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Page 19

by Charles Arnold

  “Do you know what happens to teachers who show their cunts to a sixteen year old student and have phone sex with him and write notes sayin they want to be his bitch?” He waited. She bowed her head and tried to hold back the tears. “Them teachers get ten to fifteen years of hard time. I looked it up.” She covered her face with her hands and sobbed quietly. He leaned over to pull her hands away and make her look directly at him. “Uncle Watts ain’t the only black guy what got hisself a slave,” he said. He stood and pulled her with him. He gestured toward her purse on the desk. “Fix yourself up,” he said.

  She wiped her face clean and reapplied her lipstick, gloss, and mascara. She turned to him for approval. He nodded, “Cheer up,” he said, “you ain’t goin to jail long as you do what I say. Ain’t gonna be no different than it was before. I just got me a little insurance is all.” He put his arm around her and slid his hand up to cup her breast. He felt her nipple stiffen. He turned her to face him and putting his hands on her ass pulled her into him. She felt his hard cock against her crotch. She hesitated then put her arms around his neck and tilted her head down to brush her lips softly against his. “You’re sure,” she said. “What you did, what you have won’t make a difference?”

  “Last night you said you’d do whatever I wanted. That was before I got my insurance. Long as you do what you said, nothin’s changed.”

  Someone rattled the door. Ann jumped back away from him. The door remained closed. “Probably the janitor,” she said.

  “Or that cunt, Shawna,” he replied. “Your car in the lot?”


  “You forgettin affection?”

  “Yes, honey. It’s the BMW.”

  “I go first. You walk behind.”

  She followed him. The halls were empty. There was no one in the parking lot except Charlie, the janitor. She noticed that he paused and looked at them as they entered the car together. Darnell grinned at her, “Another witness,” he said. “We goin to my place first and finish what we started, then we goin out.”

  Ann drove following his directions, but her mind was a jumble of confusion. ‘How could I have been so stupid,’ she thought. ‘I let this cocky black boy put me in a position where I have to obey whatever crazy demands he makes of me or go to prison as a child molester. His uncle can send me to prison if I violate any of the terms of a contract that requires me to obey him and any black man in the NWS.’

  Darnell had opened his fly. He took Ann’s right hand from the steering wheel and placed it on his cock which started to stiffen immediately. Instinctively, she squeezed it.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s for you. You gonna kiss it a little bit then watch it slide up into your pretty white cunt and then feel it fuckin you.”

  His words and imagining what lay ahead excited her. ‘What was it about this filthy, vulgar boy that never failed to arouse her?’ Without looking at him she said, “Tell me, Darnell, why do you think I’m so attracted to you?”

  “You mean why you want me to fuck you?


  “You forgettin again, but I guess you got other things like jail time on your mind.” They pulled into a parking spot in front of a low-rent red brick apartment building in Bed-Stuy. He shifted in the seat to face her. “I’ll tell you what I think. Did you fuck before you married that wuss?”

  “No, I was a virgin when we married.”

  “Jesus! How fuckin dumb was that? How much he fuck you?”

  “Not often. At first maybe once a week. Later once a month and lately not much at all.”

  “You ever cum with him?”

  “I really didn’t know what that was, but I read about it and pretended I did because he seemed to want me to.”

  “You sayin you never cum with your husband?”

  “No, not really.”

  “When’s the first time you cum?”

  She frowned seeing where he was going, “That time with you, right after I signed the contract. You came to my house.”

  “Yeah, I thought that’s how it was. A woman ain’t a woman till she cums. She’s a fuckin girl, no matter how old. Them nuns who never fuck can be eighty fuckin years old and they’s still girls. You was still a girl until this,” he lifted his cock out of his jeans. “My fuckin dick made you a woman. It changed you from a dumbshit girl into a woman. Women never ever forget the first guy that done that, the first guy that made them cum. The first guy’s always like some kind of God even if they never see him again. They was one thing before his cock made them cum and somethin better afterwards. They was like born again. They was a woman.”

