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Lavinia's Window

Page 14

by Michelle Weisen

  “Claire? What do you think?”

  “I think Mr. Stewart has given us good advice, Mother.”

  “Very well. We agree to mediation.”

  “I will make the arrangements and get back to you. Meanwhile, I suggest that you all discuss this matter, and prepare Lavinia as best as you can. I would like to see her the day after tomorrow in my office downtown. Say, around two o’clock in the afternoon?”

  “That will be fine, Mr. Stewart. Thank you,” said Constance.

  “Here is my card. Write down any questions that you have, and bring them with you to the office.”

  “I’ll see you to the door,” said Claire.

  “That won’t be necessary. I can see myself out,” Mr. Stewart replied stiffly.

  “Nonsense!” said Claire.

  “I told you, I’ll see myself out!”

  “It’s my house!” Claire followed Mr. Stewart out of the room. “Can’t you be civilized?”

  James walked over and poured himself a whiskey. He raised his glass to the General. “Not to go off topic, but Stewart’s got my sympathy!”

  “Don’t even entertain the thought,” said Pegs. “Claire loathes him!”

  “Poor devil!” said James, shaking his head.

  “He’s a bit pompous, but perhaps he has reason to be,” speculated Belle.

  “Whatever! He’s definitely met his match!” laughed the General looking out the window. “Claire just threw his hat in the street, and it got trampled by a delivery wagon.”

  “Oh dear,” commented Constance. “What is he doing?”

  “Whoa! He just picked up Claire, and sat her down in a snow bank!”

  Everyone rushed en masse to the front window.

  Claire had gotten herself out of the snow bank, and was pelting Mr. Stewart with snowballs. He managed to get himself into the carriage before Claire threw one that hit the horse’s hindquarters dead on. Horse and carriage took off like a bolt of lightening.

  “That’s my girl!” shouted the General.

  Claire brushed off her hands, and marched up the stairs to the front door.

  “True love never does run smooth, does it, Allie?”

  “No, it doesn’t, Mimi.”

  “I’m not making any predictions,” commented Constance. “I’m going upstairs to speak to Lavinia, and then I am off to bed.”

  “Good night, dear. Our prayers are with you,” said Belle.

  “I cherish each and every one of you. Thank you.”

  Constance wearily climbed the stairs. She knocked on the door to the guest room.

  “Come in,” called Lavinia.

  The girls were playing chess in front of the fire. They had bathed and were dressed in their nightclothes.

  “Claire has a beautiful bathtub,” exclaimed Lavinia.

  Annie nodded in agreement.

  “We put in lots of bubbles! Didn’t we Annie?”

  Annie nodded again.

  “Annie. Why don’t you run downstairs and see if the General won’t share a late night snack with you,” coaxed Constance. “I’d like you to eat a little something more today.”

  Lavinia helped Annie put on her robe and slippers. Annie waved and slipped out the door.

  “I thought she might speak again, Grandmama, when I saw her this morning.”

  “Annie will be fine. She just needs a little more time.”

  “What happened downstairs?”

  “Well, Mr. Stewart thinks that we should mediate.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that we should meet with your father and see if we can’t discuss his decision and change his mind.”

  “Do you think you can do that, Grandmama?”

  “No, but I believe you can.”

  “Me? I wouldn’t know the first thing to say.”

  “Mr. Stewart is going to meet with us the day after tomorrow. He will help you find the words you need.”

  “I’m frightened.”

  “Remember when you told me that you wanted to make things right with your father? Now the opportunity has arrived. I am sure that when you meet, he will be just as curious to know about you as you are to know about him. Make a list of things you wish to learn. That will give you something to do before you see Mr. Stewart.”

  “How soon do you think the mediation will be?”

  “I expect it will be scheduled by the end of the week in New York.”

  Lavinia picked up Bubbles and held him close. “I’m going to bring Bubbles with me, if that is all right.”

