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Slenderbone (Paranormal First Time Erotica)

Page 3

by Gregor Daniels

  My pussy was so tight, barely stretching to accommodate his incredible fingers. Even as they pushed in and out of me, the inner walls felt as if they were stretched to the limit, causing a hint of pain deep in my loins that was only masked by incredible pleasure.

  Suddenly, I felt myself move off the ground. For a moment, I thought the supernatural being had lifted me with his arms, but there was still a hand down the front of my bra, pinching my nipples which were damn near raw. The other was still busy, fingering my womanhood. Rather, I was levitating off the earth itself, floating up into the air a few feet as he continued to please my aching body.

  I looked down at my side, seeing the concrete far underneath my floating shoulders, and my hair flying in the breeze that passed under my back. Slenderbone walked next to me as I glided off to the side of the path, into the dark shadows and blackness of the forest around us.

  Through all of this, as since this encounter started, I felt nothing but deep relaxation. While my heart pumped furiously within my writhing body, shaking during each touch down below or caress of my breasts, I still felt at ease.

  Not long into the wooded area, we stopped, and I watched as my pants were pulled down by some invisible force, discarded to the grass below.

  The figure still had his hand down my panties, and they, too, travelled down my legs like the pair of underwear was alive as well, clearing my feet and falling to the earth beneath us.

  With my sheer lower nudity, I should have been freezing with the chilly winds hitting my body. But, I was nothing of the sort. Rather, a warm cocoon shrouded my body, protecting it in a soothing warmth that filled every crevice and fold of my shuddering form.

  Just above, I stared into the dark abyss of the night sky, watching as the stars glimmered behind the tree tops, dancing and disappearing with each second.

  Then, as my legs were spread and the body of my captor moved in closer, I felt something press against the groin of my soaking snatch. I didn't need to look to see what it was, but instead, I knew by the instant the head pressed against my opening.

  Whether it was by the touch of Slenderbone's hands against me, or some other dark power between us, I knew of his intentions right then in the middle of the trees, in the darkness that separated us from the outside world. Yet, I wasn't afraid.

  A whimper escaped my lips as he gently forced the folds apart, and my whole body jerked suddenly as his cock entered, pushing into the deep recess of my burning pussy. The act was so gradual and smooth that I felt not a thing from my deflowering.

  I cried out again as his long fingers encircled my quivering thighs, taking me with long, deep strokes. While I was accustomed to sex and the use of toys, I had never felt anything like this. To have a man's dick inside of me was something else entirely, even if that man was nothing but a shade of humanity in form only. Nonetheless, his cock felt as every bit as real as the ones I had seen, thrusting into my glistening folds effortlessly, as if it was the perfect size.

  "Jesus," I cried out, looking at the tall, dark figure between my legs, barely illuminated. A shudder raced through me as he picked up the pace, pumping into my body with a rhythmic force that caused every limb to tingle.

  Through the deep dizziness and overwhelming pleasure that clouded my mind, I tried to focus on the being that was taking my virginity.

  "What are you..." I trailed off, before feeling another surge pass through my body, causing my midsection to arch and my toes to curl.

  While my partner had no mouth to respond with, I felt a sort of response through his touch against my skin. Images flashed through my mind. They were undecipherable at first, a grand puzzle of mixed colors and emotions until finally, the last spark unlocked everything.

  Slenderbone was a creature not of this world, and his origins I could not comprehend. But, he made clear to me that his single, unifying purpose on this planet was to take the virginity of young women, the very story I had heard and chosen to ignore many times over.

  I would have pondered the flashes in my head more had it not been for my current predicament, his cock burrowing itself inside of me.

  "Oh," I panted, my whole body vibrating with each push of his groin as his manhood continued to stretch my inner walls.

  Time seemed to freeze as I briefly looked into the face of my partner, this being of sexual energy. In the darkness, I completely forgot about everything that was happening, and simply stared to the dark ridges and contours of his face and structure.

  He had the bone formations for eyebrows, the ridge for a nose, although his face lacked any sort of hair or blemish. The area for his nostrils was sealed off completely, entirely smooth and devoid of any indentation. Likewise, he had not a single slit for his mouth, or a hint of lips or that an opening existed. It was as if this was a man wearing a pair of pantyhose over his head, completely smoothing over his features. Only, his skin tone was the same pale as the rest of his flesh, a faded gray with a bare hint of tan.

  He towered over me, standing alike the trees that surrounded us, a tall, lanky figure. Then, I looked down, past the tops of my heaving chest and crest of my stomach, between my legs. I could not make out his maleness from this angle, but what I could see was his naked groin pushing deep between my thighs.

  "Jesus!" I screamed, flailing around at anything to grab onto. A branch, post, anything to support my body as an incredible pleasure speared through my core. My overwhelming anxiety had transformed into a deep frenzy of need for release.

  As the fire began to burn hotter than ever inside of my abdomen, the very act of being fucked by this supernatural creature seemed to last an eternity. Hours went by it felt, even days with him pounding away inside of me. It had continued on for so long that I feared my head would no longer remember who I was.

  Then, as I stared into the full moon, long away in the night sky, it finally happened. A sudden surge made my body convulse into the beginnings of orgasm.

  "Oh my god! Oh shit!" I cried out, writhing in the air, twisting and turning as my body exploded into a mind-numbing climax. Juices seeped out of my snatch and onto the soil below.

  Slenderbone must have been close too, or maybe it was just a command of will, but he soon followed. I felt his seed shoot into the dark corners of my womanhood, coating the inner walls with his warm release.

