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Shifting Magic (Shifted)

Page 4

by Lynn Leite

  “Everything is fine.” She smiled as she walked straight into his arms and buried her face in his chest before turning slightly outward toward the room full of silent observers.

  “Royal, I have spoken with Nina. You’ll forgive my rudeness but I needed to consult with her alone.”

  “Understandable,” Royal nodded.

  “Your asking for this meeting. Your warning about the possible consequences of our children mating is admirable. My daughter has chosen to stay with Ranger. The coven is behind that decision and any threat of yours is now ours.”

  “You’re staying?” Ranger asked. He had to confirm, he had to hear it from her.

  “I was never leaving Ranger,” she assured him as she settled back against him. She was trying to think past the energy pulsing through her. His touch lit a fire that was hard to ignore. The urge to drag him up the stairs even with both families present was overwhelming.


  Nina listened as her father and Royal continued to make plans. The council would have to be made aware. Her mating Ranger would be high profile, even more so than if she were human. Her father was a powerful man, as was Royal. They would have to make a show of the joining. A hand fasting ceremony / wedding would be necessary to present them as a united front. She didn’t care when or how they planned the event or how big it was, as long as she never had to leave the man currently wrapped around her.

  “It’s summer. We could use the field behind the Alpha compound.” Rory was already planning.

  “Trust me, just let Rory handle it. It’s what she does,” Willow whispered to Nina.

  “She can have at it; party planning is not on my list of talents.”

  “You have a list,” Ryder teased. Ranger slapped him. “Hey you’ve been hanging out with my wife for months and I don’t even get to talk to yours?”

  “You can talk, just not about the subject of her talents,” Ranger smiled.

  “Nina, you can kick his ass right?”

  “Probably.” She was trying to stifle a laugh.

  “Good, then I’ll be your new best friend. These two are thick as thieves. Been that way since before Willow and I mated. I’m her mate but my brother is her best friend.”

  “So you feel left out,” Nina teased.

  “Damn straight I do. You’ll see, sometimes it’s like they think with the same brain.”

  “Interesting.” Nina cast a glance back at Ranger.

  “It’s nothing to worry about love.” Ranger tightened his grip.

  “I wasn’t worried hot stuff. I like Willow,” Nina smiled.

  “On that note, I say we get out of here and leave these two alone,” Willow suggested with a wink.

  Ranger and Nina waited as the rest of the families dispersed. Kendra hugged her daughter as she and Malcolm left the house. “Gemma has invited us for dinner on Sunday. We will see you there.” She turned to Ranger. “Take care of her.”

  “From what I hear, she can take care of herself.” Ranger looked directly at Xavier.

  “She caught me off guard,” Xavier defended.

  “She caught me off guard as well. That just leaves you unmated Xavier. Nina, you don’t happen to have any sisters for my poor lonely brother, do you?”

  “I have three,” she grinned.

  “Oh no… not going there. Three sisters in law and Emory, that’s enough women in my life,” Xavier sighed. There was no way he was ready for mating. And after his experience that morning it would be an even longer time before he wanted to deal with a pregnant mate.

  In the shadowed shade of the nearby park, one of Blake Howland’s pack stood watching from a distance as the Cheveyo pack leader and his family exited the home of the one they called the Oracle.

  “They are coming out,” he said into a head set planted behind one ear.

  “Any indication why they were there?” Blake’s aggravation was clear.

  “No sir. They met with the Mage and some of his men.”

  “The Mage, huh? Perhaps Royal sees us for the threat we are. Was the Alpha heir with them?”

  “Yes sir and his wife, she’s had the child.”

  “Hum, well that is news. Too bad we didn’t get word of this meeting until too late. We could have taken care of all of them at once.”

  “Sir, my source only said the Alpha bitch was in labor. I had no indication a meeting would follow so soon after with the Mage. My informant has no knowledge as to what prompted the meeting. She only said the family left shortly after the birth and that they were in a hurry.”