  “A splendid idea. Would you like to go down for a late night snack?”

  “I don’t know if I can eat, but I would like some company.”

  “Well, the General will be glad to see you. I’m going to turn in early tonight.” Constance kissed Lavinia’s forehead. “I love you with all my heart, my dear.”

  “I love you too. Shall I bring something up for you?”

  “I’m fine. Go down and enjoy yourself.”

  Constance watched as Lavinia and Bubbles left the room. She sat on the bed and patted Sweet Pea. “We’ve been fortunate,” she thought. “Alex might have taken Lavinia back with him after Julia’s death, but he didn’t. If he wanted her now for the same reasons we do, I would be inconsolable, but at least I could understand his motives. This is incomprehensible to me.”

  Goldenrod -“Encouragement”

  Chapter 18

  The following day, the family moved into action. Claire took Lavinia down to her shop to fit her for two new dresses.

  “As I remember, your father adored seeing Julia in various shades of browns and greens. I have some exquisite bronze satin and oriental cashmere for your dress, and I shall order you a hat of bronze velvet trimmed with bronze and red ostrich feathers. Pegs will design another dress for you using different shades of green.”

  “Thank you Claire. I don’t know what to say.”

  “It is our pleasure. Pegs and I feel that this is our way of contributing to your cause, Lavinia. You will go into the meeting feeling as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. You will take your father’s breath away.”

  “I hope so,” said Lavinia a little doubtfully.

  “Trust us. This is our business, and we know what we are doing.”

  When they arrived, Lavinia stripped to her petticoats and Mrs. Holder measured her from every angle. Pegs and Claire sorted through various fabrics, comparing different shades of browns and greens.

  “We have time for only one pair of shoes, so let us design something to work with both outfits,” suggested Pegs.

  “Excellent. We’ll also do that with the gloves,” added Claire.

  Lavinia watched in fascination as patterns were drawn from her measurements. Within the hour, the basic patterns of both dresses were laid out on the material, ready to cut and baste.

  “Sweetheart, Belle and your cousin Ella are here to take you to lunch,” called Claire from across the room.

  Lavinia turned in time to steady herself before Ella crashed into her.

  “I am so excited Lavinia. Mama is going to take us out to lunch, and then to a day spa. We’re going to be scrubbed, massaged and have our nails buffed.”

  “Ella! For goodness sakes! Be gentle, you nearly knocked Lavinia over! Good morning dear,” said Belle, leaning down for a kiss.

  “Good morning, Aunt Belle,” replied Lavinia, kissing her on the cheek. “What is a spa?”

  “It’s a health clinic, owned by Victoria White, a doctor who promotes massage and hydrotherapy. Her partner is Mademoiselle Riche, a beauty consultant. It is the female version of heaven on earth. I have given strict instructions to the General that he is to bring Constance down later to meet us.”

  “What about Annie?”

  “She wants to sight-see with the General this morning, and work on your scarf this afternoon. Claire, I wish you and Pegs could join us.”

  “We’d love to, Belle, but we are far too busy.”

�Very well, but I dare say that you two probably need a day at the spa more than anyone else I can think of. Particularly you, Pegs, with that darling little baby of yours.”

  “You’re tempting me, Belle,” said Pegs longingly. “Little Martin is up at least twice a night.”

  “Let me set you up with an appointment.”

  “We haven’t time, Belle. Thank you for the offer,” said Claire rushing by, pulling Pegs along. “We’ve got to design the hat and get the shoe measurements over to Sam.”

  “Enjoy yourselves,” waved Pegs.

  They had a light lunch at a small restaurant near the spa.

  “I knew your father very well before he met your mother,” said Belle.

  “What was he like?” asked Lavinia.

  “He was a serious young man, and determined to become successful. In fact, he worked nearly all the time. When James and I married, he and Alex were doing very well with offices in New York and Philadelphia. James encouraged Alex to socialize more.”

