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Enticed (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 3)

Page 4

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  He gave a short laugh, “We always have a bonfire to announce our engagements,” he said and gave me a crooked grin, “When that happens, you will officially be engaged to me.”

  I nodded as his words sunk in. He rose from the bench and held his hand out to me. I reached forward and took it, becoming more and more familiar with his hand in mine. As we walked toward Lilly’s home, I took a deep breath as I thought of my future marriage.

  Chapter Four


  Lilly frowned as Luc stepped forward and unlocked the padlock which held the two large double doors of the barn closed. She was rubbing her arms as she glanced at me with a raised brow.

  “Are you sure that you want to do this?” She asked, wincing as she moved her gaze to the doors and bit her bottom lip.

  “Will there be blood?” I asked. Her reactions were making me nervous and I was suddenly afraid of what I would find. She stopped rubbing her arms and shrugged.

  “I haven’t been in there,” she said as her face darkened, “I didn’t even realize this barn existed until today.”

  Luc turned back to me and shook his head, “No,” he said, giving Lilly a narrowed look full of warnings, “Your parents weren’t killed in the motor home and where they were killed was cleaned so well that there is no chance that you’ll ever find it.”

  I released a breath, “Then, I want to do this,” I said, raising my chin. Lilly grasped my hand in hers and squeezed it briefly as Luc turned and pulled open the doors. Dust flew around us and I waved my hand in front of my face as I waited for it to settle.

  I blinked at the first sight of the home I had lived in my entire life. My breath was driven from me and I had to take a step back. A tremble worked its way from my head to my feet as I released Lilly’s hand and took an unsteady step forward as I gazed up at the back of the home. My eyes raised to the window that served as the back windshield, trying to imagine what awaited me inside.

  Luc stepped beside me and took my free hand. He gazed into my eyes and frowned, “There is nothing gory in there,” he said, squeezing my hand slightly, “Only memories live there now and those were mostly good, right?”

  I forced myself to take a deep breath and nodded my head, “Yes,” I whispered, “They were.”

  “Then, keep those in mind when going in there,” he said, giving me a small smile, “Not anything else.”

  He almost released my hand but I grasped it, holding onto it like a lifeline, “Stay with me,” I said, suddenly afraid to be without him.

  “Of course,” he said, walking with me to the door. He took the key and unlocked the door with one hand and pulled it back.

  The scent of potpourri and cedar drifted to me and I inhaled taking in the familiar scent of my home. I took another deep breath sensing my mother and father near me as Luc led me up the darkened steps. The sound of the generator starting drifted to me and a moment later, the home was flooded in light.

  Tears sprang to my eyes as I glanced around. Memories of my mother in the kitchen or my father driving assaulted me. I could see them everywhere and I had to shut my eyes against the memories.

  “Perhaps it’s too soon,” Lilly whispered behind me. She rubbed my shoulder in soothing circular patterns and I let out a breath I didn’t realize that I was holding.

  I shook my head and forced my eyes opened, “It’s not,” I said, releasing Luc’s hand to step forward and caress a blanket thrown on the couch. It was my mother’s favorite. I moved further back, past the bunk beds where I slept to my parent’s room. Lilly followed me as Luc began to check the motor home for any problems. When I reached the room, I inhaled again. Their scent was all around me.

  I walked to their bed and touched the pillows as I tried to remember every moment I had spent with them. I touched my mother’s brush laying on the dresser and her bottle of perfume before picking it up and spraying some into the air. Lilly stood quietly by watching me in heartbroken silence. Finally, I turned to her and gave her a smile.

  “Are you okay?” She asked as she studied my face.

  Slowly, I nodded my head, “Yes,” I whispered, “It’s just…I remember them more clearly here.”

  She gave me a sad smile, “How could you not?” She asked, taking a step toward me, “Is there anything I can do?”

  I nodded, “Will you help me go through their closet?” I whispered, “My mother had some things she wanted me to wear at my wedding in there. I want to make sure that I do that.”

