Book Read Free

The Celestial Sea

Page 24

by Marina de Nadous

  It is freezing on The Mountain tonight. Cedric wears a hat and two jumpers to bed! Poor fellow. His corner bedroom catches the full force of the South Westerly. He scowls at me from under his duvet; this Kiwi life isn’t quite as wonderful as we had promised. Hmm——I sense his accusing eyes.

  Wednesday 20th September 2006

  A.m. Mouse: Q——is a quandary if you are quintessentially British. I am not, by nature, quarrelsome, although some say I am quite quirky. So, I shall be brief with my quill this morning, especially as I have a lot to do. Just to ask: when you become King, can I be first in the queue to be your Queen? Oh beautiful Lover of mine, who sets me all a quiver——X——

  Actually, your Queen is ill today——struck down by a mystery tummy bug and feeling rather yuk!

  Adrian: Quickly he wakes; his questing mind quiets——quelling squeamish thoughts——extinguishing unhelpful quips and quotes. He turns his mind to his Queen——her quiet grace quells his disquiet; her Queenly charms quicken him. The quintessence of friendship——quasi-formal. He quaffs her with one thought——

  I feel horrible, despite Adrian’s wonderful messages. A day in bed I fear. I hope the family don’t come down with whatever I have. I don’t usually get ill.

  * * * * * * *

  Early P.m. Mouse: Hi there, My Lovely Friend——how was your day? I have been lying sick-a-bed——thinking of your happy, gardening troop. Had to cancel Workshop sadly. Laird has done the school runs and is now away all evening with Cedric the Scowler at various College functions. Just sending a special hug, {without germs!} Thinking of you——M——X

  Adrian: Hi gurgly guts. Can I come up? One or two things I want and I’d like to see you——

  Mouse: Certainly, My Friend——as long as you don’t mind me all grotty and gurgly. When might you be here? X

  Adrian: Probably one hour? When is the Laird home?

  Mouse: I should imagine around 9ish. Love you——X

  * * * * * * *

  Later, Adrian: Running late, My Sweet. Carried away building a well. Still 20 minutes away——

  Mouse: A well? My goodness Sir——your varied talents amaze me. I am trying a stint of house chores——not a good idea——back to the sofa I think. I am about to feed the tinks. Looking forward to seeing you soon, Oh Well-Digger of mine——X

  I like a man who isn’t put off by lurgies and bugs. Adrian duly arrives and we spend a happy hour together. The wind has dropped and there is much to chat about; in fact, we never seem to run out of conversation. The children love Adrian’s creative presence and ask for help on various projects. Our quiet times are full of contentment too. I am constantly amazed by our compatibility. Have I really only known this man for fourteen months? He fits into my family life with such harmony. The kettle sings, The Bog-Brush chases the chickens off the deck, the coconut cake rises in the oven and we are content.

  Thursday 21st September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Ripples of real richness flow between these Royal Lovers. Like resonant radio waves, relentless in their relationship. They realize their ripeness. Rivers of rightness——rolling——reaching——rocking——reducing——redeeming——revealing. They reach total union in rapture——

  Mouse: “Right or rong?” The rioting rabble rattled the railings. “We are reasonable enough in our retort. Tis against all religions for them to be so rapped up in each other, so how come the rapture rests on such a rich reality? We would rather not resist our reasons for retribution, but have to realize that perhaps, in this reckoning, there might be a Royal relevance.”

  Adrian: Hi, My Sweet. How are you feeling? Could you please bring down a flip chart, any rakes, string and nails for putting up corrugated iron——if any are about. Come see me——

  Mouse: Morning, My Darling. I am up and about but feeling a bit wobbly. Will bring all the bits. Do I come see you in the School garden? Early drop off for the Go-Getter at 8.40——X

  The Go-Getter is away to Auckland today with his class. Their present Main Lesson is focused on the Norse Myths. The Viking exhibition at the museum is a must. The children are excited and I stay at school to wave them off. Some of the girls have brought pillows for the three-hour journey; how sensible. The boys wouldn’t be seen dead with such wimpy accessories! They are funny about things like that.

