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Page 20

by Charles Arnold

  the way you kiss me.....oh God, Darnell, honey...”

  Later, when they were getting dressed, he grinned at her, “Bet you ain’t never been fucked like that,” he said.

  She finished pulling her sweater over her head and put her arms around him. Without her heels they were about the same height. She looked into his eyes hoping for some sign of affection. They seemed bright, but with self pride. She pulled him to her and, smiling, placed a finger under his chin, “It was the best,” she said. “I don’t know how you learned like that. You drive me crazy!”

  “I started early and had a lot of teachers, mostly older women like you. Older women, most of them, are good that way. They do just about anything to get a young guy to fuck them.”

  “And me?” she asked.

  “You’re hot,” he said, “and you’re easy like them. I bet I could have had you that first day right on the fuckin floor of the classroom.”

  She nodded, “Maybe you could have.” She leaned toward him and gently touched her lips to his. His hand shot up to her breast and viciously twisted her nipple. She cried out and jumped back.

  He looked at her, his expression blank, “I like doin that,” he said.

  Her nipple was swollen. She looked down at it, frowning, “It hurts,” she said.

  “It’s supposed to.”

  When they got into the BMW he began to direct her to Bergans, a bar/restaurant in Park Slope. “It’s fuckin upscale,” he said. “Uncle Watts took me there once. You got money?”

  “Yes and a credit card.”

  “Good cause you’re payin. It’s like you owe me for the good fuck I give you.” He’d put on a relatively clean pair of jeans, a white shirt, and the same worn sneakers. He left the do-rag and his baseball cap at the apartment.

  When they arrived at Bergans he told her to pull into the parking garage next to it, “We gonna take a taxi home. You leave this fuckin car on the street all night in my neighborhood it be gone in the morning for sure.”

  “I’m staying all night?” she asked.

  “You ain’t sucked my dick yet,” he said.

  She saw the maitre d frowning as they approached. She stepped ahead of Darnell and put a twenty into the man’s hand. He nodded, but shook his head in disapproval.

  “We sittin at the bar first,” Darnell said.

  The bartender looked at her quizzically, “A glass of chardonnay,” she said.

  He turned to Darnell, “Bourbon,” he said, “top shelf bourbon on the rocks.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to see some ID.”

  “What the fuck!” Darnell said so that the people nearby turned to look. Angrily he took out a torn wallet and drew from it a card which he slammed down on the bar. It was a fake, but it fooled the bartender. He brought their drinks.

  Darnell drank most of his drink before putting down the glass. His hand was on Ann’s bare knee. He moved it up, pushing back her skirt. She looked around, hoping no one was watching them, but two men sitting three stools down were. Darnell was aware of them. He turned toward her and put his other hand on top of hers and squeezed it hard.

  “You fuckin do what I say,” he whispered, his face set, his eyes hard. Ann nodded. “Spread,” he put more pressure on her knee.

  “Please, Darnell, those men will see.”

  “That’s the fuckin point you dumb bitch. I want them to know I’m fingerfuckin you and you’re likin it. And I want them and the rest of these rich white fucks to see that you’re hot for me, so start actin like it.”

  She stared down into her wine glass and felt her face redden. She parted her legs. Darnell pushed her skirt further back until his hand covered her pussy. She was wet. Expertly with the index finger of his right hand he began to rub her clit. She shuddered and quickly finished her drink.

  Darnell leaned close to her ear and whispered, “You ain’t showin them that you got the hots for your black boyfriend, goddamn it, what you think I brought you here for?”

  She ordered refills for both of them. The men had seen what he wanted them to see, so had some couples at nearby tables. He took his hand from between her legs. She stared to pull her skirt down. “Leave it,” he said, “and do what the fuck you’re supposed to do.”

  Ann pulled her bar stool closer to his and leaning toward him put her hand on the back of his head and drawing him to her, tongue kissed him.

  “Jesus Christ!” one of the men at the bar exclaimed.

