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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

Page 11

by Wells, Victoria

  “Heifer shut your mouth! You’re supposed to be on my side! Remember, I do know how you two sneak into patient rooms watching the same ridiculous daytime television, acting like y’all working.” Summer chanted and pumped her fist in the air, “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.”Summer playfully pointed at Ava wagging her finger. “Didn’t I walk pass a room one day and saw you doing that while your patient was at a test? Weren’t you supposed to be making the bed?”

  Ava and Starr cracked up. The sight of Summer with her big belly imitating those fools on television was hysterical.

  “Come on crazy pregnant woman and walk us to the door.” Ava teased. “And no, that wasn’t me. It was my twin. You know they say everybody has one.”

  “Heaven help us, Ava, if you have a twin.” Summer drawled out as she walked them to the door.

  Everyone laughed as Ava feigned being offended. Starr hugged and kissed Summer on the cheek. “Bye honey, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Following behind her, Ava hugged Summer and squeezed her tight. “You know I love you, right?”

  Summer nodded, her eyes suddenly welling up. How could she have ever doubted her girls loved her?

  “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again, you’ve been through so much. So when I get excited and start tripping please, please understand it’s because I love you, and you.” Ava said rubbing Summer’s belly.

  Summer smiled at her friend. “I know, Av. And we love you too.”

  Chapter 15

  Brrrg. Brrrg. Brrrg.

  The offending sound of the ringing phone seemed to be in a faraway distance. Summer thought she was dreaming, except the ringing never stopped. Opening one eye, she looked at the digital clock on the nightstand.

  11:45. Who in the world was calling her so late?

  “Hello?” Summer answered in a voice raspy with sleep.

  “I woke you up?”

  Rolling over on her back holding the phone between her ear and shoulder, she said, “It’s okay.”

  “I won’t keep you, I just wanted to make sure you’re still okay with us getting together to talk?”

  “Yes. Friday is fine. Are you coming over here?” she hesitantly questioned. No way was she going back on his turf. “No. I was thinking we could go to the cabin,” he smoothly said as he sat in his home office tapping a pen on the desk waiting for her response.

  All traces of sleepiness evaporated. She was fully awakened by his suggestion of going to the cabin.

  What? That’s where all the drama started! Nope, no way! Finally finding her voice, Summer squeaked out, “The cabin?”

  “Yes.” He answered her as if it was the most reasonable request.



  “What’s the matter, baby?

  Coming up with a believable excuse was what Summer was in search of. How could she out right refuse to go miles away with him to a deserted cabin, in the middle of freakin’ nowhere? Sure, things for now were cool between them, but what if he went off on her again. A tiny voice in her head reminded her he’d promised not to do that again. Yeah, whatever. As far as she was concerned, no way was she crossing state line with him. She didn’t care how fine he was, how nice he’d been, or how much ice cream he’d brought her. No, no, no! She wasn’t doing it.

  “I don’t know, Nick. That’s kind of far,” Summer mumbled after talking smack in her head.

  “It’s only a few hours.” Nick reasoned with her.

  “I know but―”

  “But what? Don’t you trust me?”


  Summer sat on the other end of the phone not knowing what to say. How did she tell him the only time she could trust him is when he was in a good mood?

  The silence was becoming deafening. Nick rolled his shoulders trying to ease the building tension. He knew convincing her was going to be difficult, maybe impossible.

  “Summer, I told you I would never hurt you.”

  You already have. “I know you did. It’s just that…” Summer’s voice was soft as it trailed off.

  Counting to ten, keeping his voice even, Nick coaxed, “What Summer?”

  Summer cursed her wayward hormones, as her voice quivered; she quickly wiped a tear from her cheek. “It’s just that I make you so angry, Nick.” Here I go again blaming myself.

  The quivering of her voice unsettled Nick. He could tell she was tearful. Choosing his words carefully he said, “Summer, I just want to talk somewhere where there are no distractions.”

  Nick paused searching for the right words. “There are so many questions I have and only you have the answers to them.”

  Summer understood exactly where he was coming from, really she did. She too wanted to clear the air, explain her side of things. But goodness gracious, being alone in the woods with Nick was a bit too much. That for sure was something she was in no way, no how, ready or even prepared to deal with.

  “Can’t we talk here, at my house?” Heck at this point she was willing to go to his place. At least if he wigged out on her she could take a cab back to the safety of her home. And if worse came to worse she could call Starr and Ava to the rescue.

  “No, I’d rather we didn’t Summer. I promise you I’ll keep my temper in check.” As long as you’re honest with me. Immediate guilt consumed him. See, that’s why she doesn’t trust you. She knows you better than you think.

  “You promise?” Summer whispered not sure she should trust him. Nick wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms until every ounce of doubt was cast away.

  “Yes, Beautiful, I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  Stillness hung thickly in the air. He had called her beautiful and meant it. There had never been another woman who’d affected him the way Summer had. Her external beauty surpassed that of many; however, it was her inner beauty that swept him away. It was for this very reason he found it incomprehensible she would deceive him. Nick prayed when all was said and done she would have an explanation that would make sense to him.

  Summer’s head became foggy as if she were in a haze. He’d called her beautiful. His tone was gentle, sincere, unlike the night when he resorted to sarcasm.



  “You still think I’m beautiful?”


  “Even fat and all?”

  “You’re not fat, Summer.”

  “If I’m not fat, then what am I? I’ve gained nearly thirty pounds you know?”

  “You’re still beautiful and carrying my baby.” Nick wouldn’t comment on the weight issue. That definitely was a no, no.

  Summer was glad he could not see her blushing. “You think you’re so slick.”

  Teasingly he asked, “Woman, what are you talking about?”

  “You’re trying to butter me up so I won’t back out of going away with you. Come on, admit it.” Nick chuckled. This was the Summer he was crazy about. “You got me. I give up.”

  “Yeah, I thought so.”

  Nick and Summer continued their playful bantering for another twenty minutes. Eventually they got around to making plans to have him pick her up Friday morning around eleven.

  “All right, Beautiful, I’m gonna let you get back to sleep,” he drawled out as he imagined her curled up nestled against him with her protruding belly.

  Covering her mouth she stifled a yawn. “Okay, good night, Nick.”

  “Sweet dreams, Beautiful.”

  “You too, Nick.”


  Stepping out the shower, Nick grabbed a thick, fluffy white towel and wrapped it around his waist as he hurried to the phone on the nightstand. The first notion to pop in his head was that it was Summer calling to renege. Who else could it be calling so late?

  To say Nick was a workaholic was an understatement. He’d remain in his home office working for another hour after he hung up with Summer. It was nearly two in the morning, and his eyes were burning with exhaustion. All he wanted to do was get a coup
le hours of sleep

  before the new day started in less than four hours. Only Summer would think of calling so late, taking a chance he’d still be awake.

  Picking up the phone Nick said in a weary, bone-tired voice, “Yeah, Summer?”

  “You wish!”

  “Kev, why the hell are you calling me so late?” Nick demanded, annoyed with his friend.

  “Chill man, I was just wondering what happened with Summer? Is she going or what?”

  Nick informed Kevin about his plans of taking Summer to the cabin for the weekend. Kevin had been a little uneasy with the idea. As far as he was concerned, Nick was still being a little hard on Summer. True, he was not spitting venom any longer when Kevin brought up her name, but hell, nobody knew Nick the way he did. One minute he’d be Mr. Nice Guy and the next, a complete jerk. Kevin wanted to, and would be supportive of his best friend, his brother. However, he thought Nick was pushing the issue of having this “serious” talk with Summer. For goodness sake, they were having a baby. It wasn’t like they didn’t have the rest of their lives to figure the mess out.