  “That is curious. See what you can find out about the Mage and his involvement. If Royal has enlisted their forces, we might have to adjust our strategies.”

  “Yes sir. I’ll try.”

  “There will be no trying. You will do. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes sir. I’ll follow the Mage. He’s leaving now.”

  “Good. Keep me posted. Oh, and Will…”

  “Yes sir?”

  “Don’t disappoint me.”

  “I won’t sir,” Will’s words had fallen on deaf ears. Blake Howland had not waited for the lackey’s reply before hanging up.

  Blake paced the small cottage he had procured just outside the Haven’s Port city limits. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

  was his motto. The Cheveyos had ruined his family name and stolen some of his pack. The deserters had chosen to live among the Chosen. The Chosen, what a joke. How could a former human be the Chosen? It was absurd to even think of it. She was an aberration. Her existence along with that sister of hers, was an insult to the race.

  If the pack was now seeking the help of the coven, that meant one of two things. One was they were running scared. The likelihood of that being the reason was slim. Royal Cheveyo asking for help from the Mage without consulting the council was doubtful. To Blake’s knowledge Royal had not been to council in weeks. The only other reason to seek a mage’s help would be to go on the attack. So far, Royal had only defended against his attacks by doubling his security.

  It was unfortunate that Emory hadn’t perished in the freezer. If he ever got a hold of another member of the family, he would not be so confident. His confidence had been his down-fall. He hadn’t known the little she wolf was mated to enforcers. Had he known that, he might have prevented the loss of twenty of his men. The loss had set him back months in his planning. He had still not amassed enough followers to take the pack, but he could cripple it.

  He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Once the Cheveyos were eliminated, the council would see that he had been right all along. The purity of the race needed protection above all else. The Cheveyos acceptance of humans into the Alpha family would be their down fall. Blake planned to see to it.

  “Nina?” Ranger asked, as the small witch that had just turned his life upside down with one touch watched out the window as the last of the families left.

  “Hum?” she purred. The sound went right to his heart.

  “You don’t have to stay.” She was focused on the car her father and mother were getting into.

  “Ranger, I don’t know that I could leave even if I wanted to. I will admit it feels a bit unsettling.”

  “Unsettling?” Ranger risked stepping closer.

  “Perhaps that’s not the right word. Ranger, we met only hours ago, yet for whatever reason, I feel I know you. That I have always known you,”

  “That’s the mating fever. It kind of takes over.”

  “Yes it does,” Nina agreed. Reaching into her pocket, she took out her cell phone and

  called someone. Ranger watched as she watched out the window while pressing the phone to her ear. “Dad?”

  Ranger’s heart felt like lead. Was she calling for him to come back to get her? She hadn’t looked at him since the families left. She was not a Shifter. The mating fever probably didn’t affect her the way it did him. He couldn’t help but think she was changing her mind. This was all too much. Being drawn to a stranger was one thi
ng, but to find out that that union would put her life in danger was another. She was smart. Smart people didn’t walk into the line of fire in a war that wasn’t even theirs. It had been too good to be true that her father had accepted him at all.

  “Dad, you’re being followed,” she continued.

  Ranger stepped up behind her looking over her shoulder and past her to the empty street. “Nina, what did you see?” he asked in a whisper.

  “It was a red four door piece of shit,”she said answering both Ranger and her father. “I don’t think so. Ranger, do you think your father would have my father tailed?”

  “No, definitely not.”

  “Ranger is sure it’s not Royal’s men…. I know …. I will. I don’t think whoever it is knows I’m here.”

  Ranger called the compound while Nina spoke to her father. His family had just arrived back home. The last person Royal expected to hear from was Ranger. “Speak,” he boomed in his usual greeting.

  “Dad, someone followed the Mage and his wife when they left here. They were in red, four door, beater.”

