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Enticed (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 3)

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by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  Slowly, I opened my eyes with my decision made and nodded to Tamas, “How do I do it?”

  Tamas raised his chin as he reached into his pocket pulled a knife from its confines. His gaze darkened as he the lines in his face tightened. With a sharp flick of his wrist, he opened the blade, causing me to flinch. His eyes met mine as he handed me the knife.

  “Slice across the wrist,” Tamas said as I grasped the knife’s handle tightly in my hand. I took a deep breath stealing myself for the pain and slid it across the tender skin. Blood sprang from the wound in an instant.

  “Now, let him drink from you,” he said, softly as everyone ran around us, trying to find help. Neither Tamas nor I paid any attention to them as he continued to speak, “When he begins to heal, I’ll pull the arrow out.”

  My heart pounded as I nodded with wide eyes. I returned my gaze to Luc’s face. Fear that he would be angry slammed through me but his possible anger was not enough to let him die. I placed the gash to his lips and instantly, he began to drink. I heard an intake of breath and I glanced up to see Sophia with her mouth opened in shock. Indecision broke across her face and I knew she was struggling with the decision to stop me or save her son. Either way, it was too late. I sensed the bond strengthen and Tamas’ pull of the arrow. A sharp intake of breath caused me to gaze back down into Luc’s face as he opened his eyes. I pulled my wrist away as an expression of complete horror crossed his face.

  “My God, Mary Jane,” he said in a voice mixed with anger and fear, “What did you do?”

  Tears sprang to my eyes, “What I needed to,” I said, brokenly as my heart clenched at the glare from his eyes. He would hate me now. I saw it. Slowly, I buried my head in my hands unable to look at him anymore and sobbed.


  I kept my head down as we walked back to Lilly and Marco’s home afraid to even peek up at Luc. I wish I was stronger but my body jerked with each breath and I shook uncontrollably. It was worse when I realized that Luc stood a good distance from me. There was no more holding hands or compliments on my beauty. Instead, there was only a thick and angry silence. On top of that, there were the feelings that I realized were his but I experienced them the same as if they were my own. He was angry and that burrowed down deep in my bones.

  We reached Lilly and Marco’s home and I waited in silence as they unlocked the door and entered. I took a step to follow them desperate to be out of Luc’s presence but he grabbed my arm, stopping me from going any further. There was no gentleness in his touch. Instead, his fingers gripped me like a vise. Fear slid down my spine. Lilly glanced at me and then, Luc before nodding and following Marco inside and closing the door.

  “I need to talk to you,” Luc said, harshly and I swallowed still not facing him. I took a deep ragged breath and pulled my arm from his grip as I fought the impulse to run.

  “Look at me,” he said after a few moments of silence. His voice wasn’t as harsh but still the promise of his anger was slamming through me and I knew that I couldn’t continue to stand there with my head down.

  I swallowed and slowly raised my head to face him but was unable to keep my gaze on my face. Instead, I peered down at the ground as I crossed my arms and leaned against the side of the motor home. I heard his sigh as he stepped in front of me causing the scent of his blood to float in the air. He reached forward and lifted my head with the tips of his fingers beneath my chin. My lips trembled as I raised my gaze past his blood soaked shirt and further up his face to his eyes.

  He frowned as he studied me. The anger was completely wiped from his face as he peered into mine, pained. He raised his hand and I flinched before he moved it away.

  “Do you think I’ll strike you?” He asked, blinking rapidly before shaking his head. He swallowed hard as he studied me.

  I licked my lips, “You are angry with me,” I whispered as a tremble swept through me.

  The color drained from his face and his eyes widened, “I would never hit you,” he whispered, leaning his head back and then, sighed as he kept his eyes firmly on me, “No matter how angry I am…I would never do that. Besides, I’m not angry at you.”

  I bit my bottom lip as I studied his face, “You aren’t?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion, “But I feel it. You are angry.”

  “Yes,” he said and sighed before running his hand through his hair, “But not with you.”

