Book Read Free

The Celestial Sea

Page 23

by Marina de Nadous

  * * * * * * *

  Later, Adrian: Can you meet me? I’m just walking down the hill.

  Adrian takes my hand and I follow him in the dusk towards the water line. All is still, waiting; softly held. Familiar shapes take on a magical edge. He pulls me gently to him and we gaze up at the emerging stars. They wink through the haze of contentment that envelops us. “So, we are both still choosing to be here then?” He smiles down at me. “Mmm—yes, indeed Sir.” Neither of us wants to step down or change a thing. Adrian’s dog hunts in the bushes and we stroll back quietly. There is time for a goodnight kiss as I drop him at the end of his road. I make a hasty return up the hill, trying to drive smoothly around the corners. The paintbrushes slosh about in the bucket next to me.

  Thursday 14th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Klang, klang, klatter! The kross and krotchety King krashed through the kitchen kupboards. “Krickey,” he kried. “Kan’t a King even kook in his own kitchen when he kneads to? “Katch me that Kangaroo, Krone,” he kommanded. “Kreep up on it carefully and kill it klean. Keep the karkass klear and kool. Kan’t kook our karkass kontaminated now, kan we? ——“Kiss me,” whispered the kangaroo——

  Mouse: Very clever, Sir. I am kiggling into the banana kake koncotion. You sound in keen form. Koodness me, my Prince is becoming a King! I will kidnap him on Friday and kiss every inch of him, kindling a knife-edge keel to our kavorting. He will karry The Key to his kingdom with silent knighthood——his know-how enveloping her. But where is he now? Making a kite of kourse. I’d better hurry to the kitchen and put a kettle on for his keg of kedgeree. “Out of my way Kitty——you really don’t need to kill that kipper——it’s already been knocked out!”

  Adrian: Not bad. What’s a ‘knife-edged keel’’? I wonder.

  Mouse: Same as the ‘Sugar-Coated Rim of a Pink Champagne Glass’ — —a fine balance of connected intensity; ‘The Garden Gate’——you have to concentrate to find an opening——as the knife-edged keel of our Boat in the swell of our private Ocean, my beautiful Lover.

  Adrian: I am still kurled up——kontemplating the day——konsidering your King’s Komments——kasting my mind over the kinder. Karing thoughts for my konfidant who kooks kakes and kisses. I choose to enter the flow; to give away kontrol——to trust.

  Mouse: Wish I were kurled up with you——your protective arms around me. I think we are ready, Sir. But let it be an empowered decision within submission——after all, you are becoming a King——X

  Friday 15th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Lovers, they lay in languid loops——listening, light lingering touches, little breaths. Lips and fingertips——Love’s last, lusty rushes lapping like little waves on a lagoon. Liquid——luxurious——lions long lying in the sun. Lengthy licks of soft, sweet lips. Lots and lots of long brown locks——lovely.

  Mouse: Laird left for the weekend, lugging luggage at 6 a.m. Lady lonely, lacerating leeks and leafy lovelies for lunch. Little time for any light lingering this lovely morning. Hope the dawn finds The Swallow Lad laughing and languid, but not late. Just received your stunning lyrics, My Friend——so sensual. Hope I might be the lioness? You leave me speechless, again. The lavish prize is definitely for my luxurious Lover——maybe later?

  The day of our Spring Festival dawns clear with expectant children all dressed in pastel colours. 7 bamboo poles are waiting to encircle the painted Maypole, which stands in the middle of the newly grassed area. Before placing them in the circle each class festoons their pole with fresh flowers brought in by the parents. The families help decorate the poles with the lilies that grow wild by the roadside; camellias and sweet-scented jasmine, freesias and daffodils too. And crowns for all——Princes and Princesses together as we begin this most delightful of festivals.

  The tall poles are carried in ceremony to the new playing field and carefully erected in their prepared positions. They are raised simultaneously accompanied by loud cheering. The floral abundance looks so beautiful. Each pole is linked with plaited flax rope; a symbol of the School and Class unity. We haven’t used the new field for any festival before. The School is now too big for The Green, but a repeat of last year’s music and dancing is on the agenda. Families sit on the new bank with rugs and cameras, sun hats and chatter. The surrounding volcanic hills frame our heavenly idyll. My Lord Swallow is a central figure in the day’s activities.

