Book Read Free

Surviving Broken

Page 14

by Beverly Preston

  JC nodded again, releasing a huge sigh of relief. “Thanks for understanding me. Honestly, I have a few neurotic tendencies, but I promise, I’m tame.” She smiled up at him, biting her lip.

  “I’m starving. Let’s eat this delicious breakfast before it gets cold. I’ll go home to change and come to pick you up. I’ll drive.”

  “Hey! Don’t be making fun of my Prius! What do you drive? A big truck?”

  Stretching his arms out as far as they would reach, he teased, “Umm hmm, with a huge set of cow horns strapped to the front bumper.”


  JC inspected her navy blue summer dress. Ambling into her closet, she grabbed a wide camel colored leather belt and wedges to match. The loud rumble of a motor outside caught her attention. That doesn’t sound like a truck! Trotting toward kitchen, she pushed the code on the intercom system, opening the wrought iron gate for Reed.

  Yanking the front door open, she giggled. “Hot damn!”

  He cut the motor and she held up her pointer finger. “I’m ready.”

  She grabbed her purse and shut the door behind her.

  Reed slouched against the hood of a fully restored 1969 black Camaro. His comfortable confident composure hung on him like a favorite pair of jeans, perfect in all the right places. Standing in the sunlight, his wavy hair took on a golden hue against his black t-shirt. His lips pulled into a timid grin, accentuating the fine laugh lines surrounding his eyes.

  The man looked absolutely virile, renewing her confidence to an all-time high. She’d been so flustered and nervous previously around Reed she couldn’t completely act like herself. “That’s it,” she mumbled to herself, marching toward his car. “He has the nerve to come over here looking that damn good. Patience is a virtue my ass.”

  Unable to contain the huge smile plastered to her face, JC sauntered right up to him and kissed him on the cheek. Their legs brushed as she stood between his thighs and the rasp of his trimmed beard sent a rush of exhilaration straight to her core. “Reed Rider, I’ve got three things to say to you.”

  His jaw turned rigid under the heat of her kiss. “I’m listening, JC Mathews.”

  “First, if my mom were here, she’d push me out of the way to get into the front seat of your car. Second, you’d better be prepared. And third,”—she held out her hand and wiggled her fingers—“I wanna drive.”

  There was no need to go into detail of what she meant by prepared. Judging by the dazzling white smile broadening across his face, he knew exactly what she meant.

  He dangled the keys in front of her. “You can’t, it’s a stick.”

  Snatching the keys from his fingers, she whispered in his ear, “I’m very good with sticks.” She sashayed to the driver’s side of the car. “Oh, one more thing, Reed Rider. You look fucking amazing.”

  He stood frozen, peering at her from over the roof of the car with his mouth hung open.

  She climbed into the driver’s seat. “Are you coming?”

  A deep chuckle escaped his throat. “Yes, ma’am.”

  The car started with a low rumble and deep thunderous vibration when she turned the key. Pulling out of the driveway, she reached over Reed and tugged on his seatbelt. “You might want to buckle up. Darlin’.”

  Reed’s Camaro flew from 0mph to 60mph in a matter of seconds, leaving him hanging on for dear life. “Don’t wrap my car around a pole,” he warned fretfully. “How the hell did you learn how to drive like this in that sardine can of yours?”

  “I dated a race car driver.” She shot him a sideways timorous grin.

  “What happened?” he asked in a condescending tone.

  JC tossed her hair to the side and flashed Reed a sexy smile. “He wasn’t near as much fun as his cars.”

  This provoked a laugh from him.

  “Something else you should know about me, Reed, if you don’t already. I’ve dated…a lot.” Her voice cracked exposing a hint of insecurity. “It’s not something I’m proud of nor am I embarrassed of, but seeing how you’re such a gentleman, I think you should know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  Resting his hand on her headrest, he twirled a lock of her hair between his fingers. “Let me get this straight. From what I can see, you can shoot whiskey, you like to swear a bit, you know how to drive, and you can be very feisty. Am I right so far?”

  Her heart thundered right along with the motor. “Yep.” She nodded.

  He tucked her wind-whipped hair behind her ear, tenderly tracing her lobe. “JC darlin’, if you tell me you like to chase women, I might just cry.”

