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The Heiress and the Cowboy Contractor

Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  “There, that’s Nickie.”

  All the carefully styled waves were gone, and her hair was falling softly around her shoulders, its inherent curl giving it a natural, wholesome look.

  Turning to her makeup tray she turned away from her usual red lipstick and dark mascara, opting for pink gloss and soft green eyeshadow, and as she wandered into the bedroom to change, she had another idea.

  At Wally’s her eye had taken her to the red and white check shirt, but she decided to go with the pink and white instead; it was softer and more feminine. Humming happily she pulled off the tags and donned the clothes, and wandering back into the bathroom she grinned at her reflection.

  “Good grief, I look so much younger.”

  Glancing down at her watch she sighed; she had a full fifteen minutes to kill before he showed up, and walking back into the room she picked up the large tote already half-packed in her fervent hope she’d be spending the night. The aqua and white shirt, a fresh pair of panties and a pair of socks were already stuffed inside, and carrying it back into the bathroom she threw in her lotions, makeup and a hairbrush.

  “I’m forgetting something,” she muttered. “What is it? Oh! Of course!” and moving back to the armoire she retrieved the gifts she’d bought. “I think that’s it,” she muttered dropping them into the tote. “Maybe I’ll wait for him downstairs. I’ll go crazy sitting here.”

  Ambling out the door she headed down the hallway, into the elevator and out into the lobby. Staring through the large glass doors she could see the sun glinting off the polished chrome of the parked cars: it promised to be a beautiful day. Moments later, when she saw the familiar turquoise truck roll into the driveway, she felt her butterflies spring to life. It moved slowly through the parking lot and came to a stop under the portico; walking outside to meet him she paused as he opened his door and climbed out.

  Oh, man, how can he look even cuter, but he does?

  Seeing her he broke into a grin and quickened his pace across the driveway.

  “You look amazin’,” he exclaimed. “I can’t believe it. I mean, you looked great before, but…”

  “Thanks,” she smiled, “I thought this was more like Nickie.”

  “You were right,” he grinned, and wrapping his arms around her he hugged her warmly and lifted her off her feet.

  “What are you doing?” she squealed.

  “Just had to,” he chuckled putting her back down. “You ready to sit on a horse?”

  “Absolutely, I even have the right boots.”

  “I see that. Wally didn’t let me down,” he declared, then taking her tote he put his arm around her shoulder and walked her to the truck.

  “Nickie?” he said quietly as he opened the door.


  “Your butt’s not too sore to ride is it?”

  “Seriously?” she quipped feeling her face blush.

  “It’s a simple question.”

  “Get in the car and start drivin’, Mister,” she retorted.

  Beau laughed out loud, and closing her door he trotted around to get in behind the wheel.

  I’m glad Nicole isn’t completely MIA, he chuckled.

  “Care to share the joke,” she asked lightly.

  “I’m just happy, lookin’ forward to the day,” he replied.

  “Uh-huh,” she said giving him a look that said she didn’t believe him, then breaking into a wide smile she added, “me too.”


  The ranch was further from the hotel than she’d imagined, and the house and barn were set at the end of a long, gravel driveway, flanked on either side by white fenced paddocks. As they rolled to a stop she saw two horses standing with their saddles on; one grey, the other brown and white. They were relaxed, their eyes half-closed, almost asleep.

  “Oh, wow, I’m so excited,” she exclaimed. “Which one is Trixie?”

  “Trixie’s the paint,” he replied.

  “The paint?”

  “The one that’s not grey,” he grinned.

  “Oh, that makes sense, I can see why a horse with those patchy colors would be called a paint horse. Cool. Can I go over there?”

  “You don’t wanna drop your bag inside first?”

  “No, Beau, please, I’ve never even touched a horse, I’m dying to.”

  Her enthusiasm was bubbling over, and her face was lit up like a little girl on Christmas morning.

  “Well, sure, come on, I’ll introduce you.”

