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Shifting Magic (Shifted)

Page 5

by Lynn Leite

“You’re sure some other girl isn’t going to just show up?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Thousands of years of werewolf legend and there’s never been a mention of duel mates or even having a second chance when one dies. I think my family has already gone against that on two accounts. You and I are flying solo, I can assure you.”

  “Good, I’ll hold you to that. So when Ryder came back?”

  “I stayed. Willow and I are close. In a way she’s even closer to me than Emory.”

  “But she’s not your mate.”

  “No she’s definitely not my mate, you are. Any regrets?” He said taking a pair of Willows shorts and a tee shirt out of the laundry room.

  “None so far,” Nina smiled.

  “Do you feel like changing before dinner?”

  “Ranger, I just put shorts on?” Nina looked confused.

  “I meant into a wolf. Rory’s white, Willow’s Golden…”

  “Oh and you think I’ll be what, Blue?”

  “No, I have no idea. A year ago, I would have said there were only three colors you could be. Again I was wrong to assume anything about my family’s mates would be normal.”

  “What were the three choices.”

  “There not really choices. You are what you are. Up until Willow and Rory, werewolves were brown, grey, or red which is more auburn really. Some Wolves are Black, but that’s unheard of in turned wolves.”

  “And you are?

  “Black. All of us are; Ryder, Xavier, Maverick, and Emory. It’s an Alpha thing.”

  “Okay, so let’s see what color I get. I think plaid would be nice.”

  “Wolves don’t come in plaid.”

  “Ah, but you just said they don’t come in white or gold normally.”

  “True, you ready?”

  “Right here?”


  “What do I do?”

  “Just let your wolf surface. You can feel her right?”

  “I feel something, yes.”

  “Just let go and she’ll take over.”

  “I don’t like the idea of someone taking over,”

  “It’s not someone. It’s you. She is you, just in a different form. You’ll be able to see, hear, and think normally. Well, normally for a Wolf Shifter that is.”

  “Okay, I’m trusting you on this,” Nina stood straight and closed her eyes. She felt the otherness, her wolf tentatively take a step forward. Her body hummed as the change rushed through her. A pulling and stretching sensation made her muscles ache.

  “Don’t fight it. Just go with it,” Ranger said before she let go.

  Ranger watched as Nina slipped from one form to another. Damn, he thought, a second too late. He should have thought to have her remove the clothing. Oh well, Willow had other shorts. The shirt seemed to survive the transition.

  Nina stood tall, a shimmering black wolf. Alpha, of course she would be Alpha. Her father was the Witches equivalent.

  The sleek black coat was interrupted only by the Pink Floyd tee shirt she was wearing.

  Ranger tried not to laugh as he raised one paw then another in an effort to remove it.

  “You’re Black love, and you’re stunning.”

  Nina changed back naked once again and Ranger handed her the shirt back. “You forgot to tell me the part about clothing not making the transition.”

  “Yes I did, sorry.”

  “I’ll have to work on that.”

  “I like you naked.”

  “I enjoy being naked with you too, but that’s not what I meant. There has to be a way I can make the clothes appear and disappear timed with the change.”

  “Disappearing clothing?”

  “Sure watch.” Nina’s eyes almost glowed as the shirt faded from view. Then, just as quickly, it was back.

  “Nice. So you can create clothes out of thin air?” Ranger laughed. He had almost forgotten his wife was a witch.

  “No, I need something to work with,” she answered as the shirt faded back in. So I’m Black like you?”

  “Again, we seem to be defying the laws of nature. As far as I know black wolves are only born, not turned, and they are always Alpha bloodline.”

  “My hair is black.”

  “That really has nothing to do with your wolf. Emory and Xavier have light brown hair and they are black in wolf form. You may not be white or gold, but turned and black wolf is just as rare.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Lately, it seems to be a Cheveyo thing. For whatever reason, we seem to be breaking all the rules.”

  “Shaking up the Were World, are we?”

