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Page 5

by Hilary Storm

  Something tells me he’ll decide she needs to stay once he hears everything, though.

  The drive to our house is quiet until Noah starts asking questions. I tell him all about the events of the day and it seems to shock him into silence, which is something unusual for him.

  “You can’t go back to that house alone.” This is the first and only sentence he says in the car after I start explaining everything.

  When we pull into the driveway, Kali doesn’t open her door right away. I can see how stressed she is about this day and it seems only right that I break the ice in a way that only I can.

  “Let’s go for a swim. Last one in has to clean the bathrooms.” I strip off my shirt and drop my pants on the front lawn. I turn back to look at them both and catch Noah nodding and looking down while Kali watches with her mouth wide open.

  “Are you out of your mind?” she finally laughs around her words.

  “I’m a fuckin’ free man… and I want to swim. Come on.” I take her by the hand and lead her to the pool in the backyard. Noah doesn’t follow, but I didn’t think he would.

  “Levi, are you insane? You can’t just walk around naked in the yard.”

  “I do it all the time. It’ll be fine. Just drop the cotton, Kali. We need to cut loose and forget this fuckin’ day.” I can see her inner struggle as she tries to decide whether to say fuck it and skinny dip with me or pretend she’s more conservative than this.

  “You know you need to laugh and just live in the moment after this day, so start pulling those clothes off, before I do it for you.” She shakes her head in disbelief and tries to walk to the house, but I stop her before she gets too far. Pulling her into my arms is easy. It feels right and she doesn’t try to pull away as I hold her.

  “Did you take it in the ass today?” She starts laughing before she finishes her question.

  “Hell no. I went in there pretending I was an insane person. The others left me the fuck alone.” I start to lift her shirt, but she steps away from me and does it herself. “Wait, go slow. Give me a little strip tease.” She slows her pace, but walks toward the water as she removes her clothes, one piece at a time. Her tits stand perfect, moving slightly as she steps into the pool. I watch her body become blurred as she gets deeper into the water. My dick is hard before I even get wet, but the second I do, I’m on a mission to get to her.

  She leans against the side of the pool and waits for me to get to her, her eyes never leaving mine as I watch her shift from being uncertain to deciding she wants this just as much as I do.

  As soon as I’m near her, she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. Her kiss is very aggressive and it turns me on even more. I don’t have to worry about a condom with her; we already established that last night.

  Sliding into her isn’t easy, especially in the water. She rotates her hips until I’m inside her and I let her continue to ride me while I just hold her in my arms and kiss the hell out of her.

  Her moans get louder, but never so loud that anyone else will hear, even though I wouldn’t care if they did. I slip my finger between us and rub her clit until she’s writhing through an orgasm and bringing me close to my own. I start to watch her face as she goes over the top and that sends me straight into a fucking fury. Or is it a fury of fucking? Either way, I begin fucking her so hard and fast that the water begins to splash around us as her tits float between us. The water even hits our faces a few times, but it never slows us down.

  I actually hate fucking in water, but shit, this time it was perfect.

  “Fuck, Kali. We’re going to have so much fun together. I have a feeling you’re a little freak.” She kisses me while I try to catch my breath and speak to her at the same time.

  “It takes a freak to recognize one.” I try not to react to what I’m seeing behind her as she responds, but she catches the change in my face. She turns her head quickly and we both stare at Noah as he sits in a lounge chair drinking a cocktail.

  What in the fuck? Is he out of his damn mind?

  I lower us both into the water to hide Kali from any further exposure. She’s not happy that he’s sitting there, which she makes obvious the second she opens her mouth. “Jesus, Noah. What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Just having a cocktail and sitting by my pool. What else would I be doing, Kali?” His tone is condescending and even though I probably shouldn’t have just had sex in his pool, I’m not going to put up with his moody bullshit tonight. If he blows this out of proportion, we’ll just leave and get a hotel room.

  “Can you at least toss me my clothes?” She leans up on the side of the pool in an attempt to get him to make this situation a little less awkward. Noah erupts in laughter. Not just a small chuckle, but full on hysterical laughter before he just suddenly stops and responds.

  “No. If you want your clothes, walk your ass out here and get them. We’ve now all seen your fucking tits, so why not let the neighbors get a glimpse as well.”

  “Noah, you’re being a dick and I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to come here.” She lifts herself out of the water from the side of the pool and gracefully walks to get a towel. She wraps herself in it before she bends down and gathers all of her things that are in a trail from the pool to where Noah is sitting. She says something to him just before she passes and then she walks into the house.

  Well if that isn’t a cock blocking moment, I don’t know what is. “What the fuck is your deal?”

  “Deal? What makes you think I have a deal?” He’s even more intense and rude now that she’s gone.

  “Look, we’ll just go get a hotel room. I didn’t realize you’d be such a dick if she stayed here with me.” I step out of the pool and walk through the patio area completely naked and soaking wet, not giving a shit who sees me or if it pisses Noah off even more. “I’ll pack my crap and get us both out of here. Don’t worry, you won’t be bothered by us anymore.”