  “That didn’t take long. I’ll call Malcolm and handle it son. You might ask Nina to ward the house.”

  “Ward the house?” Ranger asked not knowing exactly what that was. “Nina, do you know how to ward a house?” he asked. Nina finally turned to look at him. He still wasn’t sure she wouldn’t run.

  “I can’t get over how alike our fathers are. My father just said the same thing. Yes, I can ward the house. Tell your dad not to worry. I got this.” She began right away, wandering from window to window, touching each before moving on.

  “You heard that?” Ranger asked hearing his father laugh.

  “Yes, I think you’re in good hands. I’ll call Malcolm.”

  “Thanks Dad,” Ranger hung up, stuffing the phone in his pocket as he watched Nina work her Magic. “I hate that I got you into this mess.” He groaned watching his intended mate move from room to room.

  “It’s not something you could have helped.” No, it wasn’t something he could help, but that didn’t make him feel any better.

  “Nina, I don’t want to drag you away from your life. I’m sure you didn’t see a werewolf mating in your future.”

  “If I didn’t know better, Ranger, I’d say you were trying to talk me out of it.”

  “No, I just don’t want to upset your life. I already have it seems. Your father is being followed. You had to call in to the station with a family emergency.”

  “Ranger, do you want me to go, is that it? Is there some girl you’re feeling guilty about?” Nina knew that true mates didn’t always show up at the most opportune times. Some men were already involved. Ranger was drop dead gorgeous, funny, and kind. What woman would want to give that up just because some stranger showed up?

  “No, there is no girl. What about you? Were you seeing someone?”

  The fact that Ranger used the past tense. “Were you seeing someone?”made her smile.

  “No, I was conveniently between relationships this morning when you showed up.

  “That is convenient,” Ranger moved closer. Nina had stopped touching windows and doors. He assumed she was done. “So I suppose

  we should discuss the obvious.”

  Nina felt as if she was being stalked in a good way. The huge man headed her way had a look in his eye she could get used to. A look that screamed, “mine.”

  “You’re referring to our mating?” Nina teased. She knew damn well what he was referring to.

  “Yes. I need to warn you that we are alone and that has increased my need for you tenfold. I am at this moment using a tremendous amount of restraint.”


  “I want you to be sure. I don’t want you waking up tomorrow and regretting anything. I want you. I need you. I will always want and need you. Love at first sight doesn’t even begin to describe what this is. For a Shifter, it is so much more.”

  “No one is asking you to hold back, Ranger.” Nina smirked as Ranger swooped in taking her by the waist and pressing his mouth to hers. His essence filled her. She could feel his energy pulsing through her as his mouth moved expertly across hers.

  Ranger pulled back, never letting go of the little witch’s waist. “We can complete the mating without me turning you. You heard my father. It’s your choice.”

  “I choose you Ranger, all of you.”

  Ranger knew he should ask again. He should verify what he thought she meant, but he was too far gone. His mate’s acceptance was all he needed to have the fever drive him over the edge.

  “This is forever Nina.” It sounded like a warning. A low rumble in the man’s throat filled Nina with desire rather than fear.

  “I know Ranger, Forever,” she agreed already breathless from just his touch.


  Ranger lifted her without warning. His mouth was still on hers warming parts of her she didn’t even know she had. The sensation went deeper than she could ever imagine. The next thing she was able to comprehend was that he was naked and hovering over her. The sight before her was delicious. His sculpted form was perfect, more than perfect. He hummed with an energy that called to her on some primal level. Her uniform lay in tatters by the bedside. How the hell had she missed that? “Nina?” Ranger groaned trying to focus. He didn’t want to hurt her but the need to claim her was overriding his will.

  “Now Ranger,” Nina managed but not even sure the words had reached the surface. She was just as far gone as he was, her body vibrating in anticipation. She was wet and ready with no preamble. His very presence had her body primed.

