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Enticed (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  She raised her eyebrows as she turned to me taking in every aspect of my face. Her lips were pressed together as she stepped in front of me and gazed into my eyes. She reached forward as she smoothed my hair, “The bond has been hard on you,” she said giving me a sad smile, “I was worried that it would be. Still, I am thankful for what you did for my son.”

  The strain must have shown more than I had thought. I blew a breath out from between my lips, wanting to cry. Instead, I nodded, “It has,” I said, forcing my chin up, “But I am handling it.”

  “Luc is having the same troubles,” she said, patting my cheek, “He’s not sleeping much and when he does, he calls out for you. Thankfully, the worst part of it will be over soon.”

  I frowned as I tilted my head, “Why do you think that?” I asked, trying to make sense of her words.

  She shrugged, “You’ll be married,” she said and then, glanced over at me while she shifted, “Then, it will be okay to give into the bond. You won’t have to feel guilty.”

  My eyes widened at the meaning behind those words, “What if I’m not ready?” I asked, swallowing hard, “What if I don’t want to give into the bond yet?”

  She gave me a sad smile, “The bond won’t allow you to wait long. Whether you are ready or not, it will become too much to resist,” she said as she twisted her hands in front of her, “Lilly and Marco went through the blood bond the night of their wedding. They gave in within two weeks. I gave in within two days. You might be able to wait longer than the two of us, but probably not much longer.”

  I blinked in shock, “You and Gavriel blood bonded before you were intimate?” I asked.

  Sophia gave a short laugh, “We hated each other. We were forced into marriage and we blamed that on one another,” She said and smiled, “Then, we were attacked and changed. Gavriel was forced to defend me from the one who changed us. I began to see him as my protector and friend. One night he was wounded trying to save me. I took the chance to return the favor of his protection and bonded with him…Much the same way you did with Luc. In that moment, I realized it was more than just a return of a favor. I was in love. Two days later, I gave into the blood bond and mated with him. Of course, he loved me too but it took a while for him to tell me.”

  I shifted, “But unlike you I don’t know how I feel about Luc yet,” I said and then, frowned as I forced my gaze to find hers, “I certainly have no idea how he feels about me.”

  Sophia scoffed, “That’s too bad,” she said giving me a crooked grin, “Because everyone else does. It took a lot of affection to save him especially when you knew you’d be bound to him for the rest of your life. As for how Luc feels, he has shown that he was smitten from the moment you fell into his arms.”

  I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn’t find a way to dispute what she said. Her grin widened, “Turn around and let me help you get out of your dress so you can get ready for your bridal shower,” she said, clearly amused at my reaction to her story.

  I turned allowing her to unbutton the dress. My mind whirled with every word Sophia had spoken and I couldn’t help but to wonder if my motivation behind the blood bond had been more than the fact that I didn’t want him to die.


  I was surprised to find Luc standing casually at the entrance to the field where the bonfire pit was because I had always believed that a bridal shower was for women only. One peek at Sophia and I realized that I had been right. She narrowed her eyes as she swept her gaze over him and crossed her arms.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked with a raised brow. Her cheeks turned pink in frustration.

  Luc smirked before glancing at me obviously amused with his mother’s reaction. Still, he answered her in a quick, serious voice, “I know Eli’s habits,” he said, raising his chin, “There is no way that I will allow Mary Jane to be here without me.”

  I frowned as I stared into Luc’s face as a warning whispered through me, “What do you mean?” I asked as I glanced around nervously. The hair on the nape of my neck raised to attention as I imagined being watched.

  “Eli may show up here,” Sophia said through clenched teeth as she stared at her son, “Emilian and Eli showed up at Lilly’s bridal shower. Essentially, Luc is afraid history will repeat itself.”

  I blinked and then, shook my head before gazing up at Luc with wide eyes. I trembled at the thought of Eli anywhere near him, “It’s more likely that he’ll harm you,” I said surprised at the fear that thought caused, “Are you trying to get hit with an arrow again?”

