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Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4)

Page 4

by Katie Dowe

  “Okay, now that that is out of the way. How about we have a little quickie?” she said with a cheeky grin.

  “What?” he stared at her in shock.

  “A quick bout of hot set Jeremy,” she was approaching him and he stood rooted to the spot. She put her hands around his neck and bent her head to nibble at his bottom lip. If he had been shocked by electricity, it could not have been more potent! His arms went around her automatically and he took her lips with his, as he pulled her up against him. His control broke as his tongue touched hers. She was wearing a flared skirt which made it easy for his hands to drift up her bare skin. Her panties were tiny and he tore at them impatiently wanting to touch her mound!

  “Now Jeremy! Please.” She bit down on his bottom lip and he exploded! With a feral cry, he took out his erection and entered her roughly as she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on. He backed her against the wall and cried out when she tore at his shirt sending the buttons flying! Her fingernails dug into his chest, but he could not feel anything but him inside her and the incredible sensation of being with her this way. He came noisily not caring if there was anyone around to hear him. He swallowed her cries as she came right after him.


  Jeremy deliberately did not go straight home. She had left shortly after patting him on the jaw as she left, making sure she was ready to go outside. But he had stayed behind and used the bathroom to try and fix himself up. His shirt was ruined and he had put his jacket over it and went hurriedly into his office. He kept clothes at the club and took off the ruined one and put on a fresh white one groaning at the marks on his chest. He plunged his fingers through his hair. Christ! What was happening to him and when had he become this kind of animal! She had stripped him of his cold veneer and his take-control attitude, and now he was as needy as a little kid in a candy store. He went to the mirror and stared at himself. His eyes were too bright and his bottom lip still held her teeth mark where she had nibbled. His penis hardened again and he almost wept as he remembered him thrusting into her with the savagery of a dog in heat. He had wanted to take her home, or if she had suggested that they go to her apartment, but she had not said anything to him–she had just left.

  With a groan, he rested his head against the wall and breathed in.


  “You are never home!” Deena cried out angrily as she watched her husband get ready to go to a function with some lawyers at the firm. “What do you expect me to do while you go all over the place?”

  “Be here waiting for me when I get home.” He said smoothly as he knotted his tie and met her eyes in the mirror. He had gotten bored with her after only one year of marriage, but he had no intention of getting a divorce because the partners at the firm expected a stable home environment. He had made sure that his affairs were discreet and he tried to keep the home fires burning by having sex with her at least once per week. She had put on weight again, he thought contemptuously as he looked at her sitting there in a lace negligee which did nothing for him. If only he had married her sister! He had always known he would make partner at the firm and when he had started going out with him, he had found her to be malleable and in love with him enough to put up with anything.

  “I would take you but it’s just us guys,” he came over and patted her on the cheek. “You need to lose some weight.” He told her before walking out and leaving her staring after him with despair on her face.

  Chapter 4

  “I am going out of town for a week.” Deidre got off the bed and reached for her robe. They had been doing this for the past month and she had finally invited him over to her apartment to have dinner. She never asked him anything or told him anything about herself. She had finished the job at the club and he had heard the complimentary comments about the designs.

  “Oh?” he forced his tone to be casual as he raised up on one elbow to watch her go to the vanity mirror to scrape her curls that he had messed up into a careless ponytail. His perspective had changed so slowly that he had no idea when he had stopped thinking about her as a means to an end and as the woman who made him feel as if his life was on a roller coaster.

  “Antiquing,” she told him briefly, her eyes meeting his in the mirror. “I have a new client who insists that she lives in the Victorian era, so I am going scrounging.”

  “When are you leaving?”

  “First thing in the morning. I wish I could tell you to spend the night, but I have to get an early start and we both know that if you stay we are not going to get any sleep,” she said with a smile.

  “Of course,” his smile was strained as he got off the bed.

  “Where are you going?” she stood up and shrug off the robe.

  “You said I should leave.”

  “Not just yet Jeremy,” she put her hands around his neck. “I am not finished with you yet.”


  “Mom, we have not had lunch in ages.” Deena said coolly as she carefully placed her napkin over her blue silk blouse. They were lunching at the popular restaurant uptown and the place was crawling with businessmen and socialites. Deborah had called her daughter to have lunch to try and bridge the gap between them, but Deena had suggested the place. “I take it that Deidre was not available?”

  “You are not going to start with that again are you?” Deborah sipped her treated water and looked at her daughter. She was a beautiful woman who did not realize it, but her complaining and lack of contentment made her look petulant.

  “Well, the whole world knows that she is the favorite daughter,” she said with a spiteful laugh digging into her salad with a lack of enthusiasm.

  “That’s not true. I love you both equally and I wish you could understand that. When you start having children, you will find out what it is to be a parent.”