  “Did he?”

  “No. He was uncomfortable in most social settings. I introduced him to several of my friends, but he had no interest. Alex preferred quiet evenings at home with James and myself. We just talked and played games. Alex and James used to tell the most outrageous stories, and we would laugh until our sides ached.” Belle’s eyes misted over. “I had forgotten how much fun he was. We loved him so.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well, we persuaded him to come to one of Aunt Mimi’s birthday parties, and that’s where he met your mother. They were instantly drawn to each other. James and I were delighted. Although Julia was only eighteen, they made a handsome couple.”

  “That seems very romantic.”

  “I should say so. I don’t think Alex quite knew what was happening to him, he was completely enamored. He couldn’t bear to be parted from her, and urged her to marry him almost immediately. Naturally, John and Constance were concerned. They wanted the couple to allow themselves time to get to know each other.”

  “That sounds reasonable, Aunt Belle.”

  “Of course it is, but Alex is a man who goes after what he wants, and he rarely listens to advice from other people. Julia had already accepted his marriage proposal, and Alex felt that her parents were interfering with their plans. Alex’s position I understood, but what I thought was unusual at the time was Julia’s resistance. I grew up with her and I had never known her to challenge John and Constance’s decisions before. I assumed that she was as much in love as Alex was, and youth made her impetuous.”

  “Well, they did marry.”

  “Yes, they did. Ella, I see Evelyn Green and Kitty across the room. Yes, they are waving to us. Do you mind going over and telling Evelyn that I don’t have time to visit today, but I’ll stop by to see her next week.”

  “Yes, Mama. Can I stay and talk with Kitty for a bit?”

  “Of course you can.” Ella left the table and Belle continued. “I’m going to tell you something in confidence, Lavinia. Ordinarily I would keep my opinions to myself, but if this information can help you in the mediation, I would never forgive myself if I didn’t pass it along. Your mother did marry your father, but she had a terrible argument beforehand with John and Constance. Their relationship was quite strained at the time of the wedding, and spoiled the celebration to a certain extent. James and I personally felt that John and Constance were wrong. Alex was a fine man and Julia loved him. We knew that Alex worked hard. After all, he did manage the New York division. It was natural that Julia would be lonely at first, but what added to her feeling of isolation was the rift between herself and her parents. That was something that Alex could not repair. He tried everything he could think of to make her happy but day by day, she began to slip away from him. I wrote Constance and told her that she and John should pay a visit to Alex and Julia, but John wouldn’t hear of it. Julia became pregnant, and behaved more like her old self. Alex was so excited, you should have seen him. He was like a new man! James and I believed that the news of Julia’s pregnancy would bring the whole family back together and it probably would have, if John hadn’t died suddenly. Alex took Julia home to attend the funeral, and left her with Constance against his better judgment. You know the rest, she never went back to your father. I believe that Julia’s sense of guilt and unresolved feelings towards her own father added to her decision to remain at Millstone Manor. She didn’t want to make the same mistake with Constance.

  Of course Constance was in a bad way, but she could have managed without Julia. Our family is not large but we are devoted, and take care of our own. Constance should have insisted that Julia return home, but she did not. Tragically, Julia died when you were born. Alex blamed Constance and his deep resentment continues. I do not condone Alex’s actions, and I love Constance more than words can express, but it shouldn’t have turned out the way it did.”

  Belle leaned back in her chair and sighed. “You can take that piece of information and do with it what you will. It is our side of the story. I hope that it helps.”

  Tears ran down Lavinia’s cheeks. “Thank you for saying something decent about my father. Everyone else portrays him as if he is a monster.”

  “He is a bitter and angry man now, Lavinia. Do not underestimate his need for control. You might be able to find a chink in the armor. I hope you do, because the man we knew long ago was sweet and funny, and he was looking forward to a long happy life with his wife and child.”

  Ella returned to the table. “They send their regards, Mama. Is it time to go yet?”