  Afternoon, Mouse: Hi Friend——hope the session with the chiropractor went well? Rinky is out to supper with Sammy’s gang until 7. Laird is out until 9. Cedric is on the hill, mountain-boarding, {I’ll entice him in soon for some quality Mummy time.} The Go-Getter is on the School outing, so your Lady is free if you would like her this fine evening.

  Adrian: I’m all yours, so come on down——X

  Mouse: Just leaving home, My Love——scruffy and tired, but definitely yours.

  We meet again in The Leafy Glade. Just for a short time today, enough for a catch-up, a cup of tea and a long, heavenly kiss that leaves us both in a sacred hush. We could have stayed in each other’s arms all evening. However, an invitation to join the family meal upstairs brings us back to shore. Roast chicken and vegetables in Big J’s kitchen is delicious; why does someone else’s cooking always taste better than one’s own? Adrian is a vibrant member of the household; his dog and cat content in the garden, his food in the fridge and washing on the line. I notice the familiar leather boots that we bought together before he went away. They lie in a heap by the sliding doors. He is off on his course again tonight; more insights to digest and inspire.

  P.m. Mouse: Goodnight, My Handsome Lover. Hope the course went well? What a nice treat to have a meal——very yummy. Could have stayed in your arms longer. The Leafy Glade was particularly cosy tonight——M——X

  Mouse: {unsent}. Rushing Rainbows ripple resoundingly across the rosy dusk. Let’s remember our right to rejoice.

  Friday 22nd September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: So——soon will her soft and subtle scent of sensuality settle upon his sheets. Soon will his supple limbs and sinewy frame be snuggled, spoon-like against hers. Soon their soaring senses will send shuddering shimmers coursing through them both. Shafts of sunlight, slivers of Spirit. Ecstasy——

  Mouse: The silhouette of his silent Spirit seizes her seeking imagination. It is the perfect size. She saw it simply, surprisingly——not suddenly, but beautifully slowly, lending solidity to such a strong sensation. ‘He stands, tall and straight’——a splendid figure of a man. Strength——serenity——so special. She stalls in the shadows. Will he see her? Should that day ever slide into the sunshine she will have no other choice but to surrender——

  Adrian: Sensational sentences, stunning structure, stupendous soliloquisms. Send some seeds school-wards, she who supplies all. Planting day. Silky skin——sweet, succulent secrets——

  Mouse: Sir, I am sliding into speechless sighing at your, oh——so——so sensual soliloquy. Your words are simply stunning——X——Seeds it is——X

  Spring touches; the seasonal change is barely tangible but something stirs. There are new leaves on the few deciduous trees and more light in the evenings, although not as marked and obvious as in England. The hedgerow lilies have returned as new friends, and the red-hot pokers; encountered last year for the first time. They stand as bold heralds of the warmer weather. Adrian and I are so happy. The Boat ventures out of the harbour——out and away. Our voyages are fresh and exciting, gentle and considered. Hands and fingers, smiles and christened lips; every moment is cherished.

  Adrian’s teaching colleague, Sienna, is away on a course this week. He is directing the 27 little darlings single-handed. The inspirational curriculum is a natural environment for my talented Friend. Drawings from The Master’s hand fill the chalkboard in ever enticing display; a new addition every day as the topic unfolds. I spy his artwork through the wide-paned windows that look out over the playground. I notice chalks and pastels in bold detail; attention paid to every crease and fold, edge and horizon.

  The children spend two hours each
morning studying their Main Lesson; a storyline can last for two or three weeks. The cross-curricular teaching method is inspirational. I wish I had been taught in this way. Small hands are busy as they copy the teacher’s work, {their own interpretation of course}. Imagination takes flight as they journey through the topic. And in the afternoons the large acreage of the school is explored.

  Visits to the bamboo forest are such fun; swinging on the big rope is a great thrill. Those waiting their turn clamber along a fallen tree trunk beside the swing. The gum tree has been horizontal for a long time and is woven into the children’s fantasy landscape. There is a new challenge every day. Tricky footholds demand concentration, overhanging branches catch in carefree locks and a worrying drop to a little stream makes for high adventure. The children hunt for the eel that usually lurks in the shallows——where has he gone? He hasn’t been spied for a week.

