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Forever Wild: A Camden Ranch Novel

Page 22

by Jillian Neal

  “Good girl.” He continued his ministrations on the wet lace of her bra. Her nipples throbbed in sweet agony. Anxious and raw. He sucked the lace into the heat of his mouth and she whimpered for more.

  “Please,” finally escaped her lips and whispered over his shoulder.

  “Please what, sugar?”

  “Please take me.”

  “Oh honey, I ain’t near had my fill of just looking and touching you. Be patient for me.”

  Patience had never been her forte, especially when it came to Luke, but he wasn’t giving in this time.

  He worked his lips from one lace-captured nipple to the other until finally, he loosed her bra. Her breasts spilled forward anxiously into his capable hands, but he didn’t stay there long. Tossing the bra away, he stepped back. “Just watch me lookin’ at you, Indie Jane. So fucking hot in them naughty red panties it oughta be illegal.”

  Following his texted request that afternoon that she wear something naughty for him, she’d gone all out and picked up a pair of cage-back red-silk panties from the mall in Lincoln. Tiny straps of fabric exposed more than covered her backside. She’d almost chickened out of wearing them, afraid her ass was too big to pull them off. Judging by the flush settling high on his cheekbones, his darkening eyes, and the more than obvious arousal, she shouldn’t have worried.

  Luke took his sweet time dragging his gaze up and down her body. It was thrilling and empowering to see the effect she had over him. His erection visibly throbbed against his zipper line. He licked his lips repeatedly, working his jaw like he couldn’t quite decide which part of her he wanted to devour first. She was good with anywhere, just so long as he got started.

  Quickly, he finished the buttons she’d started on his shirt and let it drop to the floor. Her eyes tracked to the smattering of dark hair covering his chest and then down the trail of hair along his hardened abdomen that ultimately led right where she so desperately wanted to be.

  “Turn around nice and slow for me. Show me them curves and the rest of those panties. I’m loving what I see so far.”

  Swallowing down a sudden case of nerves, she performed the turn. His hungry growl echoed against the recesses of her skull silencing every doubt she’d ever harbored over her curves. She heard his belt buckle hit the floor, the soft swish of his jeans, and clunk of his boots. Suddenly, he was on her, pressing his erection to her ass cheeks between the two slight straps of fabric straddling her crack. It burned like a hot brand against her skin.

  “You feel what you do to me when you’re naughty for me, darlin’?”


  He rocked against her, taunting the overly-sensitized nerve endings at the puckered opening of her backside.

  “You have the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen. Ripe and swollen. Perfect. Anxious for me.” He gripped the globes of her ass cheeks, kneading her flesh like he loved that she was far more than a handful. His heated whisper over her shoulder was her only warning. His teeth sank into that spot near her collar bone that made her weak. He sucked, drawing a strained groan from her. His hands wrapped around her waist, pressing his cock deeper between her cheeks. “So many things I want from you.”

  “Take them.” Her voice was so low and craving she barely recognized it as her own.

  “Intend to.” He fell to his knees and his teeth grazed along her right cheek, sucking and nibbling as he traveled inward. “Lean forward. Put your hands on the footboard.”

  Complying, she felt him part the straps of the panties, such as they were, and gasped from the sensation as his tongue painted her taint. Some sense of unnecessary warning or panic always floated just out of her reach when he did that. Instead of protesting she rocked her hips, urging him onward. Her body wanted more. Her brain readily waved the white flag. Nothing that felt that good could possibly be bad.

  Suddenly, he pulled away. Her entire body protested the unwanted vacancy. She stung with the abandonment.

  “Turn around.” His voice soothed her pain. She turned back to face him, and he was face to face with her soaking wet pussy. Grabbing her hands, he placed them on her mound. “Do as I say. Take them naughty little panties off nice and slow for me. I want to watch them work down your sexy legs. Then hold your lips apart. Offer your sweet little snatch to me.”

