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The Heiress and the Cowboy Contractor

Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter


  “Yell one more time and I’ll find somethin’ to gag you with. You want the manager bangin’ on your door? He’s a friend of mine, and I promise I won’t have any problem tellin’ him exactly what’s goin’ on.”


  “Yep, now are you gonna behave?”

  “Okay,” she bleated, horrified at the thought of someone hearing them.

  “You asked for this,” he declared finally able to move her body as he needed.

  “I didn’t,” she retorted.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I told you I’d changed my mind.”

  “Now I’m gonna spank you real hard,” he said sternly.

  “What? Why?”

  “You know why. You think you can pull that crap on me? You manipulated me into swattin’ you ‘cos you wanted to know how it felt and I played along, but I’ll only do that so much. The third time you cussed, that was how you told me to keep goin’, and we both know it, right?”

  “No!” she exclaimed kicking out her feet, “I don’t know anything of the sort.”

  “Damn, you are such a brat,” he muttered pulling her dress up.

  “What are you doing?”

  Ignoring her he stared down at her full, round rump encased in white lace, then pulling her panties into her crack he ran his hand over the bright pink flesh.

  “Pleeaasse,” she begged, horrified her underwear had been so salaciously shifted.

  “You really like pushin’ the envelope,” he muttered.

  “No, no, honestly, I’m sorry,” she whimpered, fuck, he’s actually going to spank me.

  “I think you’ve enjoyed messin’ with guys your whole life,” he remarked as he caressed and squeezed. “Well, little lady, you mess with me, you get your butt spanked.”

  “You’re right, you’re right,” she said hastily, “but I won’t mess with you anymore, I swear.”

  “Too late,” he sighed. “Remember, no yellin’.”

  “No! Wait!”

  Her feeble protest fell on deaf ears, and lifting his hand he set it to work in a steady pattern, landing his blows over the fullness of her cheeks before moving to the crease above her thighs.

  “Owwww, please, Beau, I’m sorry.”

  “I was just gonna give you a sexy little spankin’,” he said continuing to swat her backside, “you’re the one who made it more.”

  “Nooo, please, no, it hurts.”

  “Yep, this here’s a proper spankin’, what you’ve been askin’ for since the day I met you. Tomorrow at the ranch you’re gonna be polite and sweet, and no cussin’, right?”

  “Yes, right,” she panted.

  “It’s real important around horses,” he continued without missing a beat, “to do exactly what I say. You got it?”

  “Yes, whatever you say, yes, yes.”

  “If you give me any of your sass you’re goin’ right back over my knee, and I won’t be usin’ my hand, are we clear?”

  “Ooh, Beau, yes, yes, we’re clear,” she wailed.

  “Now I’m gonna make sure,” he said sternly, letting fly with a battery of rapid smacks that saw her howling into the mattress.

  “I’m done,” he announced, stopping as quickly as he’d begun, “and I hope I’ve made my point.”

  “You have,” she mumbled, instinctively throwing back her hand to soothe the burn, but to her dismay he grabbed her wrist and held it at the small of her back.

  “Nope, you don’t get to rub that butt until I say. It can just sit there a minute and sting real good.”

  “It does,” she bleated, “and it’s hot.”

  “Yep, stingin’ and hot, just like it should be, and a real nice shade of red.”

  She wriggled, trying to find a more comfortable position, and as she did he spied the glistening dew between her legs.

  “Nickie,” he said softly, releasing her wrist and smoothing his palm across her seared crimson skin, “you really are a very naughty girl, but you’re also very luscious,” and sliding his fingers between her legs he slipped them into her drenched pussy. “How does this feel? Does it help?”

  “Ooh, yes, yes, thank you.”

  “Well, whatta ya know, naughty Nickie said thank you. Manners like that will get you more,” he crooned.

