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My Man's Best Friend II

Page 18

by Tresser Henderson

  “Can you wait right here while I go get him?” she asked, leaving the door open like I was supposed to stand here and take orders from her.

  I barged into the house behind her.

  She turned to me and said, “I’m sorry. I thought I asked if you could wait outside.”

  “And as you can see the answer is no. This is my house.”

  “Look, sweetie—” Blue Eyes began to say.

  “I’m not your sweetie,” I said angrily, ready to snatch her wild hair from her head. Look like she had tumbleweed for hair. She needed a relaxer.

  Derrick came walking down the stairs. His shirt was ripped and his hand was bleeding.

  “What happened to you?” I asked, running up to him.

  He stepped back like I had some contagious disease. “I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again,” Derrick said furiously.

  “But I was in the neighborhood—”

  “And why are you always in this neighborhood? If I didn’t know any better I would swear you were stalking me.”

  And what if I am? I thought. “I’m not stalking you, boo.”

  “I’m not your boo.”

  I looked over at Blue Eyes, who was standing a couple of feet behind Derrick, watching vigilantly.

  “Are you going to introduce me to your little friend?” I asked, gesturing toward Blue Eyes; probably were contacts anyway. Everybody wanted light eyes so it helped them get a man or woman. Me, I went with what was given to me. Besides my hair and nails everything else was real.

  “No, I’m not introducing you. Now get out,” Derrick said, pointing to the door.

  “How long have you two been seeing each other?”

  “I see I’m going to have to call the police and have a restraining order put on you for real,” he said.

  “What happened to Kea? Are y’all over now? I thought you were getting another DNA test to see if you are indeed brother and sister. I thought she was the one you wanted to be with.”

  Derrick tilted his head to the side and then crossed his arms in front of him, frowning. His hand went to his chin like he was thinking and he asked, “How do you know we are getting another test done?”

  There I went again letting my mouth run faster than my mind. This always happened when I got mad and now I had stuck my foot in it again.

  “Don’t worry about how I know,” I said, trying to play it off.

  “Zacariah, I think you have somebody feeding you information. Who is it?” he asked, shifting his weight.

  “Nobody is telling me anything,” I said as he gaped at me.

  “No. Somebody is telling you something and I get the feeling the person has to work for the paternity office we had our test at,” he said, rubbing his chin as he thought about it harder. “Only Kea and I knew, along with the woman who we spoke with, about taking another test elsewhere.”

  That person has to be my cousin and, yes, she was the one who told me, I thought.

  “You know what, Zacariah, thank you for coming by today because you have helped answer a question that’s been bugging me for a while now,” he said, grinning with confidence.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked nervously.

  “I knew I had seen that technician somewhere before but I couldn’t put my finger on where.”

  I listened, hoping he would just forget about this whole thing, kick Blue Eyes out, and decide it was me he wanted. But by his demeanor and the squinting of his eyes, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Derrick was figuring out my scheme. I wanted to run like hell but my feet wouldn’t budge.

  “That technician is your cousin right?” he asked like I was going to confirm.

  But, I said nothing. I stood still.

  He said, “I was so caught up in everything that was going on that it never occurred to me until now.”

  “I don’t have a cousin who works at a DNA center,” I retorted.

  “Yeah, she’s your cousin all right. It’s all coming back to me now. I met her in the very beginning of our relationship,” he said, giggling. “You decided to get your cousin to help you somehow. It all makes sense. That’s why she kept trying to convince us to retake the test there. Did she alter the results for you, Zacariah?”

  “No. I wouldn’t do anything like that,” I said fearfully.

  “Oh you would. You would do anything to get us back together or, rather, keep Kea and me apart.”

  “Don’t hype yourself up that much, Derrick. You act like you are the only man on earth,” I spat.

  “I know I’m not but to hear you tell it, I’m the only man for you. That’s why you were here that night I didn’t come home, so you could console me, thinking I would be so upset that I would fall back into your arms and we would live happily ever after,” he said, giggling again. “What you didn’t count on was me meeting Trinity here,” he said, gesturing toward Blue Eyes, “and that she would be the woman to help console me.”

  I peered at the woman and she smirked. I wanted to rip her face off, eliminating that condescending look. He turned to look at her as she watched my demise.

  “You are one conniving woman. To stoop as low as to make Kea and me think we were siblings. You good,” he said, clapping. “Finding that picture in my father’s apartment was like you hitting the lottery. I bet you even knew the results before we did.”

  I said nothing. I just thought, Yes. Because my cousin did call me to inform me they were not kin. That’s when I told her to change the results. What else was I supposed to do? I couldn’t stand to see them together and have Kea live the life I was supposed to with Derrick. He was supposed to take me back like before but she interfered and got him mixed up.

  “The cat is out of the bag so you might as well come clean.”

  “I have nothing to come clean about,” I said, standing my ground.

  “You are a stubborn one. You are going to deny it to the end. Well you can leave now. Thanks for making this bad day now turn into a good one. I can’t wait to tell Kea.”