  She had never heard him speak so long. It seemed this was something he’d thought through or picked up from some older black guy. Somehow it made a sort of crazy sense. Certainly after knowing what an orgasm was, what it felt like, how leading up to it felt....all of that changed her. She wanted more. Darnell had given her the first one. He had transformed her. In that sense he was special.

  “You ain’t never gonna forget the first fuck I give you. You ain’t ever gonna forget Darnell’s cock. You gonna make love to it today and for as long as I want you to. Right?” He spoke with assurance that went beyond his nineteen years.

  She leaned over him and lowered her head to kiss the tip of his hardening cock. She held it gently between her hands staring down at it. “Yes, it’s like you said, it did change me.” She looked up at him. “I’m grateful to you for that, Darnell, truly I am. I never knew....” She touched her lips to his cockhead again, still looking up at him. “I love it, Darnell, I love your cock. You didn’t need insurance.”

  Without responding, he stuffed his half hard cock back into his jeans and opened the door. She followed him into the foul smelling tenement. Obscene graffiti on the stair wall depicted huge black cocks spurting jizm, white women in chains, white women sucking black cocks and with their heads between the spread legs of black women. Ann followed him up to the third floor. The apartment consisted of two small rooms, a tiny kitchen and a filthy bathroom without a door. Dirty clothes were flung everywhere along with worn sneakers and flip-flops. The sink was filled with dirty plates, the garbage can overflowing. The single window in the living room overlooked the fire escape and the brick wall of the building next door. There were no windows in the kitchen or bathroom or the bedroom.

  The dark green couch was torn, stuffing coming out of the seats and arms. There was one hard-back chair and a small television set. A single sixty watt bulb hung on a wire from the middle of the ceiling. The rug was stained and torn. The place stank of dirty socks and beer and urine.

  Darnell locked and bolted the door. “Welcome home,” he said. “You gonna be spendin a lot of time here, mostly on your knees or your back. You like to get fucked doggie or fucked with me on top?” She looked around, her heart sinking. She didn’t answer him. “I asked you a question, Mrs. fuckin high and mighty Gardner.”

  “’t matter.”

  “Just so you get fucked, right?” Again she didn’t respond. He spun her around and brought his hand up hard between her legs grabbing her crotch, lifting her and digging his fingernails into her. She started to scream, but with his free hand he slapped her across the face. He released her. She was trembling. She stood before him and bowed her head. “Say how you want to be fucked,” he demanded.

  It took a moment before she could find her voice. “ on top.”

  “That’s so you can watch my black dick goin in and out of your fuckin white cunt, right?”

  “Please, Darnell, can’t we...can’t we...” she began.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bedroom. She was surprised how strong he was for such a skinny boy. The narrow bed was unmade, the grimy sheets stained and smelling rancid. “You want me to rip them fancy clothes off or you gonna strip for me?”

  “I’ll strip.”

  “I ain’t hearin the words of affection. Seems you forgot them. You better start rememberin especially when we go out.”

  She was terribly afraid of him, but also knew her pussy was very wet and her nipples were painfully hard. She glanced at the bed and then looked at him. “I’m sorry honey. Really I am. I’ll try to remember.”

  “What you gonna do?”

  “Like you said, I’ll take my clothes off.” He waited for her to go on. “Then...then when I’m naked, I...I’ll undress you and kiss you, kiss you wherever you like...and...and do what you tell me.” He seemed to be waiting for her to continue. “I want to, honey....I honestly don’t know why, but I want to please you. I want you to want me.”

  “It ain’t cause I got them pictures and tapes and that fucking history book you wrote in?”

  She stepped close to him and put her arms around him. “No, honey. I’ve been thinking about what you said. You were my first, my first real man. It was your...your beautiful cock that changed me, gave me an orgasm my first orgasm. I’ve lain awake at night wondering why I couldn’t stop thinking of it, of your cock and of you. I remembered how your cock smelled and how it tasted and how it felt in my mouth and inside me when you made me cum for the first time in my life.”

  Her confession surprised him, but he tried not to show it. “You know what NWS means?”

  “It stands for Negro Worship Society.”