  “Disgusting,” a woman at a table said.

  The bartender put down a wine glass he was drying and stepped over to them, “Finish you drinks and leave,” he said. A big man in a black suit Ann correctly assumed was the bouncer appeared behind them. Darnell’s bourbon glass was half full. Ann hadn’t yet touched her wine. Darnell picked up both glasses and poured the drinks all over the bar. “There, asshole, we finished our drinks!” Darnell shouted.

  The bouncer moved in. He towered over both of them. Darnell standing just behind Ann looked up at him, “My bitch’s husband is a fuckin lawyer. You touch me and he’ll have your sorry fuckin ass in jail for a year.” He headed for the door. Ann followed. He noticed an ATM on the corner. “How much money you got?”

  “About eighty dollars.”

  “You got a ATM card?”


  He led her to the machine, “Take out five hundred.”

  “Darnell, I have eighty dollars and a credit card, we don’t need.....”

  He spun her around to face him, “I said to take out five hundred fuckin dollars!”

  “It only allows me to take three hundred.”

  “Get three hundred then.”

  Reluctantly she punched in her numbers. The machine delivered three hundred dollars in twenties.

  Darnell took it from her hand. “You gonna be comin to my place twice a week, maybe more to suck my cock and if you’re lucky get fucked. Every time you come, you bring three hundred.”

  She stepped back frowning, “That’s crazy. Why would I do that?”

  “Cause you is a child molester, that’s why.”

  “I’m not. You know that.”

  “Yeah, but a judge and jury don’t. Fifteen years for molestin a sixteen year old black student what don’t have a mommy or daddy.”

  “You would really do that?”

  “Try me.” He hailed a cab and gave the driver an address. She sat as far from him as she could. “Look at it this way,” he began. “I could pimp you out and make five hundred a night off you probably more. You give me three hundred and I don’t pimp you out. That means I’m losin two hundred plus. You should be grateful.”

  “I can’t believe what you just said. My God, I’m...I’m.....”

  He cut her off by reaching across and slapping her face so hard she hit her head on the window. The cab driver glanced back at them, “Hey buddy, no need to....”

  “Shut the fuck up, motherfucker!” Darnell yelled, “or you be goin home with your balls in your pocket.” He turned back to Ann who was crying silently, “Three hundred,” he said, “every time.” She nodded.

  The driver turned onto a narrow side street off Bedford Avenue and stopped in front of a dimly lit bar with a small red neon sign in the black painted window saying “Club J-Z”. Ann paid the driver. There was nothing on the dark deserted street except warehouses, garages, and the Club J-Z. Before entering, Darnell pushed Ann back against the window of the club. “Inside ain’t gonna be none of them white motherfuckers, just blacks, my people.” He moved closer, his face almost touching hers. “You want me to slap the shit out of you in front of them?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “They like that. Like to see a black man beatin on a white woman. They think if I’m mad I just might give you to them for a gang rape. I seen it happen in this place more than once.”

  She felt hollow inside. Her legs shook and her lip quivered. “Please, Darnell...” she began.

  “Long as you show everybody in there that you’re my woman, you be ok. I m
ean you let them see that you is so fuckin hot for me you can’t hardly stand it. Show it and say it. Don’t make it look like you scared. Make it look like you mean it. Understand?”

  She nodded, “Yes...yes...I understand.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “I mean, yes, honey, I know what you want me to do.”

  “Soon as we go in, you go to the toilet. It’s in the back and fix your face. Come out lookin a little slutty, know what I mean?”

  “Yes, honey, lots of makeup.”

  “Yeah, and pull that sweater down so everybody see some of your tits and that spade tattoo.” She nodded. He put his arm around her waist and opened the door.

  She was relieved to see there was only the bartender and four men; two men close to her age, a fat man about sixty and, sitting alone at a table in the corner what appeared to be a homeless bum who had to be eighty. The three men at the bar turned to see who had entered. Everyone seemed to know Darnell.