  As they climbed from the truck and started forward, both Pepper and Trixie pricked up their ears and turned to look at them.

  “Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe this,” she giggled. “Thank you so much for bringing me here.”

  He stared down at her glowing smile; she seemed like a totally different person to the bitchy, demanding woman he’d first met.

  “You’re welcome,” he grinned. “I’m really glad this is making you so happy.”

  “Wow,” she breathed as they reached Trixie’s side, “she’s so beautiful.”

  “You can pet her, just run your hand down her neck.”

  “She’s so soft,” she whispered. “Beau, I feel all…weird.”

  “Weird, how?”

  “You’ll think I’m an idiot.”

  “No, of course I won’t,” he reassured her.

  “I just felt, I feel, this thing,” she breathed moving closer to the horse and continuing to stroke her. “This, emotional thing. It’s crazy.”

  She lifted her eyes and he could see it; they were sparkling up at him, almost teary.

  “Hey, what is it?” he asked putting an arm around her.

  “I have no idea,” she replied, “none. Maybe, happiness? I don’t know, I just feel wonderful.”

  “That’s a good thing,” he said softly. “Let’s get you on board.”

  “Really? Right now?”

  “Sure, unless you’d don’t feel like you’re ready, or sitting on a saddle might be a bit uncomfortable,” he winked.

  “Stop it,” she retorted. “I’m totally ready, yes, definitely. I’m just sooo excited.”

  “Stay there for a minute, I’m gonna get you a helmet.”

  She watched him disappear into the barn, then leaning forward she began to pet Trixie, talking to her softly.

  “You are so beautiful. Why haven’t I done this before? This is so amazing? Of course in the city it wouldn’t be like this, all the trees, the quiet.”

  “Let’s try this on you,” Beau said as he reappeared.

  “It’s not very, uh, it looks kind of dorky. Are you sure I need it? I mean, we’ll only be walking, right? What can happen if we’re walking?”

  “This thing is goin’ on your head,” he said firmly. “No arguments.”

  “But it’s so dorky,” she repeated.

  “You wanna go on this ride, you wear the hat.”

  “Fine,” she sighed. “I’m so happy right now I don’t really care,” and taking it from his hands she pulled it over her head.

  “That looks good,” he remarked, “I thought it would fit. Let’s just close this strap under your chin.

  As he moved closer and placed his fingers on the ends of the plastic snaps, he could smell her sweet scent, and his eyes fell on her lips; the pink moistness beckoned him, and on an impulse he leaned in and softly touched his mouth to hers.

  Nickie felt a bolt of sexual energy; her butterflies began to dance, and as she pressed her body against him she moved her arms up to encircle his neck, letting herself respond with absolute abandon. She could feel his need rising up against her, and when he finally broke the kiss she smiled up at him.

  “Are you pleased to see me or is that a cellphone in your pocket?”

  “Damn, girl,” he breathed. “We’d better get you on that horse before we end up on a heap of straw in that barn.”

  “What if, I were to, uh…”

  “What?” he frowned wanting to kiss her again.

  “What if I were to say, fuck, le
t’s do it.”

  “Those are fightin’ words, Missy,” he chuckled. “That might’ve worked last night, but next time you provoke me you might not like the response quite so much.”

  The dancing butterflies exploded into a frenzy, and she took a deep breath, gazing at the twinkle in his eye.

  “Um, I’m not sure what to say to that.”

  “So let’s move Trixie over to the mounting block,” he replied.

  Trying to persuade his cock to go back to sleep, he moved away and picked up the reins looped over the hitching post.

  Nickie let out a long sigh, and as Beau led Trixie the short distance across the yard she shook herself out of her minor stupor and hurried to catch up.

  “Should I get on top of this thing?” she asked standing by the steps of the mounting block.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  As she climbed up he couldn’t help but admire the sight of her curvaceous cheeks in the tight, stretch jeans, and the view didn’t help the need in his pants.