  “Yes, you could say that. Come on, I’ll make you some eggs. They are my specialty.” Ranger took Nina’s hand and pulled her to the kitchen.


  “Oh Ryder, look at him,” Willow cooed as Rory held Maddox, who squirmed in her arms as if he was trying to escape.

  “Just say the word babe.”

  “Oh I didn’t mean.”

  “You want one?”

  “A baby, yes, eventually. Let’s enjoy our nephew here for a while before we have one of our own.

  “Good plan. That way we can give him back when he needs a diaper change,” Ryder teased.

  “Hey, who said I was letting either of you babysit?”

  “You know what they say, Rory. It takes a village.”

  “Or a pack” Ryder corrected. “So, do you think it’s safe to go home yet? It’s been two days?”

  “I think we should call. I have appointments this week so we have to go home. Ranger with a mate. I can’t believe it. He just waltzed up to the woman and said, ‘I’m your mate.’”

  Rory laughed. “I hear she said, ‘yes you are’ when he did that. Is that true?”

  “Sure is.” Ryder confirmed.

  “We should have had it so easy,” Rory sighed remembering months of longing for a man she didn’t know.

  “I would have if my husband here hadn’t been such a chicken.”

  “Chicken, I’ll have you know I am a very dangerous Alpha Wolf and I bite.”

  “Promises, promises,” Willow said with the wave of a hand. Ryder grabbed her around the waist, spinning her to face him before kissing her.

  “Behave you two. There is a child in the room.”

  Nina stretched and looked over at Ranger who was sleeping soundly. Muscles she didn’t even know she had protested the movement. She knew she had to get back to the real world sometime, just not right this minute.

  “Are you staring at me?” Ranger said without lifting his head.

  “Yes, I am.”


  “And I’m having a hard time getting out of this bed.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “Ranger, we need to get back to real life. Aren’t we supposed to have dinner with your family and mine today?”

  “Is it Sunday?”

  “Yes,” Nina laughed. “I also need to get some stuff from my place. I have to work tomorrow.” Nina waited to see if he was going to object to her continuing on the force.

  “I guess we should discuss living arrangements. I like it here, but I know you have your own place.”

  “My place is a place to sleep, that’s all. I think maybe we should discuss my moving in with Willow and Ryder if you want to stay here, or we could get our own place.”

  “I have my own place but I’m never there. Xavier asked if he could move in. I kind of told him it would be okay but that was before.”

  “Seriously, I don’t care where we live Ranger. Here is nice if you want to stay.”

  The phone started ringing before Nina even finished the sentence. Ranger looked to see who it was and laughed when he saw it was Willow.“Speak of the devil. Hey Willow.”

  “Ranger, so I’m calling to warn you Ryder and I are coming home tonight. The Alpha house is not my idea of home. People in and out at all hours.”

  “We were just discussing that. Do you want us to leave?”

  “God no. I just don�
��t want the two of you naked in my living room. The house is huge. Way too big for just Ryder and me. If you want to stay, you’re welcome. I do suggest you consult your mate though.”

  “Like I said ,we were discussing where to live. As if you didn’t already know that.”

  “Ah and she said?”

  “She’s okay with staying here at least for now. I just didn’t want to move her in without asking.”

  “I appreciate that. I like Nina. We’ll do just fine.”

  “Good. Are you coming now or after dinner?”

  “Royal would have a fit if we missed the dinner, so after. I have clients tomorrow and Wednesday.”

  “Nina is going back to work tomorrow and I promise to stay out of your way.” Nina smiled at Ranger. She was sure he was going to object to her continuing on the human Police force. Then again Sam had been on the force and he was a wolf. “We’ll see you at dinner, and Willow, thanks.”

  “Anything for my best friend, and brother in law. Remember, no getting naked in the living room.”

  “Fine, I think we can manage controlling ourselves,” Ranger said hanging up.

  “So what did she say?”

  “She said no getting naked in the living room.”

