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Slenderbone (Paranormal First Time Erotica)

Page 2

by Gregor Daniels

  Finally, as my entire body ached from muscle contractions, and as my lover's fingers hit a sweet spot in my groin, I felt a dam burst inside of my loins. My torso convulsed and I screamed aloud as an incredible orgasm hit my entire body.

  "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I screamed, as my hips thrust into the air and on and off Jennifer's fingers, which still remained inside of me.

  She was relentless, keeping me on the edge, and I held my breath as each surge of pleasure was greater than the last, putting me on the verge of passing out had it not been for the constant barrage of subsequent orgasms.

  At last, when my body could no longer take another violent spasm, Jennifer's fingers slipped out of me, and I collapsed against the mattress, gasping for breath and wiping the hair out of my eyes.

  It was then, beneath my lover's weight, that I reveled in the soft warmth of the afterglow which spread throughout my limbs and core, calming my rapidly beating heart into a more manageable pace.

  The aroma of my sex now filled the room completely, leaving a distinct residue of the activities that occurred just minutes before.

  When I mustered enough energy to look up into my partner, I saw that she was busy sucking on her fingers, apparently licking the sweet release of my intimate folds.

  "You taste so good, this evening," she said, offering her slickened fingers to me, which I happily sucked on.

  We snuggled close, our warm bodies grinding together deeper into the night, as the sounds of students outside of our room became a long silence of an empty hallway.

  I never remembered being so comfortable and so relaxed before, but in the arms of my girlfriend, who held me tight against her body, I was quickly on the edge of falling into a deep sleep.

  We looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, not saying a word, and just taking in the moment.

  "We have to tell somebody at some point," she whispered. "We can't keep this a secret forever."

  Jennifer was right, even if I didn't want to admit it, and various options ran through my head on how to accomplish this.

  "I don't want to," I responded, remembering how conservative my family was, and how Alexia might handle me coming out to her. Regardless, with her visiting on some occasions, she was bound to find out anyway, whether by accident or intent.

  "We can keep it a secret forever," I whispered, still believing my ignorance to be true.

  Jennifer giggled, kneading at my breasts some more as we laid there.

  "Have you ever been with a man before?"

  It was an odd question, and certainly out of the blue, but nothing insulting, and I simply shook my head. Although I had been close a few times, Jennifer had been my first true guide into the world of sex, and this was the fourth or fifth time we had made love. Since then, she had never asked whether I had a previous relationship.

  Then, the strangest expression passed through my lover's face, a sign of worry and dread, like my answer had somehow frightened her. But then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone, and we were snuggling once more.

  "It'll be okay," she said.


  The rest of the week flew by, and Jennifer seemed distant from me. On a school night evening a couple of days after our intimate encounter, I tried to entice her into another erotic moment together, but she seemed disinterested and worried about other things. She claimed she had schoolwork to do, but I never saw her pick up a pencil or even read a textbook that night. It may have been that time of the month, so I didn't think too much about it.

  I was having my own second thoughts about the relationship, wondering if this was truly what I wanted and how the ramifications would affect my family life and closeness with other friends.

  As the weekend neared, I kept trying to call Alexia, but she never answered her phone or responded to texts. I feared that girl may have forgotten to pay her phone bill recently, and I desperately wanted to try to get movie finished as soon as possible. I know the actors were getting agitated by their director's sporadic appearances and changing personality.

  It was a quiet, Saturday night when my phone buzzed. Jennifer was gone for the night, and with no homework to do, I was relegated to the computer screen, browsing the internet. The sudden ringing nearly made me jump out of my chair, and I looked at the front to see who was calling. It was Alexia.

  "Hello?" I asked, putting the device to my ear.

  Silence. Only a distinct crackling of static every few seconds, as if the phone was being moved around.

  "Hello?" I asked again. No answer.

  As I was about to put the phone away, I heard a voice on the other end, female and barely audible. It was Alexia.

  "What's going on?"

  "Jamie," the voice said, hardly louder than a whisper. "Jamie, I need you to meet me at the park."

  "At this time of the night? Are we finishing the movie?" I started to grab my things and slip on my shoes with the phone still pressed against my ear.


  "Then what is it? Alexia?"

  There was a long, drawn out moment before I heard her voice again.

  "Please," she pleaded. "Please meet me in the park." She sounded distraught and worried, perhaps on the verge of tears.

  Before I could say anything else, the line went dead, and I grabbed my purse and headed for the door.


  The clock on the dash was well past eleven at night when I arrived at the deserted place, a park just on the edge of town. It was a fairly unremarkable landmark of the community, with a few paths through wooded areas, picnic tables for families, and a small playground.

  Alexia was already waiting for me as I got out of the car, holding a black jacket tight around her body.

  "Jamie," she said, coming closer to me. "There's something I need to show you."

  For a moment, I thought the girl to have gone mad, or maybe she was up to some devilish joke to scare me out in the middle of the night. Perhaps she was going to prank me with that Slenderbone crap again.

  "What is it? Couldn't it wait until tomorrow?"

  Alexia shook her head, and started walking in towards the wooded area of the park.

  "Where are you going?"