  “I don’t understand,” I whispered but my shoulders had relaxed at his admission and a long sigh escaped my body.

  He pressed his lips together and then, groaned, “I’m angry at Tamas for telling you to save me,” he said and then shook his head, “I’m angry that it happened and I’m angry at Eli for forcing this decision on you but I’m not angry at you. I would have done the same thing if it had been you who were dying.”

  “If that is true, why are you acting so…distant?” I whispered as my chin trembled. I leaned my head against the cool metal of the home as his eyes darkened.

  Luc shifted as he frowned, “Because I don’t want to deal with the effects of this bond and it’s making the anger worse because I didn’t get to choose,” he said as his face fell, “Andre got to choose. Marco didn’t but they were falling in love when it happened. I wanted for us to be able to take our time to get to know each other without the complications of the bond.”

  I narrowed my eyes, “Complications?” I asked, glancing at him before biting my lip, “What complications?”

  “No one told you?” He asked as his eyes widened.

  I shook my head, “The only thing I know about the blood bond is that it’s so strong that death can’t break it,” I said, wringing my hands in front of me, “If you die, I will die or vice versa.”

  He shook his head, “That’s not the only complication,” he said through clenched teeth as he began pacing. He ran his hands through his hair and cursed in frustration.

  “What else can there be?” I asked as my heart thumped against my chest.

  He stopped and then, stepped in front of me. He was so close that his breath fanned across my face. My heart trembled at his closeness and my breath hitched in my throat.

  “It will cause us to want to mate,” he said with wide eyes. His eyes darkened as he gazed down into my face. His voice became husky as he continued to speak causing my stomach to clench, “Every moment that passes will be harder and harder to resist. We can’t be away from each other for too long. It will cause us to go insane. Eventually, we will give in. We won’t be able to help it and it won’t matter whether we love each other or not.”

  I stared up at him as my body began to tingle. Even then, I wanted him to touch me and I had to fight the impulse to throw myself into his arms. I closed my eyes, wondering at my feelings. As I did, I remembered how bad the blood bond could be.

  “It would make me like Aurora’s mother?” I asked as my breath caught. My lips trembled as I looked up at him.

  He nodded sadly, “At least you know I’m not evil,” he said brokenly. He reached up and caressed my face. The moment he did, my heart sped up and I leaned into him. I inhaled sharply as I leaned forward needing to be closer to him. His hand froze on my face as he gazed into my eyes.

  He shook his head and pulled away, walking a few steps from me. A gnawing want slammed through me so forcefully that I nearly groaned with the force of it.

  He turned toward me. His eyes were wide and haunted, “Now, you understand,” He said as his gaze darkened.

  I could only nod my head as we stood within the darkness trying to face the consequences of the blood bond.

  Chapter Six

  The Reality of Dreams

  Sleep did not come easy that night. My mind wouldn’t stop returning to Luc as I tossed and turned. Sweat poured from me as I tried not to think of his hands or his lips on me. I nearly screamed in frustration and more than once I had the irrational need to find him and do all of the things my mind conjured. Only when the exhaustion became so great that I wasn’t able to keep my eyes open
did I fall into slumber.

  The dream I found myself in would only disturb me more than I was before I closed my eyes. I found myself on the side of a mountain on the rocky slope. Snow capped the tops, glowing in the moonlight. A chilled breeze blew around me, causing me to shiver.

  Every member of the Brazil family stood around me as if protecting me against an unseen force. I blinked and in that short time, their human forms disappeared to be replaced by large, beautiful wolves. Only one human remained among them…Luc.

  He raised his eyebrows as he stared down into my face, “Have you chosen me?” He asked with a frown. I stared at him as I nodded.

  “We’re bonded,” I whispered as confusion swamped me.

  “That doesn’t mean that you chose me,” he said with his face cloaked in sadness. I frowned as a tear fell down his cheek.

  “Do you want me to?” I asked, staring into his eyes suddenly desperate to know the answer, “Do you want me to choose you?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I want,” he said as he caressed my cheek and gazed into my eyes almost as if he adored me, “You are the one who has the power. You are the one who chooses.”