  “Did she say anything about the kitchen?” Nina grinned.

  “No she didn’t. Is that your way of telling me you’re hungry?”

  “What I’m hungry for isn’t in the kitchen.”

  “How are the newly mated?” Ryder asked as he slid up behind Willow.

  “Still in bed would be my guess. I told him they could stay. I hope that’s alright.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that. I have a feeling Nina will fit right in. Emory was looking for you a minute ago.”

  “We are training today. Want to come? I wouldn’t mind showing you some of my moves.”

  “I love your moves.”

  “Not those kind of moves Ryder. We have to get back to looking for Howland.”

  “I don’t think he’ll be that hard to find. If what Ranger said about the Mage being followed

  the other day is true, then who else would it be?”

  “You think he’s nearby?”

  “I think looking close to home would be a start. With Maddox being so little, I don’t see Maverick going too far. Maybe we have gone about this all wrong. Chasing Howland has turned up nothing. He seems to be one step ahead of us.”

  “It is strange. Every lead has led us to him but a day late.”

  “Yeah like he’s doing that on purpose.”

  “Wild goose chase.”

  “Something like that, I say we just wait. It’s us he wants, so he’ll eventually stop running and come after us. Either that, or you’ll get a vision.”

  “Now that would be convenient. All I get is a white house when I try to find him. It’s warm and sunny wherever he is. That narrows it down to just about anywhere.”

  “At least we know he’s not in Alaska,” Ryder grinned.

  “It’s late summer, Ryder. Alaska is warm too. I get the feeling he’s a lot closer than that. Come on before Emory kicks my ass for bailing on training.”

  “I’m pretty sure you could take her.” Ryder laughed while following Willow out to the training field. He hadn’t loved the idea of his wife training with the male enforcers, but the months have proved she could take care of herself. Despite her small stature, she had the heart of a champion. He had seen her take down men twice her size when they underestimated the determination of a Cheveyo female.


  “This place is huge,” Nina gasped as Ranger drove into the compound.

  “It’s the Alpha house. Half the family lives here, plus about ten enforcers and their families.”

  “I had no idea this was even here.” Nina had been surprised when Ranger turned down the sleepy little cul-de-sac. A driveway at the far end had wound through about two acres of forest before the house even came into view.

  “That’s kind of the point Nina. We like to keep a low profile. We can’t have a bunch of nosey neighbors looking out their back window and seeing men and women turn into wolves. The property is about forty acres in total.”

  “Nice chunk of real-estate.”

  “We like it,” Ranger grinned. He had been concerned that his mate might be nervous. She had met most of the family before, but they had been alone for days. Sunday dinner at the Alpha house could be a bit overwhelming.

  “There they are. Mom, they are here,” Emory called from the porch. Gemma rushed out to greet her son and new daughter-in–law.

  “Nina, welcome. Come in. This heat is unbearable.” Gemma took her hand dragging her away from Ranger.

  “Nice to see you too, Mom,” Ranger taunted. “I bring my mate home and it’s like I don’t exist.”

  “Oh hush up Ranger. Nina, I hope you like steak. You’re not a vegetarian are you? If you are then we could throw some mushrooms on the grill.”

  “No Mrs. Cheveyo, I eat meat,” Nina grinned.

  “Oh please call me Gemma or Mom if you’re comfortable. Mrs. Cheveyo is too formal. Now that you have mated my son, you are also Mrs. Cheveyo dear.”

  “I suppose I am. Okay, Mom it is.”

  “Perfect, the others are in the living room.”

  “Ready to run yet?” Ranger slid in beside Nina as they walked toward the house.

  “No Ranger, I’m fine. Plus I have the advantage of having already met your family. Wait until you have to meet the coven.”

  “I think if I can survive your father, I can survive anything.”

  “That is the understatement of the year. I actually think he liked you.”

  “I would hope so.”

  “You’re the first guy I brought home he even spoke to. It figures. I bring home an Alpha Werewolf Shifter and that he notices.”

