabbed a college professor in the neck and torso as he tried to defend his girlfriend. Local press called it unprovoked and random.[784]

  Residents of the Seattle and Tacoma area pride themselves on racial harmony. But black mob violence and black on white crime is an increasingly common part of life is this part of the state.

  Ken McMahon is just one of many Seattle residents who remember the June 1 shooting death of Molly Conley: “She was a 15-year old walking home from her birthday party with friends near Lake Stevens,” said McMahon. “She was attending a Catholic high school in Seattle. When I first read about it, noting where it was, I thought my god, now whites on meth are doing drive-bys. It turned out to be a black man who allegedly shot her for 'no reason! Except the usual one, walking while white. And in a semi-rural area!”

  In 2010, a video of a group of black people pummeling a visibly pregnant white woman on a Seattle bus went viral.[785]

  For all the visible violence in the Seattle area, local public officials are adamant their part of the country is safer. Just look at the statistics, they plead.

  That didn’t make sense to Nihan Thai. This Seattle resident was robbed and assaulted in 2012. He soon figured out, so was everyone else in his neighborhood. Many of the victims were Asian. All of the suspects are black.

  Thai talked to KING5, a local TV news station about the crime. [786]

  "I was literally ten steps away from the house. And I felt a hit on my right face and another hit on the back of my neck and on my lower back, and so as I was falling forward I felt hands grabbing my jacket and my bag," said Thai.

  Two months later, not far from where Thai was attacked, another man was grabbed from behind, robbed and beaten. His name was Danny Vega, and he died.

  Thai, like Vega, is Asian and openly gay. Before he died, Vega told police “he'd been attacked by three African-American males, all around 18 years of age,” said The Intelligencer. The tenth such attack in that area in two months, all near the corner of Martin Luther King Way and Othello Street.

  Police released a video of three black men who are “persons of interest.” Back to KING5:

  “Thai started visiting his neighbors, they had a lot to say, and soon he realized he was doing his own crime survey. Thai knocked on 49 doors. 32 people were home. How many of them had been victims of a crime since moving to the neighborhood? All but three.

  Many victims told Thai they'd never reported the crimes to police.

  "It happens to them so often that after 2 or 3 times they stopped reporting because they didn't see any progress," said Thai.

  Oh yeah, that happens here a lot - on steroids.

  The three men in the video have been identified as “persons of interest” because they were seen disposing of Vega’s coat. One of them used Vega’s cell phone to call the welfare department to update his address.

  But they have not been arrested.

  Leo Knight is a former police officer and security expert. He covers crime on both sides of the border.

  "Black on white racial violence is becoming more and more prevalent,” said Knight. “But no one in the mainstream media wants to talk about it. Yet, as we saw in the Trayvon Martin case, the mainstream media couldn't stop talking about that. The hypocrisy is palpable."

  Told ya: Not everyone up there is goofy.

  Schenectady: Violent Movie Theaters.

  Coverage must be X-rated. That’s why we don’t see it.

  It is easy to see why the powers that be want to keep a lid on several episodes of black mob violence in downtown Schenectady.

  This is the same kind of violence that caused people to flee places like Schenectady, Flint, Wilmington and hundreds of other cities around the country. Replacing vibrant, small town centers of commerce with hollow, dangerous hulks.

  Now that the early investors are back, trying to rebuild Schenectady, the last thing they want is anyone talking about a large group of black people assaulting patrons in the shiny new downtown movie theater.

  But that is what happened: The beat down. And the denial.[787]

  It took a while for the story to come out, but in June 2013, an unidentified 46-year old man and his two daughters were watching White House Down when a large group of black people in the theater started making a lot of noise.

  The Times-Union picked up the story, minus the racial details, about the movie-goers who:[788]

  ran up and down the aisle yelling and banging a plastic garbage can near the entrance to the theater.

  As the credits rolled at the end of the movie, one of the young men accosted the victim from behind, punching him in the head, District Attorney William Sanderson said. A second male did the same thing, he said.

  After the second punch, the man stood and blacked the third punch before the whole group attacked him, the prosecutor said.

  They knocked the man to the ground, repeatedly punched and kicked him and dragged him on his knees, Sanderson said.

  When one of the victim's 15-year-old twin daughters tried to help her father, she also was hit. One of the assailants ran off with her cellphone.

  It's unclear how long the assault lasted, but no one inside the theater tried to help the victim, Sanderson said.

  The victim suffered a concussion, a broken nose and an eye injury that is causing vision problems, said the Times-Union. "The concussion has caused him headaches, memory loss, and difficulty in his day-to-day work," said Sanderson.

  Eight black people were arrested and charged with assault after the victim’s daughter identified several of the alleged assailants as people who also attended her high school.

  In a separate story, the Times-Union spoke to several business leaders who were “irked” the newspaper reported the mob violence. Even if the local media did neglect to report the mob was black -- and part of a pattern of black mob violence around the country documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot.[789]

  The business leaders say the incident was isolated and their downtown is safe. That got the full attention of at least one resident at the paper’s comments section:

  The gang assault crime by these thugs is bad enough but the other crime is how this story was buried by local officials and the Sch’dy Daily Gazette (the incident took place in June!).

  It’s all about protecting the reputation of the“little miracle” which is Downtown Sch’dy (forget about the victims here).

  Shame on the Daily Gazette, Metroplex, City of Sch’dy (leadership not the cops who responded quickly) and Democrat party bosses for shutting this story down for so long.

  A local woman reported a similar experience at another Schenectady movie theater:

  They kept their cell phones on, talked loudly throughout the show, and cursed out anyone who tried to quiet them down.

  We were actually afraid– so afraid that we would not look back in the theatre and wouldn’t even stop to use the restrooms afterwards. We couldn’t get out of there quick enough. It’s a sad place when people can’t enjoy a movie without being afraid of being attacked by lowlife thugs!!

  One poster could have been referring to a 2010 incident in Florida when he reminded moviegoers what can happen if you complain to
the manager instead:

  If other movie patrons refuse to be quiet and orderly, go out to the lobby and tell management to either restore order or give you a refund, as you can not hear and enjoy the movie, which is what you paid your $10 to do.

  They will do ANYTHING to avoid giving someone a refund. Of course, if they toss the punks, your beat down will probably occur outside the theatre where they have been waiting for you.

  Other movie theaters around the country have also experienced recent and large scale episodes of black mob violence.

  In September, a “large-scale brawl” erupted in a Chicago movie theater because some people were “being too loud,” said the Patch. The pictures and videos show everyone in this South Chicago movie theater was black.

  Also in September, in Bakersfield, carries a video of a large group of black people fighting in a movie theater parking lot.

  Racial violence in Schenectady is hardly limited to movie theaters: Several night clubs within a mile of the movie theater have also experienced black mob violence this year. State officials suspended at least one liquor license after a large fight and gunfire at Club Illusion, a hip-hop club that caters to black patrons.

  The Times-Union sums it up: ‘The incident occurred less than a week after Club Illusion served a 15-day suspension and paid a $10,000 fine for eight previous Alcoholic Beverage Control violations that included fights, assaults and excessive noise at the bar.”[790]


  Guess I missed that.

  Black Mob Violence Against Immigrants

  A Recap as sidebar

  Way back at the beginning of this book, you read about violence against immigrants and refugees in Rochester.

  Black mob violence against immigrants is hardly unique to Rochester. It is happening all over the country against all sorts of immigrant groups.[791]


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