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Page 4

by Hilary Storm

  A piece of grass falls on my chest and it catches his attention for a slight second before he leans over to pull a condom out of his pants pocket. “I’m going to need to buy a case of these fuckers with you around.” Me around?

  I push his statement from my mind when he thrusts forward, filling me quickly. “Oh, fuck. This position is going to kill my legs.” He slams forward again into the cabinet before he lifts me into his arms and begins to fuck me even harder than he did last night. I’ve lost all thought and comprehension by the time he steps into the shower, taking me to the wall before he begins to move inside me again.

  The hot water sends a path down my chest and over most of his body. He leans forward and the shift in position sends me into an instant orgasm that I don’t even try to hold back. I’ve never been noisy during sex, but Levi brings it out in me.

  He fucks me continuously into another fit of spasms and I catch him watching me as I come down from the last high. He’s not looking at me like he’s enjoying a casual fuck, he’s watching me with something in his eye that feels like this is more than that to him. I shut my eyes and close off allowing him to see inside me like he was trying to and just let myself feel what he’s doing to me.

  “Let’s wash this hair of yours before I take you to bed.” He brushes the hair from my cheek before he sets me down on my own two feet and for the first time in my life, a man washes my hair. He’s careful with his fingers in my tangled mess and when he’s done making me feel like I’m completely cherished, he grabs my body soap and squeezes it over my chest.

  His touch makes my body come alive with sensations that I’m not ready to feel with him, so I take over and rush through the rest of the shower. He must sense my shift because he snaps out of whatever soft crap he was trying to do and grips my hair in his hand and pulls me to face him chest to chest.

  “If I want to wash your sexy body, you fucking let me.” His bite on my bottom lip reminds me how he was last night. This is more like what I imagined Levi to be like in bed.

  This I can handle. No emotions. No feelings. Just fucking.

  He lifts me to straddle his waist again and walks us both out of the shower. “I’m about to fuck you senseless.” In a few short steps, he’s tossing me onto my back on the bed and climbing over me. The condom is long gone and he starts to cuss about not having another one nearby when he climbs back out of bed and gets one out of his pants.

  He’s back in position quickly and I’m throwing my head back as he enters me hard and fast once again. “Fuck, you feel great on my cock.” He slows only long enough to roll over and pull me on top of him. He pulls me forward as I straddle him and he fucks me fast while he holds me in his arms. It’s all happening so fast, I’m moaning again before he has a chance to finally get his own release.

  Just as his body begins to twitch and our breathing is completely chaotic, there’s someone beating on the front door. “Open up, it’s the police.”

  We both freeze in place, looking at each other in shock even though I shouldn’t be surprised. That asshole neighbor of mine must’ve gone to the police.

  “Shit, Levi. What are we going to do?” He guides me off of him and rushes for his pants.

  “We’re going to tell them the truth.” I watch him slide his pants over his ass and take a deep breath, dreading what’s about to happen.

  He sees me struggling and leans over the bed until he’s face to face with me again. “If something happens and they take me, I want you to promise that you’ll go to Noah. Tell him everything and he’ll make sure you’re safe.”

  “I can’t do that. I’ll be fine.” The banging gets louder and they’re getting more impatient the longer we’re taking.

  “Fuck no. I need you to do agree to what I’m saying before I open that fucking door.” He pulls my chin until I can’t hide from the glare in his eyes.

  I have no choice but to agree when they begin to beat down the door. He moves quickly through the house and opens the front door while I rush around to get my clothes on. Before I can get out of my room, they have him in handcuffs on his knees while they’re being rough with him. He’s trying to answer their questions, but they aren’t giving him the chance.

  “I told you if you gave me another reason to bring you in that I’d make sure you get what you’ve had coming.” The bald officer spews his words with hatred in his voice. Before I can get to him, another officer holds me back.

  “You don’t want to interfere with us, young lady. Have a seat here and we’ll talk to you in a few minutes.” He guides me toward the couch and pushes me down until I’m sitting. Levi watches and comes even more unglued.

  How did this day turn into such a disaster?

  Chapter Six


  No matter how hard I try, I can’t get her screams out of my head. I can’t help but wish it could’ve been my dick that was making her come undone all night long. She looked so perfectly fucked this morning and even though I shouldn’t care if she’s with Levi, I fucking do.

  I don’t want to see anyone touching her and I sure as hell don’t want to hear it. I’m still cleaning my house, with no sign of Levi for the entire day. I’m going to beat his ass when he finally shows his face around here. It was his party and somehow I end up doing all the clean-up.

  My phone rings and I don’t recognize the number, but I answer it anyway. “Noah. I’m in jail. Listen to me. I need you to find Kali and take her to the house until I get out. She’s in trouble.” Before he has a chance to say another word, I’m already out the door. I’m sitting in my truck before I realize that I have no idea where she lives.

  “Where is she?”

  “Corner of Oak and Chestnut. Her neighbor is a fuckin’ ass and you have to get her out of there.” The call is disconnected without any further information. I rush like an insane idiot to get to her house, only to get no answer when I knock on the door.