  “You white women Watts gets into his fuckin society is supposed to worship black cock, but I don’t buy that shit. Maybe some, but most is just fuckin fakin it. You think you gonna worship my cock for real or you gonna fake it?”

  She stepped back to look at him, to see if he was serious. She decided he was. “I’ll give you an honest answer, not what I think you want to hear. Is that all right?”

  “Fuck yeah. You think I want my bitch lying to me?”

  “I think in time, time it will...will gradually come to something like worship your cock.....but I need...I need to have it often,” she paused, “and everywhere.”

  “Your ass?”

  “No, honey, not yet. Watts has told me over and over that I have to keep it for...for one of the important men he does business with, a very rich, very powerful man. Your Uncle would kill both of us if we violated that agreement.”

  “My Uncle!” he shouted, “my fuckin big shot uncle. I say fuck big shot uncle! I’m fuckin sick of hearin about Uncle Watts, been hearin it all my life!”

  She could see he was becoming furious. Gently she backed him up until he sat on the bed. “Let me strip for you, honey,” she said. She stood in front of him and slowly pushed the wide neck of the red sweater over her shoulders gradually exposing her breasts. The rosy pink nipples were a shade darker and stiff. She unfastened the clips at the side of her skirt and let it fall. Naked except for the heels, she stepped over it and got to her knees before him. Looking up into his unsmiling face she licked her lips and said, “Now you.”

  Impassively, he looked down at her. “I like seein my uppity white teacher on her knees in front of me. I like lookin at them lips and knowin they’re gonna be kissin my balls and suckin my black cock.”

  “Making love to it, honey.”

  “Yeah, Mrs. Gardner, everybody’s favorite teacher, on her knees making love to Darnell’s cock. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. That’s where she belongs, ain’t I right?”

  She reached up and started to unbutton his shirt, “Yes, naked for you, on my knees, wanting you.” She slipped his shirt over his narrow shoulders and thin arms. His rib cage was visible, his chest flat. She stretched up to lick his black nipples. The salty taste of his sweat excited her.

  He looked down at her, “Yeah, baby, you like a bitch in heat.”

  Ann pulled off his jeans. His long sleek cock stuck straight out. The scent of him, the young black male scent, caused her to breathe him in deeply. She drew her fingernails over the tight skin of his balls. She bent lower to untie his worn sneakers and remove them. He wore no socks. His feet were sweaty, but she found she didn’t mind the smell. His feet were narrow and his toes long, but perfectly formed. She held one damp foot in her hand and bent to inspect his toes. The toenails were long and ragged.

  Looking up at him, she smiled, “One of these nights I’ll give you a pedicure,” she said.

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ll wash your beautiful feet and clean your toenails and trim them. Maybe put a clear polish on them.”

  “Maybe suck them?”

  She felt the electric surge in the pit of her stomach. Still staring down at his feet, she whispered more to herself than to him, “Yes, darling, maybe suck them.”

  “I didn’t hear you,”

  She looked up at him hoping that his expression had softened. It hadn’t. “I said, yes, honey, maybe I’ll do that some day.”

  “You know what it means to toss salad?”

  The question surprised her. “You put all the ingredients for a salad together then pour the dressing over it and toss it together.”

  “What it means to toss the black man’s salad!” He glared at her.

  “ don’t.”

  “It means the white woman gets on her knees behind him and spreads his ass cheeks and licks his ass crack.”

  “Oh my God!” she turned away and looked at the dirty clothes piled in the corner.

  Darnell leaned forward and tapped her head, “Look up when I’m talkin.” She raised her head. “Maybe when you givin me this pedicure you also toss my salad? How about that?” She bowed her head saying nothing.

  “Goddamn, I asked you a fuckin question!” he shouted.

  “Maybe,” she said softly, “but I can’t...I can’t...”

  “Uncle Watts, who knows all about this shit, he say that the best goddamn way a white woman can pay for all the hard stuff the slaves had to deal with and show her true feelin for the black man is for her to toss his salad.” He leaned back on his elbows observing her. She was blushing and breathing faster. “Remember, you said maybe so I’ll hold you to that or else I’ll just make you do it, but it’s better if you just fuckin decide you want to, like with the pedicure.”