  Nick had mad love for Kevin, but at times like now, he had no concept of time. Just because he was a night owl didn’t mean the rest of the world was. He should have known if Nick was up this late it meant he was most likely finishing some work and would be heading to bed. Sleep was important to Nick, even if it meant only a few hours. Nick figured he’d better answer his question so he could get to bed.

  “Yeah man she’s going.”


  “Word.” Nick said with a hint of smugness. Wasn’t nothing slow about him, he knew Kevin doubted Summer would go away with him.

  “That’s what’s up brotha, do your thing.”

  “Plan on it my man. Listen, don’t mean to be rude, but I gotta to get some shut eye.”

  “Oh my bad, it is a little late, isn’t it?”

  Nick shook his head. If he didn’t love Kevin like a brother he’d cussed him out like nobody’s business.

  “Yeah dude it’s two in the morning.”

  Kevin chucked. “A’ight, man I’ll check you later.”

  “Later, Kev.”


  Here we go. “Yeah man?”

  “Be cool.” No further explanation was needed. Nick understood he was referring to his reckless temper.

  “I’m already ahead of you man.”

  Chapter 16

  Friday morning Summer padded between her bedroom and the bathroom as she packed last minute necessities and toiletries for her weekend with Nick. Hopefully the trip would be uneventful. She had finally convinced herself spending time alone with Nick wouldn’t be too bad just as long as he didn’t act like a fool. Hopefully, once they cleared the air, they could get down to what was most important…the baby.

  Summer was anxious to know how they would go about raising the baby while living in separate households.

  What would they name the baby? Would the baby be a Jackson or Stiles?

  Humming her favorite song, At Last by Etta James, Summer moved over to the bed peering inside her suitcase to make sure she had everything. “I have my gowns, panties, bras, socks, slippers…am I forgetting anything?”


  A sudden sharp pain in her lower abdomen stilled Summer. Easing down on the bed, she touched her swollen belly, which was now rigid from a contraction. It’ll pass, she persuaded herself.

  Sitting motionless on the bed until it was safe, Summer gingerly stood and proceeded to close the small suitcase as if doing so rapidly would bring on another contraction. Deciding to play it safe, she left the small suitcase on the bed. “Nick can bring it down for me when he gets here.”

  By the time her foot hit the last step it happened again.

  “Ooooh, let me sit my butt down.”

  Glancing at her watch and easing down on the step, seventeen minutes had passed since the last contraction. This was not happening now! Not when she had worked up the nerve to deal with Nick and the twenty million questions he had for her. Finally warming up to the idea of facing him head on, she had to go and start having contractions again. If Summer were a cussing woman, she would’ve invented a few choice words of her own. “Maybe this’ll be the last one.”

  Willing the contractions to cease, she glanced at her watch again. Good, thirty minutes since the last one.

  Summer was starved, but was too afraid to move. Her intentions had been to fix breakfast and snacks for the long ride for herself and Nick. The ringing of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts of deciding whether she should attempt to do the tasks.

  On wobbly feet, she stood taking baby steps to the front door. Hand on doorknob, Summer masked her worried expression with a pasted on smile before she opened the door.

  “Hey Nick, come on in.” Nick frowned at Summer’s back as she turned and headed toward the stairs. She talked nonstop as her words came out rushed and hurried. “I’m all ready to go I just need you to get my suitcase I thought I was gonna have breakfast ready for us but…”

  Confusion marred Nick’s features as he listened to her mouth move a hundred miles an hour. What the hell is her problem? “Summer, slow down, you’re talking too fast.”

  Summer spun around to face him. “Huh? …Aaaawh, this one really hurts.” Summer moaned as she sank to her knees and doubled over from the pain. If this is what hours of labor was going to be like she definitely was not up for the challenge.

  With a few long strides Nick was crouched down by her side. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been having contractions this morning.”

  With one fluid move, Nick carried Summer over to the sofa and gently laid her down.