  "This way," she responded.

  It was blistering cold out here, much more than the center of campus. I found myself wrapping my arms around my body, shivering as I attempted to warm my torso up. The neckline of my sweater didn't come high enough to protect my face, as sharp gusts of wind stung my cheeks.

  I looked at the girl walking next to me, who appeared to be moving with the pace of a drone more than a human being, emotionless and without any sort of character I would come to expect from her.

  "Won't you tell me what's going on?" I asked again.

  "Not much longer now."

  While the moonlight offered some sort of luminance in the dark sky, the high branches and leaves of the forested area prevented that from being any sort of help. Now, it was darker than ever, with only an occasional street lamp next to a park bench to guide us along the sidewalk.

  "Look," I said. "If you're trying to scare me or something, just forget it. I don't believe in your Slenderbone stories, and I never will."

  While I turned to continue walking next to my friend, I heard a deep, raspy laugh coming from her mouth.

  "That's just the thing," she smiled, with piercing white eyes that seemed to glow without the help of any sort of light around us. "It's your turn."

  "For god's sakes Alexia, what are you talking about?" I stopped.

  "What? Did you think having sex with another girl would get you off the hook?"

  "Jesus. Look, is that what this is about? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep it from you. It's just that..."

  "I can feel him," she cut me off. "He's close."

  "Listen to me. Yes, Jennifer and I have been together for awhile. I was going to tell you when it seemed right to do so."

  "He's watching us, right now."

  I wanted to say more t
o her, but something stopped me. It was as if there was a pair of eyes, watching us from the tree line. Suddenly, I felt open and vulnerable, as the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up, and goose bumps formed all along my arms, filling the gaps between the ones there already from the cold weather.

  "I'm sorry it had to come to this," Alexia said, looking me in the eye. "But, like any other girl, you had your chance."

  "God, would you stop talking like you're crazy? If this is one of your spooky tales to scare me with, I told you. I'm not falling for it."

  "Like I said," she started, her eyes focusing on something behind me. "It's not a tale."

  Perhaps it was the bright white of her eyeballs, or the distinct feeling of something standing behind me, but, with shaking limbs and deep breaths, I turned on toes that struggled for balance.

  Amongst the row of dark shadows, and the outline of trees beyond the sidewalk, I saw nothing but the movement of branches, and the dancing moon behind swaying leaves. My eyes darted between the tree trunks, scouring the horizon for movement. It was too dark to make out anything, and for as long as I squinted into the distance, I still felt like someone was watching us.

  Then, something grabbed my attention off to the right and just beyond the concrete path. I saw a shape moving behind the trees, gliding along in the shadows. It was slow as I watched it, a towering figure of inhuman heights, but truly organic and not a fixture of the surrounding environment. With each pass out into the open, I saw a hint of his body, like a part of the arm or the shoulder, before he disappeared behind a tree and never came out from the other side. The figure was much too large to hide behind the trunk, so it was as if he simply vanished.

  "Did you...see that?"

  I turned, expecting to find Alexia standing behind me, only there was nobody around. The path was empty as far as I could see.

  "Alex!" I cried out, cupping my shivering hands around my mouth to amplify the sound. Only, after a few yells, I heard nothing of any sort of response. "Goddamnit.”

  As I frantically looked for my friend in the wavering darkness and looming shadows of the park, I felt an increasing need to turn around, as if someone...or something was right behind me. It was that feeling like being chased in a dream, with a predator right on my heels. Only, no matter how hard I tried and how fast I ran, I could never get away. But, as far as I could tell, this wasn't a dream.

  He was human in proportion, but far above any man I had ever seen before. It took me a moment to differentiate him from the backdrop of tall trees and limbs, but once my eyes focused on the gargantuan figure that stood on the sidewalk, not more than twenty feet away, I screamed and turned to run.

  As soon as my body rotated to bolt down the path, I ran into something standing between me and an escape. My head slammed into something hard, and I stumbled backward, landing on my ass on the cold concrete. For a moment, I still feared the thing behind me, and I hurriedly prepared to stand up and run. Except, he had already caught up, and was standing just inches in front of me.

  "Jesus Christ! What the fuck!"

  He was a man. But, as much as the devil himself could look like a human being, he wasn't really a man more than his general appearance pretended to be.

  Suddenly, I felt a piercing headache, like a drill was forcing itself into my scalp, grinding against the very bone that kept my brain intact. The streetlight next to me flickered, as the figure appeared and disappeared into the overwhelming darkness with each flash.

  "No," I panicked. "No!" I screamed. "You can't be real!"

  Through the pulsing pain surging through my head, and with blurry eyes, I traced his figure, standing over me by what seemed to be the height of a small house. He was wearing a suit, like a businessman, perfectly framed for his incredible body, and inhumanly proportioned for a man of his stature. Even though he wore something that a man might have adorned, that's where the similarities stopped.

  I looked up into his face, desperate to see the eyes of my attacker as I slowly crawled backwards, dragging my body along the path. This man...No, this creature had nothing of the sort. No mouth, no eyes, no discernable features on his face except a skeletal structure of a human being. There were no openings to breathe, and none to see with.

