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Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4)

Page 3

by Katie Dowe

  He came to her two times a week to do her work and they made love whenever he came. She had a feeling that she was not the only woman he was having sex with, but he made her feel wonderful and degraded at the same time!


  “Please, have a seat Deidre,” Jeremy indicated one of the chairs in front of the desk. He had rescheduled a meeting at the company to meet with her, but he had a deadline to meet and he had to find a way to get her to go to bed with him and soon. He had no compunction about using her to get what he wanted.

  “This is nice,” she told him looking around the elegant office. “I see you are putting in a new tennis court as well.”

  “We are improving the place for our members,” he told her with a smile. “That’s why I wanted to see you.”


  “We are thinking of doing the interior as well, and the lounge area is a little drab. I would like to employ your expertise. You would have carte blanche of course.”

  “I see,” she stared at him for a moment. Today, he was wearing a dark pinstriped suit with a light green shirt and green and blue tie, and his hair was ruthlessly combed back from his face. He looked every inch of the successful businessman he was.

  “How soon?”

  “As soon as possible, I am afraid.” He told her with a smile. “The summer sees our most frequent visitors from all over the world because there are tournaments and competitions and cook out. We have lodgings on the far end of the grounds for our overseas visitors, and they are starting to come in.”

  “I have a big project working on that will be finished at the end of the week, so how about I start next Monday?”

  “Excellent!” he said approvingly as he sat back on his high back chair and looked at her. She was wearing a thin camisole-like blouse underneath her suit jacket, and her pale skin looked healthy and glowing against the richness of the burgundy material. Her hair was piled on top of her head and brought attention to her long graceful neck. He supposed that he could do worse. She was a beautiful woman and she was educated so she would make an excellent candidate. “Why don’t I show you around?”

  He took her around and showed her the vast rooms where there were men playing some games or the other. She was aware that it was a gentleman’s only club, although women have been known to stop by (if they had someone with a membership!) and have a drink or two and take advantage of the excellent cuisine they offered. “The club has been in existence since the early nineteen hundred and has been decorated only twice before.” He told her as they went from room to room. Deidre could see the excellent craftsmanship and the rich wood throughout the place and had to admit that it had been well-built.

  “It is quite lovely,” she murmured.

  “I used to come here with my dad when I was little and was fascinated by all the rooms,” he said with a whimsical smile. “It has always been a favorite of mine and I intend to make sure it is of the highest quality!”

  Chapter 3

  “I wish you would not go ahead with it darling.” Rosalind Langley told her son as they sat down to dinner. Her father-in-law was not there for which she was grateful. She had hoped that he would change his mind about the arrangement he had told her son about, but he was quite adamant. “I want you to find someone you will fall in love with and have children with instead of the coldhearted way Robert have you doing it.”

  Jeremy dabbed the side of his mouth with the napkin and looked at her. She was quite a beautiful woman, but his father had taught him that women were dispensable. “Women are only good for two things son,” he had told him gruffly. ‘To decorate your arm and to give you heirs. They are useless otherwise.” Jeremy had wondered if he was right but had not dared to disagree with him. “Mother please, do not bother your head about it. I am going to do what needs to be done and Grandfather is not going to get the better of me.” He sipped his wine in appreciation, loving the texture of it. He loved being wealthy and being able to buy anything he pleased and go anywhere he wanted to. He had not traveled for several months because he had been bogged down by work, but it gave him pleasure to know that he had a private jet at his disposal to take him where he wanted to go. He was planning to take the yacht out sometime next week and wondered if that was where he should try and make a move on Deidre. She had started the work on the rooms at the club, and he had every intention of finding somewhere else for her to do when she finished.

  Rosalind sipped her wine and looked at her son troubled. He was quite a handsome young man, but she was afraid he had taken the coldness and lack of emotions from his father. Theirs had been a cold and lifeless marriage but she had loved him and stayed faithful to him in spite of it. He had made passionless love to her once a week, and when she had tried to initiate some romance he had looked at her as if she had taken leave of her senses. “What will happen when she finds out?”

  “By then she will hopefully be pregnant and not able to do anything about it,” he said smugly.

  “Be careful that you don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

  “I am in control mother, don’t you worry,” he said confidently.


  He asked her out the second week. He had been coming around ever since she had been working and she had teased him that he was checking up on her. He had told her that with her quality of work she had no need for anyone to check up on her.

  “I was thinking of taking the yacht for a spin this weekend and would love the company,” he told her casually as he watched her select several rich fabrics for the different rooms. She had finished the lounge areas and he had told her that it had far exceeded his expectations, and now she was attending to the other lounge areas as well.

  She looked up at him swiftly and then went about with what she was doing. “I am sure a man like you will have no shortage of companion.”