  P.m. Adrian: Hello, My Lovely Friend. I am lying pooped on my bed——a spent match——an old boiler used up caring for her brood. Could do with your gentle hands nearby, that’s for sure. Still, a rich three days it has been. Not time-filling, certainly. It’s been real and useful. Yay. How are you holding up?

  Mouse: Hi there, Lovely Friend. How went the music practice and the teaching day? I look forward to hearing. Sorry not to see you after school——I am dog-tired and the Go-Getter and his friend were very anxious to get home. Do we need to do a round up of tools etc. before we forget where everything is? I feel like a catch-up.

  How was your session with the chiropractor? You probably don’t have time, but if you do, just text me and I can give you a ring. Otherwise, have a wonderful music evening.

  P.s——How wild might you feel tomorrow morning? The Laird is leaving the house to go fishing at 5.45 a.m approx. If you happen to be awake very early we could have 2 hours of bliss in The Nesty Place. You could drive further up the road before 5.30 and wait for my ‘coast clear’ text. Then you could join us for breakfast as before. You may of course be too tired and need your lie-in, but if not I will check my phone late tonight and again at 5.30 ish.

  * * * * * * *

  Late P.m. Adrian: I’m in. See you tomorrow morning.

  Saturday 23rd September 2006

  A.m. Mouse: Time to tumble in the tide——touch each other totally. I’m tingling from top to toe. Laird just left——better give it a few minutes in case he’s forgotten anything. Your Temptress with the Rainbow Tummy.

  Dawn spreads across the valley. Hot tea and snugly catch-up is so cosy. We seek arms and hearts, limbs and warmth, loving every minute of this time together. The fire is lit and the children slumber on. Angels keep blessing us with stolen moments of sanctuary. When the children wake, {including a school friend}, I manage to keep them upstairs for a whole hour! Adrian and I laugh quietly as a game of bedroom hockey starts overhead and the bunnies that live in Rinky’s bedroom are encouraged out——a different accent to our lovemaking today——hockey and rabbits! Welcome to the domesticity of our Mountain life.

  Breakfast follows with a repeat of the barley-flour pancakes. Adrian appears in his car and spontaneous music making ensues with the boys and a couple of guitars. There is general hilarity and lightness of spirit; so different from our usual grumpy male presence in the home. We leave Adrian working in the garden after breakfast while I take the children to Kopiro Waterfalls. A new family from school joins us. Louis is French and Marie Irish with a bubbly character. We clamber down walkways overgrown in uncharacteristic, Kiwi neglect to find the rocks and pools that make this ravine so intriguing. Punga, Mamacou, Kawakawa, Rata and Totara grow on all sides of the stepped path. A cluster of colourful roosters surprises us around one of the bends. We have met this scenario before; when you get fed up with the noisy fellows just take them along to the nearest wild park. {I can see us doing the same one day soon——a suspicious gang of our chicks appear to have fighting tendencies.}

  The noise of the rushing water makes conversation difficult, but Marie and I chat about the massage course she is following at the local Polytechnic. The world of holistic living has just dawned on her; brought into sharp focus by joining our alternative school. Enthusiasm abounding, I recognize myself fourteen years ago. Her husband, Louis, is a boat builder. The cost-effective boat-building yards have brought them to New Zealand. Two commissioned racing vessels for a ‘Round the World Race’ are keeping Louis busy. He is less open to the alternative world than Marie. I am lucky there; The Laird is sceptical to begin with but eventually assumes a quiet acceptance. I wonder how they will fair in later years.

  As we near the bottom of the gorge The Laird arrives. He is back from his trip and bouncy as ever, undaunted by endless family duties. I find him so happy when he is away. He assumes a lighter spirit that lasts for a short while on his return before domestic fracas tips him into a negative space. I often wonder if these negative patterns are a reflection of an inharmonious childhood, or is it the effect I have on him? But the sociability, ah yes, the sociability——he is always very jolly when there are others to bounce between; a natural extravert, as opposed to my more introverted, private nature.

  Everyone enjoys a picnic tea and then we undertake the steep climb up again, passing one deep pool with an eerie echo where people swim in the summer.