  Spurt after spurt erupted from his cock, until I felt him soften and slip out of me.


  I heard a noise, far off in the distance. It sounded like the wind howling, rustling through the branches and leaves which caused a racket of sounds. Then, the footsteps on the earth caught my attention, the crunching of leaves and bushes of someone moving through the underbrush.


  As my mind cleared from the peak of climax, I realized it to be a person's voice. Whether male or female, I could not tell. I looked down, seeing the ground well beneath my floating form. Then, I turned, staring once more between my legs, or rather the absence where the being of my virgin desires stood not seconds before.


  As if he had vanished completely, there was nothing but a definite absence between my thighs, a lingering space where the creature once stood. I could only feel the heat of his short presence, still surrounding my body in a comfortable warmth.



  I woke to the dawn of a new day, and to the grinning smile of a person standing over me.

  "My god, Jamie. Did you get drunk last night or something?"

  My eyes searched around, looking for the forest or the darkness of the night that seemed to be reality just moments before. Instead, all I saw was the familiar room of my dormitory, and the scantily clothed female figure of my roommate.

  "Hm?" I muttered, coughing and wiping the dried saliva from the corners of my mouth.

  "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

  I looked to the window, seeing the bright sunlight through the cracked blinds. It must have been past lunchtime by now, well into t
he Sunday afternoon.

  "What happened?"

  Jennifer giggled. "What do you mean? I left to go to church and came back, and you were still asleep. I remember you being gone last night, and from the looks of things, you had one hell of a party."

  "God," I sighed, slumping into the pillows once more, and staring up to the ceiling. "I feel like I haven't slept at all."

  My girlfriend snorted. "Well, I was hoping we could have some fun today." I looked over to her twirling a lock of her hair. "You know, like we usually do," she smiled.

  While I was fond of the intimate encounters with my girlfriend, especially on a lonely weekend, there were other things on my mind at that moment. Crazy, unimaginable things of a dream, or a twisted reality. I wasn't quite sure which.

  "I'm not feeling it right now, babe," I said, to which my roommate sighed. I hadn't meant to ruin her appetite for sex at the moment, but I just wasn't feeling up for it.

  "Maybe later," she giggled, showing a hint of her cleavage as she bent over. "These babies can be all yours."

  Then, she was gone, off to study or hang out with her other friends. I was alone to my thoughts for the moment, reveling in the mystery of last night.

  As I got up from my tired slump, the door opened and Jennifer returned again. This time, she had a box in her hands.

  "Here's something. I think it's for you," she said, appearing puzzled by the blank nature of the box. "It was left by the door."

  "Oh!" I gasped, taking the delivery from her hands. "I forgot. Alexia wanted me to doing some editing this weekend, and get some of the movie cut for her."

  "Not a lot of the weekend left to do much, don't you think?" Jennifer laughed.

  "Yeah," I sighed, as the very mention of my friend's name brought up negative images in my head, specifically of last night.

  "Have fun, then," my girlfriend said, before exiting the door a second time.

  Yawning one last time, I got up and headed for my computer desk, grabbing a pair of scissors from a drawer. I also realized that my appearance had changed completely from when I remembered last; I was wearing a typical night shirt and a pair of pajama pants like I normally wore to bed. I must have changed before going to sleep last night, but the memory of doing so simply wasn't there.

  Inside the box were a mass amount of filming tapes, all from Alexia's camcorder. Given the amount of footage we had shot, I expected there to be at least ten or fifteen, but that number was a big underestimate.

  Fifty I counted on the first search, even finding more buried down below after a more thorough count. How had she amassed so many? Each tape held a couple hours of footage, so the sheer amount of video in this box was astronomical. Way more than she had held the camera.

  After I started to take the tapes out, setting them aside in an orderly fashion, I realized there was more than one type. Some had the dates and locations written on the side, from where we had filmed on the day, and who was in the footage. Others were blank, except for a number, hastily written in black ink.

  As I set the movie tapes to the side, I left the other remnants in the box. Every one of them had a numerical indicator on the side, as if there was a certain order for them to be played. Maybe Alexia had filmed extra footage to be in the movie. It wouldn't be the first time she had done something without permission, such as changing an actress in between days and causing us to reshoot stuff.

  But, I couldn't comprehend her shooting this much by herself. Where did she find the time to produce all this? Regardless, if it didn't have to be about the movie then she probably wouldn't have sent them all to me.

  Sighing heavily at the work ahead of me, I gathered the tapes with the dates and set them near the computer, while the box of the rest unidentified tapes I laid near the television.

  After putting on a modest pair of clothes, I set to work on sorting through the mess of tapes in the box. Each one of them had a strange residue encrusted on the surface, like they had been sitting for awhile. As I fumbled with them in my hands some more, checking for scratches and other weird markings, they also started to emit a strange odor. It took me a moment to recognize the stench that came from the objects, but as soon as it started to bring up memories from last night, I immediately connected it with one very specific being.

  I don't know how long I sat there, contemplating what to do next. The tape in my hand was the first in the series, marked by a 1 on the side of the plastic.

  Finally gathering a formidable amount of courage, I hooked the camera up to the television and pushed the first tape into the slot.

  "Here goes nothing."


  Gregor Daniels is an erotica author favoring fantastic fetishes, such as gender bending, transformations, growth, bimbos, dickgirls, and more. Want to read more? Search for Gregor Daniels on Amazon, or follow the link to his author page.

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