  “But I happen to want to take you.” His voice was persuasive as he forced her to look at him. “Come on Deidre, we practically grew up together.’

  She laughed at that and shook her head. “That’s as far from the truth as anything could be.”


  “Okay, you twisted my arm,” she said with a smile.

  “Good, I will bring the food; the only thing you will have to take is yourself.”

  “Okay, it’s a deal.” He had left her shortly to continue her work with a triumphant expression on his face.


  “Darling, I am having a little brunch at my place on Saturday and I would like you to be there. I have already twisted your sister’s arm and she has reluctantly agreed to be there.” Her mother said as she came out with lemonade and cookies on the patio. Deidre had stopped there after she had finished at the club to see her.

  “I have to be somewhere on Saturday mom,” she said regretfully taking a glass of the refreshing lemonade and drinking it down.

  “Oh? Anyone I know?” Deborah sat in one of the chairs gracefully and eyed her beautiful daughter. She looked so much like her father, she thought achingly.

  “Jeremy invited me to go sailing on his yacht.” She said reluctantly.

  “I see,” her tone was speculative and had Deidre looking at her quickly.

  “It’s not like that, mom. We are just going sailing, and I usually don’t go out with clients, but I figured what the hell!” she said with a shrug.

  “He is quite a catch,” she murmured.

  “Mom, you know that I am not his type and he is not mine.” She said with a laugh.

  “Beneath his cold façad,e he might just be as hot as the Caribbean sun,” she said with a mischievous look in her eyes.

  “I have no intention of finding out. I intend to have a nice relaxing afternoon and that’s it.”


  She wore cropped denims and a thin shirt tied at the waist exposing her flat stomach. Her hair was caught up into a ponytail with several
curls dangling around her face and a baseball cap covering her head. She was armed with a huge tote bag which had her suntan lotion and a change of clothes. The day was leaning towards one hundred degrees and she intended to take advantage of the heat.

  He was already there when she got there and waved her forward. He was dressed casually in cargo shorts and t-shirt, and the wind had ruffled his dark brown hair giving him a boyish look. He reached out a hand to help her on board the sleek motorized vessel. “You are right on time.” He told her cheerfully as he took her arm and led her above deck. “I acquired this two years ago and always find time to come on board each summer.” He patted a seat beside him as he took the wheel. There was a breeze coming off the sea and cooled her hot skin. She took off the cap and bundled it into her tote, feeling the wind pulling at her curls.

  “So you enjoy sailing,” she commented as the engine sped up. She laughed as she felt the moisture against her skin, and for a minute he was arrested by her beauty. Stick to the program, he reminded himself grimly as they went into the open sea.

  “What do you enjoy?”

  “Tennis and basketball, and I love board games and now I think I will add sailing to the mix,” she told him, stretching her arms above her head and exposing her midriff. He tore his gaze away from her pale skin and looked out to sea. The weather report had promised a very fair day and it looked like it would be.

  “So you’ve never been sailing before.”

  “Never,” she shook her head and looked over the vast expanse of dazzling blue water.

  “I am happy I introduced you to it.” He told her softly, actually meaning it.

  “Thanks,” she gave him a sideway glance and noticed that his eyes were more blue than grey.

  They had lunch at twelve. He had taken her below deck and shown her the spacious cabins and the galley which looked as luxurious as an ultra-modern kitchen. There was also a pool above deck with lounge chairs spread out complete with a large umbrella.

  “How about a dip inside the pool?” he asked her.

  “I thought you would never ask!” she said with a laugh. To his surprise, she pulled her shirt over her head to reveal a tiny bra with strings around her neck and shimmied out of her shorts to reveal a tiny square. She had a spectacular body, that much he noticed before she dove into the water. He had on trunks beneath his shorts and he took off his shirt and t-shirt before plunging in as well. He was an excellent swimmer and he plunged beneath the surface, coming back up beside her. He stared at her! He could not help it! Her nipples were printed out in the wet suit and her hair was lying back off her forehead. She looked like a beautiful water nymph, he thought objectively feeling his skin heat up. She was just a means to an end, he reminded himself. He found himself pushing the hair from off her neck and his fingers grazing her neck. She stood still and stared at him for a moment. He took that time to bend his head and took her lips with his. He waited for her to resist him and when she did not, he deepened the kiss. Deidre felt his tongue and found herself responding to his touch. She had always thought he was too stiff and unapproachable but during the weeks she had spent at the club working and had been talking to him she had seen a different side. Her hands circled his neck and her nipples grazed the wet hair on his muscled chest. He brought her closer to him and she felt his erection on her thigh. She was not a prude, and even though she did not run around she was not averse to sexual encounters if the feelings were involved.

