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My Man's Best Friend II

Page 17

by Tresser Henderson

“Busy doing what? Ain’t nothing y’all need to be doing up in here. You need to get it together and let me take you out for a night on the town,” she said, sitting down next to her tote and making herself at home. She looked at Jaquon like “What?” and I knew my friend wasn’t about to budge.

  “Please, Terry. I don’t feel like going anywhere tonight. I’ve had a rough day,” I said, making my way over to sit beside Jaquon.

  “More of a reason to go out and have some fun, girl,” she said happily.

  “I don’t feel like it.”

  “You heard her, Terry. Put your bat wings on and fly up out of here,” Jaquon said.

  Terry shook her head and said, “Why don’t you crawl back under the slums from which you came?”

  Here they went again. I swore these two hated each other and I knew each of them had valid reasons why.

  “Enough you two. I have a headache. I can’t deal with you two bickering tonight.”

  “Well can you deal with these?” Terry said, pulling out two tickets from her purse.

  “What are those?” I asked curiously.

  “Girl, these are two tickets to go see R. Kelly.”

  I perked up then. “Are you serious?” I asked with excitement now fueling my adrenaline.

  “Hell yeah. Front-row tickets at that.”

  “How in the hell did you manage this?”

  “It pays to have my job sometimes. To start this night off right I even got us a limo.”

  “For real?” I asked, not believing her.

  “Look outside. It’s taking up all the parking spaces on this side. You better hurry up before some of your neighbors get upset and be knocking at your door.”

  I got up off the sofa and went to the sliding glass door, peeking out. Sure enough, a black stretch limo was taking up at least three spaces.

  “You are serious.”

  “Now you believe me? Girl, go get dressed.” Terry told me.

  I looked back at Jaquon, who knew then I was going. I didn’t think he would bother stopping me since we were trying to get the relationship thing popping again. Telling me no would not look good right now.

  Jaquon got up off the sofa and said, “Go have fun with Terry.”

  Terry smirked because she knew this was another battle she had won and Jaquon’s attempts wouldn’t come to pass tonight.

  I went over and hugged him and moments later Jaquon was gone.

  “Good riddance,” she said with her legs crossed and fumbling in her purse for something. “I don’t know why you insist on being stupid.”

  “I’m not stupid. Why does everybody feel the need to call me that?”

  “Because it’s true when it comes to that dog.”

  “We are not getting serious. Maybe I just want to have some fun.”

  “You mean have him play with your kitty-cat again.”

  I laughed and couldn’t respond.

  “Girl, go get dressed so we can get this night started.”

  The concert was everything I expected it to be. R. Kelly was off the chain. He was a musical genius and his performance didn’t disappoint. The place was packed. The crowd was hype and the vibe in the air was electrifying. I was so glad Terry got me to go out with her because we had a ball. From the limo ride to going to a restaurant to eat after, the evening was so much fun. The night flew by and when it was time for Terry to drop me off, she was two sheets to the wind after having way too many drinks.

  “Are you going to be okay going home by yourself?” I asked Terry.

  “Of course I am. I’m tipsy but I know how to defend myself.” She reached in her purse and pulled out her gun.

  “Terry,” I belted.


  “Put that thing away before you shoot yourself.”

  “The only person who’s going to get shot is the person who’s thinking about attacking me. People are crazy.”

  “Is it loaded?” I asked as she moved it around, making me scared to be around it.

  “Of course it is.”

  “Is the safety on? Because I’m not trying to catch a bullet.”

  “Girl, you good. The safety is on.”

  “How did you sneak it past security?”

  “Oh, I didn’t take in the place. I have it for after. You know that’s when people get to acting crazy. I would have made a special trip to this ride to let whoever know I’m not to be messed with.”

  I shook my head and opened the door to get out. Before exiting I reached over and hugged Terry.

  “Thank you again, girl. I had so much fun.”

  “Anytime, girlfriend.”

