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Page 3

by Hilary Storm

  "The Jeep is on its side. I can try."

  "Are you sure you should move?"

  "I think I'm ok." I put him on speaker and start to pull myself up from around the steering wheel. I'm feeling sore across my chest from the seatbelt and this is sure to be one hell of a bruise.

  I can hear the squeal of tires just as I free my legs. "Shit, please tell me that's you."

  "I'm here." His footsteps are pounding on the road just as I hear him say it.

  There's liquid everywhere. I can smell gas as I finally start to get a grip on my surroundings. I'm just about to lift myself out of the passenger door when Levi scoops me up in his arms and runs from the Jeep. His strong body is an instant feeling of safety and I try not to be the typical damsel in distress wrapping my arms around his neck, but shit, I'm trying to support myself a little.

  He's still running when I feel the blast. The heat from the flame surrounds us as I watch the inferno reach out and send us to the ground. He's somehow covered me with his entire body and we're face to face in what has to be a rock garden with grass growing through it. His eyes search for mine and he drops his forehead to rest against mine just as he locates them. His body collapses onto me when he sets his elbows next to my face and his arms around my head. His fingers get tangled in my fucked-up hair and I scream out in pain.

  "Oh, shit. Sorry. Fuck, that was close." His breath across my face smells of bacon. This isn't quite as romantic as the movies, but right now in this moment, that bacon breath just saved my life.

  "Damn, Levi. You're heavy."

  "Shit, sorry. I guess I collapsed on ya." He rolls off of me and starts to look me over.

  "Thank you for saving me." I try to sit and I wince from the pain I feel everywhere.

  "You're going to the hospital to be checked out."

  "Ouch. Shit, what am I on?"

  "Well it's a shitty patch of grass and stickers. I'm pretty sure there's rocks too."

  "Can this day get any better?"

  "Well, I for one thought it started off great." I ignore him as I move to stand. My Jeep has rolling black smoke filling the sky overhead. The sound of many sirens are in the distance. I look for the woman and see her across the parking lot walking, so I know she's ok.

  As I move, I can feel the piercings of many stickers across my back and ass. This is going to fucking suck.

  "Can you help pull some of these out?"

  His eyes widen when he sees what he's up against.

  "Oh, baby girl. This is going to hurt."

  "After the morning I've had, this should be a cakewalk." He starts to pick out each sticker one by one just as I see the fire trucks round the corner.

  "This is not how I pictured this day going." I'm not sure how I had it pictured, but this is the farthest scene from it. I watch as the firemen rush to the Jeep and put it out in no time. Everything I worked so hard for, up in smoke. My Jeep was the first thing I actually had fully paid off on my own. I probably should've kept that full coverage insurance.


  She has stickers everywhere. I haven't even touched the mess in her hair yet.

  "Damn it. My Jeep!"

  "I'm sorry this happened Kali, but at least you're not seriously hurt from what I can tell. That fuckin' Jeep can be replaced."

  "Yeah, I know. Can you stay with me until the police get here?"

  "I'm not leaving you. In fact, I'll be taking you to the hospital to have you checked out."

  "Ok, just let me talk to the officer."

  "Tell me who you were running from first."

  "I promise I will as soon as this is all over. You can take me to my house after the hospital and I'll tell you everything. Just let me get this settled." I watch her limp her way over to the police car when it arrives. I figured she'd leave my house walking funny today, but this definitely wasn't in my game plan.

  I hear my phone start to ring in the grass about five feet from where we just landed. Hell, I hadn't even noticed it wasn't in my hand yet. Kali does that to me. She always has. If it weren't for Noah, I think Kali and I would've tried to make something happen years ago. He's such an ass when it comes to her, though. She's 'off limits', yet he doesn't do anything about her. Well, I'm tired of fucking waiting on Noah to give me permission to do what I've wanted to for years.

  The constant ringing interrupts my thoughts about the past. It's my sister.

  "What's up?"

  "Tell me you're looking for a place right now as we speak."

  "Not exactly."

  "Levi! Noah is pissed off. You have to start pulling your shit together."

  "I got this. You don't have to worry, Mandy."

  "Levi, you know you can move here."

  "Nah. I'll figure it all out."

  "All right. Please work on that partying problem you have. It's not good for you to still be whoring around."

  "Who says I'm sleeping around?"

  "Please, I'm your twin. I know you better than you know yourself."

  "What if I told you I found someone that may be worth trying to settle down for?"

  "I'd call bullshit."

  "Yeah, I know. That would be crazy."

  "Do I know her?"

  "Nah. I was just joking." Or am I? I'm seriously thinking about mentioning Kali, but Mandy would have my ass. She and I both know how Noah feels about her. I've definitely done a better job of keeping my feelings hidden than he has.

  "Ok. Please try to find a place."

  "I will when I finish what I'm working on."

  "All right. I love you, Levi. When will I get to see you?"

  "Maybe I'll take a road trip soon, you never know."

  "I can't wait!" I see the officer questioning Kali, so I rush off the phone.

  "Talk to ya later, Mansy." I know she hates that nickname, but it wouldn't be a conversation with her brother without it.

  "Bye, Levi."

  "Bye." I start walking towards Kali. She's looking at her Jeep as the officer talks to her.

  "I'm going to do some paperwork and I'll be back in a few minutes." He steps away from her as I walk up.

  "What did he say?"

  "Nothing, just asked me a few questions."

  "Did you tell him about whoever was chasing you?"

  "No, it wouldn't do any good."

  "Why is that?"

  "Levi, I told you I'll tell you later. Please just leave it alone." Is she insane?

  "Kali. Fuck this. Do you see your Jeep going up in smoke? You need to get this guy on record."

  "Yeah, well that didn't work so well for me last time, so I'll take my chances." I put my hand on her arm trying to comfort her before I start in on my reasoning, but she pulls away harshly.

  "I'm serious. Not. Now." I can’t imagine what has her acting like this. I can only imagine that I’m going to fucking hate what she tells me and I’m going to want to hurt someone if they fucked with her. The desperation in her voice when she called me has me so worried.

  “Ok. I’ll leave it for now, but like I said earlier, we will have this conversation today.”

  “Fine.” She stops talking just as a few firemen walk over. The fire has been out for a while, but the smoke is still rolling from her Jeep.

  “Ma’am, we have an ambulance headed this way to take a look at you, but I’d like to look at you myself before they get here.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “It appears that you rolled your Jeep. We need to make sure you weren’t hit anywhere that may have caused internal issues.”

  “Ok.” She looks like absolute shit, but this day has taken a big dump on her. I’m just not used to seeing her so rough.

  I watch them look into her eyes and question her further. The ambulance finally gets here, but she turns it away. She’s still stubborn as hell, just like I remember.

  “Everything appears normal from what I can tell, but you should go to the hospital to be thoroughly examined.” She gets the recommendation from the medic, but is shaking her head no before
he finishes his sentence.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for checking me over.” She starts to walk toward me as soon as they hand her back her jacket.

  “Please take me home. I need out of here.” She talks to me as she walks past, headed straight for my truck. Her hair is a fucking nest of shit and stickers and on any normal day I’d give her hell about it, but not today. She looks like she’s about to break and I’d hate to be the last straw that does it.

  “I’ll take you home, but I’m not leaving until you talk.” I start the engine as I watch her rest her forehead on her hand as she leans against the passenger door. What happened to that confident woman that I fucked last night? The one so bold she ripped my clothes from my body the second we made it to my room.

  The drive is quiet and she doesn’t even look over at me until I kill the truck in front of her house. “He lives next door. I made the mistake of going on a date with him one time and then ended it. He didn’t take well to my rejection and eventually I caught him watching me through my windows one night. He has threatened to make me fuck him again, but so far he hasn’t done anything extremely aggressive.”

  “What the fuck, Kali? Tell me you have a security system in your house.” I have to interrupt her because my insides are about to explode with anger.

  “Yes I do, but you and I both know he can get to me when I’m not in the house. Plus, those things will only let authorities know he’s already in my house.”

  “I’m giving you a fucking gun.”

  “I already have one. I carry it on me at all times.” I sit back against my seat, not feeling any better about all of this. This guy sounds like a lunatic and I don’t like the thought of her having to deal with him on a daily basis.

  “You need to move.”

  “I plan to when my lease is up. The landlord won’t let me out of my lease until it ends in three months. Until then, I have to stay because I can’t afford anything else.” My mind begins to think crazy thoughts, so I change the subject. Noah would kill me if I moved in with her, especially after last night.

  “What happened today that caused your wreck?” It was something that occurred quickly after she left my place, so I’m worried he was stalking her.

  “He started harassing me at a light and I turned so I’d lose him.” She slumps in her seat when she starts talking about it all. My mind starts thinking about all the possibilities of things he’s either done to her or plans to do.

  “What did he say to you, Kali?”

  “He just threatened me and I shouldn’t have let him get to me because I fucked up my Jeep and now I don’t even have a way to work.”

  “I’ll get you to work. But first I’m going to make sure this fucker never bothers you again. Which house does he live in?” I look around for any clue. None of the houses look like obvious psycho residences, not that I expected it to be spelled out across the fucking roof top.

  “Don’t do anything to make this worse. I’ll be fine, Levi. Thanks for your help today.” She opens the truck door and slides down to her feet. I race to meet her at the front of my truck and without hesitation I put her over my shoulder.

  “There’s no fucking way I’m leaving you here when some goddamn sicko is trying to get to you. Get your fucking ass back in my truck. I’m taking you to my place.”

  “Levi. Put me down!” She’s screaming at me before I finish and using her fist to drive her point home as she punches me in the ass. “I’m fucking sore, you ass and don’t you ever think you can tell me what to do.” I set her down and wait for her to stop talking before I start.

  “You’re not staying here under any circumstances. And if you try to, I’ll be moving in with your ass. End of discussion.”

  Chapter Five


  It’s taking everything I have in me not to go over to that mother fucker’s house and beat his ass as I witness how this is all tormenting her. She looks defeated and not at all the Kali I used to know. I’m still processing all of it as a car pulls into the driveway of the neighbor’s house.

  A dark haired, average looking guy gets out of the car and I watch his every move. His eyes instantly scan her yard and he strains to see inside my truck, no doubt being a nosy asshole. I hear her lower in the seat and know without asking that he’s the one that’s been fucking with her.

  “So he just needs a reminder of how to treat people. I can handle this.” I open my truck door and walk with a purpose to meet him in his yard. He takes a few steps back before I fully approach him. My guess is he saw the killer rage in my face that told him he was about to get fucked up.

  Without saying a word, I punch him in his face, taking him to the ground as I squeeze his neck, holding him in place. I connect every time my arm comes forward and it isn’t until I hear Kali screaming at me that I stop. I’m breathing heavily and I don’t release my grip because I haven’t said the one thing I need to say.

  “So much as look at her and I’ll fucking kill you.” He gasps for air under my hold and I finally release my grasp and allow him to breathe. “You’re only breathing because I’m giving you permission to. Remember that.” And with a shove, I stand to face Kali, frustration still flowing through my body.

  He begins to huff out and spit blood while he crawls backward trying to get away from me, but what he doesn’t understand is that crawling away from me won’t save him. I’ll ruin him for touching her and I won’t think twice about it.

  “Why did you do that?” She’s looking around me to watch his pathetic attempt to stand while she questions me.

  “Because I want him to know who he’s fucking with.” Looking down at my bloody fists before I start to walk toward her house makes me hate him even more. She follows me to her front door and I don’t even have to ask to come in before she’s guiding me inside and running the water over my hands in her kitchen sink.

  My eyes brush over her face just as she looks up at me. Her soft hands slide over mine a few more times while we’re locked into each other’s stare before I purposely look away. “We look like two thugs who’ve had shitty fuckin days.” It’s easier to change the subject and work with her laughter than it is to deal with the way she was just looking at me. It’s the way I’ve wanted her to look at me for years, yet she’s never had eyes for anyone when Noah was around.

  She turns off the water and begins inspecting my hands. “Looks like most of the blood was his. You have this one knuckle that’s busted open. Let me wrap it for you.” She leaves the room and comes back with some tape and before I have time to think about anything else, she’s wrapped my hand to stop the bleeding.

  She looks up at me when I use my other hand to brush the hair off my face. Our eyes lock again and this time I don’t look away. I smirk just slightly and wait for her to react. It’s time I stop denying what I’ve always felt for her and let this happen if she’s ready to test the water to what we potentially have if we just give us a chance.

  “Yeah, I think I’m going to jump in the shower and get some of this grass out of my hair.” She takes a step back, never letting her eyes fall from mine. I take a single step forward and reply with the only response I’ve ever known when given this kind of bait.

  “Maybe I should help you.” She pauses and without any other response, she turns and leads the way.


  The heaviness he makes me feel when he looks at me like he does is something I’m not used to. I’ve never noticed how piercing his blue eyes can be, but maybe that’s because I’ve never really taken the time to notice. Levi is… well, he’s Levi. He’s a mess and has never been someone that I’d ever consider fooling around with. I guess I always hoped Noah and I would eventually stop resisting what fate has in mind for us, but it’s obvious after last night and this morning that he’s not interested in anything that has to do with me.

  I love Noah. But loving Noah means I’ve always had a respect and a tolerance for Levi. The way he has treated me since last night is more than I could’ve ever i
magined. Sex with him is phenomenal and I’m honestly not going to keep it from happening again if he wants to take it there. I’m available in that department, it’s just that I’m emotionally attached to the idea of what I thought Noah and I could have. No matter how hard I try to shake Noah out of my mind, he’s there lingering and haunting me.

  “Fuck, Kali. Why did we wait so long to do this?” Levi whispers against my ear as he pulls me against him from behind. I can feel his erection bulging against my ass and he doesn’t hesitate to slide my shirt over my head and slide both hands over my body. “Let me see you in the light. Jesus, your skin is soft.” His touch sends a chill over me that feels very nice. One that I haven’t felt in at least two years. I swallow hard while he strips me naked and begins to kiss and touch every inch he can reach.

  I’d never tell him that last night was my first night to go to bed with someone in that long because he’d think something was wrong with me. I can’t help that I chose to focus on my education in hopes that one day I’d meet Noah again and be able to show him that I am someone worthy of his love. I shake my head at my ridiculous way of thinking and try to get back in the moment with Levi. The last person that should be on my mind while I’m in Levi’s arms is Noah.

  I lay my head back on his shoulder when he slides his hands down the front of my shorts. It takes no time for him to send me into a fury of sensation that makes me look desperate and sex crazed. He’s drawn me to my tip-toes as I work through every circle of his fingers on my clit. I try to open my legs even wider to give him better access, but he pulls his finger out and I watch him in the mirror as he slips it between his lips. The steam from the shower leaves a slight haze, but I can still see everything he does.

  He’s staring at me with a carnal look in his eyes as if he’s about to consume me and make me forget about everything all over again. Slipping my hand behind me and into his hair seems to make him move even faster to get my pants off of me. Before I have time to comprehend what’s happening, he’s lifted me onto the bathroom counter and he’s standing completely naked between my legs. I look down at his cock and listen to his moan just as I slide my fingers over it. He stands proud while I slide my hand over him a few times, taking the moisture already seeping from the tip down his length.


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