  Slipping his thumb against her clit he circled and pressed, eliciting a deep, grateful moan. As he pushed his index finger into her soaked tunnel she wriggled back against him, urgently asking for more. His cock was screaming for relief but he hadn’t brought a condom; no protection, no sex; it was his rule.

  “There’s more than one way,” he muttered, and with a deft move he pulled her up and laid her over the edge of the bed.

  “God, Beau, I want you so much,” she groaned staring at him over her shoulder.

  “You rub yourself, sugar,” he said firmly as he began to strip off his slacks, “you arch your back and spread your legs and let me see you rub that cute little clitty.”

  Dropping her head into the mattress she darted her hand against her sex, and as she spread her legs Beau stood behind her, his cock in his hand.

  “I’d love to slide into you right now, but it’s gonna have to wait,” he mumbled, his voice husky and deep, “but I’ve got two hands, one for me, and one for you.”

  Moving closer he slipped two fingers inside her sopping pussy, and as he massaged himself he began to pleasure her, relishing the sight of her squirming backside.

  “Beau, faster, please,” she whined.

  “Since you said please,” he replied happily increasing the pace.

  “I’m so close,” she exclaimed, “I’m so close.”

  “You can come if you want,” he gasped, his own climax hovering over him.

  Burying her head she let out a long, low wail, bucking her bottom against his hand. Her walls pulsed against his frigging fingers, fueling his explosion, and with a guttural groan he erupted, his cream spilling over her backside and dribbling down his hand.

  Catching his breath he watched her collapse on the bed, and his heart still pounding he moved into the bathroom, washed up, then returned to her with a damp hand towel.

  “Hey,” she purred, “you want to join me?”

  She had taken off her dress and was already between the sheets.

  “Look at you?” he smiled. “I will, for a little while, then I’ve gotta head home.”

  “Bummer,” she frowned.

  He slid back the covers, leaned over her and gently wiped her clean, then placing the towel on the nightstand, he stretched out next to her.

  “I didn’t even get to meet these beautiful girls,” he grinned reaching down and fondling her breasts.

  “Ooh, don’t stop,” she begged, “please don’t stop and don’t leave.”

  “I promise I’ll give them plenty of attention next time, and special attention, attention I’ll bet they’ve never enjoyed before.”

  “Should they be worried?”

  “That depends on you,” he smiled lifting his gaze. “How’s your butt?”

  “Sore, thank you very much,” she quipped.

  “You’re very welcome.”

  “I didn’t mean, thank you as in, thank you,” she retorted.

  “Sure you did,” he said softly, and lowering his head he kissed her warmly, then wrapped her in his arms.

  “Naughty Nickie, that’s who you are, and I have a feelin’ there’ll be a lot more spankin’s in your future.”

  “Not if I can help it,” she murmured.

  “I know you have to say that,” he sighed wishing he didn’t have to leave, “but we both know I’m right,” and we both know it makes you a very happy girl.

  A short time later, after a long, leisurely kiss goodbye and a hot shower, Nicole was laying in her bed staring at the ceiling. She’d had spontaneous sex before but nothing like what had just happened, and though she was exhausted her mind was churning.

  I thought some kissing, a taste of spanking, but
holy crap, and wow, that was so much sexier than I thought it would be. I love how he calls me Naughty Nickie. Oh man, am I falling for this guy? Yes, I am, I am, I can’t believe it. What the hell am I going to do?

  Rolling on to her side she closed her eyes and inhaled the lingering scent of him on the pillow.

  Is that aftershave or cologne? I don’t care, it smells so…him. I can’t wait for the morning. I wish I could sleep. What was it he said? I have to do what he tells me or he’ll spank me again, but not with his hand? Why am I loving this so much? I wonder what else he’d use. I guess it’s easy enough to find out. Should I? More to the point, dare I?

  She yawned and put her hand on her backside.

  Still tender, and scratchy feeling, but I love it, God, I really love it. I’m screwed. If that’s an appetizer, what will real sex be like? Gerald, shit, Gerald. I need to call him. I can’t tomorrow, I call him on Sunday. Ick.