  His cock was still stiff and just inches from her face. Tentatively, she drew her fingers along it lightly. It twitched. “Darnell, honey, please. Let me suck it.”

  “Lick my balls, but first tell me who you is and what you is.”

  “I...I’m Ann Gardner, your teacher. I’m a white married woman six years older than you, but still young and considered pretty.”

  “What is you now with me?”

  “I’m your woman...your bitch.”

  “I own you?”

  “Yes, you own me.”

  “What you want from me?”

  “I want you to fuck me....Darnell, please, honey, I want so much for you to fuck me.”

  “Balls first then suck it, get it wet.”

  She pushed his cock back against his stomach and leaned forward to kiss and lick his balls. Perhaps because he was so young his scent was stronger and richer, somehow blacker than the others. It made her feel almost dizzy. She wanted to fill her lungs with it, wanted to taste it. She could feel her pussy juice ooze from her slit. She licked along the underside of his shaft remembering to look up at him hoping he would see in her eyes that she really loved licking his long velvety black cock. She took it in her mouth as deep as she could, making a tight seal with her lips, laving it with her tongue, feeling it alive in her mouth, feeling it jerk and pulse. Her saliva ran down and over his balls. She began to suck harder moving her head up and down. Before he could cum, he pushed her away. He made room for her on the soiled mattress. “Lay down,” he said, “I’m gonna fuck you.”

  Quickly Ann climbed onto the bed and lay on her back spreading her legs, offering him her hairless cunt glistening with her milky secretions. He knelt between her legs and rubbed the head of his cock against her swollen clitoris. She squirmed and gasped and lifted her hips toward it. He teased her like this until she was half in tears begging him to fuck her. “Ohh God...please, please, honey...please put it in...
please I need it...need it so bad. I love your beautiful cock......Yours was the first...please, Darnell honey, please...”

  Slowly, he began to ease it into her. She lifted her head and watched wide eyed as it disappeared like a long black snake inside her. ‘It’s in me,’ she thought. ‘Darnell’s black cock is inside me. We’re connected in the most....the most wonderful way two people can connect.’ She continued to watch as he slowly withdrew all but the tip and just as slowly entered her again. She could feel the whole length of it slippery and hot, feel it gliding along the walls of her vagina and the tip of it deep inside her. His cock had a slight curve so that when he leaned forward the full length of it rubbed against her clitoris. She groaned and put her hands on his ass pulling him deeper into her. She kicked off her shoes and wrapped her legs around him and hooked her feet together. She desperately wanted to cum, but she also wanted this to last. She wanted him to fuck her slowly like this for hours and thought he probably could.

  The whole day had been leading up to this. She’d been hot, her pussy moist, her nipples hard ever since she woke up. Then seeing him in her classroom, trying to tease him without being obvious, his smug arrogance, his terrible deception with the photographs and threats about prison, the hold he had over her now...which both frightened and excited her. She was truly like a slave. The slaves could not choose nor could she. They could only obey. The boy whose black cock was sliding rhythmically in and out of her was her Master.

  She moved her hands to the back of his head and, parting her lips, pulled him down until his lips pressed hers and his tongue slid into her mouth. ‘Connected’ she thought, ‘he’s inside my cunt and inside my mouth, full circle’. Like the older man, John Albertson, he knew how to bring her to the edge of an orgasm and then withdraw to tease her by touching her swollen clit with the tip of his cock. He was in full control and knew it. He grinned down at her while she lifted her head to watch his long glistening black cock torment the opening she thrust up toward him. “Please,” she pleaded, “please, honey, let me have it....put it in me, please...please fuck me.”

  After bringing her to the point of an orgasm several more times, he lay on top of her and pressed his open mouth over hers and held her tightly against him as he increased the pace of his thrusts faster and faster until she screamed and bucked and thrashed under him while he shot spurt after spurt of his hot cum into her. Even after her orgasm subsided she lay under him twitching and moaning softly and seeking his mouth with hers. She whispered into his mouth, “Kiss me, kiss me, I love your mouth, your tongue,


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