  JC gasped, her nose curled into a snarl. She slammed on the brakes, sending his Camaro into a controlled fishtail slide, ending with an abrupt stop and Reed’s fingers clinging to the dashboard.

  “Reed Rider!” she growled. “I was not kissing that woman. She totally tricked me right in front of the paparazzi. If you want to know something about me, then ask! And if you’re going to Google me, do it sitting next to me so I can at least explain the photos. Most of them are complete bullshit!”

  The car sat sideways in the middle of the empty street. Reed blinked repeatedly, opening his mouth to say something then closing it. JC clenched the steering wheel forcefully to keep her hands steady.

  He cleared his throat. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. I didn’t Google you. I was only making a joke. You know the old saying, drink, drive, chase women.” A long pause filled the space between them followed by a devilish chuckle, “But I will now. Let’s turn around. That sounds much better than shopping.”

  “Oh…my…God.” She buried her face in her hands, mumbling, “Never so embarrassed…I am not turning around. We’re going shopping.” She put the car in gear and headed down the street.

  “I’m waiting. This I gotta hear!” he probed sardonically. “What were you on? Inquiring Minds Want To Know?”

  “And a few others,” she admitted hesitantly.

  His brows arched in absolute shock. “Really?”

  She scowled, recalling the months of hell that followed. “A year or so after my mom and Tom married, I spent a significant amount of time here in California. I dropped out of college after the first year. Tom opened a few doors for me and I started doing quite a bit of modeling.”

  She paused briefly, allowing him the opportunity to acknowledge the fact he already knew who she was. His silence confirmed her suspicion he knew nothing of her or her past. He wasn’t the type of man to flip through a tabloid magazine at the check-out counter.

  “I was having a great time, working, meeting people, partying. Not that I partied much, I’m not that big on drinking and drugs of any kind are out of the question. However, if there’s dancing involved, you can always count me in. Nonetheless, I started hanging out with a couple of girls who were always on the scene, both came from wealthy mogul families. They seemed nice at first. I was green, you know, wet behind the ears. These girls got into every club, knew all the right people, one big funfest.” She shook her head in antipathy. “I was so naïve. The paparazzi started following me relentlessly, instantly turning our friendship into a media frenzy. The other girls thrive on attention. I do not. I went into modeling as a legitimate career, not notoriety. After two months of friendship, I was over it.”

  Reed’s humor faded to understanding when she cringed, humiliated with her own behavior. “What made you walk away?”

  “My judgment got a little hazy. My poor choices started stacking up like my brother’s pancakes on a Sunday morning, filling a whole new chapter in my rulebook, titled, Watch your back, jack. But, when I opened my bank statement, I knew I was in over my head! I’ve always saved money, even when I was a kid I was frugal. My parents taught us to be smart with our money. I about croaked when I looked at my account. I spent too much money on the stupidest stuff. Shoes, purses, dresses…stuff I didn’t need. Anything with a tag went back to the store. I took all the money and bought over thirty dresses and donated them to an organization in Veg
as that helps less fortunate girls in high school get prom dresses.” She smiled at Reed. “Every girl deserves a nice prom dress.

  “That being said, when I started pulling away from my so-called friends, they got pissed. So, I guess you could say, they decided to make me pay. They convinced me to go out to a club. When we arrived, they insisted I get out of the car first. I thought they were simply being nice. Boy, was I wrong. When I stepped out of the car, a guy with a camera lying on his belly snapped a photo of me. I was so stupid I actually thought the man had fallen down on the curb. He was practically lying in the street. So, what do I do?” she exclaimed, releasing the steering wheel and throwing her hands in the air. “I offered the little prick my hand, helping him to his feet. I had no idea he had purposely just snapped a picture of my crotch! Until I received a call, make that a dozen calls, the next morning. My mom, Tom, Tracy, John and every other person I know saw a photo of me on the Internet. Even though I had on panties under my dress, they put a big black X over my crotch so it appeared like I was naked.”

  Reed tried to hide his laughter. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not funny, but…”

  She nodded, laughing right along with him. “I know! It’s funny now, but that’s just the half of the story.”

  “By all means, please continue!” He let loose, laughing so hard he held his gut. “Did she kiss you on the curb too?”

