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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

Page 10

by Wells, Victoria

  Brrrrg. Brrrrg.

  “Hello?” Summer snapped.

  “Have we had a bad day?”

  Summer’s heart skipped a beat. She was as giddy as a teenager. He called.

  “Not really.” She wanted to tell him she was better now that he called.

  “Then what’s wrong?” Tell me baby and I’ll fix it for you.

  “I ate all the ice cream. I don’t have any more left.”

  Grinning into the phone, he could tell she was pouting. She looked so darn cute when she pouted. “Sounds like a state of emergency.”

  “Ha, ha, you’re so smart,” she sneered. What did he know? He’s never been pregnant before with a maddening craving. Shoot! It was a state of emergency!

  “Are we getting an attitude, Miss Summer?”

  “No, Mr. Nick.” Still pouting she whined, “I just want some ice cream that’s all.”

  Chuckling, Nick pictured Summer with her arms crossed and lips poked out.

  “Would you like me to bring you some?”

  “Would you?” She asked hoping he would because she was going into withdraw. “Of course. Anything for you baby,” Nick smoothly whispered.”

  Thanks.” Summer softly replied.

  “Raspberry truffle.”

  “You remembered?”

  “How could I forget? It’s your favorite.”

  Summer was silent. From her point of view he’d forgotten everything about her.

  Nick didn’t wait for a response. “I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”

  Keeping busy for the next thirty minutes, Summer went on line to Baby Gap on her laptop. There were so many cute outfits for baby boys and girls that she wanted to buy. At her last ultrasound appointment, the technician offered to tell her the sex of the baby. She declined. When asked “why” by family and friends she simply stated, “Because I don’t want to know.” Which shocked everyone, because nosy was Summer’s middle name. Since she didn’t know the sex of her baby she selected several neutral items and put them on her wish list. Starr let it slip she and Ava were throwing her a ‘surprise’ baby shower. Summer softly laughed. Starr couldn’t hold water if her life depended on it. Just as she was about to go to the Children’s Place website the doorbell chimed.

  Going to the door, looking through the peephole, she quickly opened the door. Nick was on the other side holding a bag in his hand from her favorite gourmet ice cream store. This time he was smiling instead of glaring at her. Holding the bag in the air playfully, he said, “This is what you want?”

  “Yep.” Taking the bag, Summer let him in.

  “Have a seat.”

  Shrugging off his coat, throwing it over an armchair, Nick took a seat on the sofa. The display on the laptop top caught his attention. Baby Gap, huh? He had no idea where to buy baby apparel from, now he had a clue.

  Within a few seconds, Summer was back with ice cream and spoon in hand, standing in front of Nick. “Hold this for me.” After she handed Nick the ice cream and spoon she settled on the sofa next to him folding her legs Indian style. Comfortable, she reached for her treat, utensil, and smiled at Nick. “Thanks.”

  Nick observed Summer as she dug into the creamy treat and scooped up a healthy portion then put it in her mouth.

  “Mmmmm, this is so good.” She was engrossed with having her craving satisfied she hadn’t noticed she’d been moaning.

  “Is it that good?” Nick asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Huh? What?” Embarrassed, Summer’s face became flushed as she looked at Nick.“I said is it that good?” He asked amused by her embarrassment.

  “Yes, would you like some?” She shyly offered.

  Shrugging broad shoulders, “Sure, why not.”

  Scooping up a spoonful of the treat, she went still as Nick placed a finger along her jaw turning her face toward his. Slowly, leaning in close, licking a drop of ice cream from the corner of her mouth he whispered, “Mmm, tastes like I remembered.”

  Summer shivered from the intimate contact. She wondered if he was referring to her lips or the ice cream.

  “Do you want some more?” Oh boy! Why did I ask this man that?

  Summer did not flinch when Nick held her face between his large hands placing a soft kiss on her mouth.

  “Sure, I’d love some more…ice cream.”

  “Okay.” Summer whispered as she proceeded to feed Nick.