  Derrick turned to Blue Eyes and asked, “Can you make sure she leaves? I have to make a phone call real quick.”

  “Certainly,” she said.

  I watched as he went over to her and kissed her on the cheek. He peered at me, shaking his head before going back upstairs, leaving me standing there speechless.

  Chapter 32


  I couldn’t wait to get Kea on the phone and tell her what I just found out. As soon as I got upstairs I picked up the phone and dialed her number. The first call went to her voice mail. I hung up and dialed her number again. Again the call went to voice mail and I dialed it again. Kea was going to answer my call if I had to lock her phone line up trying to get her to answer. After about the seventh call Kea answered.

  “What, Derrick? Haven’t you done enough?” she bellowed.

  “Kea, just hear me out. I found something out today.”

  “I don’t feel like dealing with you right now.”

  “If you hang up, I’m coming over there and you know you don’t want that. So please listen to me for a second.”

  The line went silent. I waited a few seconds to see if she had hung up on me but there was no dial tone. I heard a slight sigh and knew she was still on the phone.

  “I know who the technician is. It’s Zacariah’s cousin.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Yes. The woman who administered the test is her cousin. I didn’t remember until Zacariah came by today.”

  “What was she doing at your house?”

  “Stalking me of course.”

  “So do you think she had anything to do with the results?” Kea asked.

  “I wouldn’t put it past her. By her behavior when I was talking, she looked guilty.”

  “But the technician didn’t seem like the type of woman who would do anything like this.”

  “I thought that too, but what better way to get over on us than to be cordial? You do remember how persistent she was, especia
lly when we told her we were having the test redone somewhere else? And this is Zacariah’s blood.”

  “True,” Kea agreed.

  “If she altered the results and we had it done somewhere else, then she knows the outcome will be different,” I said, excited that my gut was right.

  “So where do we go from here?”

  “Tomorrow, I’m going to call and see if we can move up our appointment. Maybe there were some cancellations or something. You do still want to do this right?”

  “Well yes, but—”

  “But nothing. Kea, look. I’m sorry for what happened earlier. Jaquon just made me so angry and I was already mad that you were there with him.”

  “You had no right to hit him,” she said.

  “You are right. I let my anger get the best of me.”

  “And how could you get mad when you had your friend with you? You didn’t see me flipping out,” Kea said.

  “I’m not you, Kea.”

  “Trinity seems like someone you can get serious with.”

  “She’s a friend. Trinity knows everything going on, including the fact that I love you.”

  “You told her everything?” she asked.

  “Yes. She’s been my sounding board lately when I couldn’t come and talk to you. Every time I would see you, all I visualized was being wrapped up in your arms and making love to you. I miss that so much.” She didn’t respond so I continued. “Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Derrick. I hear you.”

  “Let’s get this test done so we can hurry up and be together. You do still want to be with me, don’t you?”

  Kea hesitated.

  “Baby, please don’t give up on us. I don’t care that you are with Jaquon now but once those results prove we are not siblings, can you come back to me?”

  “I have to go, Derrick,” she said.

  “Kea, please don’t get serious with him again. I’m going to call tomorrow with our appointment time, okay?”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Baby, I love you,” I said, and it was met with a dial tone.

  I didn’t know whether to feel happy at the idea of finally being with Kea or hurt because there was a possibility she still loved Jaquon. I couldn’t fathom that and lowered my head onto my thumbs as my elbows met my knees.

  “She’s gone,” Trinity said.

  I heard her and lifted my head to see her standing in my bedroom doorway. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough to know you are determined to get Kea back. She’s a beautiful woman and I see why you want her back. She’s got a good vibe.”

  “She’s one of a kind.”

  I turned to face Trinity and said, “I’m sorry for getting you involved in all my drama. Today’s events would have made an average person run for the hills.”

  “It’s okay. I’m used to being pushed in fights and harassed by ex-girlfriends,” she said lightheartedly.

  “I totally ruined this day for you.”

  “I told you it’s okay. It was nice to finally meet the key players in your drama-filled past.”

  “And present,” I said, giggling.

  “I know right,” she said.

  “I will make it up to you. I’m going to take you to the new jazz club that just opened up. We can listen to some soothing music and grab a bite to eat.”

  “No, I think I’m going to go home and chill by myself for a while.”

  “You don’t have to go,” I said, reaching out to her.

  She walked up and grabbed my hand. She said, “You may need time to think through some things, Derrick.”

  “Right now I don’t feel like thinking at all. I really could crawl under these covers, flick the TV on, and call it an evening. And you know it would be better with some company. I think a marathon of Twilight Zone is on.”

  “Color or black and white?” she asked.

  “Black and white of course. You know those are the best.”

  We both laughed and I said, “The calm of your eyes in combination with your smile always makes me feel good.”

  Trinity walked up to me and pulled me up. I stood in front of her as she draped her arms around me and placed her head on my chest. She felt so warm and I took pleasure in her being next to me.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” I told her. “You are too good of a woman to deal with all the things I have going on. I fear things could get serious between us and I don’t want to hurt you by going back to Kea,” I said, caressing her back.