  What in the fuck? “Kali, where in the fuck are you?”

  I glance around trying to guess which house the asshole neighbor lives in, but there are honestly two options as I scan the area. This isn’t the best neighborhood and I find myself frustrated that she’d live somewhere as unsafe as this.

  Banging on the door one last time, I stand and wait for her to answer. She finally pulls the wooden door open and I don’t say a word when she looks at me like she’s had the worst day in her life. I open the screen door and step inside without waiting on her to invite me in. Her face is covered in tears and I try not to notice that she’s only dressed in a t-shirt and tiny shorts.

  “Why are you here, Noah?” Her words are barely a whisper, yet full of sadness and exhaustion.

  “Levi called me. He says you’re not safe here…”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m not your concern.” She interrupts me before I even have the chance to invite her to stay at my house until we get to the bottom of what’s going on.

  “I’ll fucking decide when you’re my concern.” She slams the wooden door closed before she locks the deadbolts and walks out of the room. I do what I’ve always done when she’s been this way in the past. I follow her. Pushing the door open, I catch her lifting her shirt over her head. Her tits are looking even better than I imagined and no matter how much I want to turn around, I can’t. She has me locked and frozen in place just watching her, even though she has no idea I’m in here.

  “Damnit, Noah. You can’t just walk in here like that.”

  “Right. We always let the other one know when we’ve entered a bedroom. Should I remind you about last night?” I walk closer to her, knowing I’ll never be able to touch her, but wanting to so fucking bad that I can almost taste her.

  She pulls a tank top over her tits, without putting on a bra and that begins to fuck with my mind even more than seeing her naked did. Her nipples are hard, poking through the pink material and teasing me beyond belief. “We have to go get Levi.”

  “What is he in jail for? Maybe he needs a night in the slammer just to
learn a lesson.”

  “He was protecting me. I have to get him out.” She slides her arms through a jacket and pulls a pair of jeans over her shorts, no doubt opting to spare herself from me watching her naked ass while she moves around the room. A part of me is relieved about that, and the other part wants to grab her by the hair and tell her exactly what she should be doing with me in her bedroom.

  She’s off limits. Remember that, you asshole.

  “I’ll get him out. You don’t need to be at the police station. She looks over at me, almost frantic while I wait for her to fight me on this.

  “I should go with you.” She begins to rush around the room gathering a bag and brushing her long, damp hair.

  “Sure as fuck didn’t see the two of you hitting it off quite as hard as you have. Since when did you start liking Levi?” She stops mid stroke through her hair before she points it at me with a glare in her eye.

  “You do not get to do this. I came to that party looking for you. You. Pushed me away.” There’s a quiver in her voice before she turns away to busy herself again.

  “I know what I said. I still feel the same way as I did last night.” She doesn’t get to know what that truly means. I’ll let her believe what I worked hard to make her see last night. No matter how tempted I am to walk over to her right now and pull her curvy body against me, I have to keep a distance.

  “Let’s get him out and then I’ll leave you alone and never bother you again. I just don’t have a car right now.” She refuses to look at me and I don’t force her to.

  “What happened to your Jeep?”

  “It broke down. Let’s go. I don’t want him there any longer than he has to be.” She walks out of the room and opens the front door. I watch her lock three different deadbolts and that only adds to my list of questions that I’ll have to ask before the night is over. “I see you still love your sports cars.” She makes a quick comment before she opens the passenger door and slides in. I don’t respond because she’s right. It’s my one vice in life. She doesn’t need to know just how many I have stashed in my storage garage downtown.

  The rev of the engine breaks the awkward silence in the car and it isn’t until I look over at her that I see her attention focused on the house next door. It takes me a second to see the weasel sitting on his porch just watching us. “Is that the fucker that Levi was talking about?”

  “Please don’t do anything. Let’s just go get him out and try to forget this day ever happened.” I choose to listen to her only because I don’t want to even think about going to jail at the same time as Levi and her being left out here with some fucker, especially when I don’t even know the full extent of what has happened.

  I do as she requests and I drive us both to the police station. When we arrive, she seems nervous and no matter how strong my instincts are to protect her, I simply open her car door and wait for her to stand next to me.

  I’ve asked a bail bondsman to meet me here and it’s reassuring to see him already working with the officers when we walk in. “He’ll need to be present for his court date in two weeks.” It’s quickly obvious that Levi won’t simply be getting a slap on the hand over what has happened and I’ll have to find out what in the hell went on tonight. One look at Kali and I can see regret written all over her face as she takes in what’s being said.

  She stops a tear from falling down her cheek and I feel a twinge inside my chest that reminds me of the way I felt when I tried to protect her all those years ago. I know I shouldn’t want to kill someone for her hurting like she seems to be, but apparently, it’s in my nature and something I’m never going to stop doing.


  This day is never going to end. Being inside this place again just reminds me of the hell that asshole has gotten away with all these times. It makes me crazy to think he’s turning this all around now and playing the victim when I’ve tried to get him taken in for being the creep he is and he always seems to slip through the system, no matter how many times I turn him in.