  After she fed him, he removed the spoon and ice cream from her hands. “Here let me feed you now.” This went on back and forth, the two of them feeding each other until Summer had enough of the decadent treat. The last thing she wanted was a stomachache at two in the morning.

  When she left the room to take the container and spoon into the kitchen, Nick wondered what in hell’s fire had come over him. He had lost his mind. The sole purpose of his visit was to invite her to dinner so they could talk, resolve some issues. Instead, he ended up bringing her ice cream and damn near seducing her. He had to get a grip. He was losing focus. He had to get out of there and away from Summer. She was too potent for her own good or his for that matter.

  Disappointment washed over Summer as she came back into the living room. Nick was standing in the middle of the room with his coat on.

  “You’re leaving?” She wanted him to stay just a little while longer. She was enjoying his company.

  “Yeah, I have an early day tomorrow,” he lied as an excuse to leave.


  Nick noted the sadness in her voice. He pulled her to his chest in a hug as he rested his chin on top of her head.

  Summer’s arms wrapped around his waist as she laid her head on his chest and inhaled his masculine scent.

  “Oh, baby, don’t sound so sad.”

  Summer remained silent; she didn’t want him to leave.

  “How about having dinner with me on Friday night?”

  “Okay.” Dinner, I can do that.

  “There some things we need to discuss.” There he said it. He accomplished his purpose for calling and coming by her place.

  Summer felt like she was doused with a bucket of cold water.

  “Like what?” She asked as she pulled away from his embrace.

  Tightening the embrace not letting her go, he told her, “Now is not the time to get into it. I’ll call you later in the week. Okay.”

  “Okay, but Nick…”


  She knew the tone he used meant ‘don’t push me’ and she didn’t. “All right, Nick.”

  Kissing her on the top of her head and patting her on the backside, he said, “Good. Now come on lock the door behind me.”

  “Hey, boy!”

  He winked at her. “Sorry, just couldn’t help myself.”

  Pulling him by the hand toward the door, she shot back, “Yeah right. You know you meant to do it.”

  Nick loosened his hand from Summer’s grip and led her in front so he could get a better view of her backside.

  “Looks like it’s gotten fuller, rounder, wi−”

  “Nick!” Summer yelled as she frowned at him. Dang! She knew she was huge but he didn’t have to rub it in her face.

  “Oh, come on girl, don’t get all offended,” Nick teased.

  “Whatever, Nick.” Summer flagged him, but really wanted to give him the finger as she waddled to the door.

  Coming up behind her, he pointed to the floor. “Why is your stuff on the floor?” He hadn’t noticed the purse and pillow when he came in. There was a subtle change in his demeanor, no longer was he lighthearted.

  “I had my childbirth class tonight. I just sort of dropped all my stuff there.”

  Childbirth class? Doesn’t the father go to those classes? Who the hell went with her? “Who went with you?” Summer noted the tightness in his voice. But why? Was he jealous?

  “Starr went with me. She’s my labor coach.”

  Nick wanted to tell her if he’d any idea he was going to be a father he would’ve been her coach. Hell, he at least deserved that
much. Instead he said good night and told her to be sure to lock the door behind him.

  Oookay, bi-polar man.

  Chapter 14

  Sitting home alone all day was beginning to drive Summer insane. Several times a day she called Ava and Starr at work. She just had to know the latest gossip. Being put on hold numerous times was frustrating. She understood it was necessary; after all they were at work. Tired of their conversations being interrupted, Summer asked them to come over after work to sit with her for a minute. Happily, her friends agreed even though they’d just visited her three days ago. They knew she was bored out of her mind at home all day with nothing to do. She could watch only so many episodes of Maury and Jerry Springer after her soaps went off.

  At six thirty on the dot, Ava and Starr let themselves into Summer’s house. After she began experiencing premature contractions, they insisted on having a key. “What if something happens to you and you can’t get to the phone or the door?” was their explanation.

  “Summer, get your Free Willy butt down these stairs! Girl, you know you are a hot mess!” Starr yelled out as she walked to the bottom of the stairs.

