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Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4)

Page 2

by Katie Dowe

  “Give me an heir,” his grandfather said casually. The silence around the dinner table was palpable as both mother and son stared at the elderly man.

  “Robert, you have no right–” Rosalie Langley began but her son cut her off.

  “It’s okay Mother, let’s hear him out.” His voice was icy as he looked at his grandfather.

  “I am prepared to hand over the title to you and butt out of your way if you get together with a woman of my choosing and get her pregnant.” Robert met his eyes challengingly.

  “Who is this woman?” Jeremy had never felt so furious in his entire life.

  “Deidre Bennett.”

  This time the silence was a little longer as they stared at him.

  “The daughter of the woman you had that affair with some years ago?” the contempt in Jeremy’s voice was potent and his hands were clenched into fists on top of the snowy white cloth.

  “The very same,” his grandfather said cheerfully.

  “How do you propose I do that? Go up to this woman I have never spoken to and ask her to bear my child?”

  “Of course not, son. I expect more finesse than that from you.” He said mildly, his expression saying otherwise. “I expect you to wine and dine her and get her into bed and the pregnancy will come naturally.”

  “Robert, you are going too far.” Rosalie protested looking at the expression on her only child’s face.

  “One cannot expect better from grandfather now, can one?” Jeremy said tightly. He got to his feet leaving the dessert untouched. “I don’t think I need the club that much.”

  “It is not only the club son but the entire holdings.” His movements were arrested at that and he stood there staring down at the man.

  “You would hand over the entire company to me?”

  “Without the slightest bit of hesitation. I am thinking of taking an extended cruise and relax in my old age.” He sipped his beer and eyed the boy quizzically seeing the indecision there. “All I need is a grandchild.”

  Jeremy’s hands curled and uncurled. “What if I chose the woman?”

  “Not negotiable. I have seen the women you hang out with and their coldness makes me want to reach for a blanket.”

  “So you get to choose whom I get a child with?” Jeremy asked him coldly.

  “Precisely.” He nodded. “Consider it my grandfatherly duty.”

  “I wish I could tell you thanks.”

  “You will one day.”

  “How long until I decide?”

  “Fortunately for you, there is a party at Leesa and Brad’s place next week and she will be there. So you have your in.”

  “Anything else? Do you get to watch while I have sexual intercourse with her?”

  He ignored his mother’s gasp and stared at his grandfather.

  “As long as you do the job right then I will just have to trust you.” Jeremy stared at the man for a moment, and then without a word turned and left.

  “Robert, how could you?” Rosalie asked staring after her son and wondering if she should follow him.

  “That boy needs to start living, Rose, and get off that damned high horse he is on,” he said gruffly looking at his daughter-in-law gently. He had watched her stayed with his cold and indifferent son and had tried to do everything in her power to make him love her to no avail, and because of that he had tried to make it up to her by always being there for her. He had wondered where he had gone wrong but it had been mostly his mother who had grown him while he had spent time building the company left to him. He had no intention of allowing his grandson to continue like this. He loved him too much.

  “Surely, there has to be another way.”

  “It will work out. You will see.”

  Upstairs in his suite Jeremy buried his head beneath the showers and allowed the water to beat down onto his head, his body shaking with anger. How dared he? He thought beating his fists against the marble tiles in the shower install. He was not going to let him manipulate him like that! He had no right! But you want the power to make the decision, a voice whispered in his head. He closed his eyes and realized that the bait he had dangled in front of him was too alluring to be ignored!

  Chapter 2

  Deidre caved and bought herself an outfit. Her mother was right. She did not indulge in shopping thinking it was a complete waste of time, but when forced to she preferred to order something online. This time she went to a boutique several blocks away that sold unique well-made clothes and was owned by a classmate of hers.

  “I have the perfect dress for you Deidre! Thin as a needle,” Maria Lakes told her as she waved her hands in the air in excitement at seeing her in her store. “A shipment came in last week and there is a dress with your name written on it.” Deidre rolled her eyes and followed her into the back where she went to a small hanger with a few dresses hanging from it. It was Friday morning and she had totally forgotten about the party until her mother had called to remind her. She had also said that Deena would be there as well. “Remember to wear something nice.” Maria pulled out a short lavender and white dress with thin spaghetti sleeves and handed it to her. “Go and try it on, but I know it will be a perfect fit.”

  Deidre looked at the scrap of dress uncertainly and then headed for one of the fitting rooms. She hurriedly took off her faded denims and tank top and put the dress on. She stared at herself in the full length of the mirror and had to admit that it really did something for her. It showed more skin than she normally allowed, but what the heck! It was summer and the time was hot. The dress swirled around her legs in a soft seductive way, and the bosom hugged her generous breasts. She had not bothered to look at the price tag because she could well afford whatever it costs. Hammered gold accessories and strappy sandals and she would be ready! She decided.

  “I will take it.” She said coming out and making Maria see the result.

  “Excellent!” the woman clapped her hands in delight. “And girl, it was definitely made for you.”

  She was persuaded to buy another dress and several accessories.