  The Go-Getter’s class is dancing with the ribbons of The Maypole, with serious faces and bouncy legs skipping in time. I am running the School Cafe on a much larger scale today with a new friend called Stephanie. I have recently given the school a couple of successful, trial lunch sessions. The pink tablecloths flutter in the breeze and my carefully laid out baskets entice everyone to partake in soup, homemade bread and cake.

  An Australian school band treats us to a lively performance after lunch. They have included us in their tour of New Zealand. Playing violins, flutes, cellos and clarinets they entertain us with impassioned folk and classical melodies. The teenagers wear flowers in their hair and dance while they play. Children rush down from the bank at the end of the performance to dance away the afternoon, Adrian amongst them, of course, with happy children holding his hands and parents smiling from the bank. He is a Pied Piper figure——most certainly.

  * * * * * * *

  Teatime, Mouse: “Cool as!” {Kiwi Speak}. What a day! Wanted to lie on the hill in your arms——wanted to run down the slope and dance with you——wanted to give you soup in your special mug——mmm. Loved watching your graceful movements, loved you as you ‘directed the throng as they learnt a new song’. Am dead on my feet, but the next round of soup is bubbling and supper is prepared. Hope the teachers’ meeting went well. I can dive in after dropping off Lottie if you are still around? X

  Adrian: Thank-you for your good work; the maypole, the soup, your care and interest——and gentle consistency——and patience and passion.

  I walked at Tui Park this afternoon. Adrian was busy and asked me to exercise his hound. It was good to unwind after the festival. The children were with friends, so I took the opportunity for some time out. I am home now. Lottie came up to The Mountain to play with Rinky at three o’clock.

  Late P.m. Adrian: My Good Lady. Well done for making it through. A restful weekend is desired now. I thought that I should have offered you my bed for a rest this afternoon, instead of sending you off with my dog—sorry. Beautiful, warm-hearted, generous Mouse. Thank-you. Sweet, enfolding thoughts are streaming to you. Love, Adrian.

  Mouse: Thank-you for your thoughtfulness, My Friend. Tui Park with paperwork and doggie stick-games was lovely. She and I had a reflective time retracing our evening stroll in the sand. Warm thoughts——M——X

  * * * * * * *

  Late P.m. Adrian: Finished, with good reviews and a very satisfied manager, {an evening’s guitar playing in a rural café}. Yahoo! Coming over to your place now——okay?

  Mouse: Ready and waiting, Lord Swallow. Well done on fab gig. Wish I could have been there. Maybe next time. When might you arrive? Does my Minstrel want me in velvet, cotton or baggy jumper? ——X

  Adrian: Velvet sounds nice——and a cup of tea.

  Mouse: How long? Tea it is. Hungry? Soup?

  Adrian: 15 minutes and a little hungry. Soothing first though.

  * * * * * * *

  “Are you sure My Love?” Adrian asks tenderly. “Yes, Adrian, I am sure.”

  He takes me——gently and slowly——at last, our union complete. To the sound of the chattering fire he caresses every inch of me; the sacredness of the moment held like a fragile glass that might break at any moment. And then I honour him in the same way. His fine-boned, slim manhood moves under my hands as my womanhood embraces his exquisite gift to me. The seriousness of the moment is realized; our integrity cleared in the flickering candlelight; permission granted to each other and honour and care directed towards The Laird and the children. My excitement renders me afloat and barely able to fo
cus. The beauty is overwhelming; the artistry ours, as newly-discovered painters wielding brushes of the highest quality we ascertain their perfect edge.


  He takes me, his Spirit claiming dominion over mine,

  My body as liquid wax, curling around and sealing every part of him.

  He enters me, holding me beneath his Angel strength

  I greet him at last; our final frontier in all its permanence.

  All night we move as one; new territory, treasure to discover,

  Rhythms and tempo to taste, to acknowledge.

  Time and again, sleep evading us, our dance of ownership begun.

  Saturday 16th September 2006

  We breakfast together with the children. Having parked his car at the end of our track last night, Adrian drives to the front door as they come downstairs. “Ma, Adrian’s here for breakfast!” “Is he? How lovely, let’s make some pancakes with the barley flour he likes.” Later on he gardens with Rinky, making a vegetable patch of her very own. Enthusiasm abounds. My Angel Lover heads into town after lunch to purchase materials for a trial kite-making project for the coming workshop.