  His lips twitched and he raised his brows, “No,” he said with a grin, “I just want to be here in case you do.”

  “What if it’s not me?” I asked, frowning, “After all, he was aiming for you last time and he didn’t miss.”

  His grin widened as he caressed my cheek, “If I do get shot again, you’ll save me, right?” He said, stepping close to me.

  I rolled my eyes, “Maybe,” I said, shaking my head, “I haven’t decided if I like you yet.”

  He chuckled, “Well, I guess it’s a good thing that you’ll die if I do,” he said, sliding his hand into mine before leaning a bit closer, “But regardless I’m pretty sure you’ll miss me and not just because of the bond.”

  His breath touched my ear and I straightened as desire slammed through me. My eyes slid to him, finding him with the grin of a Cheshire cat. My breathing quickened. I pursed my lips as I gazed forward determined not to let him see how he affected me.

  We reached the benches and I sat down, releasing his hand, “Are you alright?” He asked, raising his brow as he took the seat beside me, “You seem flustered.”

  “Yes,” I said through clenched teeth as I shifted, “I’m fine.”

  “I was just wondering,” he said with a twinkle in his eye as he whispered in my ear, “Because you seem a bit out of breath.”

  A blush rose over my cheeks and he chuckled again as he caressed my cheek, “Now, that is what I like to see.”

  I narrowed my eyes, refusing to speak to him as the people of the motor home park began to be introduced to me. Again this seemed endless but at least it gave me time to recover from Luc’s teasing. Finally, the parade of people ended and only Sophia remained with us. It was obvious that she was still upset with Luc for showing up by the way her lips were pressed together so tightly they were white from the strain.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your bachelor party?” She asked with a pinched expression.

  “They won’t start the party without me,” he said with a shrug, “That’s the wonderful thing about it being thrown for me.”

  She groaned and then, shook her head and walked away. I raised my brows, “You shouldn’t make your mother mad,” I said, pursing my lips.

  He laughed, “What’s she going to do…Spank me?”

  I nearly laughed at that image, “You probably need one.”

  His eyebrow rose and he grinned wickedly, “Well, perhaps you should take care of that.”

  My eyes widened as I felt the color rise in my face. I couldn’t formulate an answer as he grinned at my reaction. Thankfully, I didn’t have to because Sophia announced that it was time to open the presents.

  “Choose the one you would like to open first,” Sophia said smiling widely as she swept her hand toward the table with gifts covering every inch of it.

  I stood and walked around the table thankful that Luc didn’t follow me. I needed a moment where his presence didn’t swamp me and I wasn’t blushing or thinking wicked thoughts. I took slow and measured steps around the table before a small package caught my eye. It was wrapped in scarlet paper, standing out from the pastel wrapped gifts around it. It sat on the very edge of the table. I picked it up and turned it this way and that as I tried to imagine what was in it.

  “Who is it from?” Sophia asked, tilting her head as she studied the small present.

  I glanced back at the table for a card, “I don’t know,” I said, frowning as I t
ouched the spot where the gift had rested, “There is no card. Maybe, it’s written on something inside.”

  “Well, open it,” Mirella said, suddenly curious.

  I shrugged as I slowly peeled the wrap from it to reveal a small jewelry box the color of ivory. It was beautiful but simple with a little gold clasp on the front and a rounded top. I thumbed the clasp releasing the lid from the base. A golden chain sat in the middle covering the entire bottom. I pulled the chain up until it was released from the box. Two rings dangled from the center of the chain. I blinked and took a sharp breath as I recognized the rings. I swallowed hard as the jewelry box fell from my hand and a small strangled sound broke from my throat. I blinked as my eyes began to heat from unexpected tears.

  “What is it?” Luc asked alarmed as he stood and stepped toward me. I raised my eyes to his as my hand began to shake.

  “The rings,” I whispered as I began to tremble, “They are my parent’s wedding rings. They were wearing them when they died.”