  She frowned as she looked at her wristwatch. She had been expecting the hardware to deliver the carpeting and the shelves for the library from last week and they had told her it would be delivered this morning at eleven, and she realized that it was almost that time! She threw the packages in the back seat of the car and pressed gas until she got to the house she was working on. She had promised Melanie that the place would be ready in two weeks’ time and she never broke her promise to a client, not as long as she could help it. She got there just as the truck pulled up and hurried out to get the doors opened.


  Deena Scott stared at her reflection in the mirror and frowned in dissatisfaction. She had had work done around her eyes and her mouth, but was not sure she was pleased with the result. It made her look mean and unhappy, and that was certainly not what she had been aiming for. She was not as beautiful as Deidre and did not have her light complexion and those beautiful hazel eyes because of her mixed heritage, and she was not tall and slim like she was either. Ever since they were children together, she had had to work hard to get noticed, while Deidre did not make an effort but brought attention to herself wherever she went. She had put on some weight, and her husband Marcus had reminded her about it over and over again, even when they were making love. “You have packed on the flesh, haven’t you baby?” he had said in an amused voice as he slapped her naked bottom. “You are going to have to do something about it, you know how I feel about fat.” She had thought spitefully that she needed to remind him that his penis was nothing to write home about and never satisfied her. But he was powerful, being a top lawyer in his firm and a very good provider. They had been married for five years and without a child. He had told her that he was not particularly enamored by children and was too busy with his career to think about one right now. “You have your shopping and charities to attend to darling, so that should keep you busy.” He had told her care
lessly. But she was bored. She was not some mindless rich woman with nothing to contribute. She had a college degree and had not done anything to contribute to society. But she had met someone two months ago. His name was Malcolm Bartley and he was sweet and kind and loving, telling her all the things her husband was not saying to her. She had met him at a function and they had started talking. He was a chemistry teacher and they had a lot in common. It did not matter that he was ten years older than she was and that he was white and lived in a little apartment in an average neighborhood. When he made love to her, he worshipped her body and she was well satisfied! He had invited her over one Saturday night and she had gone because Marcus had gone away for the weekend. Malcom had apologized profusely for the small cramped apartment, and she had felt herself warming to him even more.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” She had told him softly. “I am surrounded by beautiful things and I am not happy.”

  He had told her how beautiful she was and had taken off her clothes slowly as she laid there on the small bed and had kissed every inch of her body. He had done things to her that her husband refused to do, and when he had entered her she had called out his name. Her orgasm had been unending and she had buried her face into his chest as she clung to him. He had told her he had never felt this way about a woman before. She had found every opportunity to be with him after that and had started buying things for him and for the apartment. She had started by getting rid of the small bed and buying a king-sized that took up most of the space in the small room. He had protested at first but had cried and hugged her when she gave him a beautiful and expensive stainless steel watch for his birthday last week. She had fallen in love with him and she had no intention of giving him up!


  Jeremy scanned the report that had been placed onto his desk quickly and handed it back to his secretary with a nod. “Have it sent to my grandfather for approval,” he told her with a tightening of his lips. He knew it was okay, but that was the rule: everything had to pass by him before it could be signed off on! The old fart did not know a thing about technology even though he had built up on the company and taken it thus far! He could not wait to be in charge to implement some changes! He thought in frustration. There is a way, the voice in his head reminded him. Get her pregnant and you are in control.

  He stared off at the closed door and frowned. Today was Friday and the party was tomorrow. He was not really familiar with Bradley but had seen him at the club with a bunch of other so-called macho guys including Patrick who had married some waitress, his lips curled at that and of course Jeffry who had married some oversized actress. He did not want the distraction of a wife. He wanted to spend time besting the efforts of both his father and grandfather and make Langley’s Holdings into one of the wealthiest company in the world! Now he was being forced to produce an heir as if they were living in an archaic society! With a sudden impulse, he tapped at his keyboard and brought up her name. She was easy on the eyes, but he had noticed that sometime ago she was doing very well with her little redecorating business. So at least she was independent and would not be looking to him for a penny! He saw where she claims that she liked tennis and mountain climbing. How strange! He thought distastefully as he could not help but stare at her generous bosom. His lips curled as he looked at her shape, too curvy, he thought dispassionately. He preferred his women with slight curves.

  He had been seeing Rhonda Wainwright on and off for the past several months, and it had been established that they would probably end up together. She was from a good wealthy family and behaved well in public. He had made love to her two times already, and the action had been contained and economical with both of them expressing satisfaction. There had not been any bells set off, but they were not like that at all. With a sigh, he realized that he was going to take the bait because he needed the control!


  The party was being held outdoors and Deidre had to admit that it was a beautiful night for a party. The August sun was still high in the sky even though it was a little past eight and the air was cooled by the breeze coming from the trees. The place was incredibly lovely, and being her first time there she was entranced by the scenery. She waved to several acquaintances and made her way over to where her mother and sister and several others were sitting by the pool enjoying drinks.

  “Darling, you made it!” Deborah Bent greeted her youngest daughter enthusiastically as she took a seat beside her on the chaise. Deena waved at her negligently as she fanned her face with a handkerchief. The other women sitting there greeted her and then moved away to find something to eat. Her mother was dressed in a beautiful cotton dress with a scooped neckline and strappy black sandals. She had outlived two husbands and still looked her best.