  I’m to the point now that I have no faith that justice will ever be served unless something accidentally happens to him when he tries to come into my house again. If that’s what it takes to make this end, then that’s what I’ll do.

  I hate that Levi and Noah are now involved. The last thing I wanted was for Noah to find out and start trying to help when he’s made it very clear how he feels about me. I can’t handle him dipping in and out of my life and if he thinks I’m in danger, that’s exactly what he’ll try to do.

  “Please wait in the lobby and we’ll process his release.” The young officer seems helpful now that there are two men here with me. It’s amazing how different things are when you come with friends.

  Noah pulls the bondsman to the side and they both talk quietly so I can’t hear. I sit and take in everything that’s happened today and wish like hell I could go back to yesterday and never go to that party. It appears to be the turning point that made everything in my life complete chaos.

  “All right, get me the fuck out of here.” I stand the second I hear Levi’s voice. He looks at me instantly and the grin on his face may be misplaced in this situation, but holy shit I needed it. He walks over and wraps me up in his arms. His warmth is exactly what I needed and I don’t even look to see if this is pissing off Noah. He can get over himself. This isn’t about him.

  “Hey, baby girl. I fuckin missed you.” Levi’s voice rumbles next to my ear and I can finally breathe knowing he’s out.

  “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have called you.”

  “Stop that shit right now. I’d do it all over again this very second if that fucker was in this lobby.”

  “Please just take me home.” I know he would, that’s the problem. I don’t want him to have to fight my battles.

  “Not on your fucking life. You’re staying with me tonight.” He takes me by the hand and guides me out the door. “Here, let’s talk out here. That place makes me fuckin’ claustrophobic.”

  “I can’t stay with you. Noah would kill us.”

  “He’ll have to get the fuck over it, because you’re not staying in that damn house so that asshole can just walk right over and get you anytime he wants. You’ll never stay there alone again and I’ll make fuckin’ sure of it if it’s the last thing I do.” He starts pacing in front of me, running his hands through his messy hair while I listen to everything he says knowing he has a point, but the thought of dealing with Noah constantly makes my insides twist into a knot.

  “Maybe I should just get a hotel room…” He interrupts me before I have a chance to continue.

  “No. It’ll be fine. Just let me handle it.” Without giving me a chance to argue, he walks toward Noah as he exits through the glass doors. I don’t have the heart to go near them; I can’t stand the thought of listening to Noah deny him when he asks to let me stay at his house. He made it very clear last night and this morning that he did not want me there. I don’t expect him to change his mind now.

  I look around and it’s already getting dark, but the urge for me to flee is overwhelming. I hate waiting on yet another disappointing denial from Noah and instead of doing just that, I start walking while the two of them talk. I can tell it’s not going well by the way they’re both animated in their responses. Fuck Noah.

  I don’t want his help. I don’t need his help. And the last thing I’ll ever do is let him think I’m a helpless charity case that he needs to save.

  I’m almost two blocks away before I hear the roar of his car engine. Just like I expected, they drive by slowly, looking for me. Hiding in a doorway was the only way for me to stay out of their sight. I can still see the back end of Noah’s car when my phone rings.

  “Where the fuck are you?” Levi sounds angry.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “That’s not what I asked you. Where are you?” The car continues down the road, so I step out of the doorway only to come face to face with Noah.

  “Nice try, Kali. Levi
, back track about a block. We’ll be waiting.” I hang up and walk with a heavy step away from him. He doesn’t get to hate me and want to save me at the same time.

  “Since when do you track people on foot?”

  “Since Levi stole my car and told me to find your ass.” It’s obvious he’s frustrated by his rude tone.

  “Look. I don’t want to inconvenience you any further. Just take me home and you’ll never see me again.”

  “Sounds like a perfect plan, but Levi tells me I need to hear some shit that will change my mind. So, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt and told him we can take this conversation to the house. You can stay tonight. That’ll give you a chance to figure your shit out.” He walks past me and I can’t tell if he wants to dismiss me or scream at me.

  When Levi pulls up, Noah walks with a determined stride straight to the driver’s door. “Get the fuck out of my car and if you do that shit again, I’ll kill your ass.” Levi steps out and gives me a glare that’s telling me he’s not happy with my little stunt. I ignore him and take the back seat, feeling defeat from this terrible day wash all over me.

  I just want to go to bed and forget everything that’s happened today.

  Chapter Seven


  Damn her and that cute little ass of hers. Noah catches me watching her walk by while we wait for her to pack a bag at her house. I swear he practically growled at me, but I pretend to be oblivious to his behavior. He has pushed her away his whole life and I stood back because I thought he’d come around one day. He’s made it very clear that he won’t, so I’m not going to deny what I’m feeling anymore.

  “This will be enough for tonight. I’ll just come back tomorrow when I figure out where I’m going.” I look at her, confused. What does she mean when she figures it out? She’ll be staying with me until she can afford another place. If I have to move in with her to help her, then I will. I’m still not sure what Noah will do once he hears everything. He could be a dick and throw us out tonight, or hell, he may surprise me and say she can stay if she needs to.


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