Book Read Free

Club Comrade

Page 2

by Michael James

  His laughter is loud when he spins around. “You think you are going to walk all the way back to town? It will be tomorrow before you get back. I’m sure Chad Harper won’t like that much.”

  “Would you stop fucking laughing at me! Jesus, you men, are all the same. You think you can boss me around now that I helped you? Do you know what Harper’s Chapter will do to you now that you what; killed two of his members?”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t have time to argue with you. If you want to walk, the road is that way.” He says pointing to his right.

  Why does he have to be right? I would for sure get a lesson if I am gone all night. I can’t afford to miss any work this week with my schedule booked solid. I also have a shipment in the morning that I need to be there for. I follow him toward the cabin. When he struts his shit, my eyes are glued to his ass in the tight blue jeans he wears.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Carmen Blackwell. I helped your brother find you.”

  “Then you are one of them. Blake, why are you trusting her?”

  Blake smiles at her, “Don’t worry about it, Scarlett, I got it covered.”

  What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Why is he acting all cocky now anyway? He wasn’t like this when I met him yesterday. First impressions are supposed to tell you about a person. What a load of bullshit that myth is.

  I find a stump to sit my ass on, and Scarlett doesn’t take her eyes off me. She doesn’t trust me, and I can’t blame her as she knows I’m involved with the people who kidnapped her. I’m not the bad guy, I’m just associated with them. I guess when you are engaged to the club leader, you are just as bad they are.

  I watched as Bo carried Tommy’s dead body into the cabin while Blake has been gathering sticks. I have no idea what they are up too, but it doesn’t look good. I look over at Scarlett, and she narrows her eyes at me. I would ask her what they are going to do, but I already know she won’t tell me.

  Blake comes from inside the cabin. Scarlett gets to her feet and so do I. “I need you two to start walking back toward the bikes. Bo and I will meet up with you.”

  “Why? Why can’t we wait for you?”

  “Because if this place explodes, Scarlett, I want the two of you away from here.”

  Scarlett hugs her brother, “I don’t want to leave without you. What if you get hurt because of me?”

  “I’m not going to get hurt. Just go, Scarlett. You too, Carmen. I’m going to count to a hundred before I walk back in there. I need you two to run and wait for us at the bikes. If you hear anything that sounds remotely like bikes, you hide in the woods. Understood?”

  “Let’s go, Scarlett. I know the way.”

  She gives me a nod, and we take off for the road. I run as fast as I can with Scarlett falling behind. We get about halfway back to the bikes, and we stop in the middle of the road. The explosion echo’s all around us. Holy shit; they are burning the cabin down with two of my fiance’s club members dead bodies inside? Scarlett and I are frozen in place. We can see the flames off in the distance. What in the hell did they use to light the fire?

  By the time Scarlett and I start to walk again and get to the bikes, Blake and Bo are already there. How in the world did they beat us is a question for another day. Blake hands me his helmet, and I put it on.

  “Scarlett, I’ll see you in a few days. You do whatever Bo asks of you.” She gives him a hug before climbing on the back of Bo’s bike. “Get on, Carmen.”

  I climb on the back of Blake’s bike. I’ll be glad once we get back to town and I can get home before Chad notices I’ve been gone for so long. I hope whatever excuse I come up with, he buys it.

  Chapter 4

  Carmen is on the back of my bike and her hands are shoved inside my leather jacket. Every bump I hit, she gets a little closer and I’m perfectly okay with it. Hell, I might have hit a few extra’s on purpose. I am used to having an old lady on the back, Sherry has been riding with me for well over a year. I can’t say its as exciting as having this purple headed chic on the back though. If her hands go any lower, I might have to pull over and really give her a handful.

  It’s getting dark out and I don’t know if Carmen realises it or not, but I might have taken the longer way home. In all honesty, I’m not sure I’m going to let her go just yet. I mean Chad Harper needs some payback, right? You can’t just kidnap my sister and get away with it. It is a written rule you don’t mess with club family. If you have a beef with me, you deal with me personally. You just don’t bring the ladies into the mix. I have respected that when it comes to the clubs feuding, so they should, too. After all this; all bets are off. My sister isn’t to be messed with, period.