  I got out of the limo, saying, “Call me when you get home.”I watched the limo pull off before I made my way up the steps. Reaching the top floor I pulled my keys out to enter when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I twirled around in panic.

  Standing there was Jaquon.

  “Are you crazy? You scared me to death,” I said with my heart beating fast.

  He smiled and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I couldn’t figure out how to get your attention any other way.”

  “Putting your hand on a woman at three o’clock in the morning is not the way,” I said, turning back to the key dangling in the lock. I turned the key and we entered together. “What are you doing here anyway? It’s late.”

  He smiled and said, “I came to finish what we started.”

  Jaquon approached me and didn’t give me time to put down my things. He kissed me deep. Coming up for air, Jaquon picked me up and carried me to my bedroom.

  He placed me down and lay on top of me. We groped one another through our clothes as the strapless dress I was wearing slowly made its way around my waist. Both of us wanted this. The alcohol I drank earlier had me on fire. It was sending me into a frenzy, making me so horny, and Jaquon was ready to douse my fire.

  Next thing I knew Jaquon slid his way down my body. He was between my legs. He lifted them in the air, spreading me wide. He licked me one good time long and slow. Surges shot through me. He rose, looking at me, as I looked down to see what he was waiting for.

  “I’m going to play with you first,” he said seductively. Jaquon slid two fingers inside me. In and out he went, wiggling his fingers to touch all sides of my walls.

  I quaked and yearned for him to put his mouth on me. I reached down and gripped his hand, assisting him in his strokes. He smirked at my urgency and played with my wetness until I was panting loudly. Jaquon must have gotten turned on more. He lowered his tongue to join his fingers but replaced one for the other. His tongue flicked while his fingers pushed in and out of me, causing me to cum immediately. One thing Jaquon knew how to do was eat the punany. For just a split second I had to wonder if he had done any of his other women like this. It would explain why some were so damn crazy over him.

  I shivered from my climax as Jaquon made his way back up my body. I heard his belt buckle jingle and knew he was pulling out his johnson. I knew it was throbbing to enter me. I considered leaning forward to return the favor by sucking him dry but he was trying to get me back. Why do him any extra favors when this was favor enough for him?

  Jaquon lifted one of my legs over his shoulder and pushed himself inside me. His rhythm was slow, almost like he was teasing me, but he didn’t need to do that because after a few strokes I was cumming again. My body trembled beneath him. He looked at me like he enjoyed seeing me satisfied. He leaned down and kissed me on my lips. I reached around and grabbed his butt, pulling him deeper into me. The weight of his body collapsed as he gave me what I wanted. Deeper was where he went.

  I moaned as he ground his johnson inside my saturated womanhood. After cumming about four times, I stopped counting because I was ready to fall off into slumber. I didn’t think my body could take another orgasm but just when I didn’t think another one would come, my body quivered to the reaction of peaking again and again and again.

  Jaquon was right on time tonight because I needed some bad. He was giving it
to me right. After he climaxed, he rolled off of me.

  I felt like I could sleep for a week. Curling up in his arms, Jaquon lay on his back, wrapping his right arm around me.

  “I love you, Kea,” he said, slowly drifting off to sleep.

  “I love you too, Jaquon.”

  Chapter 30


  The past few nights had been great with me spending a lot of my time with Trinity. I enjoyed being around her so much that it got to the point as soon as I got off of work, I felt like I needed to be near her. She helped keep my mind off Kea. Any time I got alone consisted of the what-if’s until we got this paternity test done. Unfortunately for me, the new diagnostic center we found couldn’t schedule an appointment until October Twenty-first. Today was October Eighth. In the meantime, my waiting would consist of being with Trinity.

  Trinity and I were in the grocery store gathering some items for her to cook dinner for us tonight. She was spoiling me with her many splendid dishes. I told her I needed to get away from her before I started putting on weight.

