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Surviving Broken

Page 15

by Beverly Preston

  He nodded.

  “One more thing, Reed Rider: you owe me a kiss.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I believe I do.” Reed bent over her, nipping her earlobe, teasing her with a sensual promise of what was to come. His breath caught as he whispered in her ear. “But I’m actually enjoying the chase.”

  A current of sensual awakening spread everywhere. She shook her head with a grin. Reed had just used one of her favorite terms, the chase.

  JC and Reed spent the day shopping for his room. When she asked what he was looking for, he responded with, “Hell, I don’t know. I want it to be comfortable and functional. And I want you to like it.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I like. I’ll like it as long as you’re in it. Do you want it to feel like Texas or the beach?”

  “If I knew what I wanted it to feel like, it wouldn’t be boring. I love Texas, but California is definitely growin’ on me.”

  After twenty questions and a dozen stores, they picked furnishing to turn Reed’s bedroom into a muted beach-casual atmosphere with a hint of Texas. He chose a rustic headboard made of bulky reclaimed redwood, dressing the bed with white linens.

  Every time he reached for her hand, she felt herself losing control of hidden feelings, lustful cravings for this man and fondness of true friendship he was capable of offering. She lowered her guard, being more responsive to a man than she’d ever been in her life. Every nerve ending in her body fired-off like sparks of electricity at the simplest touch of his hand.

  They talked all day. She found Reed to be smart, funny and sexy as hell. At one point during a conversation about his architectural firm, he casually mentioned, “I graduated top of my class at University of Texas at Austin.”

  Taken by surprise, she wrinkled her nose. “Really?”

  Reed shot her a sardonic frown. “Just cause I talk slow, darlin, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

  She apologized at least five times, swearing she never thought he was stupid. “Up until now, my sister, Tracy, is the only smarty-pants I’ve known.” She followed it up with, “You’re gonna love my sister.”

  JC took him to a gallery she loved, helping him pick several black and white prints taken of the Malibu coastline. Walking past a shop window, JC spotted a chaise hiding in the corner of a window. She dragged Reed inside the boutique to look at a chaise covered in a chocolate brown brindle cowhide with nailhead trim.

  “You like this?” His brows furrowed. “I’ve grown up with cowhides. Everybody in Texas has cowhide rugs, furniture, hell I’ve even seen it on the interior of a truck. Besides, I don’t understand the purpose of a chaise? It’s not a sofa or a chair.”

  Pulling out all of the stops, she rested one knee on the stunning chaise and leaned over it, slightly letting her fingers glide over the subtle texture of fine hair. She nestled back into the chaise and stretched her arms above her head, crossing them at the wrist and letting them drape behind her head. “Reed, if I was lying naked on this cowhide chaise, would you like it?”

  The woman behind the counter let out a short chortle, lowering her gaze to her desk. Reed’s well-defined jaw pulled taut as his eyes glazed over, blatantly pondering the vision.

  JC bit her lip and mouthed the word goddess with a smirk.

  “Oh hell,” he muttered. “You were so mad that night at the bar, I didn’t think you caught that.”

  “Oh yeah. I caught it.”

  He moseyed to the counter. “We’ll take it.”

  The chaise, as well as a long narrow table made from a large reclaimed beam, would be delivered in two days. Both glanced at each other with utter disappointment when the clerk informed them her earliest delivery date was two days away. JC drummed her fingers on the counter with a big long sigh, causing Reed to bow his head and laugh out loud. She was still mumbling under her breath when they walked out the door. No way in hell could she wait two damn days.

  The afternoon sun started its downward slope toward the ocean as Reed drove along the coast heading for home. As he pulled into her driveway, JC didn’t want him to leave.

  “Would you like to stay for—“

  “Yes,” he answered before she could finish her sentence.

  As they approached the house, JC turned to face him and leaned her back against the door. “We’ll have to order dinner in. I don’t have anything great to make you tonight, but I’ll make it up to you another night.”