  “I’ve adjusted the stirrups, I think they should be about right,” he remarked doing this best not to look, “just put your foot in, swing your leg over, and sit down gently.”

  “I’m so nervous, she won’t move or anything, right?”

  “Nope, she’s on tranquilizers and I’m holdin’ her.”

  “Really? You’ve doped her?” she exclaimed.

  “Good lord, no, I was just kiddin’. I mean she’s super mellow.”

  “Why didn’t you just say that?”

  “Nickie, get on,” he said shaking his head. You may look like Nickie, but right there, that was Nicole!

  She gingerly held on to the saddle horn, put her foot in the stirrup, and hoisted herself into place.

  “Oh, my gosh, that was so easy. Wow, it’s cool up here. I like it.”

  “Good, now just hold the reins like this,” he explained taking her fingers and placing them around the leather straps. “It’s just like you’ve probably heard. If you want to turn right, pull right, left, pull left, you wanna stop, just give a tug backwards with both reins and say ho. I’m gonna lead you back over to Pepper, that’s my horse. All we’ll be doin’ is walkin’ and Trixie will be glued to Pepper’s side so you won’t have to worry about steerin’, but you should at least know that little bit.”

  ”Beau, I’m loving this, every second. What a sweet horse,” she purred leaning forward and patting Trixie’s neck.

  “Okay, I’m gonna lead her now. Sit up straight and relax.”

  As Beau began moving slowly away from the mounting block, Nickie let out a long, deep breath and felt confident enough to lift her eyes and take in her surroundings. Beau’s house was a two-story mountain style A-Frame, and looked like something she’d seen in travelogues advertising the mountains in Switzerland.

  “Your home is gorgeous,” she sighed. “It looks like it belongs here, surrounded by all the pine trees and paddocks.”

  “Thanks, look where you’re goin’ though. When you’re on a horse you always wanna look ahead. Your body and eye-line will tell the horse where you wanna go. Hold on to this for a second.”

  “Okay,” she smiled taking the strap with which he’d been leading her. “This is so much fun.”

  Pulling Pepper’s reins from the post he swung himself into the saddle, then shifting his horse next to Trixie he reached across and took back the lead rope.

  “You’ve got your reins if you need them, but I’ll be leadin’ you along until you feel comfortable.”

  “Like training wheels,” she sighed.

  “Yep, like trainin’ wheels. You ready?”

  “I am, but I don’t think you need to. I feel really good.”

  “Just for a little while,” he smiled.

  As they headed off, Beau brought Trixie close to his horse’s side.

  “You look good,” he grinned, and I sure wish I could think about somethin’ other than havin’ you naked in my bed.

  “I feel amazing,” she exclaimed, and as much as I’m loving this, I can’t wait to be naked with you. I hope you don’t make me wait until tonight, I don’t think I could stand it.


  The trail Beau had chosen skirted the lake, but he didn’t plan riding all the way around. He would break off at the midway point, travel up a gentle slope, and as they came down the backside they would catch another trail that would drop them back on to his property.

  They’d only been riding a short time before the lake came into view. Though she’d been nervous at the outset, Nickie was beginning to feel completely comfortable and didn’t see the need for Beau to continue to lead her.

  “You said Trixie would stick to Pepper’s side, so what’s the big deal?” she argued.

  “It’s your first time on a horse, that’s the big deal,” he said firmly.

  “I think you’re being overly cautious. I’m fine. Look, I’m holding the reins, see?”

  Pulling Pepper to a halt he pointed to the lake.

  “Instead of arguing with me, take a minute and look at what you’re missing.”

  Shifting her gaze she stared out at the view and broke into a smile.

  “You’re right, it’s gorgeous.”

  “I’ll give up this lead rope when I think it’s time, and none of your complainin’ will change my mind. It might get you a fresh red backside though.”

  “You’re so annoying,” she frowned.

  “I am?” he laughed.

  “Yes, I can see how things will be. If I don’t like something and complain about it, you’ll threaten to spank me.”