  Midday, Mouse: My Man——we meet at last. Memorable, despite mighty mayhem in the sleep mechanism! The Smiling Minstrel will find his Maiden can magnify his ministrations in time. This is all madly exciting within marvellous merriment and matching. We might need moments of mentally awake time to perfect the art of making love in ‘Deep Mellow.’ Finite entry through The Garden Gate——I have some lesson modules in mind. Come home to me soon, my Magnetic Minstrel. I’m melting.

  Adrian: My Mouse, do you need anything else from town? Just about to come home to you.

  Mouse: If it’s not too late, My Love——onions and corn crackers. Think I might persuade everyone to have a rest later on. Your Lady is pooped!

  We do rest. Thank goodness the children are happy pottering at home all day. What an exquisite night. One I shall treasure forever. I spend hours in a contented daze.

  Late P.m. Mouse: Melting moments——magic moments——mischievous moments——marvellous. Lovely, sleepy Mousey now. Started nodding into my supper! What a massive adventure we are merging into. Thank-you for all the kite fun——and for Rinky’s garden——and for making such generous love to your tired, excited Lady. I can’t wait to be in your arms again soon. Lots more to explore. Let the lessons begin. Sleep well, My Love. XXX——Mmm——XXX

  Adrian: Just returned from watching ‘What the bleep do we know’ with Big J. So interesting——nodded off too. Now tucked up and planning my day. Thank-you for your lovely messages. You are teaching me about romance. Drifting thoughts——better send it. Can’t wait to hold you again.

  Sunday 17th September 2006

  A.m. Mouse: Lesson no.1. Imagine making slow, connected love with me every dawn we are awake. Keeping our hearts and eyes connected——small breaths——moving in the swell of our own extraordinary Ocean; touching ourselves as if we are touching each other——X

  Adrian: Na. Not enough naughty naughty. Never nuckle myself ‘nless no one nows. Not a nincompoop notion though. New-fangled navel gazing——nice, but. Never mind my needless noise and natter; next night we ‘nteract——nife-edged shall it be.

  Now for the lesson——Lovely Lady, I have a long dawn down here in the Glade, so let your imagination see my eyes in yours, and——

  Mouse: My Lord Swallow, t’is beautiful to move with you in the Leafy Glade. I have been in your eyes and in those secret places this magical dawn——mmm——X——Natural Angels, Nifty Angels, Naked Angels, Noble Angels. Your Lady Thumbelina. X

  P.s——The first lesson is not about self-gratification. It is about sharpening the imagination, for that is where The Garden Gate lies. Lots of practice needed. Might see you at the music in town. Love you——M——X

  The family attends church this morning, and then visits a bar in town to hear the Caille Band with whom Adrian occasionally plays. The Laird is back from his trip and my two men and I sit together outside with the children. We eat chips, drink beer and enjoy the Irish folk music. After a while The Laird leaves me with The Prince for a game of squash. I expect he wouldn’t be so happy if he knew the full extent of our relationship. I feel so fine about it all——strange, I know, but there we are. My life in perfect balance.

  Adrian and I end the day with a loving phone call. We comment on how The Laird practically handed me over to him earlier today: “It felt completely natural, leaving us in your care while he went off on another of his jaunts.” Adrian has sorted out his room again——moved the furniture and cleared out the corners. “It feels really good,” he smiles down the telephone line that carries his voice up into the rural hills from the town below.

  Monday 18th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Our official occupations are obvious, but——on other occasions less obvious changes occur. Old habits come off, order and organization break out and this wondrous orb turns over. Good morning, my Rose. Late night tidying has stifled my prose creator. How did you do? Looking forward to our meeting today——X——Your Man in a new room.

  Mouse: Only once in a lifetime does an opportunity like ours occur——obvious, open, occupying, offering, and omnipotent. You overwhelm me onederfully my Lover, every ounce of me. The onset of beautiful October is obvious, may it bring us an opulence of onour——hours of opium in our oasis; our Ocean——X

  Good morning, my handsome Prince. Yes, I am slow this morning too. Can’t wait to see you later——X

  Adrian: Beautiful construction my Sweet. Mmm——come to me——

  Mouse: Your words are sweet balm. I am coming to you so soon.

