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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 40

by Colin Flaherty

  That is nothing new for this neighborhood: I documented black on Jewish violence in Crown Heights and other areas in White Girl Bleed a Lot.

  And if you want to go back to 1991, I was happy to see a recent article where the author pointed out the Crown Heights riots of that year so ably abetted by Al Sharpton were not “fights.” They were attacks. And city leaders allowed them to continue for three days.

  The honorable Cumbo is also way past any doubt whether blacks are systematically beating and terrorizing Jewish people in Crown Heights. “As an African American woman, this is challenging, because I recognize that it is Black children and not Jewish children that are playing the “Knock Out Game,” she said on her FaceBook page—with approving comments from Eliot Spitzer, no less.

  Cumbo is also way past explaining racial violence. That’s old news as well. Though she does go through the motions with a few half-hearted stabs at this institution failing this, that leader not talking about that.

  Everybody knows that.

  Cumbo is now in full reparations mode. Thanks to, we learned from the soon to be councilwoman how:[814]

  “Many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords or by Jewish families looking to purchase homes,” Cumbo wrote in the 1,200-word letter, which was emailed to supporters and posted on her Facebook page.[815]

  “I respect and appreciate the Jewish community’s family values and unity that has led to strong political, economic and cultural gains. While I personally regard this level of tenacity, I also recognize that for others, the accomplishments of the Jewish community triggers feelings of resentment, and a sense that Jewish success is not also their success.”

  She added that these sentiments among black Crown Heights residents “offer possible insight as to how young African American/Caribbean teens could conceivably commit a ‘hate crime’ against a community that they know very little about.”

  Jewish success not their success?

  This is the language of extortion. Blackmail. All we need is one final admission that she and her constituents don’t want it all, just enough to get their “beaks wet.”

  And you thought the face of racism and extortion was Simon Legree threatening to whip you if you did not hand over a fistful of silver dollars?

  Come on, man.

  Cumbo continues with lots of talk about history, and mutual understanding and how are we going to stop the violence and increase understanding and, my second-favorite: “Why do we just care about it when it happens to Jews, and ignore black on black violence?”

  Only surpassed by this:[816]

  The recent November 26th article published in The Jewish Week, paints African American teens in a dangerous light, and could cause the vast majority of innocent young people of color to be seen as criminals in the Crown Heights community as a result of the actions of a dangerous small minority.

  A classic script-flipping move: Please tell me you noticed how all of a sudden the victims are the predators. And the predators, victims.

  And some how, on some level, Jews are responsible for the violence against them. If not, why offer to meet to resolve the differences? When in fact the only real disagreement is whether black people should systematically and spontaneously —but not randomly —assault Jews in Brooklyn.

  Now that Cumbo has re-established the natural order of life in Crown Heights, all that is left is a meeting or two to set the terms of surrender. And the amount of reparations.

  Let’s see how long it takes.

  Ask a Cop.

  Any cop about black mob violence.

  Ask a cop. Any cop: Racial violence is worse than you know.

  That is why so many cops -- active and retired -- send me so many stories from around the country. They want more people to know about the epic levels of racial violence happening in almost every part of the country almost every night.

  Here are a few from one weekend in October 2013, courtesy of my cops.

  Let’s start with a New Jersey bowling alley. For those who have not picked up a ball for a while, a visit to your local alley in the daytime is like stepping back in time. Same lanes. Same beat up shoes. Same scuffed up balls.

  But weekend nights, many bowling alleys -- and roller skating rinks too -- shed their white, lower middle class trappings and are transformed into gleaming centers of hip-hop, with the latest and greatest in lights, sounds, fashion, booze and drugs.

  All topped off with frequent large-scale, black mob violence.

  This example came from the Central New Jersey town of Piscataway. The Associated Press reports the violence[817]

  It involved roughly 250 people. Authorities say the combatants were fighting inside the alley and in the parking lot, but most of them fled when police arrived.

  Acting Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew Carey says 23-year-old Jamount Atkins man was injured during the brawl and taken to a hospital, where he died shortly after. It appeared Atkins was the victim of a beating.

  Any cop will tell you -- as will Google -- bowling alleys are now predictable places for black mob violence. Check it: Saginaw, Jersey City, Allen Park, Temple Terrace, and on and on and on.

  In Elk Grove, California, south of Sacramento, two black people were shot during a large fight in March 2013 at a bowling alley. It was not the first time, said the Elk Grove Patch:[818]

  The Laguna Boulevard bowling alley where this incident took place has seen violence before. In March of 2011, a large fight sent four to the hospital. A few months later, a man was taunted with homophobic slurs before being assaulted in the parking lot.

  The neighbors have had enough. One neighbor summed up local sentiment in the comments section:

  Let's be real please.... it’s a hip hop club. It always has been a hip hop club.... the nightclub garbage needs to go, period... This has been a problem with this facility that transcends every owner. Non-stop thug violence from scumbag gang-bangers and hip-hop crowds...

  Up in Rochester, where New York reporter Carl Seiler likes to deny the existence of racial violence on one hand even as he explains it as being the result of 400 years of slavery and oppression on the other, large scale black mob violence struck again.

  This time Friday night outside of a nightclub where two people were shot following a “large fight.” On YouTube, large fights at closing time even have their own name: Let Out fights.

  Rochester has been the scene of dozens of episodes of recent large-scale black mob violence. Some at a local beach during a holiday rib party. Others at the annual Lilac festival. Still others downtown. And of course the ever-popular nightclub fights.

  The local TV station gives up some background:[819]

  This is not the first time violence has broken out in that area. In June, two men were shot and killed following a fight across the street from the Club Network. The suspect in the June shooting--Ralph Strong Junior--is currently being held awaiting trial.

  Sometimes the violence is smaller scale. But cops like to point out that as well because when it is on video, it shows people what is really happening in their towns. Or, as George Orwell put it, while “People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

  In the Brooklyn, every night packs of black people walk the streets waiting for that one hipster with a bit too much to drink to stroll even one block to a place where he should not be. Result: One beating and one stolen iPhone.

  Right around the time of the New Jersey bowling alley beat down, prosecutors released a security camera tape of a beating, knifing and robbery in the Bronx. It shows a white man entering the foyer of his apartment building. As he makes his way up the staircase, a black man bursts through the door behind him, which had not yet shut.

  The robber grabbed the victim in a chokehold from behind and dragged him down the stairs. The victim resisted, and the man pulled knif
e and stabbed him three times as his female accomplice kept a lookout. He lived.

  The predators fled together. Still unarrested.[820]

  In Brooklyn the week before, ten black people beat up a white couple -- though it did not make the papers for almost a week. The black mob damaged his car when he honked his horn at them for crossing during a red light. Then they damaged him. Then the wife.

  Some broken bones, blood. Four people caught. Six more on the loose.

  Just another day. Ask any cop.

  Cops do not like talking about racial violence any more than anyone else. No matter how much they know about it first hand. They go to the same cocktail parties, tailgate at the same football games and watch their kids at the same soccer games as everyone else.

  And they don’t want anyone calling them racist. That happens enough on the job. Here is a homework assignment. Find a cop, active or retired. Ask them the following question: When you stop a black person in a car or on the street or in a home or anywhere in the course of your duties, how often do they say “You are only doing this because I am black?”

  Let me know if, that is, it is something less than 100 percent.

  Postscript: In Grand Terrace, California, a large fight broke out at a roller skating rink on New Year’s Eve January 2015. One security guard is dead. Five black people arrested.[821]

  In Houston on New Year’s Day, hundreds of black people fought in and out of a party at an ice skating rink. The reporter said it was a miracle no one was killed.[822]

  Keep Austin Weird?

  No: They are just like all the rest.

  Like the hipsters of Brooklyn, the white hipsters in Austin want us to know that race had nothing to do with the 200 black people who assaulted, destroyed property and threw rocks at police over the Halloween holiday, 2013.

  White people do it all the time, said Katie Friel, who writes for Culture Map in Austin. But the only time anyone calls it a riot is if it involves a large number of black people, she says. She pointed to a 2011 punk rock concert where mostly white fans tried to tear down the chain link fence. Police sprayed pepper gas. No one said that was a riot, she said.

  “If Austin wants to grow into the creative, supportive, progressive community we claim to want to be, we need to stop thinking, seeing and reporting in black and white,” she said.[823]

  Which is strange because none of the local media reported what witnesses, Twitter, Facebook, videos and other internet sources revealed: Everyone involved in the Austin mayhem was black.

  The Austin-Statesman was merely following the advice of a recent article in the monthly magazine of the Society of Professional Journalists. The topic was how to cover racial violence. The advice? Don’t.

  The riot that-was-not-a-riot began Saturday night at the annual House of Torment in the parking lot of the Highland Mall. Police arrived to find 200 “unruly” teenagers roaming the area, fighting in at least five different places.[824]

  When police ordered them to break it up, they threw rocks instead. Several rioters urged fellow miscreants to bigger and greater acts of violence. It took every officer on duty in Austin more than two hours to bring the violence under control. Not before dispensing generous amounts of pepper spray. Four black people were arrested and charged with crimes ranging from rioting to using a fake ID.

  Seven people were treated at the scene for riot-related injuries. Much of the violence took place under a grainy black and white, night vision police video from a helicopter that monitored the violence.

  Police said they did not know why so many black people were rioting. One spokesman said the rioters were “silly.”

  That is a different excuse than what we heard from a similar episode of black mob violence at a recent showing of a scary movie in a suburb of Rochester. There, a police spokeswoman explained what happens to people in frightening environments:

  “They have pent up energy from being scared in the movie theater and they come out and they don’t know what to do with that energy,” said Lt. Jonna Izzo to Rochester News 8.

