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Secrets in the Lyrics

Page 8

by Sm Donaldson

  Ryder smiles at Scarlet. “So, how about y’all join us for dinner? Sounds like we have some celebrating to do. Do y’all have to stay until the other band finishes?”

  I shake my head. “No, we don’t, but you don’t have to do that, Ryder.”

  “I want to, this is a big deal. It’s important to Scarlet so it’s important to me.”

  Everyone else is walking out ahead of us. I look over at him. “Ryder, man I just wanted say that you seem okay. My sister really seems to like you and really seems happy.”

  He looks back at me. “I hope she is, man. She’s everything to me.”

  I understand that more than he knows. I slap my hand on his shoulder. “You’re a good guy, man, I’m glad you and Scar found each other.”

  We’ve been in Seattle for two weeks now. The weather here fucking sucks. I thought southern humidity was bad, this rain, snow, slush shit is for the birds.

  Rolling over and looking out the hotel window, it looks the same as it has for the past two damn weeks. However, getting to stay in a hotel rather than a damn bus is great.

  I look over at a still sleeping Gable, running my hand across his tattoos. God, he’s beautiful. I run my hand further down his chest, rubbing his abs, and he startles me by grabbing my hand.

  “Mmm. That’s a nice way to wake up.”

  I get up and straddle him. He smiles. “But this is better.”

  I lean down, taking his mouth with mine. Suddenly his phone begins to ring.

  I roll off of him. “Ugh!”

  “Who in the hell is calling my phone this early?”

  I laugh. “Hon, everyone else is on east coast time.”

  He picks up the phone. “Yeah.” He sits straight up. “What? When? How long since anyone has fucking talked to her? I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m finding a way out of here.” Jumping up, he throws the phone on the bed.

  “Gable, what in the hell is going on?”

  He’s throwing shit in a bag. I reach over and grab his arm. “Gable, stop and tell me what is going on. You’re scaring me.”

  “That was Cade, Scarlet is missing. Her car was left over night at the college. They called him before they towed it because his name is still second on the car title. She and Ryder had a fight, so he thought she was being stubborn and wouldn’t answer her phone. Cade called him this morning, and then he found her phone on the ground.” He stops and I can tell he’s getting upset.

  “Well, do they have anything else? Have they called the police?”

  He sits down, putting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. “Yeah, but they can’t really do anything because she’s an adult and they don’t have anything other than a dropped phone. I’ve gotta find a flight.”

  I put my hand on his. “Baby hold on, I’ll call Jana and see what we can come up with.”

  It’s been a few hours since Cade called this morning. Gable has been going crazy because we can’t get him a flight out for the fog. He’s trying to get a car and drive to another airport. I’ve got Keeg and Stoney helping me keep him under control.

  I got a frantic call from Whisper a few minutes ago saying they found her, but they were on their way to the hospital. I didn’t get much else before she said she had to go and she would call back as soon as she could.

  I walk over to Gable and the guys. Looking into his eyes. “Okay, your mom says they have her. They are taking her to the hospital for something. Whisper said she would call as soon as she knew more.”

  He stands up. “The hospital, what the hell?”

  Keeg grabs him by the shoulders. “Sit down, man. Your mom is going to call back soon. You gotta keep your shit together. Rex got them to reschedule the show for tonight. Just fucking keep it together. Scarlet has plenty of people there with her.”

  Just then his phone rings again. I grab it and see that it’s Cade. “Hello.”

  “Hey, is this Gable’s phone?”

  “Yeah, this is Ivie.”

  “Did Ryder or one of them get ahold of you guys about Scarlet?”

  “Yeah, do you know anymore?”

  “Just that she’s going to make it. I will be there in about an hour. How is Gable doing?”

  “Well, he’s going nuts because he can’t get a flight out. We are trying to keep him from tearing the place apart.”

  He sighs. “Let me talk to him.”

  I step back over to Gable. “Baby, Cade is on the phone. He wants to talk to you.”