  Yawning again she pulled the aromatic pillow close to her body and wrapped her arms around it, finally feeling herself drift away.

  On the other side of town Beau was still wide awake; sitting on his back porch staring out at the horses in a nearby paddock, he was softly strumming his guitar. He could sing, not brilliantly but he could carry a tune, and he found it soothed his soul.

  I don’t know where you came from,

  I don’t know who you are,

  I admit to feelin’ real strange

  But I’m likin’ this so far,

  You’re a different kinda woman,

  With a different kinda love,

  A different kind of somethin’

  A naughty Angel from above.

  The lyrics and the melody had spilled out of him like water from a faucet, and jumping up he hurried inside to write them down before they sailed from his head. He’d written a few songs when the spirit had moved him, but nothing special, nothing that felt like this.

  Damn, girl, you are somethin’ special. I don’t know how this is gonna end, hell, is somethin’ even startin?

  Moving back to his door he locked it up, turned out the lights and ambled up the stairs.

  Sure is a strange thing, just like those words. I really want you in my bed, I really wanna make love to you…for hours.

  He stripped, took a quick shower, and as he crawled into bed he heard the distant howl of a coyote.

  You callin’ out to your girl, Wiley? Shame I can’t lift my nose to the moon and give a holler. I wonder if I’m on her mind as much as she’s on mine. She’s got a sore butt so she’s got a helluva reminder. What am I doing’? I don’t think this way.

  Climbing out of bed he padded across the room and opened up a small cabinet. It was where he kept a bottle of his favorite, very old, very expensive scotch. Pouring himself a splash he downed it one gulp, letting out a grunt as it hit his throat.

  “Man, I needed that,” he muttered, and crawling back into bed he stilled his mind and finally fell asleep.


  He was woken by the sound of his front door and he knew it was Gina; that meant he’d overslept. Stumbling to the window he stared across to the barn and saw his two workers, Ben and Jeb, out in the paddocks with their wheelbarrows cleaning up after the horses.

  Yawning, he padded into the bathroom and turned on the shower. In two short hours he’d be picking up Naughty Nickie and bringing her home; he couldn’t wait. As he stepped under the hot water and dowsed his hair with shampoo, the image of her upturned bottom and bright red cheeks danced in his head, springing his cock to life. Unable to shake the image from his mind he leaned against the tiled wall and began to massage himself, thinking about the delightful sounds she’d made as he’d spanked her, and the marvelous howl she’d let loose as she’d climaxed.

  His mind jumped to the scene in the barn he’d envisioned earlier; sitting on a bale of hay, her body across his lap, her bottom exposed and his slapping hand turning her skin a beautiful shade of pink, then his mind jumped, and he had a vision of her kneeling in front of him, her mouth slurping his cock, her eyes gazing up at him adoringly.

  It was all he needed, and as the climax rattled through his bones he groaned, sucking in his breath, then he slumped his body under the water. He surrendered to the hot stream blazing over his back for a while, needing the respite for his body and his thoughts, but as he stepped out and began to towel off, the song he’d written floated into his head.

  I don’t know where you came from,

  I don’t know who you are,

  I admit to feelin’ real strange

  But I’m likin’ this so far,

  You’re a different kinda woman,

  With a different kinda love,

  A different kind of somethin’

  A naughty Angel from above?

  You’re nowhere in sight,

  But I can see you in my head,

  I wanna wake up with you against me

  I wanna see you in my bed.

  You’re a different kinda woman,

  With a different kinda love,

  A different kind of somethin’

  A naughty Angel from above?

  Wrapping a towel around his waist he hurried to the bureau against his window and quickly scribbled the new verse, and made a mental note to take it downstairs to add to what was sitting on the pad inside his desk drawer. Glancing outside he saw Pepper, his big grey gelding, kicking up his heels and running around his paddock.