  He lifted his head and looked down at her, his eyes a glittering grey. She stepped back and pulled the tie of her bra and the scrap of material fell to her waist revealing her generous breasts. Jeremy groaned and bending his head he took one wet nipple inside his mouth. Deidre arched her body as the fire unfurled deep inside her! She put a hand between their bodies and felt for his pubic connecting with the thickness of his erection. He had wanted to do it with her lying on a soft surface, but he was not going to make it out of the pool! He peeled off her panties and they floated away. His hand touched her mouth and she moaned, digging her fingers into his shoulders. He released his member and she opened her legs to receive him. The water lubricated both of them and he groaned as her tightness wrapped around him. He had always thought that sex was just some sort of release and was not meant to be enjoyed, but how wrong he had been! She wrapped her legs around his trim waist and moved against him, her forehead against his as she met his thrusts with hers. He threaded water with her until he had her near the surface. He bent his head and captured her lips with his, the thrust of his body becoming more hurried as he went crashing out of control! All the thoughts of procreating were driven entirely from him as the emotions crashing through him burst to the surface. He pulled out of her for a moment fighting for control, his breathing harsh and his body shuddering against hers. She reached between them and held him in her hand feeling the pulsing there before putting it back inside her. They came shortly after, and as he shot his load inside her he took her lips in a kiss that almost devoured her! She came right after clinging to him as he held her tight against him.

  He pulled out of her when he was able and without a word he looked for their clothes handing the scraps of material to her before climbing from the pool. Deidre admired his taut buttocks and his well-toned body before he dragged on his clothes over his wetness. She did not put on her bikini but climbed out of the pool and reached for a towel to wrap around her body.

  “You are not going to say sorry, are you?” she asked him with a mischievous smile as he stood there looking at her.

  “I have nothing to be sorry for,” he said stiffly having no idea what had just happened. He had lost control and that had never happened to him before. It had supposed to be cold and clinical with his emotions intact but it had blown up in his face. He scanned the horizon and noticed the dark clouds moving along. “We have to get back.”


  Deidre did not dwell on it. They had been good together and maybe it would be repeated or maybe not. She worried a little bit that he had not used anything but dismissed it after a while. It had not been casual and that had been a fact, but she knew that a man like Jeremy had his wife picked out already and it was certainly not her. She had no intention of settling down yet anyway; she was contented being on her own with no emotional entanglements. She had seen what those did and she was not going to enter into a relationship until she was absolutely sure.

  He had been polite to her on the way back and she had not let it bother her but had enjoyed the breeze on her face.

  With a smile on her lips, she headed to the bathroom. All in all, it had been a very good day!


  Jeremy paced the length of his room. He had come straight from the port and come up to his suite. His grandfather, he was told, had gone out for the evening and so had his mother. He scowled as he thought about the look on the old man’s face if he once knew what had happened. It had gone all wrong! He pushed his fingers through his hair. Everything his father had told him had been wrong and now he was here aching for her. He had thought he would explode the minute he had touched her flesh! What the hell had happened? Surely it had been a one-time thing? He had not had sexual encounter for the past two months, so maybe that accounted for it. Well, hopefully she was pregnant so they would not have to repeat the experience.


  He stood there watching as she sat perched onto the desk and looked at something on her IPad. Her brow was furrowed and there was a pencil behind her ear. He was not scheduled to be here, but he could not stay away. All day on Sunday he had wanted to call her, but he had not done so. Today was Monday and he had gone to the office and now it was some minutes to three, and here he was staring at her like some damned teenager. She looked up and saw him just then and smiled. “Hey, I did not expect you here today.” How could she be so casual after what they had shared? He thought angrily. He straightened up and came towards her. “I was heading hom
e and I thought I would stop by and see what you were doing? How are you?”

  “I am fine.” She looked back down at what she had been doing and touched something on the device. “I am about finished in here and was thinking of looking at some of the empty rooms. Want to tag along?” No one had ever asked him that before and for a minute he felt like telling her in his most freezing voice that he did not ‘tag along’ after anyone.

  “Of course.” He said with a nod.

  The rooms were single units and afforded the utmost privacy. They came equipped with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen with a well-stocked pantry. There was a patio with chairs and a table so the occupants could enjoy a meal outside. Men came there with their wives ever so often, and while the men enjoy the amenities of the exclusive club the women were pampered and taken care of by the well-equipped spa and entertainment section of the club.

  She looked around the elegant room with practiced eyes and made quick notes. I would not change anything much,” she commented. “Just the heavy curtains and maybe change the carpets.”

  “You are the expert,” he told her lightly wanting to feel her lips again. How on earth could she be so calm around him after what they experienced two days ago? He wondered.


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