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Secrets in the Lyrics

Page 5

by Sm Donaldson

  I slide my hand into the front of her sleep shorts and find her wet. I rub her clit with my thumb while gliding two fingers into her. She lets out a soft moan. I put my mouth back to hers to keep us from making too much noise, working my way down to take her tight nipples into my mouth.

  Fuck, this is like high school. But there is something fun about it. The make out session is intense. Man I want to bury my cock balls deep. I feel her shudder against me and the walls inside her sweet slice of heaven clutch around my fingers. I feel my balls drawing up and I explode on her. We both look down and giggle.

  I whisper. “Why do I feel like I’m in high school all over again, trying not to get caught?”

  She smiles. “Because we can’t fuck things up, that’s why.”

  I nod, knowing that she is right. If the other two guys ever figure this out, we’ll be screwed.

  She kisses me gently. “You should probably slip back into your bunk. I need to go clean up.”

  “You’re right. I just wish I could get cleaned up with you.”

  “Yeah, well then we wouldn’t get much cleaning up done, would we?”

  I laugh and make my way quietly back over to my bunk. I hear her tiptoe to the bathroom and a few minutes later come back to her bunk.

  As I lie here thinking about her, I can’t wait to get her alone and show her how much more I want to do to her.


  Today our show is a music festival in West Palm. We sit around in the back listening to the other bands. Ransom’s End will be going on soon and we go on right before them. Right now a young band called Mind’s Eye is rocking the stage with some serious old school skills. I look over at Keeg. “Man, if we ever get to headline our own tour, let’s get them to open.”

  He nods. “Shit yeah. They’ve got some serious skills.”

  Ivie nods. “Holy crap, that kid playing bass is fucking awesome.” She is listening intensely. I’ve always been amazed by how she can concentrate on the music like that, but I know it’s the reason that she can just about pick up any piece of music and play it.

  I sit in my own daze, thinking about what she sounded like when she got off. Her soft gasps and moans. Ivie has always been so hard core, but she seems so gentle during those moments.

  Damn it, thinking about it I’m getting hard again. I’m going to have to go to the bus and take care of my problem. I stand up. “Hey guys, that food is messing with my stomach, I’m going to the bus to the bathroom. Just a fair warning.”

  Stoney nods. “Thanks for the heads up, man. We’ll give it time to air out.”

  I look over to Ivie. “Hey, if you’ll walk with me, I’ll introduce you to that other female bass player I met. She’s on the way.”

  Ivie stands up, playing along. “Sure, let’s go.”

  Keeg looks at me. “Dude, you better not be getting some stomach flu. The rest of us have to live on that bus and if we all get sick, we only have one bathroom.”

  “Dude, I really think it’s just the food.”

  He nods as Ivie and I walk away. She laughs once we are out of hearing range. “So I’m guessing you wanted alone time on the bus.”

  I nod and chuckle. “Yes. I’ve been thinking about you all damn day. I can’t get that sound of you coming out of my head.”

  She tilts her head down. She’s blushing, actually blushing.

  Once we are inside the bus, I grab her and pull her to me. “Fuck Ivie, you are killing my dick.” I pull her down the hall to the back bedroom. It’s still not a very big room, but it’s bigger than a bunk. I spin around to face her and grabbing her ass, I hoist her up to put her legs around me.

  Slamming our mouths against each other, we are both breathless. She reaches for the bottom of her shirt and pulls it over her head. I start tugging at her bra and she finishes getting it off. I take one of her nipples into my mouth before lowering us to the bed. She reaches up, trying to pull my shirt over my head as I’m trying to work her jeans down. As soon as I get her jeans and panties off, I drop my jeans and boxers.

  I’m about to take her but she puts her hand up to stop me. “Condom?”

  I nod and grab one out of my wallet. “Sorry, it’s been a while and well, I’m not normally this worked up. I’m not in the habit of going without one. Ever.”

  After I roll the condom on and lower myself into her, those beautiful brown eyes of hers grow large. “Oh shit.”

  “Are you okay?”