  Chapter Eight


  Us? No fucking way am I letting there ever be a way for him to say ‘us’ and it refer to him and Kali as if they’re in some sort of fucking relationship or something. Over my dead body will she end up with him.

  “I told you that you could stay here. I didn’t say you could just fuck each other out in the open like fucking animals. Have some damn decency, you asshole.” He stops in his tracks at my response. I wait and hope for him to take a swing at me, because I want more than anything to beat the shit out of him and take out all of this built-up aggression on his ass. He’s the cause of it all, so it only seems fair he’s on the receiving end of it.

  Instead, he doesn’t say a word as he walks past me. Fucker probably knows I want him to initiate a fight and chooses to torment me even further by making me fester in my own agony.

  “We’ll move out tomorrow.” The door slams just as he stops talking, causing me to blink at the sound. I lift my glass and take back the last of my whiskey before I follow him inside.

  The house is quiet and the only sign of either of them is the wet footprints tracked through the house that lead me directly to the front door. I open it and listen to the two of them argue and regret my asshole behavior instantly. I step onto the porch and stay out of view of them both.

  “I’d rather stay at my own house and wait on that fucking rapist next door to try to come get me than deal with the weight of Noah’s anger toward me. I don’t get him and I honestly can’t deal with this tonight. Levi, please just let me go. I’ll be fine. I’ve been good my whole life without you guys, so I’m sure I can figure something out with this.”

  “You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m going to let you go back to your house with that insane person living next door. He’s already tried to get to you and what he did tonight was just his way of getting to you again.”

  “Levi. He hates me with a passion. I shouldn’t be here at his house and we definitely should not have just fucked like that in his pool. You make me crazy when you’re a
round and it’s just not fair for you to flaunt me around like you do. Noah and I are complicated and even though he will never feel the same way I do; I love that man. I don’t want to see him hate me like this. If he has to hate me, it’s easier for me not to have to face it. I need to go.” I watch her try to walk away as she slides her shirt over her head, then she pulls her towel off and throws it at Levi. “Put this on and quit walking around with your dick hanging out.”

  He reaches out to stop her from leaving and they start talking so quietly, I can’t hear them. I watch Levi take her in his arms and pull her close to him. She wraps her arms around him and leans into him as if he’s actually consoling her. That should be me holding her like that, but instead I’ve made these fucking rules that I’m beginning to hate myself for.

  When they begin kissing again, I go inside. I can’t watch the two of them go at it again, because I honestly don’t think I can handle what it does to me. I know deep down I want it to be me that’s fucking her. I want to feel her tits against my chest and watch her face as she comes undone, but instead, I’m the creep who was just watching in the background. I guess that’s one that I owed her. I hope to never cash in on the other she was caught eavesdropping on.

  I go to my room and flip on the stereo. Flopping down on the bed, I notice I have a few missed calls. One of them is from Mandy, so I hit that notification and wait to hear her voice, knowing not even hers will get Kali’s out of my head.

  “Please tell me everything is better. Did he find a place today?”

  “No, he got tied up with some other things, but I’m sure he plans to take care of it soon.” I choose not to tell her about the arrest or the fact that Kali is staying here. It’s all too complicated and she’ll just give me a lecture about shit I already know. “How is everything at your place? Is this call to tell me you’re coming to see me? I can kick a bitch out of my bed if you want to keep me warm.” If I tease her, she won’t think anything is wrong with me because that’s how I’ve always talked to her.

  “No, I’m not going to keep you warm. Nice try, though. How about you change those sheets between your whores once in a while.”

  “I will for you.” She has no idea how much different my life is now. When she was around, I was going through the party season of my life. I guess the last few times we’ve talked don’t help my case in that, not that I’m trying to make one.

  “I’ll let you know. I was just checking to make sure you didn’t kill my brother. He hasn’t answered my calls or texts all day.”

  “He’s been real busy helping a friend out.” My insides twinge as I think about just how much he has been helping.

  “All right. Tell him to call his sister tomorrow or I will make the trip to kick both of your asses.” She hangs up before I have the chance to take the bait she just fed me. She knows I’m a sucker for that shit.

  I lie back and force myself to doze off. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough as far as I’m concerned.

  My phone vibrates, waking me up. It’s just an old hookup wanting a bootie call and I couldn’t be any more uninterested. I glance at the time to find it’s just after three o’clock in the morning. The stereo has covered any evidence that anyone else was in the house, so I’m not sure if they’re here or if they ended up leaving. I guess I’ll have to be fine with either option.

  I toss and turn a few times before I give in and slide off the bed. Opening the door to my room, I step out and listen for any proof that either of them are still here. Levi’s door is closed, so I can only assume they stayed.

  Working my way downstairs to the kitchen, I hear someone moving around. It only takes one glance over the railing to see Kali mopping the floor in front of the door.

  “Why are you mopping?” She jumps as I speak, but quickly returns her focus to cleaning the floor.