  We were in the rice aisle when the last person I expected to see was looking at something on the shelf and had not noticed us. She must have felt my eyes staring at her because she looked over and made eye contact with me. She looked at me with a smile until she laid eyes on Trinity. I almost made the decision to turn and walk in the opposite direction when Trinity noticed me looking in her direction.

  “Derrick, are you okay?” she asked, looking from me to where my eyes were. Like the lady I knew Kea to be she started to approach. I never answered Trinity’s question because moments later Kea was standing right in front of us.

  “Hey, Derrick. It’s good to see you.”

  “Good to see you too,” I stuttered, trying to figure out what to do next. Kea looked at me, then Trinity, but I was at a loss for words. I guessed both women felt my awkwardness and Kea stuck her hand out to introduce herself.

  “Hi, my name is Kea. I’m a friend of Derrick’s.”

  “Hi, I’m Trinity. It’s nice to meet you,” she said, playing it off well.

  Kea said, “I don’t know what’s gotten into Derrick. He acts like he’s seen a ghost.”

  It felt like I had. Trinity nudged me a bit, trying to bring me back to reality.

  I said, “I’m just shocked to see you here, that’s all.”

  “I have to eat like everyone else. It looks to me from your cart you all are going to be eating well,” she said coolly.

  “Yes, I’m thinking about making curried goat with rice and peas, and cassava bread. For dessert I think I’m going to do a rum cake. Have you had it before?” Trinity asked.

  “I’ve only had curried goat once and I didn’t care too much for it.”

  “Well you haven’t had good goat until you’ve had mine. I have mastered cooking it. Maybe I can make it for you sometime,” Trinity said kindly.

  That really impressed me.

  “That would be great,” Kea said.

  I couldn’t believe how smoothly the conversation between the two of them was going. Here I was uncomfortable and they were getting along like they had known each other forever. I was making this situation worse than it had to be. It was because I wanted Kea and here I was with another woman. I wondered what she was thinking. I didn’t want her to think I was playing her because I wasn’t. Trinity and I were just friends. Well, friends who had sex together, but friends. Kea didn’t need to know that.

  “I’m going to let you two catch up a bit. Derrick, I’m going to the next aisle to pick up some sugar because I’m out,” Trinity said. She held her hand out again and said, “It was nice meeting you, Kea.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Trinity,” Kea said as Trinity left. Kea looked at me, smiling.

  “It’s not what you think,” I said, feeling like a guilty man who had been caught cheating.

  “Derrick, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain anything to me. I’m just your sister.”

  “Come on, Kea. You know we are more than that.”

  “We were,” she said grimly.

  “Why won’t you let us be together?”

  “You seem to be doing well without me,” she said bluntly.

  “She’s just a friend.”

  “A very beautiful friend at that. Have you had sex with this friend?” Kea asked.

  Her question caught me off-guard and I looked at her without answering.

  “I see. Was this before or after we did what we did?” she asked, pointing back and forth between us.

  “It was before. It happened the night we found out the results.”

  “I’m glad you have decided to move on. She seems perfect for you.”

  Just when I was about to say something else to her, Jaquon walked up. I watched as his free hand met the center of Kea’s lower back and she looked over at him, smiling. What the hell was going on? This couldn’t be happening.

  “I found the ice cream you wanted,” he said arrogantly. “Butter pecan, right?” he asked her happily.

  I wanted to smack that smile off his face.

  “You got it,” she said.

  Jaquon looked at me with a slight smirk on his face. I guessed that was his way of letting me know, “I got her back. Now what?”

  “What’s up, Derrick,” he spoke.

  “You back with this fool?” I asked Kea without acknowledging Jaquon.

  “We are working on a relationship.”

  “A relationship. What does that mean?” I asked, confused.

  Kea looked at Jaquon and said, “We are seeing where things are going to take us. We are not officially together. I guess you can say we are reestablishing our friendship.”

  “Does this friendship include you having sex with him?” I asked, since she asked me the same question.

  Kea shifted and gave me the same silent answer I gave her.