  She smiles. “Yeah, it’s just, well, it’s been a little while, and the last time wasn’t with someone as blessed as you.”

  I lean down, attacking her neck with my mouth. “Oh Fuck Ivie, what you do to me is insane.”

  I’ve never, and I mean never, wanted someone like I’ve wanted Gable Johnson. Before, I wouldn’t let myself admit it, but when we had sex a few hours ago, it was hot. I’m still not sure exactly what we are but I’m not going to push it. Hell, we both have needs and it would be nice to have someone help us out with those.

  We played a hell of a set tonight. Now, it’s dark and I’m just taking a walk around the buses thinking while the last shows finish up.

  I just know that one day we are going to be headlining our own show. That is the reason I know we have to keep whatever this is quiet and not even let the rest of the band know. If Gable and I decide that we don’t want to do this anymore, then I don’t want it to mess up our band.

  We have a few more shows to play this week, then a day or so after Thanksgiving we’ll be in Hilton Head. That’s the closest we’ve been to home yet. I think from the sounds of things that guy Scarlet is dating has set up a trip for her to come see Gable.

  Scarlet is a sweet girl and she is a fool over her big brother. I always thought she was kinda whiney, that is until she beat the shit out of her ex’s car with an ax handle. Now I’m pretty sure she’s a bad ass under that layer of debutante. I’m glad she’s found someone to make her happy, and it seems like this guy Ryder would hang the moon for her if she asked him to.

  I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind and I smell him before I turn around. “Yes, Gable, can I help you?”

  We are in between the buses so I know that no one can really see us.

  “Yes ma’am, I think you can. See, I have this problem in my pants. There is this girl who my dick can’t seem to not be hard around. When I’m near her, even on stage. Especially when she sings.” He nuzzles into my neck.

  “Oh really, and what do you want me to do, make the girl stay away?”

  He shakes his head. “Oh no, she can’t go away.”

  I spin around to face him and back him up against the bus. “Maybe I can help another way.”

  I drop to my knees in front of him, undoing his jeans and pulling out his thick cock. I lick the tip of it and then continue by sliding my mouth down over it as far as I can go, working what I can’t fit in my mouth with my hand.

  “Fuck, Ivie.”

  After a few minutes I can feel his balls tightening, then he snatches me up and pulls down my pants. I turn around and face the bus, bending over and bracing my arms against it. I feel him thrust into me and it doesn’t take us long to both explode into an orgasm.

  I smile as we are getting our clothes back on straight. “So, did that help with the girl problem?”

  He chuckles. “Well for now, but I may be addicted to her.”


  We only have three more days until we play the show in Hilton Head and I’m glad we will get to spend a couple of days there. We have one more show after tonight until we get there and I’m glad, I can tell I need a rest. All of the extra cardio that Gable and I have been sneaking in is doing a number on me.

  The guys are horsing around on the way back to the bus. Gable and I have devised a plan to get alone time.

  I stop. “Shit guys, I left my phone back by the stage. I’ll catch up with you guys.” Step one complete. Now I just wait between the buses until he gets here.

  I do not know how the guys haven’t c
aught us yet. The other night a roadie for Ransom’s End almost caught us behind one of the storage trailers.

  I giggle, suddenly feeling an arm around my waist, until I feel it tighten and a hand go over my mouth. “So you weren’t ever fucking him, huh? Then how come for the past three nights I’ve watched you guys sneaking around? Seems you’ve turned into quite the exhibitionist.” He puts his mouth next to my ear, running his nose by it. “You know, it might turn me on, I might would take you up against this bus right now if you hadn’t fucking pissed me off so bad.”

  My heart feels like it is about to pound out of my chest. Where in the fuck is Gable?

  “So, you know you cost me my fucking job, I think I deserve some sort of repayment.” He tries to nuzzle my neck and I start trying to get away. I finally bite his hand. “FUCK! You bitch!”

  I manage to pull away but at the same time he throws me into the side of one of the buses. I fall to the ground. “Chad, I didn’t do anything to make you lose your job.”