  Deena looked at her furiously. “Did you call me here to find out the reason I have not produced any grandchildren?”

  Deborah looked at her daughter startled. “Honey, what are you talking about?”

  “Marcus does not want children! Do you know that mother?” she hissed pushing away her bowl.

  “Honey,” Deborah reached out to take her daughter’s rigid hands in hers. There was a miserable expression on her carefully made-up face and Deborah felt her heart break for her. “What are you going to do?”

  “What can I do?”

  “You can leave him and start over,” her mother suggested carefully.

  “You want me to leave my husband?” Deena pulled her hands away and looked at her with a look of anger on her face.

  “You are clearly not happy and the man has no consideration for your feelings, so why are you staying?” her mother asked her in exasperation, really regretting calling her to have lunch. The girl put a new meaning to difficult!

  “You never loved my dad, did you mom?” she asked accusingly.

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “I lived with that, even though I was so young. I lived with the fact that you married Deidre’s father and were a happy family together, while I was the child of the man you hated!” her bosom was heaving and her hands were clenched on top of the table. “No wonder I am having problems in my marriage and you have the nerve to tell me to leave my husband.”

  “You are blaming me for your marital problems?” Deborah felt the weariness through to her very bones. “Your father was abusive and disrespectful, but I put up with his cheating ways because of you. Deidre’s dad treated you like a daughter, but you never appreciated it.”

  “But you never forget that I was his daughter, did you mom?” she looked at her mother with tears in her large brown eyes. “You would look at me and see him, and you resented me all that time. You wished that it had just been you and Deidre and her precious dad! I was a constant reminder of that failed marriage and you knew it!”

  The silence around the table was profound as they both were take
n back to that time. Deborah knew that her daughter was right. She had resented her because of her father and the way he had been and that had not been fair to her. “I am sorry you think that way.” She said quietly. “I love you Deena and I hope you realize that.’

  “I am having an affair; do you know that?” she said trying to get control of herself.

  “What?” Deborah looked at her in shock.

  ‘” Oh, don’t look so shocked mom!” she said reaching for her bowl of salad and digging in. “Lots of women in society do it, so why not me? You had an affair with Robert Langley some years ago.”

  “I was not married then. Honey, are you sure you know what you are doing?”

  “He loves me and I feel wonderful when I am around him,” she said with a shrug. “He might just be a school teacher, but he makes me feel special.”

  Deborah looked at her confused and unhappy daughter and did not know what to say!


  He gave in and called her. It had been three days since she had been gone and he found that he was aching for her. He buried himself into work and avoided his grandfather whenever possible. He did not want to talk about the deal they had; suddenly, it was not uppermost on his mind. He was sitting inside his office at some minutes to six and he decided to call.

  “Jeremy, hi!” he closed his eyes at the sound of her voice.

  “Hi yourself. How is the antiquing?”

  “Going very well. I think I might just come back a day earlier. Just a second Jeremy. Mark, please order the shellfish for me, thanks. Oh, and I prefer the Cabernet. Yes, Jeremy where were we?”

  “I seem to have caught you at a bad time.” He strove for carelessness, but he knew that he had failed.

  “I am having dinner with a friend,” she told him in a distracted voice.

  “I have plans myself, so I have to take off now.” He had no idea why he told that lie, but he felt as if it was something he had to do.

  “Okay, I will see you when I get back.” She hung up before he could say anything.

  She was having dinner with another man and she had never gone out with him! He felt the agony deep inside him stealing his breath away. He had told her that he had plans and she had not even asked him who with! Damn her and damn his grandfather!

  With a deliberate movement, he reached for his phone and called Rhonda. “What are you doing later?”


  “Any progress update?” It was Thursday and they were having dinner together. He had gone out with Rhonda and made sure he had taken her to a highly visible event and had smiled for the camera with her on his arm, but it had been a disaster and his heart had not been in it. He had left soon after and had come home pleading exhaustion. All he had thought about was whether or not she had let him take her to bed!

  “None of your business!” he responded grimly digging into his succulent roast beef.

  “But it is,” his grandfather told him mildly. “You have been with her more than a month now, and I am yet to hear the good news.”

  “You know what, old man?” he told him with a sneer. “Keep the damned club and everything. I don’t give a damn.” He turned to his mother and looked at her. “I am sorry mother.” With that he pushed back his chair and left the table.

  “Are you satisfied now?” Rosalind asked her father-in-law accusingly.

  “Immensely,” Robert said with a thoughtful expression on his face. “I have never seen that young man displayed so much emotion before. There is hope after all.”


  It was five-thirty the next day and he was buried in some sales report when he heard a knock on his door. He frowned a little bit because he knew that most of the staff had gone for the evening. “Come in.”

