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Snow Bound Enemies

Page 2

by Donavan, Seraphina

  “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he said, the confession pouring out of him of its own volition as his hands coasted beneath her T-shirt, over the softness of her abdomen. He liked that he couldn’t feel her ribs, that her body was full and lush. Somehow, between the two of them, her t-shirt disappeared, lost into the darkness that surrounded the bed. The bra she wore was a confection of pale silk and lace. Her breasts spilled over the tops of the delicate cups, and through the lace, he could see the darkened circles of her aureolas. Dipping his head, he found one taut peak with his mouth, laving it through the fabric. She moaned beneath him, her back arching as she offered her breasts to him. He cupped his hand over the other mound, savoring the feel of her supple flesh and the hardened bud of her nipple rasping against his palm. Impatiently, he tugged the cup of her bra down, dampened from his mouth. She was so perfect, he thought. Her nipples were large and dark, a beautiful contrast to her pale skin.

  Without the barrier of fabric, he once again closed his mouth over the furled bud, suckling it deeply this time. Kayleigh cried out his name and his cock, already aching, began to throb painfully. He wanted so desperately to sink into her warmth, to feel the wet heat of her sex closing around him. But there was no guarantee that he would get another chance to be with her, and he needed to make sure that it was as perfect for her as possible. Reaching beneath her, he deftly unclasped her bra and pulled the straps down her arms, until it too was gone. Alternately sucking, licking and nipping at each of her breasts, he reached for the drawstring of her pajama pants and tugged it free. Her hands clasped behind his head, her fingers gripping his hair tightly, holding him closer. There was no protest, no move to stop him.

  Sliding his hand over the soft mound of her belly, he dipped lower until he encountered the crisp, dark curls that shielded her sex. Moving lower still, he traced his fingers delicately along the seam of her pussy, as if he had all the time and patience in the world. Featherlight touches that did more to enflame than soothe had her thrusting her hips against his hand, seeking. Unable to resist the temptation, he delved one fingertip into her slick channel, tapping it lightly against the hardened bud of her clit. She shuddered and moaned, parting her thighs in invitation. Tugging her pants down further, he rose on his haunches between her parted thighs to stare down at her.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he said, strangely humbled.

  “You don’t think I’m too fat?”

  “I think you’re perfect,” he said, honestly.

  Kayleigh believed him. Never in her life had she been to bed with a man who seemed to enjoy her body as much as Murphy did. It left her reeling. She’d always enjoyed her curves, but so many of the men she’d known had talked about her needing to diet or exercise. They all loved that she had enormous breasts and a healthy behind, but none of them wanted to accept that having a less than taut belly or fleshy thighs were part of the bargain. But Murphy didn’t seem to mind at all. His gaze traveled over and her everywhere he looked, she felt it as surely as if he’d touched her. Then he was kissing her again, her neck, her breasts, along her ribcage. All the while, he was stroking her clit with only one finger. The touch was deliberately arousing and just as deliberately unsatisfying. It was a touch designed to keep her climbing but to never let her crest.

  “Please, Murphy,” she finally begged. “I need more.”

  Kayleigh wanted to weep with joy when a second finger joined the first. It increased the pressure slightly, offering a little relief, but it would not bring her the climax she needed.

  “I need you to fuck me,” Kayleigh murmured, clutching at his shoulders.

  “I am not going to fuck you, Kayleigh. I’m going to make love to you,” he said.

  Kayleigh felt him moving lower, his hot mouth trailing kisses over her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel, and then the two fingers that had been stroking her clit were buried inside her, touching her deeply. She moaned with the intensity of the feeling. That moan morphed into a guttural scream as his mouth closed over her clit, his perfect lips clamping tightly around the hardened nub as his tongue tormented it. The tension that had been building inside her coiled more tightly and her breath became short and panting. She clutched at his hair, holding his head in place as she arched more fully against his skilled mouth.

  “Oh my god! Murphy! You’re killing me.”

  He chuckled against her sensitized clit, causing her to shudder. If Kayleigh’s mouth had tasted sweet to him, then her beautiful pussy was like ambrosia. He traced each delicate fold with his tongue, lapping greedily at the juices that flowed from her. It wasn’t enough to simply make her cum. He wanted it to be perfect, to be the man she would never forget, even if she did walk way. Feeling her arch beneath him, her hips rising off the mattress to press more firmly against his mouth, he knew that she was close. Curling his fingers forward inside her, he stroked that sensitive spot just behind her clit, and felt her shudder. The sounds she made spurred him on. Stroking her G-spot, his lips and tongue working her clit with skill and a healthy dose of enthusiasm, he relished every shudder, every sigh that came from her. When her body tensed, every muscle coiling tight as a bow string, and a soft, keening cry escaping her parted lips, he felt the contractions of her orgasm. The walls of her pussy fluttered around his invading fingers and her clit pulsed beneath his tongue. Still, he didn’t stop. He was relentless as he continued the sensual assault. One orgasm flowed into the next and he savored each tiny flutter of her body under his.

  “Murphy! I can’t... no more. Please,” she pleaded.

  “I think you can,” he urged.

  “I need you inside me,” she said. “Please... I need to feel you.”

  It was a plea he couldn’t resist. Moving over her, he knelt between her parted thighs and removed his boxers. His cock was so hard it ached. Precum beaded at the head in anticipation. He parted the slick folds of her sex and nudged just the head of his cock inside her. The heat of her body clutching at him was the most perfect pleasure. He gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to simply thrust into her, to pound into the soft, wet, welcoming sheath again and again until he found his own release. But patience was rewarded. He’d brought her to orgasm with his mouth and his fingers several times. It was purely selfish and probably egotistical, but he wanted to feel her cumming around his cock.

  Kayleigh arched against him, feeling the thick head of his cock barely breaching her channel. She wanted to feel him deep inside her. “More,” she demanded, her nails scoring his thighs. In response, he thrust forward slightly, his cock sliding in just a bit deeper. She moaned at the exquisite sensation, feeling him stretch the walls of her pussy to accommodate the impressive girth of his member. Planting her feet on the mattress, digging in her heels, she lifted her hips slightly, bringing him even deeper. “Just because we have all night, Murphy, doesn’t mean you have to take all night!”

  He laughed softly. “Always in a hurry, Kayleigh. I want to savor the moment.”

  Boldly, Kayleigh began to talk, saying things she would normally have never dared to say aloud. But if he wanted to torment her, that was a game two could play. “I’m aching for you, Murphy. My pussy is so hot and wet for you.... Begging to be filled.”

  “Fuck, Kayleigh. You’d try the patience of a saint.”

  “Then be a sinner... Give it to me, Murphy.”

  He did. He thrust inside her, his cock stretching her, filling her, the force of it making her scream. It was the perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Dominant, forceful, she might have been under him, but in that moment, she was the one in control. She’d driven him to that and she reveled in it. “Yes,” she cried. “God, yes! Again!”

  Murphy withdrew, easing his cock almost completely from her tight sheath, only to thrust forward again, spearing deeply into her. He set an impossible rhythm, but somehow she matched him stroke for stroke. She clenched the walls of her sex tightly around him, increasing the resistance every time he withdrew, and building the friction for every thrust i
nto her. Dipping his head, he claimed her breasts again, sucking and nibbling at the taut peaks of her nipples as his cock tunneled into her welcoming sex. The heat was scorching. He could feel the familiar tingle at the base of his spine, the tightening of his balls, and knew that he was close. Deftly, he slipped one hand between their bodies, finding her clit unerringly, and stroked it as he fucked her.

  She came violently, her hips bucking against him, her body shuddering and contracting around his cock. She cried his name and it pushed him over the edge. He thrust deeply into her once more and came with a deep shudder, groaning as her body clenched around him, milking every last drop from his softening cock.

  He collapsed on top of her, trying to hold most of his weight off her, but undoubtedly failing miserably. After a moment, he managed to roll to his side and pulled her with him, curling his body around hers. He wanted to hold her close and to avoid the conversation and questions that would undoubtedly follow.

  KAYLEIGH wasn’t sure how long they lay there. The sweat had dried on her skin, and she felt deliciously achy, her body delighting in using muscles that hadn’t been used in a very long time. There was no question in her mind that she’d just had the single most satisfying sexual encounter of her entire life, but her brain couldn’t quite process the fact that it had been with Patrick Murphy.

  “What did you mean when you said you’d been wanting to kiss me for so long?” she asked. She wanted to kick herself the minute the question came out. It sounded weak and needy and she couldn’t afford to be either.

  “Look, Kayleigh, it’s time to be totally honest... I’m crazy about you. I’ve always been crazy about you, but your asshole brother made me promise when we were both still horny teenagers that I would never make a move on you.”

  She rose on her elbow and looked him directly in eye. “Are you kidding me? You know what, forget that stupid ass promise for now... Why give me such a hard time? You’ve been nothing but a gigantic ass to me for a decade!”

  He shrugged, obviously uncomfortable with the question. To give credit where due, he did answer her. “I’ve wanted you since we were in high school. It was easier to keep the animosity going and keep picking at you than to pretend I felt nothing. It was the only way I could be close to you and not break my promise to Steve.”

  “Well, you broke the hell out of that promise tonight,” she replied smartly.

  “I did,” he agreed. “This just seemed like fate, Kayleigh. Steven is my best friend, probably my only friend to be honest, and even if he hates me for this, I can’t regret it... but now it’s my turn for questions. What the hell are you doing here?”

  He’d been completely honest with her. It shocked her that she didn’t question that at all, especially given everything else that had happened. She knew she couldn’t respond with anything less than total honesty herself. “My boss was embezzling money from the company. I didn’t know it, but no one seems to believe that. They have no evidence so I’m not being charged with anything, but my name is mud in Atlanta. I can’t even get a job flipping burgers... I’ve got unemployment benefits for the next six months, but they were barely enough to cover the mortgage on my condo. So I sublet it to cover the house payment, and figured I’d spend the next few months hiding out in the family cabin until I can figure out what the hell to do with my life.”

  Patrick listened to every word, hearing the anger, the sorrow, the embarrassment and the hurt pride that was layered beneath them. It was a hard thing for Kayleigh to admit that she needed help. It always had been. “There’s always your dream of opening a bakery.”

  She looked at him sharply, “How do you know about that?”

  “I pay attention. I also stalk you on the internet occasionally and subtly pry information from your family. I also remember being the guinea pig for everything that came out of your easy bake oven,” he replied evenly. He worried that perhaps he was being too honest.

  “You stalk me online? Seriously? You’re combing through social networks for info on me like some obsessed fanboy?”

  She didn’t sound annoyed, so he decided to play along. “Yes, I do. I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

  “That’s kinda creepy, Murphy. Sweet, but creepy.”

  “Bakery or no bakery?” he demanded, not allowing her to sidetrack him.

  “It’s a dream, Murphy, but I’m flat broke and unemployed. I couldn’t get a bank to loan me a pencil right now, much less start up capital for a business.”

  “So, don’t go to a bank. I’ll back you,” he offered. “Or Steven will, if you’re more comfortable with that.”

  “I can’t take his money, I know that the business has been struggling--” she broke off abruptly as Murphy started laughing. “What?”

  “The business isn’t struggling, Kayleigh. We’re struggling to keep up with business... so much so that we took on another partner and a drafter. Besides, I’ve done some pretty smart investing for us both. Steven is good, trust me... and so am I. You’ve always been so damned independent. Let someone help you for a change.”

  Kayleigh laid her head against his chest. “I’ll think about it, or...”

  “Or what?”

  She smiled up at him then, “You could try to convince me. The snow is expected to last at least another day.”

  Murphy rolled to his back, pulling her atop him so that she straddled his hips. “At least another day, maybe even two.”

  Kayleigh moved her hips, feeling his thick cock press agains the seam of her sex. He was already hard again, but recalling how he’d tormented her, she decided to retaliate. She flexed against him, his cock slipping into the seam of her pussy. Circling her hips, she ground against him. “You think you can survive being snowed in with me, Murphy?”

  His hand slid up and tangled in her hair, tugging her down to him until they were nose to nose. “Try me.”

  Clucking her tongue, she made a tsking noise at him. “Such a bad attitude, Murph.”

  “Maybe you should put me in a better frame of mind.”

  The banter wasn’t so different from the back and forth repartee of their past, but knowing what had prompted it all those years changed things dramatically. Rising onto her knees, Kayleigh reached between them and grasped his cock in her hand. He was so thick her fingers wouldn’t quite close around him. She shivered as she guided him to her entrance and slowly sank down on him, feeling her body stretch to accommodate him. A whimper escaped her when he was fully seated inside her. It felt so perfect, as if their bodies had been made for one another.

  “Christ, Kayleigh, that’s so damned good,” he said.

  She moved then, lifting her hips slightly, only to sink down again. It wasn’t long before any thoughts of extending her teasing of him vanished. Kayleigh became focused on her own pleasure as she rode him, taking him deeply inside her body again and again. He tugged her down to him for a deep kiss. As his tongue glided sensuously over hers, she felt his hands coasting over her bottom, his fingers tracing the crevice and dipping lower, touching her where their bodies were joined. It was too much. The sensation of having him inside her and of his fingers gently massaging that tender flesh pushed her to the brink and beyond. Her orgasm was swift and hard, wracking her body as she clenched around him.

  When she recovered, Kayleigh was aware that, somehow, Murphy had managed to hold back. She could still feel him, hot and hard and inside her. When he withdrew, she whimpered, her flesh so sensitive even the lightest touch set off a shockwave of sensations.

  Murphy’s control was hanging by a thread. Feeling her climax, her pussy fluttering and clenching around his cock, had nearly done in him. Still, he’d managed to hold back. He needed to take her, to claim her. “Get on your knees,” he commanded. He watched as Kayleigh positioned herself in front of him. She seemed to know just what he wanted. Her curvy bottom was high in the air, her back arched, offering herself up to him. Moving behind her, he pressed his cock agains the slippery entrance of her sex. She was wet and eager, the soft f
lesh parting easily as he penetrated her. He gripped her hips. He wasn’t being gentle and he knew that there would probably be marks on her skin later. She didn’t seem to mind, and that thought allowed him to continue. He pressed forward, sinking so deeply into her that his balls nestled against the damp outer lips of her cunt. Withdrawing, he thrust again, harder than before. She screamed his name, her hands fisting in the sheets.

  Unable to resist the lush curves of her behind, he raised his hand and brought his palm down sharply against the pale globe. The red print of his hand bloomed on her pale skin. She gasped and shuddered in response. “Tell me to stop now if you want me to,” he offered.

  “Don’t stop... do it again,” she urged.

  At that point, he was lost. He pounded his cock into her welcoming pussy, punctuating each thrust with the hard, stinging slap of his palm on her lush bottom. When she came, he was with her, pouring his hot cum deep inside her body, savoring the feel of her heated bottom cradling him. Spent he withdrew, and leaned forward to press gentle kisses against each bright red cheek. Spanking Kayleigh’s lush ass had been the fuel behind his fantasies for so long he’d lost count of the number of times he’d jerked off thinking about it.

  “You’re not going back to Atlanta, Kayleigh,” he said. “It’s time you were home where you belong... It’s time you were with me.”

  Kayleigh shivered, reveling in the sweet release he’d given her. It had been a revelation for her to be spanked. Never before had anyone dared do something like that to her, but it had been so deliciously wicked. “Yes,” she agreed, readily. “As long as you promise to keep doing that.”

  He slapped her ass playfully in response, then massaged the sting away, “That’s only the beginning. I have a decades worth of fantasies saved up for you.”

  Kayleigh turned to face him, pressing her lips against his chest, “You aren’t the only one with fantasies, Murphy. You’ve fueled quite a few of mine, as well.”


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