  “Get your seven chuckles in, Reed. The story gets even better.” JC motioned in a continuous circle, encouraging him to carry on laughing his ass off. “It didn’t take me long to figure it out, I’d been set up. Tanya knew exactly what she was doing. She waited a month, just long enough for the paparazzi feeding frenzy to slowdown. I was at a club in Vegas celebrating a girlfriend’s birthday and who shows up? Tanya. She tried to apologize, swearing up and down she had nothing to do with the crotch shot, but she was lying. The bitch acted like she was going to give me a hug and she planted a kiss on me! Not a little peck on the mouth! A full blown, open mouth, with tongue, kiss!”

  Reed wiped tears from the corner of his eye. “Let me guess. Kodak moment?”

  Her anger and humor boiled to the surface simultaneously. “Kodak moment! I had to explain to everyone, delicately, I was not a lesbian. Even to my family and friends. If I were lesbian, I would’ve fully copped to it! I have several gay and lesbian friends. Cameras hounded me for months. I finished shooting all the jobs I had lined up for five months then I left. I put myself on a Hollywood hiatus for nearly a year.”

  “So is that why you’ve been in Italy?” he asked. “Are you planning on staying here?”

  She frowned warily, wondering how he knew she’d been in Italy.

  “I asked Codge about you when I went back inside the bar the other night. He’s pretty fond of you, and your family.”

  JC agreed with a nod. “I’m fond of him too. He’s a true, down to earth, say it like it is kind of guy. Kind of like the grandpa I never had.” She downshifted, pulling his Camaro into the vacant end of the parking lot of The Square, one of her favorite places to shop. “What are we shopping for? Furniture? Art? Bedding?”

  He squinted with a flash of harsh suspicion in his eyes. Exasperation and irritation filled his tone. “Everything,” he grumbled.

  Reed got out of the car and came around her door, yanking it open. His icy blues glared into her eyes as she stepped onto the pavement. He scratched his beard then shoved his hands deep into his pockets.

  Alarmed by his sudden austere reaction, JC shuddered and her breathing quickened. He was obviously upset about something she’d said, but she didn’t know what. The last time she’d been near an angry man, he beat the hell out of her. Tears bit at her eyes and she blinked repeatedly, refusing to turn away from him. “What? What’s wrong?”

  Color burnished high on his cheeks. “You didn’t answer my question. Are you staying here or going back to Italy? You smoothed right over it like you didn’t hear me.” He waved his hand between them. “This…you aren’t a game to me, JC. I’ve been through a lot the last few years. I can’t afford to get close to you then have you take off back to Italy.”

  Wavering from one foot to the other, she shirked away from him. “I didn’t smooth over anything, Reed. My ears went a little fuzzy when you said Italy. No, I’m not going back. My sister lives there, but she’ll probably have to come visit me.” The blood rushing though her veins turned to ice at the mere idea of being within a thirty-mile radius of Luca. “For your information, I’ve had a shitty year myself.”

  After a brief weighted silence, he frowned ruefully, drawing her into his arms.

  JC stood rigid against his chest.

  “Oh hell. I’m sorry. Don’t be upset.” He brushed his lips over her hair and kissed the top of her head. “I thought you were ignoring me.”

  JC remained silent. Though her lip quivered, her chest felt warm and tight. All of her fears unraveling a heartbeat at a time, caught in his strong embrace. “How the hell do you expect me to ignore you? I can’t get you out of my head for two minutes. You’re not a game to me. That’s not my style. I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose.”

  “What is your style?” he asked earnestly, tilting her chin.

  Feeling the warmth of his gentle fingers cradling her chin aroused her. She raised higher on her toes, taking in his fresh minty breath. Teetering on her toes, JC shifted against him. Making a conscious effort to answer and not ignore him again, she panted shamefully, feeling the length of his muscled body against hers. “I don’t have a style. I’ve never been in love, Reed. If it doesn’t feel right after a week or two, I usually move on.”

  Reed tucked his arm behind her, forcing an arch in the small of her back. He nuzzled the sensitive spot behind her ear, inhaling as if smelling the scent of her skin. His lips wandered over her jaw. Brushing her hair aside, he kissed her neck. “Do I feel right to you?”