  “Oh, hell yeah,” she groaned, lost once again in his commands. When she’d shed her panties, she opened herself for him and his wicked tongue worked up and down her slit and teased at the hood of her clitoris until she was certain she’d lose her mind. He suckled at her swollen pink folds until his moans of pleasure reverberated through her entire body.

  “Please, please,” she begged with every taunting lick. His teeth scraped slowly along her inner-lips making her pussy weep for more. When she could barely hold herself upright any longer due to the tremors rocking through her, he placed his hands over hers and used his thumbs to ease back the hood. “Yes,” she sang as he drew her throbbing pearl into his mouth and suckled gently.

  The orgasm ricocheted up from her mound, zinging through every nerve-ending of her body, leaving her weak. She slumped forward. He stood and cradled her head on his shoulder. Her bones were the consistency of Jell-O. Her heart thundered and sweat dewed at the nape of her neck. The room spun, so she squeezed her eyes closed and buried her face against the tensed warmth of his chest.

  “See, good things happen when you offer yourself up to me. Let me put my baby to bed. There’s so much more I want.” With that, she was back in his arms and being settled gently into the soft sanctuary of his bed. Her lungs re-engaged and drew in the scent of his musk from the sheets and the heat from his body. In that one moment, she existed entirely inside his perfected masculinity.

  Sensing Indie’s need for constant contact, Luke kept her body locked to his as he climbed into bed on top of her. He settled back on his knees between her thighs and tried to convince himself that he was really getting to live out just a few of his dirtiest fantasies. Since she was laid out before him primed and ready, he decided to contemplate his good fortune later.

  Smoothing his hands up her soft belly and wondering if she’d ever give him a week or two to do nothing more than run his hands over every inch of her silky skin, his eyes landed on her tits. Her release still flavored the hot air. The scent of her ripened sex filled his lungs, driving him onward.

  “Now, offer them beautiful titties to me, sweetness, just like you did your pussy.” Well aware that he was treading on dangerous ground, he had to prove to her that there was no part of her entire body that he didn’t find stunningly attractive. The scars marring her breasts were part of the story that made her who she was, and there could never be anything more beautiful than his Indie.

  Apprehension tensed in her eyes. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth.

  “Come on, honey. Give me what I want.” There was something different about her that night. An abandon, or perhaps a concurrence glowed in the fire in her eyes. She was there, and for once she wasn’t plotting her escape. She was right there with him this time. And leaving seemed the furthest thing from her mind. His very soul rejoiced as she scooped the heft of her ample breasts upward with her hands, an offering indeed.

  His heart roared in his chest. His cock throbbed against her belly, marking her with pre-cum, as he lowered his head to her left breast and spun his tongue around its turgid peak. Her back arched in invitation.

  “That’s it,” he hummed against her as he took her nipple captive with his mouth. Anticipation thundered through his blood. He’d always been of the opinion that her smile was the most beautiful curve on her entire body, but her drool-worthy tits and her sweet ass, lush, full, and feminine were very close seconds. If only she didn’t dislike them so much. If only he could show her how she embodied his definition of perfected female. He timed the drawing pulls of his mouth to the squeezes of her hands on her breasts, working with her, pushing her closer to the edge of surrender. “God, you’re so damn pretty. You gonna come like this for me,
honey? Gonna give me what I’m after?”

  He switched breasts and unleashed unrelenting devastation with every draw. She writhed under him, wild and needy. Loud moans crashed through her. Luke swore every sound she made wrapped around his cock and squeezed. He ordered himself to calm. There was still so much left to do. Raking his teeth over her nipple with a possessive growl, he loved the shiver that overwhelmed her. With one more fervent suck that was sure to leave a mark she came with a wispy sigh of his name. She ground against him. The weak orgasm slicked against his thigh.

  He cradled her in his arms, neither of them wanting to break the connection they were building. When her breathing steadied, he lifted his head. “See what happens when you obey, darlin’? Such good things. And I’m all done asking.” Forcing himself up, he sped across the floor, retrieving the cuffs and boa from her bag.

