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Second Time Around

Page 4

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “I know a great place right down the street; they even have honey for their teas,” Ronin continued.

  I licked my suddenly dry lips and my throat became dry as the Sahara. Ronin was eyeing me warily. He smiled suddenly and my pulse went haywire.

  “So, you can’t talk, therefore, you have to come with me,” he grinned.

  Ronin grabbed my hand and pulled me.

  And I went. I had no clue as to why I was suddenly unable to speak for myself. We passed a few people on our way, most of them raising their eyebrows as Ronin dragged me down the street. We made it to the coffee shop and Ronin sat me down while he went to get me tea. I sat there dumbstruck. I had no idea why I was seeing the things I was seeing and feeling the things I was feeling. It was crazy. Ronin came back with two mugs and placed one in front of me.

  “See? Chamomile. I brought you some honey, too.”

  I opened my mouth but Ronin put his hand up to stop me.

  “Please, don’t argue. I wanted to get you alone and this was the best way to do it. I know you’re avoiding me every chance you get and I kinda get that. I freaked you out talking about Mav and stuff. I need to get out there again, though, and I’m comfortable with you. So maybe we could just go out and see how it goes?”

  I sat there like an idiot. That was nothing new at this point. But Ronin continued speaking so I let him.

  “I don’t want to freak you out but I haven’t been interested in any man for a year. I find you attractive and I’d like to see if we could have something together.”

  “It’s because I look like him, right?” I blurted. Wow, so smooth.

  Ronin sighed and looked back at me, sadness in his eyes. Lord, this man could push all my buttons.

  “I won’t lie, there is a resemblance.”

  I snorted. I seemed to be doing that a lot.

  “I know. A big one,” he said, looking at me shyly.

  God, I knew I would regret this.

  “Okay,” I said.


  Two weeks. That’s how long I’d been working on Doctor Hottie. I finally found myself wanting to be kissed, held, and touched. Dr. Cruise, on the other hand, acted like I had the plague. Or something worse. My big plan was to make him dinner at my house and then seduce him. That was plan A - last week. It didn’t happen. So now it was Christmas Eve and I was expecting my house call in five minutes. I can’t even begin to explain the amount of touching and feeling and kissing I needed. I felt alive with Maverick Cruise.

  Okay, yeah, he looked like Mav, sounded like Mav, but it didn’t make him Mav. No one would ever be Mav. I checked the clock for the fiftieth time and then checked on dinner. I opened the stove and to my horror found a black turkey in my oven. I looked at the temperature and sighed loudly. I had it on broil instead of bake. I let out a loud expletive and shut the oven off. It was at that moment that my doorbell rang. I fanned the air because in my lustful thoughts I hadn’t realized my house was filling with smoke.

  I checked my hair in the hall mirror, and then looked at my ass. Yep, still there. