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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 39

by Colin Flaherty

  In San Francisco, the headline tells the story: “Dirty secret of black on Asian violence is out,” said the Chronicle in 2010. "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American.[792]

  The paper said police are to blame because they “seem intent on downplaying the role of race.” And all this time people like me have been blaming reporters for doing the same thing. Go figure.

  Hispanics are targets too. Here is 2008 headline from the SF Weekly: Epidemic of Violence Against SF Day Laborers. “It’s happening to everyone,” said one victim.[793]

  In Connecticut, the 2013 headline says it all: “Gang Terrorizes Immigrants” in Stamford.[794]

  The local Fox affiliate also reported “In a New Jersey town several years ago, teenagers were traveling there from New York to prey upon immigrants, beating them up and mugging them on a regular basis.”

  Maybe they were talking about Englewood, where in 2013, reported “a disturbing pattern of attacks against Hispanic immigrants in the city.”[795]

  Occasionally the attacks even rise to the level where black media cover them. In 2010, MSNBC’s black web site, the Grio, said a series of black on Hispanic attacks in New York was the result of “tensions between blacks, Hispanics.” Hispanics are “afraid of being targeted by blacks while walking on the street,” said the Grio.[796]

  They got that half right.


  That is a curious way to describe racial violence from one group to another. No one would say that Emmett Till was murdered because of racial tensions between white and black.

  Or how about the relentless racial violence that happened for years at South Philadelphia High School, black on Asian?[797]

  Or how about this story from Spring Valley, New York in May of 2012: [798]

  “Three Hispanic day laborers were severely beaten early Wednesday by three black men during a robbery, leaving one in a drug-induced coma because of head injuries and his brother in serious condition.”

  And oh yeah: It’s been happening there for a long time:[799]

  The robbery continues a pattern of day laborers being attacked for their money in the village.

  Similar stories of black on immigrant crime are easy to find in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Dallas, Brooklyn, Minneapolis, Georgia: How many examples would you like? How many cities are immigrants and refugees settled in the ghetto? That is how many there are.

  In Philadelphia, a web site called reported that Liberian immigrants were the objects of frequent and intense racial violence. "It's been going on for a quite a while," said Sekou Kamara, 25, a Liberian immigrant and Temple University student who runs a music and video store. "It's just the first time we've seen it in the newspapers."[800]

  Academic enablers follow black mob violence like mushrooms in a cow pasture. Let’s listen to this fabulist employed as a professor at Yale University. His name is Elijah Anderson.

  Talking in Philadelphia Weekly about black on Asian crime in schools that at one point sent 13 people to the emergency room in one day from one school, Anderson denied there was any particular problem with black on immigrant crime:[801]

  “It’s a human thing. It could be Asians who get jumped. It could be blacks. It could be white, Italian, Jewish, whatever, if you know what I mean. This is not unique to blacks and Asians.”

  He’s a busy guy; he gets a lot of awards for saying stuff like this. [802]

  So did Walter Duranty. So does Jennifer.

  Philly Girl.

  The Secret Everyone Knows.

  “We are only as sick as our secrets.”

  -- Anon.

  Black mob violence has struck again, almost killing another Philadelphia-area girl. Or has it?

  The police and the press won’t say if the predators are black. Neither will Joseph Parris, the girl’s father. He refuses to describe the nine or more “teens” who stalked, taunted, beat, kicked, laughed at, spit at, and threw his daughter into moving traffic -- ultimately landing her in the hospital with a collapsed lung.

  Parris told me in he was “upset” that anyone would question whether his daughter is the latest victim of an epidemic of recent black mob violence in the area. He said he just wants to catch them.

  The mob violence happened Monday night after a high school football game in October 2013. That much we know for sure.

  The unidentified teenage girl was walking home from the field at Interboro High School in Prospect Park when she was “ambushed” by the race-free mob.

  The CBS affiliate in Philadelphia broke the story. With her identity concealed, they reported her saying: [803]

  “It was scary, just horrible, just the worst feeling in the world,” she said. “He punched me in my back and then kicked me in the back, and then punched me in the back of my head. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk. I was just straight crying.”

  The victim says as at least two of the teenagers pummeled her, the others cheered them on shouting, “come on, let’s get her.”

  At one point, the victim says, the gang tried to throw her under the wheels of a passing car, which swerved, narrowly missing her.

  Although 10 miles from Center City Philadelphia, the Interboro area -- and neighboring Glenolden where the girl lives -- is more than 90 percent white. It is connected to Philadelphia with commuter trains.

  News of the attack attracted an unusually high number of comments in just a few hours to the web site of the CBS station that broke the story. People in Philadelphia are outraged at the assault, and even angrier at the CBS affiliate for only describing the predators as “teens.”

  They wonder why the station is concealing the identity of the assailants if that would help identify them. Others say black mob violence is common in the Philadelphia area, but the local news refuses to report it.

  Of the hundreds who commented on the assault, all but two said they believed the attackers were black -- even if they did not have direct knowledge of it. No one contradicted it. One commenter said anyone who believes the attackers were black is “jumping to conclusions and guilty of racial hatred.”

  Maybe so: But in this city of Brotherly Love, it is impossible to find videos of white mob violence against black people.

  Said one of hundreds of commenters:

  “To CBS "News"..and I use that term loosely: Do you see the damage you MSM have done with your PC orthdoxy?

  Read the comments below. Even if the attackers were some other ethnicity, all the readers believe they are Black.

  That is because the public has become accustomed to MSM's attempts to cover up relevant facts such as who is committing the atrocity.

  So your grand PC strategy has backfired. Instead of deluding the public by whitewashing your stories and covering up important facts, you've succeeded in alerting folks to your duplicity and actually causing people to assume - usually correctly - that the perps are African-Americans.


  The father took to Facebook to let people know about the violent mob that almost killed his daughter. “We think they were from Academy Park. But are not positive.”[804]

  Academy Park is a high school from a nearby town that played Interboro in football the week before. The school is 67 percent black.

  “I’m not promoting a racial thing,” said Parris. “I just want the people who did this to be caught.”

  Victims of racial violence often hesitate to talk about the experience. After having become a victim once, many do not want to become victimized again by being called racist if they describe their attackers as black.

  The beating is the second case of racial violence within one week within a two-mile area. The attack from last week, captured on video, showed three black people attacking two white students on a school bus.

  The CBS affiliate reported one of the boys had a “swollen nose, three chipped teeth and other facial injuries.” [805]

sp; Police are charging four black people in connection with the beating: Three students and bus driver who watched.

  Comments at the CBS web site for both stories have been disabled and removed. Almost like they were some kind of secret.

  New York Stories

  Starting with Brooklyn

  Editors and readers of the New York Daily News want us to know that race had nothing to do with the ten black people who stopped a car and beat a young white couple in Brooklyn.

  All the while yelling racial epithets.

  “It’s not just a black and white thing,” reported the Daily News. “It’s stupid teenagers thinking they can do whatever they want.”[806] They just happen to be black. And the fact they just happen to be black astronomically out of proportion has no meaning. Got it?

  The attack happened Monday, in October 2013, six days before the Daily News got around to doing a story on it. A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — pummeled a husband and wife in Brooklyn after peppering the couple with racial slurs, authorities said.

  “Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

  The confrontation erupted about 7 p.m. Monday, as the marauding group crossed Avenue U at E. 58th St. near Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin. Yeah, the shopping center that is a favorite of the black mob violence practitioners.

  Ronald Russo, 30, and his wife, Alanna, apparently had the green light and the husband honked at the group to get out of the way. The rowdy kids started kicking the car, according to the criminal complaint. Ronald Russo got out to check on potential damage to his vehicle.

  And that’s when all hell broke loose.

  Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.

  In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.

  Alanna Russo, 30, was calling 911 when the 12-year-old girl pulled the woman’s hair and threw her to the ground. The victim’s head slammed into the concrete. She suffered a black eye, bleeding and difficulty breathing, prosecutors said, but she refused medical attention.

  The paper dutifully reported four people were arrested, including one person who said he is wrongfully accused. The paper did not report how this crime is part of the epic levels of black mob violence or black on white crime.

  But that is what many of the readers wanted to talk about -- if only to dismiss it. Several said of course race had something to do with that attack -- and others: Racism drove these young men to violence. And because of racism, they cannot find jobs.

  However one of the MAIN REASON for racial tension is because of economic disparities between groups based on RACE. When you set up policies and practices where LARGE SEGMENTS of Black young men have No jobs, No Job training, no hope of getting a job and no community leadership people become angry and blame others.

  Others said they felt part of the story was missing. The driver and his wife, they said, brought this disaster upon themselves. One reader self-identified as Jemal Laventure said if someone tries to destroy your property, and you object to it, you pretty much deserve whatever you get. At least in New York if the attackers are black:

  “I'm sorry but there is more to this story. He honks the horn, they kick his car, then he gets out to ONLY check the damages to his cars??

  YEAH RIGHT. He got out to confront those kids. Not saying they were right to beat him up. But I'm sure he contributed more to this than just being a babe in the woods.

  Taleeb Starkes, author of the Amazon bestseller Uncivil War, was also surprised to see this story in the Daily News. But cautioned about reading too much -- or too little -- into it.

  “Most racial violence and black on white crime does not come gift wrapped with lots of perpetrators yelling racial insults in front of witnesses on crowded streets,” Starkes said. “Whatever anyone says about poverty, housing, schools, crime, whatever, this much is true: There is a tremendous amount of racial animosity behind the epic levels of black on white violence. Behind the completely disproportionate level of black mob violence.”

  “That makes these neighborhoods much more dangerous than they appear. The newspapers won’t tell you that. Or they pretend it is not important. But it keeps happening, and they keep wondering why. But they simply will not look at the racist attitudes behind the violence. Unless of course, the attacker is white.”

  That’s what the cops in Brooklyn say too.

  That’s what cops say everywhere, come to think of it.

  Notice I did not add one of those squirmy qualifiers in there. Everywhere. Period.

  Open season on Jews continues.

  The wave of violence that attracted the most attention began in November 2013 in the Orthodox enclave of Crown Heights. A security video obtained by shows a group of black people punching a young Jewish man in the face.

  The video is so compelling and the number of recent cases so great that some network affiliates are having a hard time ignoring it.

  There are lots of examples. The local NBC affiliate reports:[807]

  One man who didn’t want to be identified told Slattery his 12-year-old son was attacked in the same way.

  “It’s clearly anti-Semitism,” the man said.

  The 64-year-old said his son, who was dressed in traditional Jewish clothing, was attacked last Wednesday afternoon on President Street.

  “One, full strength with his fist, whacked him, punched him, on the side of the face, full force,” the man said.

  The child went to the ground as he heard the group of five to six teens yell out.

  “A hysterical, happy shout,‘we got him,’” the man said.

  Video also shows a 19-year-old Jewish man being sucker-punched.

  “He was actually holding an expensive camera. And they punched him and nothing was stolen,” Rabbi Yaacov Behrman said.

  In the two months prior to this attack, New York police and Jewish leaders in Brooklyn report 8 episodes of black mob violence and vandalism against Jews. Some on video.

  Rabbi Berhman said he believes black people are playing the Knockout Game.

  He said it. And soon a whole lot of people were talking about it.

  At least one Jewish leader in Brooklyn told the ABC News affiliate that race probably had nothing to do with the 8 attacks and acts of vandalism directed at Jews.[808]

  “I don’t think it’s part of an overall racial tension in the area, it’s just something that’s some how got into the minds of some youngsters,” said Rabbi Eli Cohen of the Jewish Community Council.

  So much for Never Again.

  Police commissioner Ray Kelly said it is too soon to tell if the attacks form any kind of pattern. But he will let us know.

  The last reporting on a rash of black on Jewish violence took place the summer before when the New York Post ran a story headlined: “Anti-Jewish crime wave:” [809]

  “In the most disturbing incident, a mob of six black teenagers shouting,“Dirty Jew!” and“Dirty kike!” repeatedly bashed Marc Heinberg, 61, as he walked home from temple in Sheepshead Bay (in June.)”

  This was one of several black mob attacks on -- and robberies of -- Jewish people in Brooklyn over the last three years -- leaving broken bones and life threatening injuries in their wake.

  In February 2012, four black people beat and robbed an Orthodox Jew in the New York suburb of Monsey. They were charged with hate crimes after it was determined they targeted the victim based on his religion. ABC reports the suspects confessed “they were out to rob a Jew.”[810]

  In the final days of October 2012, a man hurrying home to seek shelter from the hurricane was set upon -- on video -- by a group of five black people. The
knocked him out, robbed him, and stepped on his head before walking away.[811]

  A few days later, the Crown Heights news reports: “A young Jewish boy was attacked this evening while on his way home. The victim, a 10 year old was returning home from Yeshivas Erev. At approximately 8:15pm he was accosted by a large group of black youths near the corner of Kingston Ave and Lefferts Ave.”[812]

  The most famous case of black mob violence directed at Jews came in 1991 when a religious student hit and killed a black child while driving a car through Crown Heights. Al Sharpton led rallies to protest what he said was unequal medical treatment given to the black child.

  The incident touched off several days of black riots in Crown Heights. One Jew was killed. “There is a feeling here that the hatred must run so deep,” said the ABC correspondent of the widespread black mob violence, “that a traffic accident could trigger what is going on here now.”[813]

  The Jews from the riot are still dead. Sharpton has a TV show and presidents seek his approval.

  If you can figure that one out, let me know.

  Maybe Laurie Cumbo knows:

  What do you think the face of racism looks like? The snarling, ugly, crooked teeth, hunched back, and stovepipe hat of a Simon Legree?

  Come on, man.

  The face of racism today is pretty. Polished. Smooth talking. Cloying. It looks like the face of Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo, representing the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn.

  The same place where all the black on Jewish violence takes place. Most recently taking the form of what people are calling the Knockout Game.

  Call it what you will, in Crown Heights it features black people attacking Jewish people. Then laughing. And if there is a bit of robbery involved, that’s all good as well.

  The solons at the New York Times may be trying to figure out if the Knockout Game is real or a figment of this correspondent’s imagination. But Jewish people in Crown Heights are way past that: They knew they are under constant threat of black mob violence. Whatever we are calling it this year.


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