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Club Comrade

Page 1

by Michael James

  Club Comrade

  Secrets Within A Club

  By: Michael James

  Copyright © 2018 Michael James

  All rights reserved

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 7 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24 ~ Carmen

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 1

  My boys and I have been out riding all day. We traveled three counties, or maybe it was four. To be honest, I wasn’t paying much attention. I was more focused on finding my kid sister who decided today would be a great day to run away. I can’t say as I blame her, things have been rough around the clubhouse since our father passed away three years ago. I’m actually a little shocked she has stayed this long. The club used to be great, but once my old man passed, things went to hell fast. Men who have been my father’s right-hand men think they should have been able to take over as president, but that wasn’t my dad’s wishes. He made it very clear that I would step into his spot if anything happened to him. I didn’t ask for this position, but I am honored he wanted me to take over. It was his club, after all, he started it out of our garage when I was six. At first, he wanted a bunch of his biker friends to do charity runs and a bunch of other things together. Somewhere his club turned into more. Not all the things we do are on the right side of the law. Once I took over some of the guys are not happy that I’m trying to get my father’s club back to what it started out as. I don’t want to be known as a hitman or a criminal. I want to leave this world being a person who cared about people. I want to raise money for the children's hospital’s or the food banks, just like it was many years ago. Many of these men are new and have no idea the real reason my father wanted this. I do though, I’m not going to let them run me out. I will fight to keep what is mine. But for now, I need to find my missing sister.

  I pull off to the side of the road and get off my bike. I walk over to the guardrail and lean my ass against it. My buddy Bo gets off his motorcycle and joins me. He doesn’t say a word to me he just sits beside me waiting for me to speak first. I take my shades off and rub my eyes.

  “Where the hell is my kid sister? She couldn’t have gotten far, right?”

  “We will find her, Comrade. Like you said she couldn’t have gotten far.”

  “Can you phone the other boys and see if they have found any leads. I gotta take a piss.”

  “Yea, I’ll do that right now.”

  I leap over the guardrail and walk down the embankment. I find a spot that is private to have a moment alone. I don’t really need to take a piss. I just wanted to clear my head a bit. Every road started to look like the one before. You can’t find someone when everything starts to look the same.

  After I spend a few minutes alone, I decided I better get back so I can keep looking for Scarlett. I get it if she wants to leave the club, but I wish she would have included me in her plans. I know she doesn’t have much money on her. She’s never worked a day of her life. I would have set her up anywhere she wanted to go. I would have made sure she had a decent place to live and food in her belly. We are close, so why in the hell wouldn’t she tell me she was leaving?

  I jump over the guardrail and pick my helmet off the ground. “I got ahold of Billy, and no one has seen or heard from Scarlett.”

  “Okay, let's get back to riding and find my sister.”

  “The boys are getting hungry.”

  “Think I give a shit?”

  “You should if you want them to keep helping you. You know if they are with you, then they won’t outcast you in your own club.”

  “Whatever, I’ll stop for food when I'm ready to stop.”

  I get on my bike and fire up the engine, I pull back on the throttle and dirt kicks up. I look back at my men, they are waving their hands in front of their faces. That’s right assholes eat my dust. When I reach seventy-five miles-per-hour, I let off lightly, letting the pack catch up to me. I know I should probably listen to Bo and pull off to let them have a bite to eat. But I also can guarantee that if it were their kid sister missing they wouldn’t want to eat either.

  Against everything I want to do I pull into a dive bar. Whiskey Jack's, cool name for a small bar out in the middle of nowhere. I turn the key, and my bike goes quiet. My men park next to me, and if anyone were to drive by right now, they probably would think twice about stopping. I guess men who ride motorcycles are dangerous and we intimidate people. I laugh; we don’t do that to everyone, only the ones who cause trouble for the club.

  The boys and I sit down at the bar. The bartender looks scared of us. He might even have shit his pants. “We will all have a draft beer and menus, please.”

  He stutters, “What kind of draft? Light or dark?”

  “Just pour us regular goddamn beer.”

  My boys order enough food to feed a fucking Army. Christ, they better hope none of their family members come up missing because payback will be a bitch. I’ll make sure of it.

  I ignore the sign on the door that says no drinks beyond this point. I kick the door open with my foot and sit down on a wooden bench. I kick my feet up on the railing and light a smoke. I take a few drags enjoying the menthol flavor. I don’t usually smoke menthol, I perfer regular flavored cigarettes over flavored.

  “I see you can read.”

  “I can read, I just chose to ignore it. It’s not like anyone will give me shit for it. Well, besides you that is.”

  She sits down next to me and kicks her feet up. “What brings you to Whiskey Jack’s?”

  “Just out riding, and searching for my sister.”

  “Well, got a picture? People come and go all day from here.”

  “Have you been here all day.”

  “I sure have, but I’m getting ready to leave.”