  “Sure,” she said, going to the closet and opening the door. She narrowed her eyes as she glanced around before slowly pulled down a box labeled with my name, “Maybe they are in here.”

  She sat the simple white box on the bed. I stared at it for a few moments, caressing the lid before I slowly opened it. I nodded as I pulled the pearls from it and moved my fingers over the small, firm orbs, “Those are beautiful,” Lilly said, gazing at them.

  “They were my grandmother’s,” I said, pulling the matching earrings from the box, “So were these.”

  I pulled a small bracelet and a bit of fabric out. Beneath that were clothes I had worn as a baby, “I’ll take this with me,” I said as I put everything back in the box the way I had found it.

  Lilly nodded as she stood walking back to the closet to close it when she paused. She tilted her head and then, frowned. Slowly, she reached back into the closet and pulled my mother’s wedding gown from the darkness. Plastic protected the delicate fabric beneath.

  “May I?” Lilly asked and I nodded my head. She pulled the plastic from the dress and stared with the tips of her fingers touching her lips.

  My mother had always had exceptional taste in clothes. Her wedding dress was no different. It was elegant with an empire waistline. The sleeves were short and off the shoulder. The veil was of simple elegant lace and was fingertip length.

  “This is beautiful,” She said and then, smiled at me, “It’s a shame that it’s been tucked away for so long.”

  I swallowed over the lump in my throat, “Yes, it is,” I whispered in a hoarse voice as I reached forward and allowed the silky fabric to move through my hands. I blinked a tear from my eye as I glanced back at Lilly, “I’ve always secretly wanted to wear it on my wedding day. I was never able to ask my mother.”

  “Mary Jane, I think she would have loved that,” Lilly said and gave me an absolutely wonderful smile, “I think you should wear it to honor her.”

  I pulled the dress to me, “Do you think so?” I asked, biting my bottom lip.

  “I do,” she said and then, grinned, “Besides, Aurora will love you for it. She hates shopping.”

  I blinked as I gazed down at the fabric. For a moment, I imagined my mother’s smiling face.

  Slowly, I rose my head and my eyes widened, “How am I going to get it out of here without Luc seeing it?” I asked, “He’s not supposed to see the dress before the wedding, is he? Isn’t it supposed to be bad luck?”

  Lilly gave a short laugh, “Don’t worry about that,” she said with a shrug, “I’m sure between Aurora, Sophia, Mirella and myself we can take care of it.”

  I gazed down at the dress and then, back up at Lilly smiling as I held the dress to me happy that I had found a link to my parents on my wedding day.


  Lilly was true to her word. By the time I woke the next day, my mother’s dress was hanging in her closet. I nearly cried with relief when I saw it.

  “You are amazing,” I said gazing at Lilly with wide eyes.

  She grinned, “It wasn’t just me,” she said, laughing, “Mirella and Aurora helped too but I’ll take the credit.”

  I laughed, “Thank you,” I said, placing my hand on my chest, “You have no idea how much it means to me.”

  Her eyes widened, “I have an idea,” she said and then, shrugged one shoulder, “But it wasn’t any trouble. Even if it was, we would have done it anyway.”

  I nodded, believing her instantly as she pointed upwards as if she had just
remembered something. She turned to the closet again and pulled out a sundress and little white sandals. She handed them to me and I frowned.

  “Sophia bought them for you. They’re for your engagement party,” she said with a grin, “It will be tonight…A bonfire.”

  I blinked. Luc had been right. His mother had arranged the bonfire in less than twenty-four hours. She had even bought me the clothes I would wear. The woman was amazing.

  Lilly was watching me closely, “I realize how quick all of this is happening,” she said, meeting my eyes, “But you’ll get used to it. Sophia is always like this.”

  “She just amazes me,” I said with a short laugh.

  “Me too,” Lilly said and then, shrugged, “But because she’s so efficient, we have all day to primp,” Lilly grabbed my hands, “So, come on. Let’s be girls.”