  The feel of Ranger as he took her astounded her. Every cell in her body was aware of him. His breath became hers. His essence merging with hers as he took her higher. The

  feeling, like floating, left her breathless. He filled her, mind, body, and soul. Nothing had ever felt so right. This beautiful man was hers for all eternity.

  “Oh god, Nina,” he growled as he dipped his head to capture her mouth. The sensation of his body combined with her, and his mouth on hers, sent a flood of ultimate awareness. She matched his rhythm with ease. The dance of the truly mated was perfectly choreographed. The feeling of him filling her over and over sent her higher with every stroke. His mouth slid from hers down her jaw line to the junction of her neck and shoulder.

  “Yes,”she whispered. She knew she was baring her neck to him as she arched to press closer. His canines had descended. She could feel the scrape of them against her skin. Reaching up Nina slid her arms tight around his neck forcing him closer.

  The bite was swift, a sharp feeling that was not painful. It was filled only with pleasure. She was aware immediately of a chemical change taking place. A swirling warmth radiated from the spot Ranger held firmly in his teeth. They were both dancing dangerously on the edge of oblivion. The bite sent both of them

  tumbling over into the abyss. Pulling back, Ranger roared as he spilled into her, taking her along for the ride. This was more than an orgasm. It was more than a physical reaction to some stimulus. This was forever. The moment brought tears to her eyes. A bond so profound was nothing she could have ever imagined.

  “Tell me I didn’t hurt you.” Ranger’s concern filled the air.

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. It was just a little overwhelming, is all. How long till we can do that again?”

  Ranger smiled down at Nina her eyes were dark, filled with desire.

  “How does now sound?”

  “Hummm…now, really?”

  “I’m ready if you are,” he grinned.

  “So ready,” Nina said reaching to touch the cheek of her mate. A man she had met that morning. A man she knew would be hers always.

  It was dark when Nina woke up. It took a moment to remember where she was in the darkness. Ranger stirred beside her. She wasn’t used to a man in her bed but this wasn’t a man. This was her mate, husband whatever you wanted to call it. Ranger was hers.

  Her smile widened as she thought of how com
pletely absurd it was that she was okay with this. She was better than okay. She was ecstatic.

  If you had told her yesterday that she would meet and bond with a werewolf, she would have told you there was no way. She didn’t need a relationship. Men tried to control her at work and at home. The last thing she needed was an Alpha wolf as a husband.

  Boy was she wrong. She needed Ranger like she needed to breathe. He had given her every opportunity to leave. He had given her a choice despite what her leaving would do to him. He hadn’t tried to control her. He had treated her with the utmost respect.

  “Are you hungry?” Ranger wrapped his arms around her.

  “I could eat,” she laughed, thinking maybe he hadn’t actually meant food.

  “Good, I’m starved.” Ranger moved to get out of the bed, Nina wanted nothing more than to pull him back down but her stomach rumbling was evident.

  “Do you think Willow would mind if I borrowed some clothes?” she asked as she spotted the scraps that used to be her uniform.

  “I don’t think she’d mind. Their room is just down the hall. Come on, we’ll find you something.” Ranger took her hand and held it tightly in his as they made their way down the hall.

  “So why do you live here with them?” Nina asked. It was odd for a mated wolf to have another Alpha male in his home even if it was his brother.

  “When Ryder realized Willow was his mate, he took off. Willow had just killed a Shifter and needed protecting. My Dad sent me.”

  “Why would he run?”

  “Ryder could better explain that. Willow was not the first time that he felt the mate fever. He didn’t trust that it was real.”

  “I thought…”

  “That you only got one true mate? Yeah we all did. Ryder’s first mate died when they were young. Then there’s Emory. She, Hank, and Sam all seem to be each other’s mate.”

  “So you could have another mate out there?” Nina didn’t love that idea.

  “No, I think Emory and her men is a fluke. Ryder and Willow, well, that’s most likely because his first mate died.”


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