  “Where is Marcus?” Deidre asked her sister, thinking to herself that the girl was overdressed in a pale blue silk romper and impossibly high heels. Her thick black hair was swept up on top of her head and she was wearing diamonds in her lobes and around her neck.

  “He is gone away for the weekend,” she said with a careless shrug.

  Deidre had often wondered how on earth her sister had married Malcolm. He had approached her first and she had told him bluntly that she was not interested, and he had turned his attention to her sister. Deidre had tried to warn Deena about him, but she would not listen and she had left it alone. She was shocked when six months later they had decided to get married.

  “Okay girls, let’s go and mingle,” their mother said firmly getting to her feet.

  Deidre found herself alone at one point, her mother and sister going off with friends. She accepted a plate of finger foods from a passing waiter and wandered over to a bench to have a seat. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was nearing ten and decided to stay for another fifteen minutes and then leave. She looked up and saw a man approaching her and bit back a sigh. As he came nearer, she realized who he was: Jeremy Langley. She liked his grandfather whom she had known since she was a child but privately thought he and his dad before him were too standoffish.

  “Deidre Bent! I thought it was you.” He sat without an invitation and she turned to him.

  “Jeremy how are you?” she asked him politely.

  “I am good. Enjoying the party?”

  “I was just about to leave.” She looked around and saw that her mother and sister were nowhere to be seen. “How is your mother?”

  “She is very well, thank you. I saw your mother and sister around earlier,” he told her.

  Deidre nodded and her eyes met his for a brief minute. He was quite handsome, she thought as she took in his narrow face and strong chin. His dark brown hair had a tendency to curl even though he had tried to brush it out ruthlessly. He was tall and muscled which was evident in the casually expensive shirt he had on.

  “I need to discuss something with you. How about Monday at the club?”

  Deidre looked at him searchingly and then nodded. “What time?”

  “Ten o’clock is okay by me. What about you?”

  “I will be there,” she got to her feet and so did he. She looked at him enquiringly and realized that he was extending his hand for her to take.

  “It was nice to see you,” he told her softly.

  “Nice to see you too.” She shook his hand and with a nod she left him standing there.

  He stood there looking after her with a grim look on his face, but he could not help but notice that he was not the only one looking!


  Deborah Bent took off her sandals and wriggled her toes to get rid of the kinks. She had finally left at a quarter to eleven looking around for Deena, and she had been nowhere to be found. She had noticed Deidre talking to Jeremy and had hid a smile thinking that phase one of the mission had been accomplished. Robert had told her that he had told Jeremy about the deal and how furious the boy had been, but she figured that he would want the company enough to make
the sacrifice. She smiled a little as she remembered the brief affair they had had. It had been when her second husband had died when Deidre was fifteen years old. She had been going through a very rough patch emotionally, and Robert had been there for her. They had had a wonderful year together and then had broken it off amicably and had continued to be friends.

  She now spent her time doing charitable works to occupy her time. Her second husband, Gregory Bent, had been the love of her life. She had suffered with her first husband putting up with his cheating and lies and emotional abuse and had said a silent prayer when he died. For a very long time, she had resented the daughter she had conceived with him and she was afraid that the girl had picked up on it. When she had married Gregory and had been pregnant with Deidre, it was as if her happiness was complete but Deena had been jealous from the very beginning. Gregory had treated her like a daughter but she had continued to resent him, especially after Deidre had come into the picture and she had seen how her sister looked.

  Deborah sighed wistfully as she remembered the fun they had shared and the laughter. He had been so good to her and had treated her like a queen. He had left them very well off, which meant that she never had to work. But now, she was feeling lonely and had done something foolish. He was ten years younger than she was and was the landscaper who tended the grounds and that of her neighbors. He had come inside for a cool drink of lemonade two weeks ago and she had bumped into him spilling the juice over his thin cotton shirt. She had told him to take it off and she would wash it out, but had stood there looking at his hard muscled chest mesmerized. He was African American and had told her that he was divorced two years ago when they had had a conversation a while back. She had turned away quickly but not quickly enough because he had seen the expression on her face. He had followed her into the laundry room and turned her to face him. He had placed her hands onto his muscled chest and she had felt the warmth of his skin and went weak. Without a word he had taken off his pants and his underwear, stepping back to hold his fully erect penis in his hands. She had stood there staring at it! It had been so long, she thought as her body heat up. She had taken off her dress and her underwear and he had her lean up against the washing machine and entered her. Deborah had trembled as he thrust into her gripping her hips as he pulled her against his hard body. She had come loudly, her body shuddering as the orgasm rocked her with a force that had her beating her fists on the machine. But he had finished there. He had pulled her down on the floor and taken her again and again until she had curled up in exhaustion when he was finished. They had not exchanged a word during that time and he had dressed and went back to work. She had watched him the entire time wanting to call him back in for some more but she had not. It was late in the afternoon when he was leaving that he came back inside the house and had taken her again against the door.


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