  He takes the phone. “Yeah.” “So when will they know more?” “Okay I’ll try to calm down. Call me the minute you get there and find out more. I fucking mean it.” “Well, you weren’t the one who was all the way across the fucking country from her.” “Okay, I’ll settle down, just call me.”

  He sighs, sitting down on the sofa. “Fuck, I’m going crazy just sitting here.”

  I sit down by him and put my hand on his. I look up to the guys. “Hey guys, just give us a little bit, okay? Go grab us some food or something.” They nod and head out the door.

  I look over at him and pull him into my lap, rubbing the side of his face. “Hey, she’s gonna be okay. Scarlet is stronger than you give her credit for. It takes a badass to wreck someone’s car with an ax handle.”

  He kinda chuckles. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  I kiss his cheek. “Hey, you’ve been a great big brother. Plus, she’s at the hospital now and Cade is almost there.”

  We sit there for another hour. Stoney and Keeg brought us back some subs and I manage to get him to eat and take some headache medicine.

  Finally they call us to say that she’ll be fine, she has some broken and fractured bones. She was taken by an asshole that was friends with her ex. It was really a crazy story. If the cops don’t take care of that guy, I’d hate to see him when Cade and Gable get ahold of him. From the sounds of things, Ryder did a pretty damn good job on him.

  I think they’ve finally convinced Gable to stay put for a week until we go home for Christmas. I sent Keeg and Stoney back to their room. Gable talked to Scarlet on the phone, so he feels a little better now.

  He moves toward the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower, this has been a shit day.”

  I nod. After I hear the shower going, I slip out of my clothes and quietly go into the bathroom.

  I open the shower door. He looks up and I smile. “I figured you could use some help washing your back. I know I’ve got some areas that I could use some help with.”

  “Oh, really. How nice of you.”

  I wrap my arms around him, putting my head on his chest. “You’ve had the day from hell babe, I figured you could use a little extra TLC.”

  “How did I end up so lucky? You held me together today. When I first got that call this morning and I couldn’t get out of here, I thought was seriously going to lose my mind.”

  “Holding each other together is what we are supposed to do. Do you know how many times you guys have held me together? More times than I care to admit. It was my turn to be the strong one, and as long as I have you, I know I can do that.”

  He leans down take my mouth with his. “Babe, you have me as long as you want me. I told you before, it’s you, it’s always been you.”

  Going home for a week or so is definitely what I need. I’ve talked to Scarlet several times since she was hurt a little over a week ago. She’s getting better, still nursing some bones, but I need to see my little sister in the flesh.

  As we walk out of the security area, I see an older man holding a sign with my name on it. I’d arranged with Ryder for someone to come get all of us. I knew he was sending a guy named Nelson that works for them. I know Scarlet likes Nelson, she always talks about how sweet he is. I guess Ryder thinks of him like a second father. We all wanted to surprise our families by just showing up. Ryder had called me to tell me about his gift for Scarlet. He’d gotten her a promise ring and he wanted my whole family there for dinner at his house, so we were telling Scarlet that I’d been delayed and wouldn�
�t get in until late Christmas Eve. She was not happy, so I can only imagine when she sees my face tomorrow.

  I approach the man and he juts a hand out. “Hey, you must be Gable, I’m Nelson. How was the trip?” He asks as he’s shaking my hand.

  “It was good, not too many delays.”

  “Okay, well I drove the suburban from the farm so we should have plenty of room for everyone and their stuff.”

  We follow him out the door. I see a large white suburban with the Abbott Farms logo on the door. I stow mine and Ivie’s bags in the rear.

  I worry about her. This is the first time we’ve been home since that fucker beat her up so bad and since her attack while we were on the road. I’ve already told her she’s staying with me at my house. Not only do I want her there, but I need her there. I need to know that she’s safe, I need to feel her body against mine while I sleep.

  I had Nelson drop Ivie and me off at Stoney’s so we could grab her car.

  Once we are in her car, she looks around at the mess she’d left in it a few months ago. There’s a bloody towel she’d obviously wiped some of the blood with. I see her shake a little and I grab her hand. “Baby, it’s okay, we are going to clean out this car and get your shit unpacked somewhere.”