  “Because I walked through the house and left footprints. I figured I should get them out before I leave.” I take the last few stairs slowly as I watch her long brown hair sway as she moves. Her yoga pants and black tank top tease me when she takes the bucket and walks back to the kitchen, leaving me standing with only my fantasy of touching her. I follow her, intrigue forcing me to do what I wouldn’t normally do.

  “Look, I’m sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to clean up the mess I made. I promise I’ll leave today so you can stop being angry.” She closes the pantry door and attempts to walk by me. I put my palm on the doorframe, preventing her from leaving without talking to me longer.

  “What makes you think I’m angry?”

  “Because you feel heavy. I know you, Noah. And right now, you’re not in a good place and I can only assume that it’s me that’s making you this way.” She takes a step back, pulling her hair into a mess on top of her head with an elastic band from her wrist. I can’t seem to pull my eyes away from her as she moves around the kitchen.

  “I don’t like the way Levi is with you.” I admit what’s bothering me and she stops suddenly, glaring at me as she takes in what I just said.

  “You don’t like him saving me from an asshole today. Him carrying me from a burning vehicle and softening my fall when it explodes. Or is it that you don’t like that he went to jail fighting for me to be safe in my own house. Oh, I bet it’s that you don’t like that he offered to stay with me to keep me protected and even though I declined, he insisted I come here to stay so he can make sure that maniac doesn’t get me. He’s really a horrible person, so I can see your problem with him.” She gets louder the longer she talks and I only hear a few sentences before I tune her out and just watch her lips move.

  “When did you become this sexy?” That shuts her up and I instantly regret letting that come out of my mouth. I guess now that I’ve started this, I may as well continue and see what happens. I’m tired of fighting this attraction to her.

  “Why are you doing this?” I move closer until I’ve pinned her against the kitchen cabinet. My body gravitates toward hers and it isn’t until we’re pressed together that I respond.

  “Because I’ve waited too long to recognize what we have between us.” She lowers her head, inhaling deeply against my chest. I can feel her heart beat faster the longer we stand together. Her internal struggle becomes too much for her when she pushes me away.

  “Please don’t. I can’t take your bipolar reactions. It’s not fair that you’re doing this to me.” I watch her walk up the stairs and into Levi’s room before I adjust the bulging dick in my pants.

  Chapter Nine


  I rush up the stairs and fight back the tear in my eye as I take in what Noah just said. He’s just as indecisive as he was years ago. He wants us and then he doesn’t. Well, I can’t take his shit right now. My life is a mess and the last thing I need is him burning what’s left of my heart. I’m not sure I can walk away from another hit.

  Levi is startled when I yank the door open to the bedroom and he’s instantly looking at me with hungry eyes. “Come here, baby.” He pats the bed beside him and rolls to his side. I can’t do this. There’s no way I can have sex with Levi after what I just went through downstairs. I need to think.

  “I’m going for a run. I’ll be back.” Levi sits up quickly, throwing the covers off him.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “No. That’s okay.” I try to reason with him, but I know it isn’t going to work. I’m feeling suffocated and I’m about to explode.

  “Kali. How many times do we have to go over this shit?”

  “Fine. I’ll come to bed with you, but please just give me some space. I need to think about some things and I can’t do that if you’re constantly wanting to have sex.”

  He stands, naked still from our swim last night. “Kali. I don’t ever want you to feel like I’m pressuring you into sex. I’ll give you space, just tell me what you need. Do you want me to stay in the guest bedroom?” And it takes that long for me to feel like the biggest bitch in the world. He’s done nothing to deserve my claustrophobic reaction and I h
ate that I’ve done nothing but unload on him since last night.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just been a really shitty time lately and I’m trying to decide what my plan is. You’re not staying in a guest bedroom, don’t be ridiculous.” I sit on my side of the bed and he follows my lead on his own side. We both lie back and he doesn’t say a word while I try to get comfortable.

  “Thank you for everything.” I search for the right words to make this better, but thank you is all I can come up with. I roll to my side and face away from him when Noah’s words work their way back into my head. Levi wraps his arms around me and I can feel his breath against my neck.

  “You’re not alone in this. I’m here to help you through all of it, just tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “I’m just trying to process all of this.” He pulls me closer against him and I take a deep breath, acknowledging how great this feels. His dick twitches between us and I purposely ignore it and tuck my hand up next to my face as I curl into the covers a little tighter. Noah’s cologne is on my hands and no matter how hard I fight to be right here with Levi in this moment, all my thoughts are with Noah.

  Damn him for this. He doesn’t get to do this to me.

  I’m pissed off more than ever right now and the worst part is all of this is making me feel like I’m a weak bitch who can’t deal with her own problems. Levi shouldn’t have to save me. I need to save myself and these two men might be the first thing I need to run from.

  Levi falls asleep and I roll over to face him, hoping he’ll help me stop thinking about Noah. His stubble tickles my forehead, reminding me of our first night together. He’s the first man I’ve ever been with that has facial hair. He’s been amazing to me lately and I hate that I can’t reciprocate all that he seems to be feeling. If things were different, I’d never let him go. I could get used to having this face with me every night, but I can’t think like that when Noah is still circling my mind like he is.


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