  I nodded as I laughed, “Let’s,” I said allowing her to pull me to a chair where she insisted on doing my hair and make-up. Hours later, I stood in front of a mirror staring at a girl I had thought that I lost when my parents died. I took a deep breath, hoping that everyone would see her too.

  As darkness fell, Marco arrived and I was left by myself in the living room while Lilly “helped him dress”. My stomach twisted into knots as my mind registered that I would be officially engaged to Luc by the end of the night. The reality of that caused me to wonder things that I hadn’t thought of since the journey to Timbly Mountain.

  What if Luc didn’t want to marry me? He had never said that he didn’t but he had never given any indication that he did either. Though he had been gentle with me, he had never shown more than that. He hadn’t said anything to cause me to consider that he was attracted to me. Yes, he had comforted and protected me but nothing more than that.

  I tried to push the thoughts away but my mind wouldn’t let them go. My heart began to pound as I sat in the chair biting my bottom lip. I nearly broke the skin when a knock sounded at the door. I blinked as I rose and made my way across the room to answer it. When I pulled open the door, I found Luc standing in front of me. He was dressed casually in a light green shirt that matched the lightest shade of his eyes and jeans that hung low on his hips. My eyes rose to his face finding that he was staring at me with wide eyes. I shifted as I tried to discern what he was thinking before a slow crooked grin touched his lips, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

  “Wow,” he whispered and I blushed as he tilted his head and said as if amazed, “You are beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered as I moved aside to let him in but instead he stopped in front of me and stared down into my face.

  “No need to thank me for the truth,” he said as his eyes met mine. I felt the color rise further in my face.

  Slowly, he reached down and caressed my cheek and he pursed his lips, “I think I like it when you blush,” he said as his grin widened, “I will have to try to get you to do more often.”

  I swallowed as my stomach began to flip pleasantly. He was close…really close. I couldn’t think clearly. He leaned even closer as my heart began to thud against my ribs. He pressed his lips to my forehead leaving them there for a long moment before backing away with a sigh. His eyes met mine again. He leaned forward again and I understood that he was going to kiss me.

  Lilly coughed behind us, stopping his progress. We both straightened and turned. She had one brow raised, “Are you ready to go?” She asked with a wide grin.

  I nodded quickly, “Yes,” I said, blushing even further as Luc gripped my hand.

  I allowed him to pull me through the door as he mumbled something about Lilly. Her laughter rang out behind us as Luc turned to glance over his shoulder, giving her a narrowed look. Marco raised his brows and Luc turned to gaze forward as we made our way toward the orange glow coming from the middle of the field.

  I was silent as we walked to the large pit. The bonfire blazed as we entered the circle. Everyone from the park was there dancing or eating or talking. Laughter rang out around us and I sighed. It had been so long since everything wasn’t drenched in grief that I had forgotten how wonderful it was to be around pure mirth. I smiled as my soul lifted.

  “It’s nice to see you smile,” Luc said and I turned to see him staring at me with his eyes bright from the fire.

  “It feels good to smile after everything,” I said as he pulled me closer to his side.

  He smiled at me and then, nodded, “I think I like it more than seeing you blush.”

  As if on cue, I blushed again and he raised his brows as he reached forward and touched my cheek. I forced my gaze up to his face. His face darkened and he bit his bottom lip as his name was called. His eyes remained on me for a long moment before he turned to find who summoned him.

  It was Tamas who was walking toward us with a man following close behind him. This was a man I had not met before. He was tall and muscled with black hair and silver eyes. He was handsome but in a dangerous way that caused me to take a step back as he approached. Instantly, the smell of a werewolf surrounded me.

  Luc hugged his brother and then, turned to the man giving him a handshake and a grin. Luc glanced at me and then, the man.

  “This is Garridan,” Luc said, releasing the man’s hand to wave toward him.

  My eyes widened as I recognized his name and instantly, I relaxed, “You were the one chosen for Aurora by her father.”

  The man nodded before wincing, “I hope she told you the rest of the story.”

  “She did,” I said, reassuring him as I smiled, “She was lucky that it was you.”