  Adrian: Will you be passing the library? If I gave you my card, could you find me some children’s gardening books?

  Mouse: I can certainly visit the library. Give me the card at school——or shall I collect it from the newly organized boudoir? ——X

  * * * * * * *

  Late A.m. Mouse: Fine Sir, I am back home after scary, big shop. I have some great books for my Gardening Maestro. Does he require me to bring late lunch? Or are we having each other for lunch? We won’t have time for both. Just let me know so that I bring the relevant things! ——M——X

  Adrian: Can we nibble on what I have here, My Love? Scary? Costly——

  Mouse: Certainly. I shall be in fine Mouse mode——nibbling skills razor sharp. Watch out! ——X

  We have time for a morsel to eat; corn crackers, pate, avocado and salad from the garden, as well as soup; always a favourite. Adrian plays me some of his C.D’s, which I begin to enjoy. Different in many ways from the music I am used to; they are more grounded. I have played him lots of C.D’s on The Mountain. He likes the folk music but definitely not anything too ‘hippy’ or ‘waffly’.

  I am all revved up this afternoon; on a high from dashing about organizing the Workshop materials. He holds me on his cosy bed, teasing me about my excited, giggly mood——joining me, touching me and challenging me. We play sensually until the short time is over and my telephone rings. It is The Laird. He often phones when Adrian and I are together.

  Tuesday 19th September 2006

  A.m. Mouse: You are so precious to me, My Prince of Elves. We are personally pieced together; privately punctuating the Angel’s positive plans for us, however they permeate our lives. A perfect dawn of peaceful passion with my Prince leaves me pink-cheeked and poignantly breathless. I have met the possibilities present in the deep pool of his person. And now I wait patiently for our day to begin. I am aching for his beauty, his poise——

  Adrian: Powerful pulses of passion——pounding——penetrating——pouring——perspiring——pulsing——pausing——passing——to——poignant pauses of patience——and playful possibilities. Puckered——present——protective arms——pleasant pool of peace. Lingering, parting, joyful pharting——pharwell phriend.

  Mouse: Oh playful, pharting puppy——my Pied Piper——prepare our pillows for phun and
phrollics ‘plus tard’——X

  Adrian: Sweet Pea, please can you place your perfect phalluses on any measuring tapes present at your place? A particularly long, yellow one would be pleasing to perceive. You are a peace-making piece of Heaven. Phanks.

  Mouse: Oh peautiful purveyor of pounding passion. I have placed my phalluses on large, yellow tape measure and a small one too. Do you need me to shop, My Prince? Love you——X

  Our day is busy and full. School is brimming with artistic endeavour and friendly people. I find myself in the hub of activity——every day. The Angels are dishing out platefuls of happiness. I keep wondering what I have done to deserve such blessing.

  P.m. Mouse: How was the beach visit with the class? And did you get all the demonstration vegetables for tomorrow’s gardening lesson? I hear from Cordelia that one of the children accidentally killed a seagull with a thrown bottle! Great consternation and upset all round with desperate attempts to visit the vet. A day’s outing not to be forgotten. Are we meeting in The Leafy Glade at all? I have to be at school at 2.55 to catch various bods. Any chance of some help with bamboo poles for the Workshop Spring Festival? I am at home now. Almost sorted for the Workshop. Just buzz me if you want a snuggle. X

  I consider the coming festival on The Mountain; just a small version of Friday’s celebration. Perhaps we could use the now-discarded bamboo poles from School. I’m sure Adrian would help me tie them to the van’s roof-wrack. We only need two or three.

  Mouse: Hi, Friend. Missing you. Can you phone this p.m? Only if you feel like chatting to your Lady. Everyone out or otherwise engaged. Let me know——X——

  Adrian: Just heading to the supermarket. Back home in an hour. Love you. Got a story to tell.

  Mouse: Good night, My Love. Better not phone——Laird in a slight grump——requiring supper and explanations as to why the fire is smoking so badly and all the windows are open when it’s cold. Not a pleasant homecoming for a hard-working, hard-playing Laird! Black marks for the Serving Wench. Tis friggin wild and windy up here this evening. Laird’s fishing dates are confirmed. He is away this Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights if you are free? Kite Workshop 3rd October?


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