  I give her my phone, and she stares at the picture. I take in her plum-colored hair and the three piercings she has in her left ear. Her blue-gray eyes are stunning. I find this girl attractive, and if it were any other day, I would make a move on her, but I need to keep my focus on Scarlett.

  “I’ll tell you what. You give me your number, and if I see her, I’ll call you.”

  “You have my phone call yourself.”

  She does, and I hear her phone ring from her back pocket. “I need a name to go with this contact.”

  “Blake Comrade.”

  “Nice to meet you, Blake. I’m Carmen.”

  Chapter 2

  I am going crazy inside with worry for my little sister. After traveling all over creation all day and night looking for her, we still can’t find her. My boys and I rode till the sun was rising before we got back to the club. They all have decided to take a fucking nap while I drink RedBull likes its water. I am so goddamn hyped up right now, I can’t sit still. I should probably lay off the shit, but I wasn’t kidding when I said I wouldn’t rest till I know where Scarlett is.

  I kick the screen door open with my foot and step outside. I walk around to the back of the clubhouse and head towards my place. Maybe I missed a clue that Scarlett might have left behind. I know I went through my home yesterday when I fi
rst noticed her clothes were gone, but I am hoping I missed something. I’m not a religious man, but right now, I am praying to a God that I don’t believe in. I will do anything to find my little sister.

  I stand in the door frame of Scarlett's room. What a mess I made in here yesterday. If there is a clue in here, it won’t be easy to find. I take a step into her room, careful not to destroy anything else of hers. I grab my cell phone when I hear it chime in my pocket. It’s a text message from an unknown number. I know where your sister is, meet me at Whiskey Jack’s in an hour. Don’t reply to this number. I reread the message before I leave my house. Whoever wrote this must have used a burner phone because it isn’t a local area code.

  I run to Bo’s place and pound on his door. He answers with blurry eyes, and I don’t give him a chance to adjust to the sunlight before I push his door all the way open. “We are leaving in five minutes. I’ll be waiting in the clubhouse for you.”

  “Do you need me to wake the boys up?”

  “No, it’s just you and I today.” I walk away.

  I get my gun from the holster and check it. I don’t generally leave a bullet in the chamber, but today, I think I’ll make sure it’s ready for anything. Who knows who sent me the message and I am not comfortable being unprepared.

  “So, what’s going on?”

  “Someone said they know where Scarlett is. They sent me a text to meet them at Whiskey Jack’s.”

  “Why are we not telling the boys?”

  “Because I want to know the situation before we go looking like a bunch of bullies.”

  Bo and I pull into Whiskey Jack's, and the first thing I notice is the girl from yesterday sitting on the bench out front. She isn’t what I need right now. I need to keep my mind on my little sister. Yesterday, when she sat down next to me, all I could think about was how hard she made my dick. The whole time she sat there next to me, I wished she would leave. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to sit in jeans with a hard-on? It’s not fun at all. I couldn’t stand up to walk away or to go eat the food I had ordered. She would have clearly seen how turned on she had me.

  I walk up onto the front porch, and she stands up. I give her a nod and go to step inside. The door is locked, and I give her a questioning look.

  “I'm the one who texted you.”

  “You know where my sister is?”

  “Yes, and I need to talk to you before I tell you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  She eyes Bo and says, “Alone.”

  “Listen, I don’t have time for games. If you know where Scarlett is, spill it.”

  “I can’t afford to play any games, Blake. If you want to know what I know, I need you to send your friend for a walk.”

  I turn to Bo, and he gets the hint. “I’m listening.”

  She sits back down and looks my way. “It seems we come from two families that don’t get along.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Does Harper Chapter mean anything to you?”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, right?”

  “I wish I was.”

  “Those Motherfuckers have my sister?”

  “Yes, and if you calm down, I’ll tell you where, but you have to promise me to keep my name out of it.”


  “They have her up in a cabin on Mount Clearly Drive. It’s hard to find so look for the yellow mailbox on the right-hand side. I know there are two guys keeping watch on her and they plan on holding her hostage until next week.”

  “Why until next week?”

  “To make you lose focus on your club. It seems a few of your men want to take control of your club and merge with Harper Chapter.”

  “Where do you fit into all this. You said it was family.”

  “Well, technically not family yet. I’m Chad Harper’s old lady.”

  “How do I know you're not feeding me a bunch of crap?”

  “Because it’s why I used a burner phone. It’s also why I don’t have your contact on my phone anymore. Want to check it?”


  “Blake, go get your sister back. There is no telling what they will do to her.”

  “I have a question,” she nods her head. “Did you know who I was yesterday?”

  “No, I am not allowed to know club business. I walked in on Chad talking on the phone. He didn’t see me as I listened in on his conversation. So please don’t mention my name to anyone.”

  “I won’t. I gotta go get Scarlett. Thanks, Carmen.”

  I fire up my bike, and Carmen comes running off the porch. “Wait, I am coming with you.”

  “Like hell you are.”