  “Look what the fuckin cat drug in,” the closest one said.

  “Yeah, but look what shorty Darnell brung with him,” his friend turned around on his stool to appraise Ann.

  The older man adjusted his glasses, “What’s that dumb shit kid doin with a good lookin white woman,” he said.

  Darnell let go of Ann’s waist and jerked his head toward a hallway at the end of the bar. She hurried past the men. “She my bitch,” Darnell said.

  “Ain’t no woman like that gonna be a bitch for a skinny little motherfucker like you,” the first man said.

  Darnell took the end seat at the bar and ordered a double bourbon. “She’s payin,” he said to the bartender. He turned to the first man, “You wait, Eddie. You’ll see. That white bitch do what I tell her.”

  Eddie laughed and poked his friend in the arm, “You hear that, Carl, little Darnell says that hot lookin white bitch do what he say.”

  The older man at the end of the bar chuckled, “You got delusions, boy. What you been smokin?”

  The man named Carl stood up, “I bet the last time you got laid, Darnell, was a year ago when you paid some fucked up whore what lives under the bridge two dollars!” Everybody laughed. They turned toward the hallway when they heard Ann’s heels. She’d followed Darnell’s instructions. Her full lips were bright red and wetly shining with gloss. Her mascara and eye shadow had been heavily applied. She’d pulled the sweater down to expose the top swell of her breasts. The tattoo was clearly visible.

  Darnell patted the bar stool between himself and the man named Eddie. Ann tried to appear calm, but it was obvious she was frightened. “Tell these brothers when was the last time I got fucked,” he said.

  “Ah....just a few hours ago.”

  “And who did I fuck?’

  She felt the color rise to her cheeks. Not looking at the men, she reached out and placed her hand on his, “Me,” she said.

  “Was it good?”

  “Yes, honey, the best.”

  The two younger men looked surprised. The older one said, “Darnell got something on that woman. No fuckin way she could give a shit about that little loser.”

  Ann reached in her purse and put a twenty on the bar. “Just a glass of wine,” she said.

  “How about him?” the bartender jerked his head toward Darnell. “Take it out of this,” she said, pushing the twenty toward him.

  Carl leaned toward her, “Do you fuck him at your house or do you go to his dump?”

  “At first he came to my place, but now I go to his.”

  Eddie shook his head. “Hard to believe.” He turned to Darnell, “You say she do what you tell her. So prove it.”

  Darnell spun her stool around so she faced the three men. “Show them your cunt,” he said.

  Ann hesitated then blushing furiously pulled her skirt back and spread her legs.

  “Jesus!” Carl said.

  Ann started to bring her legs together. “Keep them spread,” Darnell said.

  “Yes, honey,” she said.

  The older man at the end of the bar came down to look. “I ain’t seen such a pretty white cunt in my fuckin life....and bald as a baby’s ass!”

  “Yeah,” Darnell said, “and it’s mine, this here white cunt is mine. Ain’t that right, baby?”

  “Yes, honey. It’s yours.”

  “What if you told her to suck my dick,” Eddie said.

  “Why the fuck would I tell her that?”

  “To show you ain’t bullshittin. To prove she does what mister big man Darnell tells her to do.”

  Ann turned toward Darnell and was about to protest but he looked as if he might strike her. He downed half his glass of bourbon. “Where?” he said.

  “In the men’s room,” Eddie answered.

  “Is you a member of the NWS?”

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “If you was, you could tell her yourself and she’d do it.”

  Eddie looked at Ann, “That true, what he’s sayin?”

  She nodded. “Yes, it’s true.”

  Carl slammed his hand down on the bar, “How do we join?”

  “Got to be invited. They don’t take low lifes like you,” Darnell said.

  Eddie had been staring at Ann’s exposed pussy and squeezing his hardening cock through his jeans. “How about it, Darnell. I’ll pay.”

  “You called me a fuckin loser.”

  “Yeah, that was when we all thought you was shitten us about her bein your bitch. If she’s really your bitch then you a fuckin winner!”

