Smallpox, Syphilis and Salvation
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[41]Thumbnails, 39—Ehrlich: Chemotherapy is launched, loc. cit.
[42]Poynter Centre, Syphilis in History,
[43]Nobel Prize, Paul Ehrlich—Nobel lecture, loc. cit.
[44]Poynter Centre, Syphilis in History, loc. cit.
[45] ibid.
[46]Thumbnails, 39—Ehrlich: Chemotherapy is launched, loc. cit.
[47]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Fleming Discovers Penicillin, loc. cit.
[48]Britannica Online Encyclopedia, Paul Ehrlich: Syphilis studies,
[49]Look Smart Find Articles, A Portrait of History: Paul Ehrlich archives of pathology,
[50] Strauss, Eugene W. and Strauss, Alex, 2006, op. cit., p.103.
[51] Moss, Ralph W., 1995, loc. cit.
[52]World Health Organization, Media Center, Global Cancer Rates Could Increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020,
[53]Thumbnails, 39—Ehrlich: Chemotherapy is launched,
[54]The Chemical Heritage Foundation, 2001, Magic Bullets: Chemistry vs Cancer—Pharmaceutical achievers, Paul Ehrlich, loc. cit.
[55] Moss, Ralph W., 1995, loc. cit.
[56]World Health Organization, Women’s Health News: New vaccines against HPV could save hundreds of thousands of lives if delivered effectively, 12 December 2006.
[57]Richwine, Lisa., Gene therapy used to treat skin cancer, 1 September 2006, News In Science,
[1]Banting, Frederick G., Nobel Lecture, Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1922-1941,
[2]The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, Target Diabetes,
[3]Hite, Pamela F., Barnes, Ann M. and Johnston, Philip E., 2006, Exuberance Over Exubera, Clinical Diabetes 24: 110-114, American Diabetes Association,
[4]Alberti, George, 2001, Lessons from the History of Insulin, Diabetes Voice, Vol.46, December, No.4,
[5]Simmons, John Galbraith, 2002, Doctors and Discoveries: Lives that created today’s medicine, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, p.206.
[6] Alberti, George, 2001, loc. cit.
[7]Hoogerdijk, Derek, The Discovery of Insulin, Quasar, University of Alberta,
[8], How Insulin is Made,
[9] Simmons, John Galbraith, 2002, loc. cit.
[10], How Insulin is Made, loc. cit.
[11] ibid.
[12]International Diabetes Institute, 2006, Diabetes Explained,
[13]World Health Organization Media Center, Diabetes: What is diabetes, Fact Sheet No 312, September 2006,
[14] Simmons, John Galbraith, 2002, op. cit., p.205.
[15] ibid.
[16]Canadian Diabetes Association, 2007, Captain Banting: War hero,
[17]Canadian Diabetes Association, 2007, Co-discoverer of Insulin,
[18]After the discovery of insulin and years after he had been living in Canada, Charles Best, who was experiencing resentment amongst the scientific fraternity because he was seen as an outsider, had to prove his claim to Canadian citizenship. Herbert Best signed an affidavit in 1924 asserting that even though they had lived in the United States he had never given up his Canadian citizenship. See Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, Discovery of Insulin,
[19] Shampo, Marc and Kyle, Robert A., 2004, Charles Best-Codiscoverer of Insulin, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 79(12): p.1546,
[20] Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, loc. cit.
[21] Simmons, John Galbraith, 2002, op. cit., p.207.
[22] Best, Charles, cited in Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, loc. cit.
[23] Alumni Association, University of Alberta, In the Footsteps of Pioneers,
[24] ibid.
[25]Bliss, Michael, 1982, The Discovery of Insulin, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, Chapter Four, XI.
[26]During the period 1910 to 1920 Dr Frederick Madison Allen became a leading diabetes specialist in the United States and after an exhaustive study of 100 diabetic patients published Studies Concerning Glycosuria and Diabetes in 1913 followed by Total Dietary Regulation in the Treatment of Diabetes. Allen recommended that diabetics eat only a low-calorie diet, an approach which extended life for some people for a brief period. See Canadian Diabetes Association, 2007, The History of Diabetes,
[27] Bliss, Michael, 1982, op. cit., Chapter Five, III.
[28]Hite, Pamela F., Barnes, Ann M. and Johnston, Philip E., 2006, Exuberance Over Exubera, loc. cit.
[29] Bliss, Michael, 1982, loc. cit.
[30] ibid.
[31] Simmons, John Galbraith, 2002, loc. cit.
[32]Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, loc. cit.
[33] ibid.
[34] ibid.
[35] ibid.
[36]Best, Charles, cited in Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, loc. cit.
[37]Discovery of Insulin, Sir Frederick Banting Educational Committee, The Discovery of Insulin: A Canadian medical miracle of the 20th century, James Bertram Collip
[38]Best, Charles, cited in Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, loc. cit.
[39]Banting, Frederick, cited in Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, Discovery of Insulin,
[40]Williams, Michael, 2007, John James Rickard Macleod, Diabetologia,
[41]Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, loc. cit.
[42]Discovery of Insulin, Sir Frederick Banting Educational Committee, The Discovery of Insulin: A Canadian medical miracle of the 20th century, Charles Herbert Best,
[43]Shampo, Marc & Kyle, Robert A., ‘Charles Best-Codiscoverer of Insulin’, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, December 2004;79(12): 1546.
[44]Best, Henry Bruce Macleod, Speech to: The Academy of Medicine, Toronto, 24 April 1996, loc. cit.
[45] ibid.
[46]Canadian Diabetes Association, 2007, The History of Diabetes, loc. cit.
[47]Endocrine Web’s Diabetes Centre, What is Insulin?,
[48], How Insulin is Made, loc.cit.
[49]Endocrine Web’s Diabetes Centre, What is Insulin, loc. cit.
[50], How Insulin is Made, loc. cit.
[51]Doble, Claire, ‘Unexpected Directions, Diabetes’, Sydney Morning Herald, Health and Fitness, 23 February 2006.
[52]World Health Organization Media Center, ‘ Diabetes: What is diabetes, Fact Sheet No 312, September 2006,
[53]University of Michigan Transplant Centre, 2007, Islet Transplantation Program, <>
[54]Junior Diabetes Res
earch Foundation, 2004, Fact Sheet: The Edmondton Protocol,
[55]CNN, Islet Cell Transplant: Experimental treatment for type 1 diabetes, 3 October 2006,
[56]Science Daily, Emory to Develop Islet Transplant Technology, 26 March 2007,
[57]Cairney, Richard, Edmondton Protocol Takes Giant Lead Forward, ExpressNews, University of Alberta, 3 February 2005,
[58] Junior Diabetes Research Foundation, 2004, loc.cit.
[59]Science Daily, Stem Cell Transplant Resets Immune System in Type I Diabetes Patients, 11 April 2007,
[1]Chain, Ernst, cited in Wong, George, 2003, Peni cillin: The wonder drug, University of Hawaii,
[2]Lax, Eric, 2007, Feature—Norman who?, Popular Science,
[3] ibid.
[4]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Fleming Discovers Penicillin, loc. cit.
[5]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Alexander Fleming 1881-1955,
[6]Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, The Helix,
[7]Ho, David, Alexander Fleming, The Time 100: Scientists and Thinkers, 29 March 1999,
[8]Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, 21 September 1998, Radio National Health Report, ABC Online,
[9]Ho, David, Alexander Fleming, loc. cit.
[10]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Fleming Discovers Penicillin, loc. cit.
[11]Ho, David, Alexander Fleming, loc. cit.
[12]Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, loc. cit.
[13]Jayaram Paniker, C.K. (ed), 2006, Textbook of Microbiology, Orient Longman, New Delhi, p.466.
[14]Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, loc. cit.
[15]Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 1, 14 September 1998, Radio National Health Report, ABC Online,
[16]Florey, Howard, cited in Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 1, 14 September 1998, loc. cit.
[17]The Tall Poppies Campaign, Australian Institute of Policy and Science, 2007, The Oxford Team: Mary Ethel Hayter Reed—Lady Florey,
[18] ibid.
[19]Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 1, loc. cit.
[20]York, Barry, Howard Florey and the Development of Penicillin, NLA News, September 200l, Vol.XI, No.12, National Library of Australia,
[21]Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 1, loc. cit.
[22] ibid.
[23]Florey, Howard, cited in Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, 21 September 1998, Radio National Health Report, ABC Online,
[24]SBS Australia, Penicillin: The magic bullet, Arcimedia, 3 August 2006.
[25] ibid.
[26] Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, loc. cit.
[27]Science Watch Website, Making Penicillin Possible: Norman Heatley remembers,
[28] ibid.
[29]York, Barry, Howard Florey and the Development of Penicillin, loc. cit.
[30]Science Watch Website, Making Penicillin Possible: Norman Heatley remembers, loc. cit.
[31]Lax, Eric, Feature—Norman who?, loc. cit.
[32] ibid. In the 1980s, Heatley was asked to build a replica by the Science Museum in London which he said cost a lot more than the £5 he spent on the original. ‘The rubbish dumps aren’t what they were in the 1940s, ’ he commented.
[33] ibid.
[34]Florey, Howard, cited in Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, loc. cit.
[35]SBS Australia, Pen icillin: The magic bullet, Arcimedia, 3 August 2006.
[36]Science Watch Website, Making Penicillin Possible: Norman Heatley remembers, loc. cit.
[37]SBS Australia, Penicillin: The magic bullet, Arcimedia, 3 August 2006.
[38]Science Watch Website, Making Penicillin Possible: Norman Heatley remembers, loc. cit.
[39]Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, loc. cit.
[40]SBS Australia, Penicillin: The magic bullet, Arcimedia, 3 August 2006.
[41] ibid.
[42]Science Watch Website, Making Penicillin Possible: Norman Heatley remembers, loc. cit.
[43]SBS Australia, Penicillin: The magic bullet, Arcimedia, 3 August 2006.
[44]Science Watch Website, Making Penicillin Possible: Norman Heatley remembers, loc. cit.
[45]Florey, Howard, cited in Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, loc. cit.
[46] ibid
[47]Science Watch Website, Making Penicillin Possible: Norman Heatley remembers, loc. cit.
[48] Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, loc. cit.
[49] ibid.
[50] SBS Australia, Penicillin: The magic bullet, Arcimedia, 3 August 2006.
[51]Lax, Eric, 2007, Feature—Norman who?, loc. cit.
[52]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Fleming Discovers Penicillin, loc. cit.
[53]SBS Australia, Penicillin: The magic bullet, Arcimedia, 3 August 2006.
[54] Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, loc. cit.
[55] Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, loc. cit.
[56]Nobel Prize, Ernst B. Chain—Biography,
[57]Nobel Prize, Sir Alexander Fleming: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,
[58]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Alexander Fleming 1881-1955, loc. cit.
[59]Florey, Howard, Oral History Interview, 1967, cited in York, Barry, ‘Howard Florey and the Development of Penicillin’, National Library of Australia News, Vol.XI, No.12, September 2001.
[60]Hole, Jackson, 2005, Barry Marshall—Nobel Prize in Medicine, Academy of Achievement,
[61] Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 1, loc. cit.
[62] Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, loc. cit.
[63]The Tall Poppies Campaign, Australian Institute of Policy and Science, 2007, The Person—Marriage: Mary Etherl Hayter Reed,
[64] Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, loc. cit.
[65] Heatley, Norman, cited in The Tall Poppy Campaign, Australian Institute of Policy and Science, 2007, The Oxford Team: Norman Heatley,
[66] Swan, Norman, Howard Florey: Part 2, loc. cit.
[67] Torok, Simon, Howard Florey—Maker of the miracle mould, loc. cit.
[68]Strauss, Eugene W. and Strauss, Alex, 2006, op. cit., p.263.
[1]Academy of Achievement, 2005, Interview: Jonas Salk M.D., 16 May 1991,
[2]Lapiana, Joseph J. and Winkowski, Robert B., ‘Poliomyelitis: The era of fear’, Innovative Curriculum Series, The Wright Centre for Science Education, Tufts University, Massachusettes, p.20.
[3]Who Named it? Heine-Medin Disease,
[4]Sass, Edmund, 2001, Poliomyelitis: A brief history, from Sass, Edmund, Polio’s Legacy: An oral history, University Press of America, 1996,
[5] ibid.
[6]Who Nam
ed it? Heine-Medin Disease, loc. cit.
[7]Bayly, Beddow M., 1956, The Story of the Salk Antipoliomyelitis Vaccine, Whale,
[8], Poliomyelitis,
[9]Sass, Edmund, 2001, Poliomyelitis: A Brief History, loc. cit.
[10] Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, cited in Lapiana, Joseph J. and Winkowski, Robert B., ‘Poliomyelitis: The era of fear’, op. cit., p.21.
[11]Academy of Achievement, 2005, Interview: Jonas Salk M.D., loc. cit.
[12]Sass, Edmund, 2001, Poliomyelitis: A brief history, loc. cit.
[13]Academy of Achievement, 2005, Interview: Jonas Salk M.D., loc. cit.
[14] Hellman, Hall, 2001, op. cit., p.131.
[15]Sheed, Wilfrid, ‘Jonas Salk’, Time, Vol.153, No.12, 29 March 1999, pp.168-70.
[16]Sass, Edmund, 2001, Poliomyelitis: A brief history, loc. cit.
[17] Hellman, Hall, 2001, op. cit., p.129.
[18]Notable Biographies, Albert Sabin: Biography,
[19] Hellman Hall, 2001, op. cit., p.132.
[20]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Salk Produces Polio Vaccine,
[21]Nobel Prize, Medicine 1954,
[22] Hellman, Hall, 2001, op. cit., p.131.
[23] Salk, Jonas, cited in Hellman, Hall, 2001, op. cit., p.132.
[24]Sheed, Wilfrid, ‘Jonas Salk’, Time, Vol.153, No.12, 29 March 1999, pp.168-70.
[25]PBS Online, Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries, Salk Produces Polio Vaccine, loc. cit.
[26]Academy of Achievement, 2005, Interview: Jonas Salk M.D., loc. cit.
[27] ibid.
[28]Oransky, Ivan., Medical Nihilism and the HPV Vaccine, Boston Globe Online, 4 March 2007,
[29] Hellman, Hall, 2001, op. cit., p.137.
[30]Lindner, Ulrike and Blume, Stuart S., Vaccine Innovation and Adoption: Polio Vaccine in the UK, the Netherlands and West German, 1955-1965, PubMed Central,