  Kneeling down on the floor next to her, he hadn’t a clue what to do. Is she about to have the baby now? Isn’t it too early? Nick felt helpless at the thought of his child struggling to survive because he or she was born too early. It was that last thought that made him ask, “Shouldn’t we call your doctor?”

  Summer nodded her head.


  Nick anxiously paced the floor as Summer lay in the hospital bed infused with IV fluids and attached to a fetal monitor. The rapid, rhythmic, pulsation of the baby’s tiny heart was the only audible sound in the room. It reminded him of one of those relaxation or meditation tapes that played sounds of nature, like waterfalls or birds chirping. Surprisingly the rhythmic sound soon began to have a calming effect on him.

  That’s my baby in there. I’m going be a daddy.

  That’s what he wanted his son or daughter to call him. Not father like he was forced to call his dad. The title father always felt so cold, so distant. He definitely, under any circumstances, did not want his child to call him father. He or she would call him daddy. Daddy. The very thought had elicit a lopsided grin. Funny how things change, last year this time the thought of being anyone’s daddy was the furthest thing from Nick’s mind.

  What in the world is he looking at me like that for? And why does he have that goofy grin on his face?

  Unconsciously, Summer matched his goofy grin. “What are you grinning for?”

  “I was just thinking that I’m going to be a daddy soon.”

  Turning serious the grin evaporated from her face “Are you okay with that?”

  “I have―”

  Nick was about to tell her that he had come to terms with his soon to be status of fatherhood, however, the doctor barging into the room interrupted him.

  Summer wanted to scream. Dr. Neil had horrible timing

  The doctor walked over to Nick and offered his hand, “Good afternoon, I’m Dr. Neil. You must be the soon-to-be proud papa.”

  Nick accepted the proffered hand as Dr. Neil vigorously pumped his hand and smiled with much animation.

  Nick eyed the middle-aged balding man who was slightly taller than Summer by an inch or two. He reminded Nick of a cartoon character. “That would be me. I’m Nick Stiles.”Turning his attention to his patient, Dr. Neil sai
d, “Miss Jackson, I thought we were all done with these premature contractions. You were doing so well.”

  Nick’s head snapped back as if he were slapped. All done with these contractions? I thought this morning was the first time she had them? Nick felt annoyance creeping into his bones. He cursed under his breath. Here we go again.

  Summer felt the stare emanating from Nick. Nervously she glanced at him then averted her eyes back to Dr. Neil. Nick’s disposition changed as quickly as the Chicago wind. Summer swore she heard him cursing under his breath.

  “I was doing fine until this morning.”

  Dr. Neil’s walk was animated as he bounced over to the fetal monitor to study the strip of paper that hung from it. “The medication has stopped the contractions for now.”

  Summer breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, can I go home now?”

  The little man pressed his lips together as if in deep thought. “Mmm, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  ”Why?” Summer asked with tears filling her eyes. The last thing she wanted was to be in the hospital hooked up to a fetal monitor and IV fluids. Why should she have to when the contractions had stopped?

  Reading her thoughts, Dr. Neil expressed his reservations. “Summer, I’m concerned about you being at home alone. If I were to release you home you would need to be on bed rest with very limited activity. That means no going up and down stairs and only getting out of bed to bathe, use the bathroom, and maybe sitting up in a chair for no more than thirty minutes at a time. I know you live alone and you would definitely need someone at home to help you.” He paused in giving his speech. He felt terrible because Summer was quietly sobbing. What was he

  to do? His main concern was that of the health and welfare of the unborn child. Keeping the mother safe and contraction free was the best way to ensure the delivery of a viable infant.

  Both men rushed to her side as she expressed being distraught. Nick stood by her side while Dr. Neil sat on the bed and took her hand in his.

  “Summer, I’m sorry, but I have to do what’s best for the baby. As you know you’re thirty-six weeks pregnant, we have to get you to at least thirty-eight weeks so that the baby’s lungs are fully mature.”


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