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Page 44

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  Mowloon bowed his head again before replying.

  “You are to be honoured with the highest merit of a Pangkor…….. The PANGKORKORGOWER!”

  “The Pangkorkorgower?” replied Talon puzzled.

  “You will become the over-seer, the Lord of all Pangkor’s, our linkage to the god Apollo.” remarked Mowloon just before he raised his hands and started preaching.

  “We serve the gods ……. We serve their ways of nature ………we are here to do their work on Kratos ………Apollo has chosen you Talon, he has chosen you above everyone else as his words and wishes ……. Our life is to obey you, for the words of Talon are the words of Apollo.”

  “Lord Mowloon I am now a man of war.” Talon pleaded.

  “That is not our concern, Apollo has chosen you and that is all that matters.” replied Mowloon.

  Talon at first began to feel apprehensive as he wondered just what this position would take from him, he was leading the Zachanian war and there was no time to spare leading the Pangkor’s. He was just about to decline the position when he felt a strange sensation overcome him, it was almost like a voice telling him to relax, telling him to receive this gift and let fate decide, he looked again at Lord Mowloon and held eye contact.

  “So be it!” Talon said proud.

  There was still a strange feeling hanging over Zanlia, it was a mixture of fear, hesitation and fury, the curfew was still in place and rumours were rife as the townsfolk were starved from any information.

  The evil wizard Grand Grarlin was growing increasingly frustrated at how slow his mortal comrades were behaving, Grarlin had also come to decision regarding the Zachanian traitor Lagain, the wizard had been looking for General Krustov for most of the morning and when he found him he began to chastise him.

  “Where have you been General?”

  “I have been amongst the camps, preparing the armies.” replied a slightly startled Krustov.

  “Where are our men from Kallick town!” snapped Grarlin now referring to the five hundred thousand soldiers that had been promised.

  “En route your highness.” replied Krustov.

  “I was told that yesterday!”

  “The moment they arrive, I will make sure you are notified.”

  Grarlin scowled at Krustov’s reply before changing the subject.

  “I have decided to let Lagain live, I want you to find him a position of command.”

  General Krustov almost fell over in shock at what Grarlin had just told him, Krustov thought it madness to keep him living but he was far too scared of Grarlin to question his word.

  “Yes your highness.” Krustov replied trying hard to hide his contempt.

  Grarlin smiled as he saw the look on Krustov’s face, it was obvious that the General was hiding his true feelings.

  “As a General in the Empire, are you not curious as to why I have come to this decision?” goaded Grarlin.

  Krustov looked at the wizard with frustration,

  ‘If I disagree with him he gets furious and if I agree with him he questions my competence, I cannot win either way with you’ Krustov thought silently to himself before trying to reply as diplomatic as possible.

  “I have total confidence in your judgment holy one; if you wish to explain your method to me then I will surely be enlightened by such wisdom.”

  Grarlin gave a rare half smile before replying.

  “I will condition Lagain and then have him lead us into battle……A Zachanian General with allegiance to the Empire heading an attack against his own Zachanian’s.”

  “Superb!” replied Krustov now smiling as he realised what an impact this would have.

  “Yes Krustov ….. People will see how untrustworthy the Zachanian’s really are.”

  Grarlin added.

  “I like it Grarlin, if a Zachanian turns against his fellow Zachanian brothers then how can they be trusted, people who may be tempted to help them will have second thoughts when they hear how a Zachanian turns on his fellow brother.”

  As Talon left the temple in Varanasa he found himself feeling sad at having to leave his friends, after yesterday’s ceremony where he was pronounced the leader of the Pangkor’s Talon had decided to stay the night where he reminisced until the early hours with Chang and fellow monks.

  Talon waved goodbye and then rode off furiously to where Kraal and the rest of the army were camped, when Kraal saw Talon he immediately stopped what he was doing and welcomed his fellow commander.