  “I know how you feel fella,” he murmured. “I feel the same way. All spooked, but happy, real happy.”

  Casting his eye further afield he saw Trixie laying down, baking in the morning sun; he laughed out loud.

  “Trixie, you ain’t nothin’ like the girl who’s gonna be sittin’ on your back today. Just as well, she’d never survive it.”

  Dressing in his riding jeans, a fresh white and blue checked cotton shirt and his favorite boots, he ran his fingers through his damp hair. He’d given up on the large shock that fell over his forehead, it had a mind of its own, and the girls at his local tavern told him it was sexy as hell; he wasn’t sure if they were right, but he’d chosen to believe them.

  Trotting down the stairs he heard Gina busy at work in the kitchen, and as he neared he smelled the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

  “Hey, Beau,” she beamed. “Who’s the lucky girl?”

  Gina was in her 50’s, but had one of those faces that didn’t age, a figure that still turned heads, and a twinkle in her eye that Beau knew would never go out.

  “Not what you’d expect,” he replied pouring himself a mug of the tempting coffee.

  “No? What do you think I’d expect,” she quipped, flipping the bacon and cracking two eggs into the sizzling pan.

  “She’s from the city, wears makeup, she’s got her own mind and not afraid to speak it. She’s kinda…”

  “Kind of challenging?” Gina laughed.

  “Well, yeah, I guess,” Beau grinned. “You know me too well.”

  “I know I haven’t seen that glint in your eye for a long time, if ever,” she said staring at him intently. “I’m looking forward to meeting her. What’s her name?”

  “Nickie, Nicole, Nickie,” he stammered.

  “Which is it?”

  “Her name’s Nicole, but I call her Nickie,” he replied suddenly feeling foolishly flustered.

  “Oh, man, you’ve got it bad,” she remarked. “How’d you meet her?”

  “I don’t have anything bad,” he retorted. “I’m gonna finish buildin’ her home. She owns that half-built house on the hill above the lake.”

  “You’re not going to finish that are you? It’s ugly, it’s a monstrosity.”

  “No, Gina, don’t worry, Geoff’s revamped the plans.”

  “Thank goodness,” she replied plating his eggs and bacon. “Is she coming here so you can take her on one of your famous rides?”

  “What do you mean, famous rides?”

  “Just poking you,” she giggled, “but are you, go
ing to take her for a ride I mean?”

  “Yep, I’m gonna put her on Trixie. I thought we’d do the lake, then come back here for lunch, then, I dunno, maybe we’ll cruise back up to the house and walk through the changes.”

  “Are you crazy?” she frowned placing the breakfast in front of him.

  “What? Why?” he asked dousing his food with pepper and hot sauce.

  “If you want this to be a fun visit to a ranch don’t take her to the biggest headache in her life. Have your lunch, then take her up to Flat Top Point and show her that amazing view.”

  “Gina, you’re a genius,” he grinned.

  “You’re finally noticing?” she laughed. “Something tells me I’d better go change your sheets.”

  “Okay, this conversation has just crossed a line,” he chuckled.

  “Don’t they always,” she winked wandering past him.

  As she disappeared he leaned back in his chair and picked up his mug, smiling at the thought that she was right, and he did indeed, need his sheets changing.

  Nicole had slept late, and after having a light breakfast sent up to her room she had jumped under a hot shower. Unlike Beau, who had simply run his fingers through his wet hair and walked down the stairs, she had spent almost thirty minutes styling. Her hairdryer and a round hairbrush created the desired result, but staring at her reflection she wasn’t happy.

  “I look too…too…what?” she grunted, and as her reflection gazed back at her the penny dropped. “I look too much like Nicole and not enough like Nickie. I know exactly what to do.”

  Pulling off her robe she turned the shower back on and let the water splash over her head, then stepping out she flicked on the hairdryer and let the hot air dry it naturally. It took longer than she thought it would, but when she was done she smiled at herself.


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