  “Oh yeah, then why did they drug test me you lying fucking cunt?” He kicks me in the side. “I got fired for that and my anger problems. Then a couple good ole’ boys came and beat the shit out of me.” He rests his boot on my hand. “So, why don’t you start explaining before I break that fucking hand you play bass with?”

  My voice quivers. “Chad, I’m serious, I don’t know anything about any of this.” He pushes his heel down further into my hand. “Chad, I’m sorry, but I really don’t know anything. Please let me up.”

  I bury my face in the dirt and suddenly he’s gone. I look up to see him and Gable rolling all over the ground fighting. I scream for security. Finally, a big ass guy from one of the other bands comes over and grabs Chad, slamming him into a bus hard enough that it shook. By that time security is there calling the local police and escorting him away. A couple of the officers take a statement from me before they leave.

  Walking back to the bus, I realize I now have an audience. My band looks angry enough to kill Chad on the spot. I look around and Gable takes me under his arm. “Come on sweetie, let’s get you on the bus. Is your hand okay?”

  For the first time since Chad’s boot was lifted off of it, I think about it. I flex it. “It feels okay, but it’s going to be sore.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “Are you sure we don’t need to have a doctor check it or anything?”

  I stumble a little, feeling drained and dizzy. “No, it’ll be fine.”

  Gable stops me and turns. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m just a little dizzy, I think the adrenaline is hitting me.”

  The next thing I know he’s scooping me up off the ground and I’m being carried to the bus. Keeg and Stoney have beat us there, they open the door for me and Gable walks straight through the bus to the back bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.

  He starts undressing me out of my sweaty show clothes and grabs a pair of my pajamas. “Here baby, put these on and lie down. I’m going to get you some water and something to eat.”

  I nod. “Thanks.”

  He steps out the door and I can hear the guys talking to him as he gathers up some stuff for me. Once he steps back in the room, he brushes my hair back from my face. “Babe, are you sure you’re okay?” He sits some crackers, water, and pain medicine down for me.

  “Yes, I’m fine, I just need some sleep. I know I’m going to be sore, but I’ve been through worse.”

  He nods. “I know, but don’t remind me.” He steps back. “Look, you’re going to sleep in here tonight so you can stretch out. I’ll check on you in a little bit, okay?”

  I slide into the bed after eating my crackers and taking my pain medicine. I do my best to drift off into sleep.

  Walking back out into the living area of the bus, I sit down to talk with Keeg and Stoney for a little while. They have a ton of questions, but I finally stop them. “Look, I’m sure Ivie will talk about it in the morning, right now she just needs to rest.”

  They both nod and we sit back, drinking a few beers, playing Xbox, and eating junk food. Stoney looks up at me after a few beers. “So, are you gonna tell us what’s been going on between the two of you?”

  I look at them like they are crazy, pausing the game. “What in the hell are you talking about?”

  Keeg lets out a barking laugh. “Dude, it really hasn’t been too hard to figure out.” He smiles. “You went from looking like you could grudge fuck each other to death, to looking like you have grudge fucked each other to death.” He takes a sip of his beer. “Then, the fact that you are now both going missing right after shows, and if that wasn’t enough, one of the roadies told Stoney they saw you the other night.”

  I put my hand out. “Look-.”

  Stoney stops me. “Hey, we are okay with it, as long as you guys don’t fuck it all up for the band. I mean hell, you’ve both been in a lot better mood, so I see it as a win-win.”

  I look at him confused. “A win-win?”

  He laughs. “Yes, you guys are happy, not moping around anymore, and it means more pussy for Keeg and me.”

  I flop my head back and run my hands through my hair. “Look guys, we are both just figuring it out. We don’t want to jeopardize the band either, so that is why we’ve been quiet about it. Okay?”

  Stoney leans forward. “Hey man, it’s cool, we aren’t going to say anything.”

  Suddenly, we hear Ivie screaming from the back room. I jump up and run to the back. Bursting through the door, I see Ivie thrashing in the bed. I reach for her and she begins hitting me. “IVIE! Baby, it’s me, wake up.” I shake her a little. “Ivie, wake up.”