  She nods. “O-okay.”

  I take a deep breath, I know I’m about to have an argument with her. “So, I want you to come with me to Ryder’s tomorrow night for Christmas Eve.”

  “No, I’ve already told you I’m uncomfortable enough staying at your mom’s house.”

  “Look, you were my family before and especially now, even if we don’t put a label on it. Plus, Ryder told me to invite you.”

  She slumps back in the seat. “Fine.”

  Suddenly, my phone rings. “Hello.”

  “Hey man, it’s Rex. Merry early Christmas. I wanted to call you guys personally and let you know that your time in Seattle paid off. You guys were selected to be on a USO tour after the first of the year, so you’ll actually get a few extra days at home. If it’s possible, we want you to play your old bar before you leave home. That way you can drum up some support for the USO stuff, your hometown will promote the hell out of you. But you guys did it, you’re good to go. We’ve had the USO people contact to get your passports sped up, so you should be ready in a week or so.”

  “Holy Shit! Thanks Rex, man that is awesome. As soon as I hang up with you, I’m calling the guys to let them know.”

  “Good, I figured it’d be great to share with your families at Christmas, too. I know moms like to brag about their kids and all.”

  “Okay, good. You have a Merry Christmas Rex, and thanks again.”

  I whip into my driveway. As soon as I turn the car off, I’m out and pulling Ivie from her side. I’m slinging her around in the front yard like a mad man. “Gable, what the hell are you doing?”

  I fall to the ground with her in my arms still. “We did it! WE fucking did it!”

  “Okay, I know you were on the phone with Rex. What did he say?”

  “We just got booked on a USO tour after the first.”

  She squeals, hugging me so hard we fall down. “Holy shit!”

  I look up at her. “We gotta call the guys. You call Stoney, I’ll call Keeg.”

  We both scramble to get our phones. I know with all the screaming and squealing, the neighbors are wondering what the hell is going on. Luckily my mom won’t be home until in the morning. She doesn’t know I’m here either.

  Once we both hang up, I smile at her. She grabs me, shoving me back against the car. She’s running her hands up and down my shirt, kissing my neck. Our bodies are grinding against each other. I maneuver around and pick her up. “Babe, we can’t put on a show for the neighbors.”

  We make it just inside the front door before I slam the door and we start shredding clothes off. We devour each other with our mouths. I take her right up against the back of my mom’s sofa. It was rough, raw, lust, pure passionate sex.

  Her naked body slumps against me, the sweat on our bodies making us stick together. I adjust her so that her legs wrap around me and walk us back to my shower.

  Neither of us have said a word to each other since we were in my front yard.

  Once we are in the shower, she giggles against my chest. “Well, that’s one way to christen your mom’s house.”

  “Yeah, I guess it’s a good thing she wasn’t here, huh?”

  “Um yeah, I’d have made a hell of an impression, that’s for sure. Hey mom, you remember Ivie? Yeah, last time you saw her I wasn’t ramming my dick into her snatch. I’m sure she looks a little different this way.”

  Laughter rumbles through me. “Hey, it would have been worth it.” I look down at her. “That was fucking intense.”

  “Tell me about it, I think I’m going to have fabric burn on my ass from the couch.”

  For the next few minutes we wash each other, taking our time teasing each other. We make small talk and laugh together.

  Once we make our way to my bedroom I throw her one of my t-shirts and I slip on boxers. Normally we sleep mostly naked, but since I don’t know what time my mom is coming in tomorrow morning, we don’t need any surprises of that sort.

  She snuggles into my side after we crawl in bed. I kiss the top of her head. “Babe, are you nervous about being back around here?”

  She yawns and speaks sleepily. “Yeah, I guess. I mean, I know he probably won’t come back around me. It’s just thinking about it all, you know?”

  “Yeah, I get it. Let’s just get some sleep, don’t worry about him.”

  She nods, her breathing is heavier. I hear her whisper. I love you, Gable.

  I know I have a smile on my face so big right now, I look like a jackass eating briars.