  “Did you bring a lot of men home Nina?”

  Ranger growled.

  “Yes and no. I tried to push the old man’s buttons you know. Half those guys I wasn’t even dating. He said no one would be good enough. So I paraded some of the biggest losers in the coven through my house to prove a point.”

  “And that point would be?”

  “That he didn’t have a say in who I ended up with. He got the message loud and clear. My Dad and I are a lot alike and that tends to cause a lot of friction. He’s been grooming me to take over the coven for years.”

  “Wait, you’re taking over the coven.”

  “Not any time soon, but yes, I’m next in line. That’s not an issue is it?”

  “No…I …I just didn’t know.”

  “Relax. My Father is too stubborn to give up his position any time soon. And now that I’m a Shifter, who knows? Maybe the coven will reject me and my sister Tina will have to step up.”

  “We should have thought of that before…”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered Ranger. I would have chosen you regardless. No use worrying about it now.”

  Ranger was pleased that Nina blended in with the family almost instantly. As usual, his uncles Gage and Knight were disappointed to find the newest female at the table was mated. They weren’t so disappointed that they stopped flirting though. Ranger tried to hold back his possessive nature knowing his uncle’s meant no disrespect. Hell, they flirted with all the women. Willow and Rory included.

  Even her father and mother who had arrived to dinner shortly after they did, seemed more relaxed than they had the day Ranger found his mate.

  Ranger was used to the pulsing power of a room full of Alpha males, but the addition of the Head Mage had the room humming.

  “Nina, come by tomorrow. You could train with us,” Emory prodded. The women had their own version of enforcers and were slowly becoming just as powerful an asset.

  “I’m working a shift tomorrow and Tuesday. I don’t know about the rest of the week. I haven’t been to the station in days.”

  “You’re going back to work?” Sam eyed Ranger as he asked the question.

sp; “Yes, why wouldn’t I?” Nina glared at her new brother-in-law.

  “It was just a question, Nina. I thought that now that you and Ranger…”

  “Ranger and I what? Sam you should know better than anyone that I wasn’t going to sit around and be the good little housewife,” her tone was defensive. She had expected Ranger to maybe give her a hard time, but Sam?

  “Maybe you should reconsider,” Ranger started.

  “Whoa, hold on. Don’t go all Alpha wolf on me, I like my Job.”

  Malcolm laughed at seeing his daughter get her back up. “Now you’ve done it. Telling Nina not to do something guarantees she will do it.”

  “Dad, you’re not helping.”

  “I don’t think that’s what Ranger meant, Nina,” Willow interrupted before the discussion got too heated. “Was it Ranger?”

  “No, I didn’t mean anything by it. I just was giving you the option love.”

  “I think she should join the Enforcers. That is, if you want to Nina,” Emory added. “I mean you were on traffic duty right?”

  “Right. Since my partner left they have me doing the safe jobs,” she said rolling her eyes.

  “I don’t have a problem with that,” Ranger chimed in.

  “No offense Ranger, but it wouldn’t matter if you did. Like I said, I like my job, or at least I did before Howard retired. As soon as they assign me another partner, I expect to be back on the street.”

  “Waste of talent if you ask me,” Hank mumbled.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Ranger almost growled. “You just met her Hank.”

  “Sam and I were discussing..”

  “You were discussing my wife?”

  “Down boy. Let him talk.” Nina placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

  “We were discussing the fact that, even before the change, she took down a full grown Alpha male.”

  “I will never live that down. Will I?” Xavier groaned.

  “No, probably not,” Hank smiled . “I just meant she might consider the Enforcers as an option now that she’s wolf. Howland is targeting our women. I have to assume, since your mating has been so recent, that he is not aware of Nina’s involvement with the family yet.”

  “You mean to use my daughter as a decoy?” Malcolm practically steamed.

  “Hush Dad. This makes sense.” Nina growled. “Go on Hank. What’s the plan?”


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