  His eyes darkened in sadness, “Yes, I suppose she was,” he said, shifting slightly before adding, “I’m sorry about your parents.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, trying to push the sadness away. Luc’s hand squeezed mine in reassurance.

  Then, he shook the man’s hand again before pulling me along toward his parents. Sophia seemed frantic as she glanced around obviously searching for us. A smile spread across her face when she spotted us and pointed us out to Gavriel who was standing near her.

  “You’re running late,” Sophia said with a raised brow.

  “I’m sorry, Mother,” he said and rolled his eyes, “I’m sure that everyone has waited patiently. After all, this is a party in our honor.”

  Sophia narrowed her eyes dangerously but Gavriel stepped in, “Maybe we should announce the engagement,” he said, winking at me.

  I smiled as I nodded glad to stop the arguement, “That’s a good idea.”

  Luc leaned toward me, “You must really want to marry me,” he said, glancing toward his mother, “You just saved my life.”

  “I doubt she’d kill you over being late,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Do not ever doubt my mother,” he said, laughing. I glanced toward Sophia and nodded because suddenly, she seemed more dangerous. Luc laughed as he pulled me closer to him as we walked to the bonfire.

  We stopped in front of the barrier which surrounded the pit and faced the crowd. Gavriel’s voice boomed gaining everyone’s attention. My hand tightened around Luc’s as everyone turned to us.

  “This is a joyous occasion after a bit of darkness,” he said and then, glanced toward me and Luc, “We are about to welcome this beautiful girl, Mary Jane into our family in just a few days. With Luc and Mary Jane’s marriage it will merge my family with the great family of my dearest friends. We are so happy to have you here as we welcome our new daughter.”

  Luc gazed down at me and a smile had just begun to spread across his lips when I heard a sound like someone taking a quick breath. Luc’s eyes widened in pain as he grasped his chest. I frowned confused at the expression of pain on his face as he bent his head. I followed the motion and blinked, horrified. An arrow stuck out of his ribs, shivering with each beat of his heart. I shook my head, trying to deny what I saw before me but I couldn’t as he stumbled forward. A scream broke from between my lips as he fell in front of me.

  Chapter Five

  The Choices a
nd the Consequences

  I shook as I struggled to catch my breath as I stared down into Luc’s face. My heart trembled as I sank beside him and grabbed his hand in mine, hoping that he would sense my presence amongst the chaos of people searching for help. Tears fell from my unblinking eyes as I tried to find some way to save him. Sophia’s cries reached me as I shook my head trying not to give into the panic.

  “No,” I whispered as I trembled. I tried to force my mind to do something but I still did not know what that was. His hand tightened around mine and my heart clenched as every kindness he had ever committed for me came to mind. Desperation took me as I begged him over and over again to stay with me.

  “Please don’t die…Please,” I sobbed as my tears fell from my face onto him.

  Tamas knelt beside Luc as his eyes began to close. I would have screamed if Tamas hadn’t spoken, giving me the hope I did not have moments before, “There’s a way,” He said with wide eyes. I blinked as I pulled my gaze from Luc’s face to look at Tamas. I swallowed hard. His voice was hoarse as he continued, “It will save him but only you can do it.”

  Luc’s eyes had closed and his breathing had become labored. The shivering arrow had nearly stopped. In that moment, I didn’t care what it was. I wanted to save him.

  “Anything,” I said, raising my eyes to meet Tamas’. My heart pounded in desperate need as I held my breath, waiting for him to tell me what I could do.

  “The blood bond,” he said, shifting, slightly as he gazed down at his brother before returning his gaze to me. His chin rose slightly, “It will save him.”

  I blinked rapidly as I realized the truth. I inhaled sharply and touched my lips as my eyes widened. I would have to choose between binding myself to Luc in a way that was stronger than death or let him die. My lips trembled as I closed my eyes. My parent’s faces floated in front of me and I realized that I couldn’t lose someone else even if I had only just met them. In just a few short days, the Brazils had become my family and I needed every single one of them but I needed Luc the most.


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