  So they riot.

  Local police did not offer up that explanation here. Perhaps because promoters of the haunted house said none of the rioters were customers of the House of Torment, where ticket prices begin at $25.

  Or maybe the ticket price is what scared them. If we depend on the sketchy local media, we may never know.

  The Austin Statesman and other local media dutifully neglected to report that everyone arrested and everyone involved in the mayhem was black. Many commenters to local news sites pointed that out, but most of these remarks were removed minutes after going up.

  The comments blasting the censored remarks as being racist were allowed to remain. But at least the brave hipsters at Culture Map opened it up for some straight talk. Said one reader:

  Serious question: how you gonna write about this story and leave out the fact that Highland Mall has previously called police to disperse large, mostly black crowds? Were you not here during Texas Relays a few years back?

  For non-Austinites, here is what he is talking about: In 2009, the Highland Mall and several other local businesses closed in advance of the Texas Relays -- a state-wide track and field event at the nearby University of Texas.

  The Austin Chronicle said the Texas Relays caused “flares of uptight resistance to the annual influx of thousands of mostly African-American visitors. The sparks raised questions – again – about the city's too often less-than-progressive track record on race.”[825]

  The president of the local NAACP weighed in, accusing the mall owners of racism. And accusing the city of not living up to the standards for black people it created in the city council’s African American Quality of Life Initiative from 2005.

  Does your city have an AAQOLI? If not, you might be a racist.

  Others pointed to the track record of racial violence surrounding the track meet and compared it to the rolling racial violence of Freaknik in Atlanta -- another annual gathering of black college students that the black mayor, black police and black city leaders ran out of town in 1999 because of the large-scale violence, destruction and fights with police.

  One security guard wrote about racial violence at the Highlands Mall:[826]

  I worked as a security guard last year during the relays and there were fights verbal and physical between rival schools, numerous instances of racial discrimination against whites, theft, police officers assaulted.

  Then someone shot off a gun in there and the police finally shut down the mall early. Why are these not mentioned or addressed by the NAACP or Austin City Council?

  Meanwhile, Richard Boland of the Peaceful Streets Project is urging anyone who feels police were too rough with the rioters to file a complaint with the NAACP or the Austin Chapter of the ACLU.

  As for the mall, racial violence will soon be a thing of the past there. All the anchor tenants left long ago. One of the owners filed bankruptcy. And it was recently sold to an Austin Community College for office space and classrooms.

  Seems they had a problem getting shoppers to feel safe there.

  Black on White Crime at Temple University.

  What’s the big deal?

  Wait just a minute, Temple University. Don’t go getting all huffy just because a black guy beat and robbed an 81-year old professor.

  This robbery happened one Tuesday morning in October 2013. A person whose grainy visage is now known to million of residents in the Philadelphia area walked past a secure guard station, entered the professor’s office, punched him in the face, held a knife to his throat, robbed him, punched him again, then calmly walked away, leaving the professor a bloody mess.

  He lived.[827]

  By Thursday, police identified their suspect as a convict with a long record of violence and mayhem.

  This crime put the Temple campus in a ritual tizzy: With all the usual folks expressing all the expected outrage at the crime in the middle of this heavily guarded urban university in the heart of Philadelphi

  Clearly, the folks running this part of the campus -- the ones creating such a stir about this recent robbery -- have no idea what is happening in the other part: Temple University professors solved the problem of black crime eons ago.

  They were proud to talk about it then. And many times since on Philadelphia TV and radio. I’m not sure why we did not see the same intellectuals on TV just now -- explaining to all those under-educated reporters why the old white dude got beat up.

  Oh, Professor Gopalakrishnan Veeraswamy is from India? As we shall see, that does not make a bit of difference.

  It was just two years before in 2012 when Philadelphia was in the midst of a particularly nasty streak of black mob violence and black on white crime when Temple decided to do something about it. ‘Which streak was that’ you wonder?

  You’re paying attention. Good.

  Whichever you choose, people got hurt way worse than the old professor. Broken legs, broken jaws, brain injuries, even death.

  That is why Temple hired three people with “street cred.” Including a gentleman by the name of Brandon Jones.

  I did not have to check Mr. Jones’ intellectual pedigree. The journal Diverse Issues in Higher Education furnished it for us:

  “Brandon Jones knows the streets of South Philadelphia, and he understands what his young clients are going through in their daily lives. Brandon understands the high energy level of youths and the need "to blow off some steam." He says the unrest, however, is fueled by a lack of jobs and community activities.”

  And whose fault is that?

  The guy who snuck past security and tried to kill the old Indian dude sitting in his Temple university office.

  I don’t think so, fool.

  Because Brandon spends all his time on the street keepin’ it real with the fellas, he probably has not had the time to bone up on the academic specialty that Temple is known for around the world: Critical Race Theory.


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