  “Hail Lord Talon.” Kraal said as Talon pulled his horse to a stop besides him.

  “Are the men ready?” Talon asked as he dismounted his horse.

  “Yes Lord Talon, ready and awaiting your order.”

  “Good! We march on the hour!” Talon snapped as he disappeared into his tent.

  “Where my Lord?” Kraal shouted.

  “South! We march south!” Talon replied.

  It took Talon and his army two days to reach the province of Kanovia. Kanovia was positioned at the furthest tip of the south west coast of Kratos, the town was more of an army barracks than anything else, it was the remnants of the past where Kratos was at war and the Empire had needed soldiers in the region.

  Talon had studied the entire Empires outposts while he was in the Royal and Palace guards and he was hoping that what he had learned would be correct.

  “Make camp here Kraal, the Empire are just beyond those hills, tonight we rest and prepare, at dawn we will attack.” Talon said as looked up at the sky and saw that night would shortly be upon them.

  Kraal nodded at Talon just as he saw a group of scouts return.

  “My Lord the encampment is just beyond those hills.”

  “Are they ready for battle?” asked Kraal

  “They are aware of us, we have seen them making barricades, everyone who was outside is now inside the encampment.”

  “So they are going to sit and wait for us, hoping that we cannot breach their walls.” replied Kraal turning to Talon.

  “They are mistaken.” snapped Talon sounding full of confidence to Kraal before turning back to the scout party leader.

  “Did you calculate their numbers?” asked Talon.

  “It is difficult to say correctly my Lord but I would surmise that number between ten and fifteen thousand.”

  “As I expected it.” replied Talon.

  “Fifteen thousand is an impressive number my Lord, especially if they are preparing for a siege.” replied Kraal.

  Talon nodded and then looked up at the sky.

  “Come we will eat and prepare.” he said tapping Kraal on the arm.

  “Have men posted on all of those hills, if they see one Imperial soldier leave that camp then I want to hear of it immediately.” Talon added to one of the commanders.

  As the morning sun broke over the horizon, Talon rode proudly before his men, he smiled to himself as he saw the columns of Zachanian soldiers ready and eager for combat, Talon then dismounted his horse and told two soldiers to come over to him and form their shields together so that Talon could stand on them. Talon climbed onto the shields and three more soldiers aided in carrying him and hoisting him high up into the air, Talon stood motionless with his hands on his hips as the soldiers paraded him before the army. The warriors then began to knock their swords against their shields as the roar of Zararhakzar sang out, Talon then raised his arm and moments later the field fell into silence.

  Talon paused as he looked upon the faces of the men, he could see their adulation for him, and a moment later he began to address them

  “Brave warriors…… Brave Zachanian’s …….for your King…..for the house of Heikan…and for your blood, I ask you to fight today with steel in your hands, with hunger in your eyes……..and with revenge in your hearts…. Now today, we show Kratos…… we show Kratos the wrath of the Zachanian!”

  Talon then pulled his sword and pointed it into the air.

as the army before him all pulled their own swords and shouted victory at the top of their voices.

  Talon jumped from the shields and got back onto his horse, he then gave Kraal a nod and the march began.

  “The men look like they have fire in their bellies.” Kraal commented as the army passed before them.

  Talon smiled back at him, today felt like victory to him, he felt confident and could not wait for the battle to begin.

  The Empires encampment lay in open countryside, Talon was aware that the Empire knew they were coming so surprise was not an option for him but one thing Talon wanted to make work for him was the dense undergrowth that lay to the east of the camp. The bushes and long grass would help shield his Zachanian warriors and Talon knew it was a mistake for the Empire to allow such growth to get out of control so close to their camp.

  Talon gave the order for three thousand of his men to crawl into the undergrowth. They would wait with their bows ready to launch a devastating attack once ordered to do so. Once the men were in position Talon led the remaining army into an advanced position stopping at the last hill before the camp.