  Chapter Eight

  Letting Go

  I was too frightened to open the rest of the presents. I didn’t know what else Eli had sent me…If anything. Instead, I walked back to Lilly and Marco’s home with Luc while everyone else either went through the gifts or searched for Eli. I shook my head as I tried not to glance over my shoulder at the thought of Eli’s closeness.

  I swallowed hard as a tremble shook through me. Though tears clouded my vision, I was numb to everything else until an odd memory from my childhood surfaced, replaying over and over in my mind. My parents were sitting next to each other and my father had lifted my mother’s hand to his lips before pressing them to her ring. Love shined in his eyes.

  “Mary Jane,” Luc’s said as his voice shattered the memory and I blinked releasing the tears. His face was fragmented and I blinked again as my vision cleared. His brows drew together as a pained expression crossed his face causing my heart to clench and every bit of feeling rushed through me causing me to hiss with pain.

  Luc shook his head, “No,” he said, pulling me to him, “Do not let Eli win. Do not give in to everything he has done.”

  A shuttering breath pushed from me as my chin trembled, “I wish he was dead,” I said, through clenched teeth, “I wish I could kill him.”

  Luc pressed his lips together and cupped my face, forcing me to gaze into his eyes. His expression was hard as he nodded and said in a firm voice, “One day you’ll be able to do that,” he said as his thumbs rubbed soothing circles over each cheek, “Your parent’s deaths will be avenged.”

  With those words, the pain of my parent’s death crashed around me as I grabbed my chest, stepping away from him, “It hurts,” I sobbed, trying to catch my breath but unable to under the crushing sorrow, “It hurts so much.”

  Luc’s lips trembled as he stepped toward me and pulled me to him, “Then, don’t focus on the pain,” he said, placing his hands once again on each cheek and tilting my face up to him, “Focus on me.”

  I stared up into his eyes as they darkened. My breathing changed, hitching in my throat. I swallowed hard wanting the pain to end and I knew that he was the only one who had the ability to comfort me. I didn’t make the decision. I didn’t think. Instead, I pressed my lips against his.

  He didn’t hesitate to return the kiss. He pulled me flush against him. His mouth melded with mine as his teeth nipped my bottom lip. Desire rushed through me, pushing the pain away causing me to experience only him. I should have been worried about being seen. I should have cared that Sophia would be mad but I wasn’t. Instead, I kissed him with abandon fueled by my desperation to rid myself of pain.

  I reached up and tangled my hands in his hair pulling him into position. He stiffened and reached up to grasp my hands moving them gently away before pulling away with a groan. His gaze was dark as he stared down at me, “We can’t,” he whispered through gritted teeth, “You will regret it if we do.”

  I nearly cried in frustration as he released me. I had the insane need to beg him but instead, I backed away from him realizing he was right. I trembled as the voices of Sophia and Lilly came to us very near and I sighed thankful that he had stopped us when he did.

  Sophia came around the corner of the motor home first and stopped to study us with a darkening expression that could have been born from suspicion or sympathy. Either way, I couldn’t tell. Her brow rose and she sighed heavily as she took in my face. Thankfully, if she knew that anything had transpired between Luc and me, she didn’t say anything.

  “There was nothing else of concern in the other packages,” she said with a sad smile, “Lilly and Aurora have taken them to what will be your new home. They have just left me to do that.”

  I nodded as she turned to Luc giving him a half smile, “Your brothers are looking for you,” she said in a strained voice, “Your bachelor party is about to start. We will make sure that Mary Jane is protected.”

  Luc’s lips pressed together in a thin line but still, he nodded before stepping in front of me, “Promise me that if you need me, you’ll call,” he said, caressing my cheek.

  “Call?” I asked, confused.

  “Because of the bond,” he said, shifting, “You will only need to close your eyes and think of me and I’ll be here,” he leaned forward and whispered so Sophia wasn’t able to hear, “Like the night I summoned you,” Then louder, “Promise me that you’ll do that if you need me at all.”

  I nodded, “I will…I promise,” I said as he leaned forward, kissing my forehead before turning and leaving.