  Christmas isn’t really my time of year, Mom left at Christmas, Dad got locked up around Christmas. So, imagine my surprise when my mother decides to call me this morning for Christmas Eve. Really, I mean did she want to reminisce that she’s a shitty mother who left a small child? We had a short conversation in which I pretty much told her some of the same things I told my father. She called me ungrateful and said I’d had it made living with my Aunt. I promptly told her to fuck off and hung up the phone.

  It always leaves me feeling empty and unwanted. I really don’t want to go with Gable tonight, but I also don’t feel like running off the only person who seems to care for me. I know Scarlet is going to question us again once we get there. I know she is really only looking out for her brother, and my past is more than questionable.

  Gable reaches for my hand. “Hey, don’t worry, okay? My mom was happy to see us together. Scarlet will be too, she just has to get used to the idea. I’ve never been serious about anyone before. I think she’s as worried that I’ll hurt you as much as she’s worried you’ll hurt me.”

  I nod. “I just really wish she hadn’t called me this morning. My psyche would have been a hell of a lot better.”

  “Hey, don’t think about her. She’s not worth your damn time. No more thinking about her today, okay?”

  He leans over and kisses me softly as we come to a stop in front of Ryder’s house. This damn place looks like something out of Gone With The Wind. I guess it is only fitting for Scarlet to be here then.

  I have to admit, I’m a little excited for Gable and Scarlet to see each other. I know the hell he went through when she was hurt. I can only imagine how scared she was, I know the day I left for the tour how scared I was.

  From the sounds of things she was beaten pretty badly, so I hope it doesn’t upset Gable too bad to see her.

  Gable knocks on the front door and she squeals as soon as she sees him. She welcomes us in and Ryder speaks to us.

  Ryder asks him to come out back and help with the steaks.

  He looks over at Ryder. “Sure, man. Ivie, you wanna come out with me or do you want to hang out with Scarlet?”

  I speak soft. “I’ll go with Scarlet.”

  He smiles. “Okay, good.”

  Following Scarlet into the kitchen, there are two other women in there. An older lady turns around.

  “Well, Scarlet, who is this pretty thing you’ve brought in here?”

  Scarlet laughs, “Ivie, this is Nana and Ms. Naomi. Ladies, this is Ivie, she’s in Gable’s band, and even though my brother isn’t admitting to anything, I’m pretty sure she’s his girlfriend.” My mouth drops open and she laughs. “Nana is Ryder’s grandma and the coolest old lady I know. Ms. Naomi is Nelson’s wife-.”

  “Oh, I met Nelson at the airport, he picked us up.”

  Scarlet puts her hands on her hips. “Oh, he did? That means that my love was wrapped up in this to his eyeballs.”

  She motioned for me to sit down across from her at the table, pouring me some sweet tea.

  I laugh. “Yeah, everyone wanted to surprise their families.” Taking a swallow of my tea. “Oh shit, I’ve missed this. Being in Seattle for almost a month and having to drink coke and stuff isn’t the same as a good ole’ glass of sweet tea.”

  Nana laughs, joining us at the table. “Yeah, honey, they don’t know what they’re missin’ up there. So, now are you going to be visiting your family while you’re home?”

  I see Scarlet tense. She knows part of my story.

  Come on, Ivie, you can handle this.

  “Um well, Ms. Abbott-.”

  She stops me, “Call me Nana or Nana Pearl. Ms. Abbott was my mother in law and she was a catty old bitch.”

  We all laugh. “Okay Nana, my mom ran off when I was young and my dad went to prison when I was about fifteen.”

  “What in the hell is wrong with these people these days? Running off leaving their kids, doin’ mess to get themselves locked up.” You could tell this all hit a nerve with Nana. She’s a feisty one, I like her.

  “So Scar, how are you doing? I see the cast, but what about everything else?”

  She shrugs. “A day at the time. Listen, thanks for keeping Gable under control that day. I know it was you, which is the reason I know there is more going on than friendship. I suspected it when we went to the show. After I found out how you took care of him and kept the phone line going between here and Seattle, I knew it.”


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