  I speed through town and Carmen keeps tapping me on the shoulder. Tap all you want sweetheart ‘cause this bike isn’t stopping. I have a new plan that is sure to piss a whole lot of people off, including my own club. I think it’s brilliant payback. I laugh inside knowing it’s going to piss the entire Harper Chapter off as well. As for the purple headed chic riding behind me, she might be the most pissed off. I could give a flying fuck at this moment though.

  Pulling into the compound, I ride past the club house and go right for my house. I shut the engine off and put the kickstand down. I wait for Carmen to get off, but she isn’t moving. I get off and if she dumps my bike and gets hurt, she has no one to blame but herself.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Why don’t you get off my bike and come inside. I’ll explain what is going on.”

  “I’m not going inside your house. I need to get back before Chad wonders where I am.”

  “Oh, Sweetheart, he will wonder but revenge is a sweet thing.”

  “I helped you and for what? To get kidnapped in return? This isn’t funny, Blake.”

  “I don’t believe I’m laughing.”

  “I’m going home.”

  “I’ll be inside when you get cold.”

  “I’m not coming inside. What part of that didn’t you get?”

  I laugh. She’s cute when she thinks she will get her way. I wink at her then turn away from her and walk towards my place. She will be joining me soon when she realises she has no way out of my compound. People sometimes need to learn the hard way that I say what I mean and do as I say. It’s laughable most of the time. I wonder if I count to a hundred how far I would get before she is walking through my front door. I say sixty-nine, only because it’s a great fucking number.

  I walk right to my bedroom and open my safe. I get the rest of the bullets from the box and toss them in the trash, then I tie up the bag and take it outside to the dumpster. Good thing the garbage man comes in the morning. You can never be too safe and I know not to hold onto the same bullets that match the one I put in the asshole today. I sure hope Bo told me the truth that he used the last of his box today. I can’t have them matching to my boy later. That wouldn’t be good for me or the club.

  “This isn’t cool, Blake. You can’t keep me here,” Carmen says storming into my house.

  “I think I already decided I can. You should make yourself cozy.” I walk into my kitchen to find something to eat. Now that I have my appetite back, I’m starving.

  “You are an asshole, but I’m sure you already know that.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “What do you mean how do I figure. A lady helps you and in return you kidnap her?”

  “It’s a shame that you have to pay for Chad’s big mistake. I promise I’ll take great care of you while you are here.”

  I get a bag of chips and open them as I sit down at the table. I use my foot and kick a chair out for Carmen to sit her sexy ass down. She narrows her eyes at me and I smile. She keeps getting cuter with her little attitude. It’s a turn on, too. So I should be careful not to have a hard-on showing through my jeans.

  “You know Chad isn’t going to take well to you keeping me here against my will. He’ll come after you and your whole club.”

  “Sweetheart, he came
after me the second he took my sister.” I lean forward over the table. “For someone who wants to go so badly, why aren’t you kicking and screaming?” Her throat swallows the saliva in her mouth. “I only plan on keeping you for a few days. Then I’ll let you go. Safe and sound. You might not even have a hair out of place.”

  “Then why keep me at all?”

  “I do need a little payback. I don’t let other clubs walk all over me. I also don’t approve of harming woman.”

  My door flies open and Sherry comes racing into my house. She is out of breath from obviously running from the clubhouse when she heard my bike. I raise an eyebrow at her and she puts her hands on her hips and stares at me. I smile knowing she is pissed that I have another woman in my place.

  “Who the hell is this?”

  “Carmen Blackwell, meet Sherry Marell.”

  “Why is there another woman here? Are you effing cheating on me?”

  “Well, I thought about keeping Carmen only a few days, but now that you so rudely interrupted us and burst into my house. I decided that Carmen here is going to be my new bride. So get your shit out of my house.”