  A howl broke through the air and I turned with the hair on my arms rising, warning me of danger. I saw another family of wolves standing one hundred feet from me. One human remained within their midst staring at me coldly and he offered nothing but death. I narrowed my eyes at him as anger suddenly burned through my soul. I whispered his name wishing him a death like he had bestowed on my parents.

  “Eli,” I said through my teeth and took a step forward.

  Luc leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “You need to choose quickly,” he said as his breath caressed my cheek, “Before he devours us both. Then, it will be too late.”

  I glanced toward Luc but he was gone. I turned back to Eli. An evil grin lit his face elongating until it grew into the snout of a wolf. I trembled as he shifted fully. I no longer thought of his death. I only wanted to get away from him and save my life. I tried to turn but my feet refused to obey. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t move. A growl broke through the air as Eli began to run quickly. His eyes were set upon me and I realized that he would kill me if he reached me. I opened my mouth to scream as he jumped and was just able to stop the sound as I sat up in bed. Sweat poured off of me and I trembled as I tried unsuccessfully to push the images away.


  I trembled as my mind conjured images of Eli’s teeth opened for attack. I swallowed realizing that my nightmare wasn’t like a normal one where the monster wasn’t real. My monster was very real and my dream could come true. Eli was a werewolf and I had yet to transition. I wouldn’t be able to protect myself at all until that happened.

  I took a deep breath, trying to calm as I wished that I had someone near to comfort me. A tear fell from my eye as I thought of my parents. They had always calmed me when I was frightened but I didn’t have them anymore. I only had Lilly and Marco and I wasn’t comfortable enough to ask them. Another tear fell as I pulled my knees to my chest and trembled as I listened to the sounds of the night.

  “Come to me,” Luc’s voice whispered through my mind and I straightened. My eyes widened as his voice sank into my soul. Instantly, the fear from the dream faded and I was comforted by his voice.

  I stood and took a step as the need to be in his presence swamped me. I swallowed as I glanced around before stepping out of the room I was in to move into the living room. My brows drew together as I narrowed my eyes, searching the shadows of the room but I did not find him. I frowned as I wondered if I had begun to hear things. I shook my head. I was sure that he had called from that room. I sighed wondering if I had lost my mind and turned to go back to bed.

  “Mary Jane, come to me,” He whispered again, causing me to pause. My heart thumped against my ribs as desire slammed through me. I trembled as I suppressed a moan. Slowly, I walked to the door of the motor home. Though I tried to talk myself out of turning the doorknob, I couldn’t resist his voice. I couldn’t resist him.

  I opened the door and stepped through, closing it behind me. I walked down from the side step onto the cool grass as I narrowed my eyes, peering into the darkness. I swallowed trying to push away the irrational need which was slowly drowning me and took a deep breath. I took a step allowing my instinct to lead me to Luc.

  I moved down the long body of the mobile home skimming my hand along the side as I walked to a clump of trees. My body shook with desire as I sensed him close. I moved to the middle of the trees but still did not find him.

  I sighed and shook my head realizing the insanity of what I had just done. I swallowed as I knew with a certainty that I had put myself in danger. Eli may be out there. He may be waiting to take me. Fear slid down my back and I turned intending to run back to the motor home but the instant I did, I was pushed against the rough bark of the tree behind me.

  I opened my mouth to scream but a finger covered my lips. I looked up just in time to see Luc’s eyes hungry and dark within the night before he grasped my hands and placed them above my head. His lips slammed into mine a moment later.

  The previous fear and desire mingled together, causing my head to swim. My heart beat hard against my ribs as he took my bottom lip between his teeth and tugged. I moaned and finally, he released my hands so that I was able to tangle them in his hair.

  His lips left mine to trail down my jaw to my ear as he whispered, “I need you, Mary Jane. I’m going to go insane without you.”