  “The cabin is too remote, you might not find it.”

  “What if you get caught with the enemy?”

  “I will hide in the bushes near the road.”

  I hand her my helmet, “Get on. If you get caught, it’s not my fault.”

  Carmen, Bo and I arrive on Mount Clearly half an hour later. Carmen yelled into my ear to pull over, and I did as she asked pulling off the road. She told me the Harper’s would hear our bikes if we went much closer. She has a good point. So we dragged our bikes into the woods and hid them. She is staying behind while Bo and I walk the quarter mile up the hill to the cabin. I don’t know why she is so helpful, but right this second, I don’t give a damn. Without her, I would have never found this place.

  When the cabin is in my view, my blood is boiling. The place is a shit hole. Broken windows, and a fucking hole in the roof. These fuckers are going to pay for stealing my sister. They better hope to God she is in one piece and unharmed. Whoever is behind all this will be one sorry motherfucker when I am through with them. Bo and I creep around to the back of the cabin, and I hear my sister’s scream. I head for it, and I sure as fuck hope Bo keeps up. I grab my gun from under my leather jacket and put my finger on the trigger, I’ll shoot any asshole who harms my sister. I put my hand up for Bo to stop moving. I see my sister tied to a tree and some asshole has a gun on her.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “The plan is you go check the cabin. If there is anyone there, killem’.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to take one shot at this asshole and untie my sister. I’m counting to ten, so you better run like a motherfucker to the cabin.”

  He takes off, and I count. When I get to nine, I pull back on the trigger; ten. I take off running for Scarlett as she screams when the asshole drops to her feet and his gun goes off. I yell out to her to be quiet.

  “I need you to be quiet, Scarlett, so I can get you out of here. How many men are here?”

  “Just two. One went to find reception so he could call Harper Chapter. Why would they kidnap me?”

  “Let’s go. Stay behind me and if I tell you to do something you listen.”

  Scarlett holds onto the back of my leather, and I make a new path back towards the cabin. I hear one shot go off and I sure as hell hope it was Bo’s gun going off. I keep going in the direction I came from until I see the cabin. I shake my head when I notice Bo casually leaning on the shit hole of a place. I guess that answers my question on who’s gunfire it was.

  Chapter 3 ~ Carmen

  I wait in the woods next to the Club Comrade’s bikes. If Chad finds out I had anything to do with helping Blake getting his sister back, God help me. He will hurt me badly, and I’ll have to lose time at the shop like the last time he taught me a lesson. I lean on a tree and slide down, remembering the last time he beat the shit out of me. I had a blackened eye, three bruised ribs, and a sprained wrist. He would have broken it if it wasn’t for one of the guys stopping him. I lost over a weeks worth of pay and probably a few customers that I will never get back. I run my hands down my face. Jesus, Carmen, why did you have to get involved?

  I get to my feet when I hear a gunshot echoing in the air. My heart is pounding in my chest. I’m more scared now than I was a few minutes ago. Chad is going to fuck
ing kill me. I take off running through the woods. I jump over a fallen tree and almost trip, I keep going, though, without stopping. I need to know if Chad’s boys are okay. I hear another shot in the air. I stop running. I try to catch my breath. It’s either Blake and his friend, or it’s the two men Chad has watching Scarlett. I take off running again even though I don’t know what I will find. I don’t know what the outcome will be, but if it were Chad’s boy's gunfire, they would know I betrayed them. That won’t be good for me.

  I stop running when I have the cabin in my view. Bo leans against the shithole, and I swear he is humming a song. I then see Blake, and a girl in a very pink dress step out from the thick brush. I kneel down hoping they don’t notice me. Scarlett clings to her brother, probably still scared out of her mind. Blake empties the bullets from his gun into his palm. He holds his gloved hand out to his friend, and he too unloads his. I watch as Blake puts them all in the pocket of his leather jacket. I cover my mouth and nose with my hands as I sneeze. Stupid pine tree. What a horrible time for my allergies to kick in.

  Blake starts walking in my direction fast. Shit! I stand up and sneeze again. “I thought I asked you to stay with the bikes?”

  “I know, but I got nervous when I heard the shots go off.”

  I am literally shaking. I back away from Blake as he keeps coming my way. I fall over a tree root and land on my ass. He laughs as he holds out a hand to pull me up. I refuse his offered hand and get to my feet on my own. His shrugs a shoulder like he could give two shits that I didn’t take it.

  “You’re here now, so follow me.”

  I roll my eyes at him, and he laughs again. What a cocky son of a bitch. “I think I should just walk back on my own.”

  “I think you are crazy if you think I’ll let that happen. I wouldn’t try it if I were you.”

  I don’t owe him anything. He got his sister back, and I did my good deed for the day. I need to get far away from Blake Comrade as fast as I can, especially before Chad or Harper’s Chapter show up here.

  “Have a great day, and I’ll see you around,” I say with confidence, hoping he’ll let me go.


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