  “Like hell I am!”

  “We will see about that.”

  I get my phone out and call Billy to tell him to get his ass to my place as soon as possible. Then I text him back and tell him to bring his old lady as well, after all, Carmen is going to need a dress to wear in about an hour when I make her my wife.

  “Sherry, you aren’t moving fast enough. Go ahead and get out of my house. I’ll have my wife pack your shit up.”

  Chapter 5

  Who knew getting married has to be this big of a deal? Christ, all the ladies in the club think Carmen and I need this big fucking wedding. I don’t see the purpose of this since I am not doing this for love; it’s revenge for crying out loud. I’ll play the part of the groom to be and let everyone think this is real. When Chad Harper hears the news, I want him to think Carmen did this of her own free will. That is the only way that will make the sting of the news burn a hell of a lot more.

  Billy sits at my kitchen table, staring at me like he has something to say. I sit here drinking my coffee like any other morning. To me, it’s just like any other day. I get up, drink coffee, do club business, and enjoy the life. We only live once, right?

  I take a drink of my coffee and swallow it down. Then I smile at Billy, knowing it will piss him off. “Got something on your mind, Billy?”

  “Yeah, I am wondering what the fuck you are doing. I don’t think you should be forcing this chic to marry you. I think your plan is stupid.”

  “Well, good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

  “I was hoping with this wedding being put off until today you would come to your senses.”

  “I am thinking very clearly but thank you for your concern. If it’s any consolation, my mind hasn’t changed. Carmen will marry me today, just as we planned last night. You will perform the wedding as I asked, or I will change the plan and elope.”

  “Blake, come on, why are you doing this? Why are you putting yourself, her and the club through this? No one will believe it is real, especially, since you have been banging Sherry for over a year.”

  I jump to my feet and slam my fist on the table, “Who’s fucking side are you on? If you are on Harper Chapter’s side, get the hell out of my house.”

  “Calm the hell down. You know I stand with you always. I just don’t get why you want this mess when you said you are letting her leave at the end of the week.”

  “Why are you making me marry you if you are letting me go?” I turn around to the sweet sound of Carmen’s voice.

  I walk past Carmen and her blue-gray eyes filling with tears, and I don’t say a word as I leave my house. I need a walk to cool off. I was so damn close to punching my dear friend, Billy, in the jaw. We went over this all last night. He knows why I am making Carmen marry me. I don’t see why we need to rehash things again today, especially, when it’s an hour away from the ceremony.

  I walk down the path to the clubhouse, so I can check on the setup. I’m sure all the ladies have been cooking up a storm to feed everyone later. Opening the entrance doors, I then peek inside; Jesus, they have the whole place decorated like a real reception. How the hell did they do this so damn fast? I close the door and walk around to the back of the building and go in the back door. Candice, Bo’s sister, is frosting a freaking wedding cake. I didn’t ask for all of this. I asked for a dress, that’s it. I leave before she could notice me.

  Instead of going back to my house, I take the path up the hill behind my house. It’s a place I like to go when I want to think or be alone, that isn’t the case today, though. I climb the hill and get my burner phone out to call Scarlett. I have to fill her in before she hears from someone else about me getting married. If the shoe were on the other foot, I would not be happy.

  I feel better about everything once we hung up the phone. It was a relief knowing she understood my plan and as long as she was okay with it, the hell with everyone else. She is what really matters to me the most.

  Opening my door, I go inside, and Billy’s old lady stands there as if she was waiting for me. “Where have you been? Never mind, I don’t need to know. You need to get your ass in the shower. Thirty minutes before you walk down that aisle and say I do.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  I get into my room and holy fuck, if they think I am wearing a suit, these ladies are nuts. Stripping off my jeans and t-shirt, I then open the master bathroom door. I get an eye full of Carmen through the glass shower doors. I laugh, maybe I won’t be letting her go anywhere at the end of the week.