  Reed braced his hands on the door, anchoring her to the hard surface. Dipping his head, he pressed his lips to her temple. “I don’t care what we eat. Right now I only want to kiss—”

  The front door flew open, sending JC tumbling backwards, nearly knocking her on her ass. Thankfully, John caught her in his arms before she hit the floor. However, she almost knocked her brother off his feet during the fall. Most of Reed’s weight had been pressed against JC. He lunged forward, stumbled inside, catching his footing before falling flat on his face.

  “It’s about time you show up. Where the hell have you been?” John questioned with concern, glaring down at his sister squirming in his arms. He helped her to her feet, drawing JC into his bare chest for a hug. “I’ve been trying to call you.”

  JC squealed with delight. “What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were coming!” Taking one glance at Reed, who stood with clenched fists, stiff lips and his face turning redder by the second, JC released her brother and reached for Reed’s hand. “I’ve been shopping. Sorry, I must’ve left my phone at home.”

  Apprehension clung to her brother like the morning mist of California’s June-gloom. His fingers worked at the buttons of his open navy blue dress shirt as he sized up the large agitated male at his sister’s side.

  “Reed, this is my brother, John. John, this is my…my…” A demure grin played across her lips. “What am I supposed to call you?”

  Reed shook John’s hand. “I’m workin’ on boyfriend. I’m Reed Rider.”

  “Boyfriend?” John grumbled. His stance and voice thick with intimidation. Turning his attention to JC, John’s hard stare softened, a little, firmly grasping Reed’s hand. “You’ve got your work cut out for you.”

  JC’s mouth gaped open. “Hey!” she complained, jabbing her brother sharply in the stomach.

  “I should’ve realized you were her brother from the pictures. You have the same green eyes,” Reed admitted as his rigid stance slackened.

  Shayla peeked around the corner, followed by Richard and Thomas.

  “Aunt JC!” the boys screeched simultaneously, running toward her.

  JC dropped to her knees, clutching hold of her nephews. “Hi, guys! Holy cowboy! Look at how big you’re getting.”

  Richard pulled back from her hug. “Where have you been, Aunt JC?” he demanded with a tremendous amount of authority for a four-year-old.

  “Daddy thought he was gonna have to send out a search party,” Thomas chimed in.

  She ruffled their hair. “Your daddy is a worry wart.” JC stood, introducing Reed to Shayla and the boys.

  “Is that a ‘69 Camaro?” John asked, catching sight of Reed’s car. His reserved tone started to resolve a little. “What do you have in it?”

  Both men headed for the car, instantly talking car lingo. Richard and Thomas trotted along between the men. Her brother was a big guy, athletic and fit, but Reed looked huge and rangy compared to John. He was taller by three inches, with wider shoulders and longer arms.

  “Where did you find him at?” Shayla asked, nudging JC back into reality.

  JC turned, blushing as her smile widened further across her face. “Reed lives next door. The crazy old lady was his aunt.”

  Shayla nodded. “I heard she passed away.”

  JC threw her arms around Shayla. “He’s so nice.”

  Shayla withdrew from JC’s grip, analyzing her as she practically jumped for joy, dancing in a circle and throwing her hands in the air. “What’s going on with you?” Shayla asked with a suspicious smile.

  JC clutched onto Shayla’s
hand and hauled her down the hallway into her bedroom. Her voice filled with excitement as she plopped down on the edge of her bed. “He’s so nice!”

  Shayla narrowed her eyes. “You already said that. How long have you been hooking up with the neighbor?”

  JC jumped to her feet, pacing in circles, giggling like a little girl. “I’m not hooking up with him. He’s gonna be my boyfriend, but we haven’t sealed the deal yet.”

  Shayla’s eyes popped wide in disbelief, her mouth hung open. “Boyfriend? Sealed the deal?”

  JC couldn’t contain her enthusiasm, dancing around her room then back to Shayla, grabbing her by the shoulders. “Yep! Boyfriend! And we haven’t even kissed yet either. We keep getting interrupted.”

  Shayla dropped back, nearly falling onto the edge of JC’s bed. “Have you been drinking?”

  JC giggled, shaking her head.

  “Smoking pot?”