  “I can’t believe this. You are so unhappy with yourself that you choose to go back to the one man who brought nothing but misery to your life,” I said, pointing at Jaquon.

  “It’s what I want, Derrick.”

  “You heard her, Derrick,” Jaquon said, stressing the K sound in my name. “She wants me.”

  I swung on him and hit him dead in his mouth. Jaquon tumbled to the floor and I pounced on him, punching him over and over again in the face. He was flat on his back and struggled to sit up but my punches wouldn’t allow him.

  “Derrick, what are you doing?” Kea yelled. “Stop it, Derrick,” Kea screamed.

  Jaquon tried to hit me but I was on him, hitting him again in the face, causing him to tumble back down. Somehow he managed to twist his way free, throwing me off of him. He jumped up, grabbing me around the waist and slamming me into the shelves. Items went flying everywhere as Kea screamed for us to stop.

  I saw Trinity turn the corner and run in our direction. She pushed past Kea and tried to grab me off of Jaquon.

  “Stop it,” Trinity and Kea shouted, but neither of us was giving up. It was not until two men who heard the commotion came over to break us up that we stopped.

  “Don’t be mad because Kea chose me,” Jaquon roared with blood spewing from his nose and mouth.

  “She settled until she could get the right man,” I shouted.

  “She is with the right man,” Jaquon countered.

  “Shut the hell up before I punch you in your mouth again.”

  “You caught me one time. You won’t get me again,” Jaquon spat.

  “I’m calling the cops,” someone said as Jaquon and I glared at one another, waiting for the other to make the next move.

  Kea went to Jaquon as Trinity stood in front of me, pushing me in the chest. Trinity and Kea thanked the guys for helping as each of them held our arms to escort us out the store.

  Trinity asked Kea, “You got him, right?” She nodded as she tugged on Jaquon’s arm, pulling him away from us.

  “Derrick , we have to go,” Trinity demanded.

  I didn’t move. I stood watchin
g Kea pull Jaquon, who was walking backward, glaring back at me.

  “Derrick, let’s go before you get arrested,” Trinity belted.

  I didn’t care about being arrested. My world collided once more with the fact that Kea was taking Jaquon back into her life. Why? Why, when she had me? Couldn’t she wait until the results came out before she decided to give him another chance? I was devastated.

  Wanting to slump to the floor, Trinity wouldn’t allow me to. She threw my arm around her shoulder and basically carried me to the car. Kea and Jaquon were long gone by the time we got outside.

  I had to wonder if Kea was going to be there to doctor his wounds. Why couldn’t she be here for me?

  I guessed that didn’t matter now since Jaquon was who she was with.

  Chapter 31


  Many people call what I was doing stalking. I called it checking up on my man. I had been sitting outside his house a little ways down the street in my new ride for about two hours when I saw him whip into his driveway. I was not happy when I saw a woman get out of the passenger side and follow Derrick into his home. This was not Kea and I wondered who in the hell this was. When did he find time to get another woman when he could have chosen me?

  I was on fire and had to know what was going on. As soon as his door closed, I pulled up in front of his house. I went to the door, knocking like a woman on a mission, and my mission was to find out who this woman was. No one came to the door. So I pounded on the door harder, wondering what was taking him so long to answer. They had just walked in and I knew they didn’t have time to get into anything sexually in the amount of time it took me to come to this door.

  When I raised my fist to pound again, this woman answered the door.

  “Can I help?” this blue-eyed woman asked.

  “You can help me by telling me who are you?” I asked without speaking and her eyes stretched.

  “Excuse me,” she said, flabbergasted.

  “You heard me. Who the hell are you and why are you in my man’s house?” I bellowed.

  “So you supposed to be Derrick’s girlfriend?” she asked impishly like she didn’t believe me.

  “Yes, I am. Where is he?” I asked, getting ready to walk in, but Ms. Thang held her hand up to stop me. I looked at her hand and her like, “Bitch, please. You better get out my damn way.”


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