  I screamed as loud as I could, straining my voice as an arm reached out to grab me, an alien-like appendage that must have been as long as I was tall.

  When his fingertips touched my head, I instantly stopped moving, completely halting my body on the earth beneath him.

  From the moment his flesh and bone were near my face, a strange scent entered my nostrils. It was something that frightened the very core of my body and scared the last remaining wisps of courage that remained. Death.

  "No," I panted, my voice giving in to some invisible force that encapsulated my entire body, chilling the bones in my legs and freezing my arms at my sides, preventing them from diverting the intruder's grasp upon my head. It was as if my body was giving into his intentions, relaxing for whatever came next.

  Slenderbone. It was a creature that dominated the crest of my wildest imaginations, something which I never believed to be as real as the cold gusts of air upon my body, or the hardness of the pathway beneath my rear. Now, I was questioning my own perception of reality, wondering if this was a figment of my imagination, or the worst encounter that a young woman could ever wish to be true.

  There was no pulse in his hand, as his pale fingertips glided along my cheek and underneath my chin. No hints that this man was truly a living animal, or just a representative of hell itself. Maybe he was a demon, coming to take my soul for the underworld, punishing me for my sins.

  Each time his long, pale digit scraped along my skin, I felt a spark between his hand and my body, and the fears that swept through my mind were erasing with each passing second. It was like this creature had some sort of hypnotic trance, like a supernatural tranquilizer passing through my body. In just a few moments, the incredible fear and anxiety washed away into relaxation and calming.

  I could still feel my conscious deep down inside, but it was buried beneath a pile of forced emotions, like a dam keeping my will to escape trapped far down below. I knew I wanted to run for my life, to never look back behind me. Only, the will to do so never passed into my legs and arms. I was merely a slave to his touch, a submissive partner as his next victim.

  As I watched below, his fingers moved down farther, to the front of my chest where it encountered my hidden bosom. It paused, and started to feel and grasp at the flesh behind my sweater.

  For the first time, I got a clear look of his hands. They were long and spindly, nearly twice the length of my own and equally bigger, with a palm that could crush my skull if he willed it to.

  Only, the hands that touched my chilled body were not of the sort of a killer or murderer. They were gentle, soothing, and strangely warm, even if unshielded to the blistering cold of our surroundings. It was as if there was a radiating heat within him, a fire burning so hot that even the coldest winds could not douse it. It was a small detail which made me shudder with his touch against my breasts. It wasn't because of fear, but of arousal.

  In one quick swoop, Slenderbone's hand was down the front of my sweater and busy caressing my bosom, which had slowed considerably from a frantic heaving just minutes before. I felt his fingertips push beneath the cups of my bra, squeezing at the flesh that filled the undergarment, and focusing on my nipples. They quickly became hard as they were touched and tweaked, sending sparks all along my body.

  "No," I squeaked out one last time, feeling my mind fight for its right to exist behind a burden of new emotions. No longer was I fighting for my own survival or struggling to flee this hellish place. No, as my arms relaxed and my legs spread open ever so slightly, I was welcoming it.

  With one more tweak of my sensitive flesh, a moan escaped my lips. Perhaps I was truly under a spell now, or fighting just plain madness, but I didn't regret it. I followed it up with another, and then another eve
n louder than the first two. His hand had expert precision, grabbing and pinching the swollen tissue with the experience of a lover who knew how to appease a girl's arousal, and then some.

  While I was too concentrated on the sensations coming from my chest, I barely recognized my pants being unbuttoned and another hand snaking its way down the front of my jeans. It was so slow and calculated that I jumped whenever I felt a finger pull aside the waistband of my panties and graze against my most intimate region.

  Deep down, a part of me knew I should be scared for my life in this situation, fighting for my dignity and defending against a creature who was interested in nothing more than having sex with me. But, those worries were hidden deep behind the squeals of pleasure coming from my mouth and echoing in the dense woods.

  I looked into his face, in the dark recessed shadows where his eyes would have been if he had a pair. I wondered how he could see like this, or how Slenderbone knew where he was at or what he was doing.

  "Oh god," I moaned, biting my lip.

  Given his absurd presence and abilities, there was a definite supernatural spark to his existence. Even with his otherworldly figure and impressive stature, he knew what he was doing. Without the senses to see or even breathe, it appeared, his methods were well-memorized and excruciatingly complex, although sensual and experienced. It barely crossed my mind that this was perhaps not his first time.

  I was bucking my hips now, involuntarily meeting the advances of his fingers against my warm snatch. He had started slow, just teasing the outer folds of my lower lips and touching the sensitive skin just near my clit, as Jennifer had many times. Then, as my pleasure peaked to a new height, he plunged a finger deep into my darkest recess of my anatomy, causing me to quiver with carnal desire and literally shake in overwhelming sensations.

  Even experiencing sex with my girlfriend numerous times, some bringing me to shattering orgasms, this was different in every way.

  With one quick jerk, his entire hand was down between my legs, with a couple of fingers penetrating my moist folds, pumping in and out as my heart raced. My screams sent a flock of birds scattering in the distance, flying away as a girl cried out in pure lust.


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