  His heart stopped as she came inside and closed the door. He had not seen her in almost a week and it had been like months. She was wearing a thin yellow cashmere sweater, faded denims and boots and her hair scraped back in a ponytail. She was so beautiful and he had missed her so much. “Why are you working at this hour on a Friday?” she came forward to perch on his desk.

  “I had something to finish up.” He wanted to pull her into his arms and inhale her scent and then bury his dick so deep inside her that he would have a hard time pulling out! “I had no idea you were back.”

  “I just got back this instant and thought I would pop in and surprise you.”

  “I am surprised.” All the anger and jealousy of her being with another guy disappeared now that she was here.

  She got off the desk and came onto his lap. “I actually missed you.”

  “You did?” he asked lightly, his body stiffening as she feasted on his bottom lip.

  “Hmm,” her tongue teased the part she had just bit and he felt his erection rising.

  “Deidre,” he groaned and gripped her hips.

  “Are you all finished here?”

  “What do you have in mind?” his hands reached up to cup her breasts.

  “My apartment right now.”

  She did not have to ask him twice!


  “You look a little wilted. Are you okay?” Robert asked her as he handed her a bottle of beer. They had decided to meet on his old fishing boat. September had stepped in, but the weather was mild and there were scudding white clouds in the sky. They were sitting on the deck and enjoying the view.

  “You would think that when your children get to be adults, all your worries would have disappeared.” Deborah said with a weary sigh.

  “What would be the fun in that?” he asked her with a grin. “Deena?”

  Deborah nodded. “That girl hates me something fierce and I can’t say I blame her. I resented her because of who her father was and I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “You’re human and we tend to make mistakes.” He looked out as a white trawler bobbed on the water. Further down, two men were pulling up anchor to leave and further away a lone guy sat on his deck with a binocular to his eyes. It was peaceful here, and this was where he often came to escape the pressure of running a billion-dollar company and getting away from the suffocating resentment of his grandson. “I tried to instill the value of people in my son’s life, but his mother had a different idea and I was not there enough to be an influence.”

  “How are things in that area?” she sent him a glance. For a man who was in his late seventies, he still managed to look like he was in his prime. His hair was mostly white, but his blue eyes were sharp and direct.

  “He blew up on me the other night when I asked him about the arrangement. So I suspect that I am making progress.” He said with a grin and a swig of his beer. “You have not heard anything from Deidre?”

  “My youngest daughter is an enigma.” Deborah said with a shake of her head. “The last I heard was that she was going sailing with him a month ago and I cannot pin her down to have a proper conversation with her.”

  “My sources tell me that they have been seeing a lot of each other.”

  Deborah looked at him sharply. “Don’t tell me you have been spying on them?”

  “Not me directly,” his blue eyes twinkled. “He is falling for her Deb, just watch and see.”


  Deidre refused to dwell on it. They had something good going on and it was mostly physical and it was good, but she was not going to think it was more than that. She adjusted the timer on her machine and slowed down. She had been at it for the past hour and a half with the earphone in her ears listening to the soft and sweet melody of Jeffry Osborne. Elderly Mrs. Aldridge had told her that she liked what she had done so far. She was supposed to be going by the place sometime today, but she had decided to take the day off and do some housework. She usually had someone come in two times for the week, but the woman had gone to visit some relatives and she decided to do the work herself. Her apartment had been a gift to herself from the mo
ney her father had left her. It had three bedrooms, two baths, a living room and kitchen and front and back patios. She had installed a swimming pool as well, but she hardly used it. Her mother had told her to take some time for herself, but she loved the work she did. She had called Deena earlier, and the girl had told her brusquely that she had some appointments and could not make lunch. Her mother had told her of the disturbing conversation they had had while she was away. Her sister was having an affair! She closed her eyes at that and wondered how she could be so foolish! Not that a man like Marcus was owed any sort of loyalty but still…

  She remembered them growing up together and how she had often wondered why her big sister always resented her. She had asked her mother once and Deborah had told her that it had been due to the fact that Deena’s dad had died and hers was still alive. She punched the button to stop the machine and jogged slowly as it wound down before stepping off. She was soaking wet and her suit molded to her body like a second skin. Her hair had escaped the bun she had put up and clung to the wetness of her face. She padded into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the counter and uncapped it, drinking it down until it was finished.

  She glanced at the clock and realized that it was almost noon and she had not eaten yet. With a smile, she reached for her phone and dialed a number. “Brian, how about coming over and making some of your world famous pancakes?”


  She and Brian were having a lively discussion about the women in today’s society when he called. “Grab the phone, please Brian.”

  He did and answered it. “Deidre’s phone I am afraid she cannot come to the phone right now she is naked.”

  “Give me that!” she hurried over and grab the phone from him. “I am so sorry. He was just messing around. Jeremy?”

  “It sounds like you are in the middle of something.” His voice was cold and unyielding.

  “It was just Brian being Brian” she told him. “What’s up?”


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