  “It is. I hope the General remembers to bring Constance.” Belle paid the check and they walked down the street to Mademoiselle Riche’s Day Spa. They entered an elegant waiting room that smelled like eucalyptus.

  “Mademoiselle Brewer. We are waiting for your party. There are four, no?”

  “There is one more coming, but I think we should get started.”


  They were shown to a changing area with private cubicles. They removed their clothes and put on white puffy robes and slippers. Scented candles in crystal wall sconces illuminated the spa area, and an aura of serenity permeated the air. Ladies of all ages sat in various sections. Some had facial masks and hair conditioners, others were getting their nails filed and buffed, and still others were laid out on tables for body scrubs. Ella explained that the massages were given in small rooms in the back. Lavinia didn’t know what to expect but she took her cue from Ella.

  “This is going to be wonderful!” Ella whispered.

  They heard a loud commotion coming from the waiting room.

  “What could that be?” wondered Belle.

  “I don’t know, let me see,” said Ella, who cracked open the door.

  George and Martha came flying through, flinging the door against the wall. They began barking and running around the room. All of the ladies started screaming. George hopped up on one woman, who fainted, and licked off her facial mask. Martha grabbed a sheet from another woman on a scrubbing table and pulled it off, leaving the poor thing with nothing to cover herself. One of the attendants immediately threw a towel over her. Martha shook the sheet furiously and dragged it about, toppling everyone and everything in the way. George grabbed the other end of the sheet and the two played a rugged game of tug of war, knocking jars off the shelves during the struggle.

  In the midst of pandemonium, the General marched in, causing a new round of hysteria from the customers.

  “Go! No man allowed!” shouted a hefty Swedish woman who had been giving a massage in the back. “Take dose dogs too!”

  “George! Martha! Come!” George and Martha followed the General out, and the Swedish masseuse slammed the door shut. She clapped her hands, “Calm peoples! Ve vill fix dis!” The attendants helped their customers up from the floor, picked up jars and rearranged the tables.

  The door opened again, and everyone looked up in anticipation. Constance entered as if nothing had happened.

ho was that man?” wailed an elderly matron.

  “I haven’t a clue,” said Belle.

  “None at all,” added Constance.

  The girls just shook their heads and shrugged.

  Fortunately, no one was injured, although it did take some time to restore tranquility. The spa offered extra services at no charge, which satisfied their customers. As Ella promised, the spa experience was wonderful. Lavinia was scrubbed and massaged. She had her hair washed and set, and her nails done. Even Constance looked relaxed after her session.

  Belle’s carriage was around the corner, and they all laughed once they were inside.

  “What a dreadful thing to happen,” said Constance.

  “Well, you definitely know how to make an entrance,” chuckled Belle.

  “I’d say the General certainly knows how to make an entrance,” said Ella, which set off a new round of giggles. Belle dropped them off at the house.

  “Let me know how it goes tomorrow, Constance. We’ll see you in New York.”

  “I will.”

  The General and Claire sat in the den in front of the fire. Annie knitted in the corner.

  “Did you two have a good time?” asked Claire.

  “It was wonderful except for the disaster,” said Lavinia.

  “What disaster?”

  The General shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Claire turned to him.

  “What happened?”

  “George and Martha had a little romp.”

  “Please tell me they didn’t romp at Mademoiselle Riche’s Day Spa.”

  Lavinia nodded. “Right into the back. George made a lady faint and licked off her mask, and Martha took the sheet off another lady who was naked.”


  “Oh yes, and the General walked in.”

  Claire burst out laughing, “I don’t think a man has ever graced that sacred female space.”

  “I don’t know, that Swedish masseuse had facial hair,” commented the General.

  “You’re lucky Helga didn’t break you in half,” choked Claire, doubling over.

  “I’ve had enough excitement for one afternoon. Have we received anything from Mr. Stewart?” asked Constance.


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