  “You know I don’t smoke pot. I like him a lot.” JC sat next to her and they both flopped backward lying on the bed. Overcome with happiness, JC said again, “He is so nice, Shayla. He’s big and strong and smart and gorgeous. He’s from Texas. And he calls me Darlin’.”

  Shayla’s lip tugged into a sneer. “You let him call you Darlin’?” Wiping a tear from JC’s cheek, she asked, “Are you crying?”

  JC couldn’t hold back, sniffling as she nodded. “Yeah. I don’t why. I’ve been a little emotional lately. Plus, he makes me so nervous I can’t even think straight.”

  Shayla’s head wrenched back, staring at JC in bewilderment. “Oh, my God!”

  JC’s smile faded. “What? What are you Oh my Godding about?”

  Shayla’s face went blank.


  Shock mixed with a look of unidentified revelation. “Nothing,” Shayla simpered, a wry grin tipped the corners of her lips.

  Richard and Thomas bolted through her door, pouncing on the bed between the two women. JC grabbed her nephews, pinning them to the bed, tickling them until one of them got the hic-ups. “What’s up, guys? Are you gonna go boogie boarding with me tomorrow? I haven’t been to the beach yet. Sandcastles? Kites? What’s it gonna be?” She looked at Shayla. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? How long are you staying?”

  “Well…” Shayla stumbled over her words. “We decided last minute.”

  John and Reed appeared in the doorway. “I tried to get a hold of you. I was hoping you’d do me a favor,” John stated, flashing an imploring smile.

  JC watched Reed’s gaze as he nonchalantly studied her bedroom. She shrugged at her brother. “Sure. What do you need?”

  “It’s okay. Never mind.” Shayla shook her head adamantly. “We didn’t think you’d have…plans.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. What do you need?” JC assured.

  John chimed in without hesitation. “We need a babysitter. It’s our anniversary and we haven’t been out in months.” His voice was on the verge of pleading.

  “It’s okay if you already have plans. We had a babysitter lined up for the weekend and she bailed out three days ago. Her friend invited her to Hawaii.”

  “It would just be for a few hours,” John persisted.

  From JC’s perspective, being a parent was one of the hardest jobs any one person or couple could ever take on. It made her job look like a spa vacation. She stayed with John and Shayla on numerous occasions and tried to help Shayla out as much as possible when she visited. Being a make-shift mom’s assistant or babysitter was exhausting and she never figured out how Shayla and John managed it, but they did.

  JC glanced at Reed, who was walking toward a table made of dark wood in the corner of her room. “We…we didn’t really have any plans.”

  Richard and Thomas stared up at her with pouted lips and hands folded as if they were praying.

  Reed caught JC’s eye and nodded with understanding. “We were just gonna order dinner.”

  Thomas hung his arms around JC’s neck. “Can we order pizza?”

  “Pizza? You want pizza?” Both boys nodded with excitement. “Okay. Pizza it is.” JC smiled appreciatively at Reed.

  “Are you sure? I owe you big time,” Shayla said.

  JC smiled, jumping to her feet, acting like a monster with her hands held in the air. “You know I love watching my horrible…rotten…terrible…little nephews.” The boys went flying out of her room, squealing with fake terror, Shayla followed right behind them.

  Reed pointed to a stack of magazines laid out over the table. “Is this you?” He picked up magazine after magazine, staring at the covers. “You said some modeling, not the cover of Vogue, Women’s Fitness, damn and In Shape too?”

  “She doesn’t like to brag,” John snickered. He stepped closer to Reed and pointed at the bottom drawer of the table. “The really good magazines are down there.”

  Wide-eyed, Reed immediately reached for the drawer.

  JC frowned at her brother, telling Reed, “I’m not naked. Those are merely the magazine articles that keep me on the straight and narrow.”

  “Humble.” John smirked. “These articles keep her humble. Some things you never live down. Huh, sis?”

  “Oh, shut-up! I already told Reed that story. Go get ready for your date before I change my mind.”

  A grin the size of Texas covered Reed’s face. “We ran into her today.”

  “It was great. You would’ve died. Reed asked Tanya, ‘Scuse me, what’s your name?’” she imitated Reed.