  I gasped as he kissed me again and he took the opportunity to twist his tongue around mine. A tremble shook me as his hand moved slowly down my body to grasp my knee and hook it around his waist. I felt the evidence of his arousal as he ground against me. Want and need enveloped me as I cried out. I didn’t care about the consequences.

  “Shhh! Baby,” he whispered as he bit my lobe. His hands were beneath my gown as his fingers moved closer and closer to my womanhood. I wanted him. I needed him but in that moment, I also feared him.

  He paused as he pulled away from me. His eyes were beginning to clear of the passion, “You’re afraid of me,” he whispered, shaking his head, “I don’t want you to be frightened.”

  I licked my lips. I didn’t know what to say. The guilt of the encounter was beginning to sink into my soul, “I’m a virgin,” I whispered in a trembling voice, “I am waiting until marriage.”

  He backed away with a groan. His jaw was clenched as he glanced at me. My heart stuttered before returning to its normal beat.

  “I thought this was a dream,” he said with a tremble. He covered his face before glancing up at me, “I wouldn’t have done this otherwise. I swear to you, I wouldn’t.”

  “It’s because of the bond, isn’t it?” I asked, biting my bottom lip.

  He followed the motion as his eyes heated. He pulled his gaze from my lips and forced them to my eyes before giving a stiff nod. He took a breath and came to me. Slowly, he reached forward and caressed my cheek. Instantly, my body responded, “It is,” he said, sadly, “It’s the reason why I’m here. It’s the reason you came to me when I summoned you.”

  I closed my eyes and released a shuddering breath. My hands shook as I glanced up at him, “What do we do?” I asked.

  “We do the hardest thing that we have ever done. You will go back inside and we will make sure that you keep your purity at least until our wedding night,” he said, leaning over and kissing my forehead.

  I nodded as I backed away. It was physically painful to do so. His voice reached me once more as I reached the door, “I can’t promise anything after that,” he said, “I’m sorry but I can’t.”

  I didn’t look at him but I could hear the pain in his voice. My heart clenched as I forced myself to enter the mobile home. I tried to sleep but could not because his words echoed through my mind causing images that I had never entertained before coming to Timbly Mountain to dance through my head.

  Chapter Seven

  The Gift<
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  It was the morning before our wedding and I was trying to ignore the fact that I hadn’t slept…again. Luc lingered in my mind and I couldn’t seem to shake him from my thoughts for even a moment. Instead, I had to pretend that my attention was on the other things before me.

  I tried on my mother’s dress with the women of the family before I was to go to my bridal shower. I was happy to find that it fit perfectly and Sophia wouldn’t have to do any last minute sewing. Even though Mirella and Lilly pouted, I was relieved. Their pouting became whining when Sophia brought out the shoes she had bought to go with the dress.

  “We’re not even going shoe shopping?” Mirella groaned and rolled her eyes before gazing at me with a raised brow, “No offense but you are taking all of the fun out of your wedding, Mary Jane.”

  Aurora grinned, widely as she put her clasped her hands over her heart, “Don’t worry,” She said with a laugh, “You’ve made me happy. I hate shopping…with a passion.”

  I grinned at her, “I’ve heard,” I said as she pursed her lips before narrowing her eyes at first, Mirella and then, her sister.

  “Besides, we always seem to have the bad luck of nearly becoming kidnapped when we shop for wedding dresses,” Aurora said and then, turned to me, “Garridan tried to kidnap me and got a good kick to his manhood during my trip to the dress shop.”

  Lilly’s eyes widened, “Yes and Eli got a headache from the vase Sophia wielded when he tried to kidnap me,” she said and then, raised her brows as she glanced at Sophia, “You should have hit him harder.”

  “It still would have been worth the danger to go shopping,” Mirella pouted, “When I get married, you three better be prepared. We are going to shop and shop and shop.”

  Sophia smiled as she listened to our banter though she studied me carefully. It took everything in me not to shift beneath her gaze. She raised her eyebrow and then, pressed her lips together, “Let me help you out of your dress,” She said and though I didn’t want to, I nodded and walked to Lilly’s bedroom to change. Sophia followed, closing the door behind her.


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