  Finally, her eyes pop open. She gulps a breath and I see the tears dried on her face.

  Finally, I sit her up and start rubbing her back. “Are you okay?”

  She shakes her head and covers her face with her hands. “Oh my God. It was just a dream. He was attacking me. It was crazy.”

  I shoo the guys away from the door. “I’ll stay back here with her.”

  I stand up, strip down to my boxers, and slide into bed with her. I pull her back into me and stroke her hair. “Baby, just go back to sleep. I’ll stay here with you.”

  “Gable. What about the guys?”

  “I’ll talk to you about it in the morning. Try to go back to sleep.”


  Morning comes way too quickly. The sun is shining in from the side windows of the bus and I feel the slow swaying motions of our movement. I look down at my chest that has Ivie’s hair draped across it. This feels great, I wish I could wake up every day like this. What in the hell am I saying?

  Sliding her off my chest, I slowly stand up to go take a piss. She stirs from her sleep and sits up, rubbing her face. “Hey.”

  “Hey, babe. I’ll be right back.”

  She nods as I leave the room. Once I’m in the hallway, I can still hear Keeg and Stoney snoring from their bunks. I go into the bathroom and do my business, quickly returning to the bedroom.

  As I enter the bedroom, she’s looking at her arms and moves to feel the sides of her face. She looks up at me. “So, how did you explain sleeping in here all last night to the guys?”

  I sit down on the side of the bed. “Well, right before you had your nightmare, the guys basically called me on the carpet about us. I guess we haven’t been as discreet as we thought we were being.”

  She puts her hands over her mouth. “Oh my God! What did they say about it?”

  I shrug. “They are cool with it, said we both seem happier and less bitchy. As long as it doesn’t mess up the band, they are fine. Plus, they said it leaves more chicks for them.”

  She snorts a laugh. “They would add that in there.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, they referred to it as a win-win. A minute or so after that, you started screaming. We ran in here and figured out you were having a nightmare. I decided to stay in here with you, so you weren’t alone.” I lean over and pull her in, nuzzling her neck. “But I have to say,
waking up with you this morning was damn good. If I hadn’t had to piss so damn bad, I might have tried out this bed with you.”

  She giggles. “Stop it, we are not doing that in here so that Beavis and Butthead out there can hear us.”

  I kiss her. “I’m just playing. I figure we’ll be staying in hotels for the next couple of nights, and we can definitely take advantage of that.” I kiss my way down to her collar bone.

  “Stop before you start something neither of us will want to stop. Let’s go eat some breakfast, and I promise tonight we’ll stay in the same room.” She stands and adjusts her clothes. “Come on, let’s go eat.”

  We step out into the hallway where Keeg and Stoney are coming out of their bunks.

  Keeg looks up. “Is somebody cooking, or are we gonna ask Tanker to stop the bus?”

  I glance up at them. “No, let’s just cook. Tanker is trying to get us into Birmingham as soon as he can. His son is in college there, he’s coming to hang out and watch the show tonight.”

  They all nod, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. Ivie makes her way through the group of us. “Come on, fucktards, I’ll make some eggs and bacon.”

  Stoney laughs and pops her on the ass. “Get your ass in the kitchenette, little woman.”

  She spins around and nut checks him. “Just for that, I’m not making extra bacon for you.”

  He grabs her around the waist. “I’m just kidding. Please fix my extra bacon.”

  She shakes her head. “Get in there and sit down, guys. Play your damn Xbox or something and shut up.”

  They make their way into the sitting area while Ivie starts getting stuff out for breakfast. I step in the kitchenette area on my way and brush my hand on her ass. “Thanks.”

  Okay, I’m too old to be feeling like the giddy school girl that has finally gotten the attention of her crush. Here I am, though, feeling like I’m alive for the first time in months. Even being sore and bruised from Chad attacking me last night, I still feel good. Gable makes me feel safe. I don’t know what spurred Chad to attack me last night, other than being a horrible person, but the guys have assured me on this bus ride that he was arrested and is in jail.


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