  “I knew what I was getting into when I got with you, Derrick. So don’t feel bad.”

  “But I do.”

  “I would do anything for you. You needed me and I was happy to be here for you. I’m always here for you, even when our friendship ends,” she said tranquilly.

  “Why couldn’t I have met you years back before I ever got involved with Zacariah?”

  “Fate didn’t want it that way. It wanted us to meet just like we did and we should enjoy each other’s presence while we can.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Don’t completely write me off. Not yet,” she said, pulling me into her. She looked up at me and there were those blue eyes hypnotizing me again.

  “How about one last tryst?” she suggested, pecking me on the cheek. I began to wrestle with whether I should do this but once she started unbuttoning my shirt and planting soft kisses on my exposed chest, I was drawn to her. I tilted my head back, enjoying her lips on my breast, and looked down when I felt her hands moving south. Trinity sat on the edge of my bed and began to unbutton my pants.

  “You don’t have to do this,” I whispered.

  “But I want to.”

  She reached inside my pants and pulled out my johnson, which had grown to its maximum capacity. With no hesitation, Trinity took me into her mouth, causing instant tingles to come over me. I had to wonder what type of guy was I becoming when I knew what I was doing was wrong. But it felt so right. And for an instant I understood why Jaquon was the dog he was. If a woman was willing to give it to you any kind of way and it felt this good, then why not go for it? Still, that wasn’t the type of man I wanted to become.

  I looked down at Trinity giving me everything she had and I couldn’t resist her. My heart knew to stop this now but my body urged me to let her do what she was doing. Regardless of the battle I was having within myself, it didn’t take long for her tongue to bring me to a brink of discharging. Trinity never pulled back as she sucked up every drop of my semen, which surprised me.

  Who was this woman really, and could she let me go as easily as she claimed she could?

  Chapter 33


  I was so glad it was a new day and that yesterday was just that: yesterday. After Derrick and Jaquon’s altercation, our evening was ruined. For me it was, anyway, but Jaquon was on cloud nine. He was so happy that Derrick had seen us together. He thought that would finally keep Derrick away from me, but if he only knew the truth.

  When Derrick called to let me know the information he had found out, Jaquon was taking a shower. When he came out and asked who called, I told him it was my father calling to check up on me. I knew it was wrong to start lying when we were trying to start this relationship on the right foot but I didn’t feel like talking about it to Jaquon. I knew he would have been mad at the fact that Derrick had the audacity to call. His anger would be further fueled by me choosing to still find out whether Derrick and I were siblings. Somehow you’d have thought by Derrick sucker-punching him that it helped me see Derrick’s true colors and I wouldn’t have anything to do with him anymore. The fact of the matter was, I knew Derrick punched him because he was hurt seeing me with Jaquon. His love for me turned to rage so, yes, I still had major feelings for Derrick. Maybe more now than ever. So I lied to Jaquon’s face about talking to him.

  Derrick’s words kept resonating in my mind. “I love you, Kea.” And I knew he meant it. I loved him too and wondered why I took Jaquon back. In m
y moment of emotional breakdown, I fell right back into his arms. It wasn’t until I saw Derrick with Trinity that I knew I wanted to be with him. I truly loved him with all my heart and it crushed me to see him with her. I was getting so tired of this circle of emotions. I couldn’t wait for it to end. I wanted some peace in my life and if I didn’t get it soon, I swear I was going to lose my mind and admit myself into a mental ward.

  Jaquon snuggled up behind me and I could feel his morning hardness against me. He threw his arm around me and it reminded me of both of us having sex despite the feelings I had for Derrick.

  Jaquon kissed the back of my neck and I knew he wanted a repeat. He caressed my stomach and brought his hand up to my breasts, squeezing them.

  “Good morning, baby,” he said groggily.

  “Hey,” was all I could say. I tried to think about how I could get out of doing this again. I was just going to have to tell him I didn’t feel like it; whether it made him mad or not, I was not about to fall back into my old ways of doing it just because he wanted to. It was about time I stood up for myself, even with him.

  “How about a quickie?” he whispered, breathing hard on the back of my neck as he pulled me closer to him. Neither of us had on clothes and his johnson was knocking at my back door.

  “Jaquon, I really don’t feel like it,” I told him.

  “Come on, baby. I’m ready. Don’t you feel me?” he said, thrusting his hips forward.

  Before I could deny him again the phone rang.

  “Don’t answer it. Let the voice mail pick it up,” he said.

  “But it might be important,” I said, moving from his clutches.

  “What’s more important than this?” he asked, sounding disappointed, but I picked up the phone anyway.


  “Kea,” Daddy said in a tone I didn’t like.

  “What’s wrong, Daddy?” I asked, struggling to sit up in the bed now.

  “It’s your mother. She’s been arrested,” he said, sounding panic-stricken.

  “For what?”

  “Conspiracy to commit murder.”


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