  “That’s right,” Carl said. “You a big fuckin winner.”

  Ann had finished her wine. The bartender poured another and filled Darnell’s glass.

  Darnell got up and stood behind Ann whose legs were still parted. He put his hand inside her low cut sweater and pinched her nipple. She drew in her breath, but said nothing. “Go to the men’s room with Eddie and suck his dick,” he said.

  Looking down into her wine glass Ann said, “Yes, honey.” From her purse she took the hair clip and pulling back her hair she clipped it on, giving her a short ponytail.

  “Why you do that?” Eddie asked.

  “So you can see my face,” she said. She picked up her purse and slid off the bar stool. Eddie started toward the men’s room. Ann followed.

  Carl came over to Darnell and high fived him. “Goddamn, Darnell! How the hell did you do it? How the fuckin hell did you get that....that fuckin beautiful woman to do do what you say?”

  “I just fuck her,” Darnell said. “She can’t get enough of my dick. She wantin it all the time. She know the only way I’m gonna fuck her is if she do what I say.”

  “She got a husband?”

  “Yeah, but she come runnin to me anytime I want her.”

  The older man frowned, “Gotta be more to it than that. You got some kind of hold on that woman.”

  “Yeah, I do. She crazy for my black cock.”

  Carl glanced down the hall, “She in there right now, given Eddie a blow job! I can’t fucking believe it!” He turned back to Darnell. “How she do? I mean suckin dick.”

  “She real good.”

  “She swallow?’’

  “If you tell her to.”

  He moved closer and lowered his voice, “Hey, Darnell, how about you tellin her to do me?”

  Darnell grinned at him, “Maybe I will or maybe I won’t.”

  The three men drank in silence frequently turning to look down the hall. After ten minutes, they heard the door of the men’s room open. Eddie was smiling and holding his crotch. “Darnell, your white bitch sucks better than a black whore. Jesus, she fuckin drained my balls.” Ann was behind him. She had reapplied her makeup. Her lips glistened.

  Carl moved aside so she could take her seat next to Darnell who put his hand on her bare thigh, “You swallow?” he asked. “Carl wants to know.”

  Before she could answer Eddie said, “Fuck yeah, she swallows. Took every drop and cleaned my dick after. You got yourself a real fine bitch, Darnell, real fuc
kin fine!”

  Darnell pointed to the change on the bar. “We drunk up the twenty,” he said. Ann reached into her purse and started to lay down another twenty. He stopped her, “How about you buy the boys here a drink?” She took another twenty out. “Three,” he said.

  Ann put sixty dollars on the bar. The three men looked at each other. Carl shook his head in amazement. The bartender took their orders. “A shot and a beer for the old fuck in the corner,” Darnell said.

  Carl had edged closer to Ann. “How about you doin me like you done Eddie?”

  Ann was about to refuse, but Darnell dug his fingernails into her thigh. “It’s up to Darnell,” she said.

  “How come,” the older man wanted to know.

  It was a moment before Ann could answer, “I’m his woman,” she said.

  “And why is that?” the older man asked.

  “Because....because....he does it to me....fucks me so good.”

  “But he’s only a dumb fuckin black boy,” the older man argued.

  Ann looked directly at him, “It doesn’t matter,” she said.

  Darnell laughed, “I told you.” Facing her, he very deliberately pulled the wide neck sweater down over her shoulders and arms exposing her breasts. She stared at a dart board on the back wall and said nothing. Darnell began to gently pinch her extended nipples. He nuzzled her neck. Her breath came faster. “You wet?” he asked.

  “Yes, honey, very wet.”

  “Show us.”

  She parted her legs. Along her slit was a thread of pussy juice. She finished her wine. The bartender poured another.

  Darnell winked at Carl and whispered in her ear loud enough for all of them to hear,

  “Carl asked me if you’d suck him off.” She didn’t say anything. He pinched her nipples.

  “If you want me to,” she said.


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