  Her eyes danced with reckless abandon. Fevered heat glowed in her cheeks. She watched his every move. Anticipation and desire broadcast from every luscious curve of her body.

  “Yes.” She rolled against his mattress as he grasped her hands. He settled pillows behind her head and back, then along each of her shoulders before he looped the chain of the cuffs around a spindle on his headboard.

  “Are we supposed to have a safe word or something?” She looked like the very idea annoyed her. Rules were never Indie’s thing. He chuckled to himself.

  “How about if I do something you don’t like you just tell me to stop, sugar. I’d never hurt you. The words ‘no’ or ‘stop’ leave your pretty mouth, I sure as hell will listen. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing.”

  “I know you will.” The absolute trust displayed in her eyes spoke directly to his heart. This was what she’d needed all along. If only it hadn’t taken him a decade to figure it out. The right cuff snapped on her wrist.

  “That feel okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Too tight?”

  “It’s fine. It’s hot as hell, actually. Just do the other one.”

  Luke tried to hide his smirk as he joined her wrists over her head and bound them. He settled back on his knees to stare down at her beautiful body on display all for him, a buffet of delectable femininity vulnerable only to him.

  His cock throbbed and bounced against this abs. “My God, Indie, baby, I love you. I love you like this. Bound for me. At my mercy.”

  Her body writhed at his declaration. She shuddered in need.

  Grasping himself, he squeezed his cockhead, tamping his rampant need for the time being.

  “Damn, you ever think about entering that thing in the County Fair? You’d win, you know.” She gestured her head to his erection.

  “Only blue ribbons I want are from you, but I’m clearly going to have to fill that sassy mouth with something just to get you to hush. Keep your mouth closed.” Threading his fingers through her hair, he crushed the silky strands in his hand, giving himself an unobstructed view of her mouth taking him in when he decided to allow that. He dragged the head of his cock over her lips, back and forth, and then pulled back. “Now taste me on your lips.”

  Her eyes glazed with lust as she obeyed. Then he took her succulent mouth with a deep kiss, indulging in the taste of his seed on her tongue before he repeated the process over and over, giving her samplings of his pre-cum, ordering her to lick her lips, then devouring it off of her tongue.

  “Now all the way in, baby. Suck it like a good girl.”

  “Oh God,” she panted as he baptized his cock in her mouth. Her hungry moans reverberated through his shaft. Her hot, wet mouth surrounded him. His entire body shook with each heavenly drag. Pure lust sizzled in his balls. My God, how had he ever existed without this? The unfathomable power she held over him. She was the one in cuffs. He was the one begging for more.

  “Milk it, honey. Just like that,” he grunted as she sucked him in deeper. He was set to detonate. He had to stop her. Pulling away from her mouth, he allowed himself one more taste before he snapped a small section of the boa and pulled it away from the rest.

  The metallic clink of the handcuffs against the headboard with every writhe of her body sounded against her moans. He dragged the clump of faux-feathers over her breasts, watching her nipples throb from the sensations. Centering them between her luscious tits, moving slowly back and forth along the sensitive skin, he kept his eyes locked on hers.

  “Tell me how wet sucking my cock made you, darlin’.”

  “So wet,” she whimpered as he circled her adorable navel with the boa. Slowly, he traced it over her mound, watching her entire body jerk back and forth desperate for his touch.

  “Good. Now, spread your legs for me.”

  Her ready compliance was intoxicating. He wasn’t certain he was going to survive this night. She was simply too much, too perfect, too gorgeous bound to his bed, writhing and begging for more.

  “You are wet aren’t you, baby?” He slipped the boa along her soaking wet curls, teasing the most sensitive parts of her inner thighs and taunting her pussy with his own version of delectable torture. Back and forth. Over and over again until she made ragged thrusts into the air. Her body pled for her when her mouth was no longer able to do anything more than cry out her own pleasure.

  Certain her body could not sustain this level of heavenly pleasure, Indie gave herself over to his every wish. He ran that damned boa up and down her body setting her on fire. She had no control over where he taunted her body next, and she’d never been more turned on. The clink of the cuffs on the bed amped her need to come as it surged through her veins. But the look of dark, undiluted sin in his indigo eyes said he had no intention of giving in yet.