  “If we cross this hill Lord Talon we will be in their eyesight.” Kraal snapped as they ground to a halt. Talon dismounted his horse and walked towards the hill where he saw the camp for the first time with his own eyes.

  “I see six huts, we should focus our attack on them, once the huts are breached they will fall back behind the centre walls.”

  “We will have to breach the first wall before we breach the huts Lord Talon” added Kraal

  “We will begin the attack there.” Talon pointed.

  “Have the archers concentrate their aim at that point, there is little cover there, once we have them on the retreat then I will attack with three thousand of our army.” Talon added.

  “You are leading the attack Lord Talon.” asked Kraal shocked.

  “Yes” Talon replied smiling.

  Kraal stiffened before replying.

  “I must protest Lord Talon, you are the commander of the field ……..commanders do not partake in personnel combat.”

  “This one does.” Talon replied before then turning to look over his shoulder.

  “It is time.” he then added before giving the signal for the archers to attack, moments later the sky darkened as thousands of arrows were unleashed, Kraal jumped to his feet and quickly ordered one of his men to instruct the archers where to concentrate their aim, he then turned back to Talon and was shocked to see that Talon had already left and was busy leading the men towards the camp. Talon ordered the men to wait as the arrows continued to bombard the encampment.

  The arrows smashed into the compound exactly where Talon had instructed, and moments later the Imperial soldiers ran for cover allowing Talon and his men the opportunity to breach the wall.

  Talon led the men to attack a large wooden door that the Imperial soldiers had retreated from, when the archers stopped then instructed four of his men to destroy the door with large heavy axes.

  Talon could feel his heart pounding as he waited for the door to break, he knew within moments he and his men would be within the encampment, then he steadied himself as he saw the door begin to split, four more strikes and it was destroyed.

  Talon shouted ‘attack’ and ran into the grounds with his men, inside the walls he found the Imperial soldiers in a state of panic; they were running in all directions.

  Talon then led some of the men into a nearby hut which was one of the many soldiers sleeping quarters. He could see that they were trying to barricade the doorway but Talon and his men now crazed with the frenzy of battle entered the hut easily, inside they encountered around a hundred Imperial soldiers, Talon killed at least five of them as fighting was breaking out everywhere.

  Moments later screams were coming from everywhere as the camp was full of Zachanian warriors, the Imperial soldiers were being massacred, they were trying to fight but they were no match for the Zachanian’s.

  When Talon walked back outside he saw that the whole camp was now swamped with his Zachanian’s, Kraal was now inside the walls and was shouting orders to some of his men to attack a large group of Imperial soldiers who were trying to get into the Fort at the centre of the encampment but the gates of the Fort were firmly shut.

  “ARCHERS!” Kraal shouted instructing his men to fire.

  “Lord Talon, the outside area will soon be secure.” Kraal told Talon.

  “Burn the huts!” Talon ordered.

  “Lord Talon shall I order our men to attack the Fort”.

  “Not yet Kraal, secure this area first and then bring in the archers, have them light their arrows with fire, let’s see if we can get them to come out to us.”

  Kraal then walked off to carry out more orders as Talon retreated to a nearby hut where he found a bucket of water and began to wash off some of the blood from his hands and face.

  The Zachanian archers who had been hiding in the undergrowth soon moved into position, where Talon walked over to Kraal and patted him on the back.

  “Are we ready?” he said.

  “Yes my Lord.”

  “Good attack the Fort.”

  Then a volley of burning arrows was sent flying, arrow after arrow was unleashed, Talon could see fires breaking out inside the Fort and he knew that the Imperial soldiers could not stay in there for much longer.

  Inside the Fort the Imperial soldiers were trying frantically to put out the fires that were now beginning to burn out of control, men were dropping as they choked on the smoke and they quickly realised that they could not hide any longer, the order was given to open the gates and fight the Zachanian’s and fight for their lives.