  P.m. Adrian: Busy up at your place still. Come home soon?

  Mouse: Hi Darling, on our way home shortly. All the gang on board. Still feel you inside me——mmm——Love you X

  We arrive home at suppertime. Adrian is busy in the garden and The Laird is uneasy with my Friend’s active presence on his Mountain. However, we drink tea and chat in the late sunshine before Adrian drives down the hill to the comforts of The Leafy Glade. We’ll meet up later at a fellow teacher’s birthday party where he’s playing guitar with a couple of other musicians.

  * * * * * * *

  The party is sociable, lively and fun. Carla is the generous-hearted person who treated my sore neck when we first arrived in the country. She is an artistic person and teacher-relieves at school most weeks. Music fills the courtyard of her suburban home as the sun sets over the rural outlook. Adrian’s ex-girlfriend, Delphine, chats to me. Does she know our secret? “Adrian’s looking even thinner than usual,” she comments; “aren’t you feeding him enough?” This school community is small. I expect nothing much escapes notice.

  Late P.m. Mouse: I’m in your arms this fine night, My Love. Wonderful to hear you making music. Feeling very honoured to be The Smiling Minstrel’s Lady. I love you. Sleep well. Text tomorrow——M——X

  Sunday 24th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Underneath the ugliness of the urban sprawl——ultramodern——using——ulcerating——lies the unpolluted, unspoilt, still undulating and infinitely usable Mother Earth. That udder nourishing us all in the upper realms. My love to you, My Mother——

  Mouse: XXXXXX——Good morning, Fine Sir. Your turn to give the week’s lesson——unless you would rather I did? How was the rest of the party? Wish I could have stayed. I wanted to sing with you. Laird tired and about to get grumpy, so we had to depart early. Almost came back down to you. I would have got a black mark if I had. Next time I will! ——M——X

  Adrian: Party continued in much the same manner. The birthday girl loved singing, got a bit drunk and maybe a little sad right at the end. Carla seemed burdened but happy. I had a few vodkas, but soon switched to my flower tea. Tired today——quiet time——catch-up. Come visit if you’re able. Lots of clear, deep love to you, My Deep Stream Lover——

  Mouse: Undeniably a day to leave all umbrellas under the house. Beautiful words, My Darling. I’m running out of time as we are off to church shortly. I will try and come to my beautiful Swallow Man. We can gaze into the same clear stream together. I’m tired too——need my Minstrel’s love——X

  * * * * * * *

  After church, Mouse: Hi there. Can I come see you approx 11.15? Have got permission!

  Adrian: Of course——lunch? Outing? How
long for?

  Mouse: Could be all afternoon. Laird talking about fishing after lunch. I need to collect The Minx from Mallory Falls some time. Will discuss with him and let you know when I see you——X

  There are various people at Big J’s house when I arrive; some I recognize from the party last night. Edwin is a tall Dutchman; a spiritual clairvoyant and guitarist whom Adrian has mentioned before. He was playing last night. Big J’s son and other daughter are also present. I enjoy their Kiwi welcome and a late breakfast of eggs and salad in the pretty garden. We retire to the Leafy Glade for our catch-up and close time together; passion soon taking us further than Adrian feels comfortable with this Sunday afternoon. With his School Principal just above us in the kitchen and anxieties about The Laird, his unease is to the fore today.

  “I should have listened to my intuition earlier,” he says, calming me down and bringing me back to our present reality. He kisses me so gently——and——it happens, for me alone; an entry through The Garden Gate into the most exquisite domain. My breath almost leaves me. I try to explain where I have been; what I have felt.

  Adrian is not in the right mood to accompany me today, although he is intrigued by my obvious intoxication. So I leave him to his stillness; to the righting of his personal honour. I have no sense of any guilt and am able to keep the two sides of my life completely separate. I suppose it is a female trait——‘many pots boiling at the same time’. Not so possible for the male spirit though, where a single focus prevails.

  P.m. Mouse: My heart is crying silent tears with yours—gentle tears, My Love. Today’s lesson was mine. I am left a humbled Lover. You have much to uncover in me. Come to me soon in our depth of integrity——X


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