  “What?” Summer played innocent as she padded down the stairs.

  Putting her hands on her hips, Starr fussed, “Girl, we were just here three days ago. Wasn’t it you who told us we were coming over too often when we tried to visit your fat butt twice last week? You nearly cussed us out.”

  “Mmm hmm, Summer, you did say that.” Ava cosigned.

  Summer rolled her eyes with attitude. “I am not fat. In case you haven’t noticed I’m with child. And Ava stop taking her side all the time. Y’all supposed to be my peeps.”

  Times like these were when she missed her parents the most. She knew they were only kidding with her; however, she didn’t want to be a burden to them. After all they did have their own lives to live. If her parents still lived in Philly she most likely would be at their house. Summer had seriously thought about going to North Carolina to have her baby so she could be close to her parents. Having them close by meant she wouldn’t have to rely upon Ava and Starr as much. However, she came to her senses when Starr reminded her, “Girl, stop tripping. You know you and your momma would be going at it.” Starr laughed, adding, “She’d be telling you how to be pregnant.”

  Summer dropped the attitude and mumbled, “I miss seeing y’all every day.”

  Both Ava and Starr stretched their arms out and gathered her in a group hug. “We miss you too, Boo.”

  Summer knew she could always count on her girls. The ringing of the doorbell broke up the huddle.

  “Must be the pizza,” Summer chimed excitedly. Food had become a close companion after she‘d gotten over the morning sickness hurdle.

  “Good. I’m starving,” Ava said as she grabbed money from her purse to pay the deliveryman.

  As they ate, the trio talked about Summer’s plans to return to work. Summer expressed she did not want to return to work the standard six weeks after giving birth. She hadn’t begun to look for a babysitter or daycare center for the baby. She was seriously considering staying out of work longer.

  Talking about childcare arrangements was making her uncomfortable. She hoped Ava and Starr hadn’t noticed her uneasiness with the subject. She hadn’t the faintest idea where things stood with Nick and his threat of filing for custody. He’d made it clear that they needed to “discuss some things” Friday night. She wondered if this talk had anything to do with the custody of the baby. Of course it does, a small voice confirmed.

  Summer wanted to get off the subject of childcare issues; her head started to hurt. She decided to tell them about Nick’s visit the other night.

  Wiping the pizza grease from her mouth with a napkin, Summer came clean with her friends…well somewhat clean. “I have something to tell you guys, but I don’t want y’all to get all crazy on me.”

  Glancing at each other, reading the other’s thought, Nick. Starr was the first to speak. “Go ahead, we won’t trip.”


  “Promise.” They agreed in unison.

  Summer twisted the napkin in her hands she’d just used to wipe her mouth. Why am I so nervous? Shoot, I’m a grown woman. In spite of her little pep talk to herself she bit her bottom lip and prayed things didn’t get ugly. She knew if Ava and Starr had their way Nick would have been tarred and feathered the night he showed up at her door.

  “Nick came over the other night.” She braced herself and waited for the explosion from Ava to come.

  “He did what! What did he want! To kidnap you again!” Starr shrieked.

  Lawd have mercy! The sane one is going crazy! “Calm down Starr, you’re acting like Ava now!”

  “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Ava huffed in her defense.

  Ignoring Ava, Summer continued. “He was actually very nice to me. He brought me some ice cream.” Summer smiled remembering how they had fed each other.

  Starr was annoyed by the silly smile on Summer’s face. She swore if Summer weren’t pregnant, she’d slap the yella off her.

  “Who gives a rat’s behind about ice cream? Why did he come over here?” Starr demanded. This simple child has lost her mind.

  “Yeah, why he come over? I knew he was up to something ever since he held you hostage for three days.” Ava interjected not making things any better.

  Glaring at Ava through squinted eyes, Summer clipped out in an irritable tone, “I was snowed in, not held hostage Av.”

  Summer was pissed. Why were they tripping so hard? He was the father of her baby after all. Was it so unusual for him to stop by?

  Ava sucked her teeth clearly annoyed. “Whatever, Summer.”