  What followed was a brutal and bloody battle as thousands of men began to fight in hand to hand combat, at first the Imperial soldiers made a real stand of the fight, they took many Zachanian life’s but the Zachanian spirit soon became too much for them, if the Empire killed one Zachanian then five Furious warriors took their place. By weight of numbers and sheer aggression Talon and his Zachanian warriors ground out a bloody and brutal victory.

  After a few hours and when the fires died down, Talon walked wearily amongst the carnage, he could hear the cries of injured men mixed with boasts and jubilation, it was a surreal sight as men all around were pushed to all extremes of their emotions.

  “We have won the day my Lord.” Kraal said as he walked over covered in blood but with a look of exhaustion on his face.

  “We have lost many good men today Kraal.” Talon replied as he looked upon the twisted and mutilated bodies of his fellow Zachanian’s.

  “True, they put up a good fight but it is better to lose men and win than to lose men and fail.”

  Talon gave Kraal a slight smile, it was all he could muster as like everyone else Talon was drained both physically and emotionally, today was a winning day but this first real taste of battle did not fill Talon with enthusiasm, this was just the beginning and he knew that he would walk across many more battlefields littered with dead Zachanian warriors before this war was won.

  Chapter 27

  On the Zachanian side of Death Valley the newly named Fort Arun was growing by the day, at first it was a few tents but now it had walls under construction and wooden buildings being built. King Arun had brought in builders from his hometown of Zachra and had told them to build a formidable war-base for his council to use.

  Nearby the tents were still standing in true Zachanian fashion, the Zachanian’s were experts in tent building, it was a talent they first learnt centuries ago when the Empire invaded Zachania. When the Zachanian’s ran to the hills and lived day by day ready to move at a moment’s notice, this trade had been passed down by father to son and over the years they had adapted this art where some of the tents were better than most people homes.

  King Arun’s tent at Death Valley was huge; it had six bedrooms and a large meeting room where he could hold meetings with his council.

  In the map room the King was b
usying himself going over some newly drawn maps as he waited for the council meeting to begin, when he was called he made his way into the meeting room where all the Lords were already seated including Lord Heikan who had travelled back from Vilsillius, the wizards Ganasis and Zumal were also present.

  King Arun took his seat and smiled at the Lords and then addressed Heikan first.

  “Welcome gentlemen, Lord Heikan have we any word from Talon? It has been six days since he left you at Vilsillius; this silence has got me concerned.”

  Lord Heikan stood up and replied sternly.

  “Sire, the men who are with Talon are of the finest calibre, I have no concerns whatsoever, if we have not heard anything from Lord Talon then that is because he is occupied killing the Empire.”

  “Heikan my question was not to question the quality of your men but was a query for information.” King Arun snapped back and then gazed across at Ganasis to see if he wanted to add anything, Ganasis took the hint and took over.

  “I fully understand your concern my King but Talon is very familiar with the regions of the south-west, we have no one better who knows where the Empires strengths and weaknesses are, Varanasa and the various other small outpost’s along the western coastline should not pose too much of a problem, however I would have grave concerns if Talon pushed on to Tallasian.”

  “Talon will not attack Tallasian, we discussed this.” added Lord Heikan.

  Lord Tanaga then decided to speak as all this talk of Tallasian was unfamiliar with him

  “What is so important about Tallasian?” he asked showing his naivety on the subject.

  “The Empire are strong in Tallasian, Talon took ten thousand men with him from Vilsillius, if he went to Tallasian he would be outnumbered ten to one.” replied Ganasis.

  “By the gods! Surely he is not going to go up against that!” snapped King Arun showing his deep concern.

  “Sire we must act now! If we are not sure that Talon will attack Tallasian then we must send more warriors there immediately.” Lord Tanaga pleaded.

  Sitting quiet and listening was Talon’s Grandfather Lord Zalon, he was growing more and more agitated with how the conversation was going, finally when he could hold his silence no more he rose and banged his fist hard onto the table.


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