  “I would’ve paid to see that go down.” John extended his fist to Reed, giving him knuckles. “Psycho daisy-may, that chic’s crazy.” He kissed his sister on the cheek before walking out her bedroom door. “Thanks for babysitting. I really appreciate it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go have fun. I’ll keep them overnight for you. Happy Anniversary.”

  “Is this photo-shopped?” Reed asked, browsing attentively through the In Shape.

  “Not much. I worked my ass off for two months before that shoot.”

  “Damn, you’re ripped.” He dropped to his haunches, questioning with a wiggle of the brows. “Can I look in the drawer?”

  “Yeah, go ahead.”

  JC sat silent on the floor beside Reed as he thumbed through a few years of her life that seemed like an eternity ago. The infamous kiss, the crotch shot, out and about with different men and in some cases, not-so-flattering comments written underneath.

  After sifting through dozens of rag magazines, his brow creased. “I can’t help but notice all these men are polar opposite of me. Suits, ties, hell this guy looks like he blow-dries his hair. Is this guy wearing make-up?”

  Reed stretched his legs out in front of him on the floor. JC’s gaze slid over his arm, mesmerized by the play of corded muscles as he leaned back onto one palm.

  “He’s my gay friend who isn’t ready to come out of the closet, so I help him out when he asks. We pretend we’re dating occasionally, usually when he has a red carpet event. I’ve tried to get him to come out, but he’s convinced it’d ruin his career. I support him either way.” Self-consciously, she chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Some of these pictures were taken in Europe.”


  Shrugging her shoulders, JC reached for his hand resting in his lap. “Reed, you are more of a man than all of these men put together. And we haven’t even kissed yet.”

  “You’re right about that, darlin’,” he scoffed with a long drawl. “Am I gonna have to get a passport to keep up with you?”

  Many men she’d dated previously would’ve thrown a fit of jealousy right then, not to mention they would’ve taken off immediately at the mere suggestion of babysitting. Grateful for his understanding, she climbed onto his lap and straddled his hips. “Tomorrow we’re getting you a passport.”

  Apparently at Richard and Thomas’s house, if someone was sitting in someone else’s lap, it was time to wrestle. They came galloping through the door, yelling, “Yeah! Get umm!” They took it easy on JC, but showed no merc
y to their new friend Reed. At one point, the boys had him tied to the leg of her bed with scarves and belts.

  The night went off without a hitch. After pizza, they went swimming, wrestled, watched a movie, wrestled again, then roasted marshmallows out back in the fire pit. The boys treated Reed like he was their new best friend and favorite toy. He tossed them into the air in the pool, showed them how to start a fire out of twigs and paper, and kicked the soccer ball with them in the back yard. The boys begged JC to go camping. After minutes of pouty faces and twenty bribery kisses, JC and Reed made a tent out of sheets outside on the lawn. They used lots of rope tying the sheets between two trees and outdoor furniture cushions to soften the ground for sleeping.

  Richard and Thomas lay between JC and Reed, holding flashlights in their hands, making shadows on the tent while talking nonstop.

  “Next time not as many marshmallows.” JC chuckled.

  With enough sweet tenderness to melt anyone’s heart, Thomas looked up with big hazel eyes and said, “Uncle Reed? Can you and Aunt JC take us real camping someday? In the woods where the bears live?”

  “Yeah,” Richard joined in. “Can you Uncle Reed? Can you?”

  The flashlight cast shadows across Reed’s face, exposing the blush on his cheeks and flattered smile. JC’s pulse charged through her and emotions threatened to spill over her lashes.

  “Umm, well, I…I,” Reed stammered anxiously.

  JC chimed in, staring at him with adoration. “Reed won’t fit in my old tent, so that means we’d have to get a new tent. And make a lot of plans. And pack a lot of food.”

  “And snacks too.” Thomas nodded.

  Reed spoke to the boys, but stared at JC. “Not this trip, but someday soon, we’ll go camping. If it’s okay with your mom and dad. But right now it’s time to go to sleep.”

  Richard and Thomas whispered to each other about their future camping adventure until their voices drifted off into deep, sound breathing.


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