  “That feel good, sugar?”

  “You know it does, damn you. I need more.”

  “Who’s in control, Indie?”

  “You are.” And that fact alone was almost enough to drive her right over the edge.

  “That’s right. And what happens when you get sassy?”

  “Mmm, I get to suck your cock,” she taunted.

  “You like that don’t you?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.”

  “Have to come up with a better punishment then.” He winked at her and tossed the boa away finally.

  Settling between her legs, he spread her wider using the width of his broad shoulders to brace her apart. His thumbs gently stroked along her pussy lips. She swore the erotic touch tugged just behind her mound, tightening the need until it bordered on pain. He gave her nothing more.

  “Now, since you think you need more, I’m gonna ravage this beautiful pussy with my fingers and my mouth, but you’re not gonna come until I tell you. You understand me?”

  A part of Indie longed to ask what happened if she couldn’t follow that particular command, but his response would take precious time away from his mouth being between her folds and his tongue stabbing deep inside of her. She nodded and thrust in his face, feeling the stubble of his five o’clock shadow prick at her slit.

  “Anxious, darlin’?” His chuckle was laced with raw sexual prowess and sent a rush of fresh desire over her flesh. “High time I teach you some patience.”

  A slow drag of his tongue between her lips drew a frantic whimper from her lungs. Every gasped breath brought another dose of his musk to her lungs. Heated sex and raw power filled her. His teeth grazed her drenched tissues, back and forth. She loved that. He knew.

  His tongue flicked across her clit and her hips shot up off of the mattress. That earned her a sharp smack on the ass while it was raised in the air. “Be still, Indie.”

  Sweet Jesus, when she’d dared him to be kinky she had no idea he’d so thoroughly fulfill her every secret fantasy. How the hell had he known? How the hell would she ever recover from this? She was certain that she wouldn’t, and suddenly she was fine with that. This was worth every risk she might have to take to get it and keep him.

  He returned to his work. His wickedly eager tongue kept her hovering just above ecstasy. Suddenly, two of his fingers circled her clit
and explored her innerfolds.

  “Please, please, Luke.”

  “Want me to touch you here, baby?” He circled her opening, taunting but never satisfying.


  “Mmm, I love you beggin’ for it. Love you grinding your sweet little snatch in my face. I’m gonna give you what you’re wantin’, sugar, but remember the rules.” His fingers entered her fully, and she felt her muscles begin their tell-tale rhythmic spasms. Clenching her jaw, she managed to push away the orgasm she craved.

  When his tongue centered in on her clit, she knew she was going to break this latest rule. She couldn’t hold it back. It wasn’t even a possibility. He orchestrated her far too perfectly for her to stand a chance. She shook with the effort. Begging in broken syllables of ecstasy, she cried out for him.

  “Need to come, sugar?” His rasping tone sizzled over her skin. She walked a fraying tight-wire of sanity, and she was going to fall.

  “Please,” she managed.

  “Mmm, not yet.” He continued his delectable torture.

  Her strained moans became savage in their need, echoing against the walls. Sweat dewed on her breasts. Her abdomen quaked constantly. She couldn’t hold it back. “Please, Luke.”

  “It’s right there isn’t it, sweetheart? You need to let it go, don’t you?”

  Unintelligible pleading is all she could manage as his fingers strummed against her g-spot. Her body writhed and rolled. She couldn’t remain still.

  “All right. You’ve been a good girl. Say my name when you come. All I want you thinking about is what I’m giving you, how I got you there, and who’s in charge.” He set her free, pushing her over the edge and catching her simultaneously. He fulfilled her darkest desires. With her hands bound over her head, he unshackled every constraint of her heart. He set her free. He let her fly, and when she finally floated back to earth, he caught her safely in his arms because she was his.

  “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, honey. When you let go for me, I swear … you’re just so damn gorgeous.”


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