  I open the glass door, I step in, “What the hell are you doing?” Carmen says, covering her breasts with her hands.

  I move in close, and she backs up to the shower wall. Putting my arms up to cage her in, I then lean in close with my mouth to her ear. “Showering with my wife to be.”

  Carmen narrows her eyes at me, and I wink at her. I reach down and cup her perfect ass, and she gasps. “I am done, so the shower is all yours.”

  “Done? We haven’t even started.” She ducks under my arm, but I catch her before she can escape. “Don’t worry, wife to be, we can save it for the honeymoon.”

  I let her go, and she hurries out of the shower. I smile when she checks out my growing cock and swallows the wetness in her mouth before closing the door. I take hold on my shaft and give it a few strokes, and I hear her sigh before exiting the room.

  I get dressed in dark blue jeans and a white button-up shirt, leaving a few undone. I go over to the safe and get out the gold wedding bands that belonged to my parents. I leave my mothers engagement ring there, that will be Scarlett’s someday. Shoving the rings in my pocket, I lock the safe back up, then I leave my house and walk down to the pond that is on the land. Billy waits for me and accompanies me to where I have to stand. I hear the music begin to play the wedding march and Billy’s old lady starts to walk towards us. My club brother’s move out of the way and I see Carmen dressed in a white gown. It isn’t just any gown, it’s my mother’s wedding dress. Carmen is as beautiful as my mother was the day she married my father. Maybe this is fate. I shake that thought from my head as quickly as it came.

  I smile at Carmen when she stands before me. She narrows her eyes at me. Billy starts the ceremony and Carmen’s beautiful eyes fill with tears. I reach up and wipe them away before I say my vows.

  “Carmen, we have a lifetime of getting to know one another. A lifetime of building something wonderful. Our kids will look as beautiful as you someday.” I put the ring on her finger.

  “Blake, we have a lifetime of nothing. A lifetime of building a life full of lies. I will never have your babies,” she says, putting a ring on my finger.

  I pull her in close to me, holding her face with both hands, and kiss her mouth like a husband who is madly in love. I drop one hand from her face and grab her ass. She moans into my mouth as I shove my tongue inside. M
y first taste of my wife and I already want more.

  Chapter 6 ~ Carmen

  Blake has his big biker hand on my ass, and I wish I could slap him across his face, but that would be difficult with his lips on mine and his tongue down my throat. I try to step away from him, and when I do, his grip gets tighter on my ass. I have half a mind to stomp on his foot with my high heel shoe. I’m not sure that would be wise, though, I know if I did that to Chad, I would have to pay for it later behind closed doors.

  Blake’s lips are finally gone, and I can breathe again. He takes hold of my hand and laces his fingers with mine. He grins at all his friends as he turns to face them. They all have been hooting and hollering since he placed the ring on my finger. I’d like to wipe the smirk off his face; I swear he thinks I’m the prize he won at a carnival or something. I look to him, and why does this jerk have to be so damn good-looking? If he weren’t so fucking hot, it would make it a hell of a lot easier to be pissed at him for shoving his tongue down my throat.

  I walk beside Blake as he leads me and everyone behind us to the clubhouse. He opens the door when we get there and lets go of my hand. I turn real fast and try to make a run for it. I don’t get very far as his arm wraps around my waist, stopping me. I let out a cough from the force of his forearm going into my stomach. It was a bad attempt to try and run from him.

  “Everyone go inside and get some snacks. My bride and I will be in soon to join you.”

  My bride, the sound of that makes me want to vomit. I’ve dreamed of my wedding day since I was a young girl, and this is nowhere near my dreams of marrying a man I love. Its almost like a nightmare. I say almost because damn it, I thought I liked him the day we met. Now, I wish I never called him or helped him for that matter. I sit down on a bench outside the clubhouse. I cannot even say I wish I never called him, either, the truth of the matter is if I had to do it over again, I would. I wasn’t about to let Chad and his boys hurt Scarlett.


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