  Reaching her hands over his shoulders, she twisted her neck, searching to find his lips. Her eyes drifted closed and she parted her—

  “JC Mathews? Is that you? What are you doing here?” a woman’s voice called out from across the parking lot.

  “Sweet Jesus,” JC panted, keeping her eyes closed in frustration.

  He loosened his hold and stroked down her back affectionately.

  “Reed, please tell me she’s not a tall skinny blonde.”

  Peeking over her shoulder, he said, “Bingo, darlin’. And two more just like her.”

  “Of all the people I have to run into,” she groaned.

  JC turned to face the on-coming train wreck headed straight for her, scanning the near vicinity for paparazzi.

  “I thought that was you,” the tall paper-thin blonde whined, casually scrutinizing JC and Reed from head to toe. Two leggy women, one blonde the other a red head sauntered right beside her.

  Reed snorted.

  JC poked him in the ribs, causing him to let out a whoof. He whispered in JC’s ear as the woman approached, “Kodak moment?”

  “Hello, Tanya,” JC grumbled with social pleasantness, laced with a shot of distain.

  Tanya held her arms out, offering JC a phony show of friendship.

  JC held her palm out, stiff-arm fashion, passing on the embracement.

  Tanya rolled her eyes with a spurious smile. “You’re not still mad at me, are you?”

  “No. That would be a total waste of energy, Tanya,” JC chimed.

  “I thought you moved to Italy?” Tanya smirked, giving Reed the once over like he was a lollipop on a stick. “You don’t look Italian.” She smiled flirtatiously, extending her hand out to Reed. “Hi. I’m Tanya.”

  Even though Reed didn’t move to take hold of Tanya’s hand, JC positioned herself in front of him. Shifting into a stance of possessiveness, JC thought she might chew Tanya’s hand off if she so much as tried to touch Reed. “I didn’t move to Italy.” She fumbled, dropping Reed’s car keys on the ground.

  Reed bent over to pick up the keys and Tanya blatantly examined his ass. �
��What brand of jeans are you wearing?” She scoffed, taking a closer look. “Are those Levi’s? I didn’t know they still made those.”

  A new sort of claim seared her skin like a branding iron. JC inched toward her defensively. “They sell Levi’s way in the back of the store next to manners and tact. I’m sure you wouldn’t know where to look.” The reassurance of Reed’s warm hand settled on the small of her back. “I don’t have much to say to you. So if you’ll excuse us.”

  Tanya’s mouth dropped open at JC’s blunt shun. She huffed out a snide chortle, walking straight up to Reed and flipping her hair like a grade-schooler. “I didn’t get your name, but I’m having a party tonight. I was going to invite JC, but since she’s so…cranky, you’re more than welcome to come without her.”

  Reed gave JC a heart-stopping grin and draped his arm over her shoulder. “’Scuse me. What was your name?” he asked with a heavy Texas drawl, reaching out his other hand to Tanya.

  Tanya’s face froze in an appalling stupor.

  Priceless. JC snickered under her breath at the woman’s speechlessness, knowing Tanya had never heard those words before. Everyone knew her name.

  Not waiting for her reply, Reed withdrew his hand. “I’ll have to pass. I’m spending most of my time with JC.” He reached down, curling his finger around hers and began strolling toward The Square.

  Out of earshot, he asked, “Was she seriously doggin’ on my Levi’s?”

  “Yep. She’s a real treat, isn’t she? With friends like her, you don’t need enemies.” JC beamed up at him. “Believe me, Reed, your ass looks as good in fifty dollar Levi’s as it would in a pair of three hundred dollar jeans.”

  “Darlin’, I can’t picture you being friends with her,” he stated in a half-asking manner. “Besides, after what I just witnessed, you’d chew her up and spit her out. You’re tough. Are you sure you’re not from Texas?”

  “It was a brief friendship.” She used the term loosely. “But it was a good life lesson. One I needed to learn, apparently the hard way.” Pausing to look up at him, she reiterated, “Just so we’re clear, I’m not going back to Italy. I’m actually considering buying a house here. I thought about it the entire flight home a few weeks ago. I hope that answers your question. So, are you ready to enlighten your boring bedroom?”


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