  The nastiness rising between Summer and Ava quickly simmered Starr. Standing up she got between them because things were about to get ugly.

  “Yeah, whatever, Av.” Summer stood up putting her hands on her hips. Who does this chick think she is?

  Moving closer to Summer, Starr urged, “Come on sweetie calm down. Don’t get yourself all worked up. You don’t want to start having contractions again.” Gently she eased Summer back in her chair. “We’re sorry for tripping on you. Right Av?”

  “Yes.” Ava mumbled dropping the attitude. She felt awful. She’d forgotten all about Summer’s delicate condition. The last thing she wanted was for her friend to go into labor.

  “Tell us why Nick stopped by.” Ava’s voice was gentler as an attempt to diffuse the tension in the air.

  Tears welled up in Summer’s eyes as she stared at Starr, then Ava. No one understood what she was going through, not even her two best friends. Summer struggled to keep her tears in check. “Never mind, forget I even said anything.”

  As she stood to walk away, Summer stopped when she felt Starr’s hand gently squeeze her wrist.

  “Summer, I’m sorry. Please, come on, sit back down and tell us what’s on your heart.”

  Sliding back into the chair she wasn’t sure what to do. She needed to vent about what she was feeling. Who better than her friends? However, the absolute last thing she wanted was to hear them bad mouth Nick. No one was more aware of what he’d done to her than she was. And what was so pathetic was she still loved him in spite of everything. Hadn’t they ever been in love before? Why couldn’t they understand? At least they could be sympathetic to the fact she was carrying his baby.

  Unconsciously Summer rubbed her swollen belly. The gesture did not go unobserved by Starr or Ava. Instantly they felt remorse. They both knew how hard it had been for Summer not having Nick around for the majority of her pregnancy.

  This time Ava spoke. “Summer, please tell us what’s going on.” Pausing to squeeze her hand affectionately she begged, “Don’t shut us out.”

  “He said he wanted to talk to me about some things.”

  “Like what?” Ava asked as she took another slice of pizza.

  Summer shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, most likely the baby.”

  Starr touched
Summer’s hand that were in her lap when she asked, “How did Nick react when he found out about the baby?”

  As close as the three friends were, they could not believe Summer hadn’t told them about Nick’s reaction until now.

  “He was pretty angry I hadn’t told him about the baby.” Summer purposely left out his threat to file for custody.

  Holding up her hand signaling she wanted to talk. “Angry? What was he angry about? Wasn’t he the one who ended things?” Ava fought hard to keep the anger she felt toward Nick out of her voice.

  Summer sighed. “Yes Ava. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t want to know. Besides, it was my decision not to tell him about the baby.”

  Ava’s fuse blew despite her trying to control it. Summer and Starr both jumped when she slammed her palm on the table, rattling drinking glasses.

  “No you don’t, Summer! Don’t you dare go blaming yourself! You did what you thought was best at the time!”

  Starr cut Ava off before she could explode any further. “She’s right, Summer. You yourself said he didn’t want children and you didn’t want him to feel like you were trying to trap him with a baby.”

  Summer nodded her head. “You guys are right. It’s just that everything is changing.”

  “Everything like what?” Ava asked, as she calmed down a tad bit.

  “Well, he doesn’t seem so repulsed by the idea of me being pregnant and his becoming a father anymore. And he does want to sit down and talk like I told you.”

  “I’m glad to at least hear that,” Starr said smiling at Summer

  “Yeah, so am I. I hope you guys work everything out for the sake of the baby.” Ava added with sincerity.

  Tenderly patting her belly, Summer agreed. “So do I Av. After all it’s about the baby.”

  Removing pizza boxes from the table, attempting to lighten the mood, Ava teased, “I better get going, some folks have to work for a living.”

  Summer rolled her eyes. “Ha, ha, you’re real funny Miss Ava.”

  Standing up, Starr announced she was going home as well. “Like Ava said, us girls have to work. We can’t sit home all day eating ice cream and watching that ridiculous daytime television.”


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