  I turned finding Sophia with her eyebrow raised. I saw her disapproval but there was also understanding there too. My heart sank as I realized that she had suspected the kiss. Thankfully, she gave me a small smile, “I am very glad that your wedding is tomorrow,” she said in obvious relief.

  “Me too,” I whispered but my reasoning came as my heart clenched with a new pain caused by Luc’s absence. More and more, my reasoning was because I didn’t want to be out of his presence.


  I laid down that night, and even though I was exhausted I didn’t expect for sleep to come easily. It was a pleasant surprise when almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell into a deep, dark slumber.

  Only an impossibly familiar voice from my past woke me as she whispered my name, “Mary Jane.”

  A hand caressed my cheek as my mind tried to register that my mother was speaking to me. I frowned as she spoke my name again.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes afraid that I had imagined her presence but also afraid that I hadn’t because that would mean that my sanity had finally slipped. I turned my head and jerked with shock when I found both of my parents standing above me. They were smiling peacefully but my heart still skipped a beat as I sat up. Tears sprang to my eyes as the fear faded and I was left with a sense of relief because they were there with me.

  “Are you real?” I asked as my eyes widened because I was terrified if I blinked they would disappear. I didn’t move a muscle as I kept my gaze firmly on them.

  They smiled, “We’re real,” my mother said, “At least our spirits are and that is what you are seeing now.”

  “So, you did pass?” I asked and my mother nodded sadly.

  “We did but we’ve been allowed a reprieve from death for the moment,” She said.

  “A reprieve?” I asked, frowning as I glanced from her to my father, “I don’t understand.”

  “Think of it as a visit,” My father said, grinning widely,“After all, did you really think we’d let you get married without us?”

  I shook my head, keeping my eyes firmly on them, “I’ve missed you both so much,” I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek, “It…hurts. There is no way to get over it.”

  “There is no reason to miss us,” my father said, softly, “We’re here…Even when you can’t see us. We haven’t left you.”

  I nodded as I swallowed over the fresh wave of tears that threatened to come, “I realize that but it’s
not the same.”

  “No, it’s not but we hope that you are reminded of our presence on the days where it’s hard,” She said, placing her hand just above her heart, “We thought this visit would help on those days.”

  “Hard days…Like it was today?” I whispered, brokenly, “It hurt to see the rings.”

  “I know it did,” My father said, sadly, “But we are alright. We just want you to be happy and live a life that makes you proud. That’s what we have always wanted. We never wanted the tears you’ve shed for us.”

  My lips trembled, “I’d be happier if you were alive,” I said, as a lump rose to my throat, “I need you with me. Sometimes, I don’t know if I can do this without you.”

  “You can,” My mother said with a smile, “Luc will help you. So will the Brazil family. We trust them with everything. We trust them with you. You must do the same and they will do amazing things for you.”

  “They already have,” I said, raising my chin as the light outside the window began to brighten.

  My mother smiled sadly as she gazed into my face, “It’s almost time for us to leave,” she said as she grasped my father’s hand in hers, “You’ll be married in a matter of hours. Mary Jane, I’m so happy that you are wearing my dress.”

  My father leaned down and kissed my forehead before ruffling my hair in a similar way as he had when I was a child, “We are so proud of you,” he said and grinned, “We’ve always been proud of you.”

  My father moved back and my mother leaned forward and kissed my cheek before joining him again. They smiled with more peace than I had ever seen them have in life. I reached out to them as they began to fade.

  “We love you, Mary Jane,” they said in unison as they disappeared completely. Darkness surrounded me again.

  I opened my eyes a moment later and I took a deep breath as the lingering scent of my parents drifted up my nostrils. A single tear rolled from my eye as I faced the day. It would be the beginning of a new life and I didn’t fully understand what to expect from that. I only knew that I would be married to Luc and my parents were gone. Everything else would be a surprise. However, I wasn’t as sad anymore because their visit had allowed me to say good-bye in a way the funeral had not. I had been able to gaze upon their faces one last time and realize that they were at peace. I sighed as my heart lifted because their visit had finally allowed me to let them go.


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