  “Yep, that’s about the size of it, glad you figured it out,” he grinned, and giving Pepper a gentle squeeze he moved them forward.

  There was a specific reason Beau was maintaining control of Trixie. The trail was designated for horses, but there were some rebellious teenage boys who had hijacked it, and had been seen tearing around on their bikes at breakneck speed; the unexpected sight could scare the bravest animal.

  “I think you just look for excuses to spank cute girls,” she giggled.

  “Sometimes,” he chuckled, “and sometimes they need it, like a certain someone I know.”

  “Who would that be?” she asked innocently.

  “Think real hard and it might come to you,” he quipped. “Tell me about your job. Won’t you have to be headin’ home soon? I mean, even if you are-”

  “I don’t want to talk about my work,” she interrupted, her smiling face giving way to an irritated frown. “I’m here to get away from it.”

  “Easy there, you don’t have to take my head off. It was just a simple question,” and man, you are trigger happy talkin’ about your life.

  “I’m sorry Beau, it’s just not something I want to discuss.”

  “Apology accepted,” he smiled. “We don’t have to talk at all. Relax, enjoy the serenity of this place, give Trixie a pat. Horses have a way of makin’ you feel better no matter what the problem is.”

  Taking a deep breath she lifted her eyes back to the lake, forcing herself to shake off the irritation, then leaning forward she stroked Trixie’s neck; the lake hadn’t made her smile but patting Trixie did.

  “You’re right, it’s so weird,” she remarked.

  “About pattin’ the horse?”

  “Yeah, I mean, it really helps. It’s like they have some kind of energy or something.”

  “They do. I’m tellin’ you,” he said solemnly, “these guys have gotten me through some real tough times.”

  “I believe you,” she replied, then pausing for a moment she announced, “I’m going to buy a horse. I’m going to learn how to ride and I’m going to buy a horse.”

  “You are,” he chuckled, “and how are you going to learn to ride and care for a horse, and where are you going to keep it?”

  “You,” she beamed. “You can teach me and I can keep it at your ranch. I’ll pay you of course.”

  Beau stared at her for a minute, then began laughing s
o hard he had to pull up.

  “What?” she demanded. “Why is that funny? Stop laughing like that!”

  “It’s how you say things,” he replied, finally able to compose himself. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m real happy you’re thinkin’ this way. A horse would be great for you, hell, a horse is great for anyone.”

  “So, then…?”

  “Nickie, I have never met anyone who is so…I can’t think of the word? Maybe the word is entitled. You say it, so it has to be. I’m going to teach you how to ride! That’s it, Nickie has spoken. Did it ever occur to you to ask me if I’d like to teach you how to ride?”

  “Why would I? You’d like to, right?”

  “That’s hardly the point,” he replied raising his eyebrows, but the earnest look on her face sent him laughing again, and it was unexpectedly contagious.

  “I honestly don’t see what’s so hilarious,” she grinned. “I mean, the fact that you’d like teach me is blatantly obvious. How is that amusing? Stop it! Now you’re making me laugh and I don’t even know why,” she giggled.

  “You are precious,” he laughed, “come here, I need to kiss you.”

  Leaning across he grabbed the back of her neck and dropped his lips lightly on hers.

  “You’re right, I’d love to teach you, but not just about horses,” he said quietly.

  “Cool,” she replied her eyes gazing back at him.

  “I’m not sure how long you’ll think that,” he winked. “Especially when your butt’s on fire.”

  The butterflies that had started with the soft kiss suddenly began to do the polka, and she felt the now familiar hot flush cross her face.

  “When you say things like that…” she murmured.

  “I know,” he grinned. “We’d better get movin’ or we’ll be out here all day, and Gina’s cooked us lunch.”

  “Who’s Gina?” she asked as he sat back in his saddle and started moving forward.

  “She’s my housekeeper, cook, laundry person-”

  “Oh, so she’s your maid.”

  “No, I wouldn’t call her my maid, she’s more like a…hold up,” he suddenly frowned.


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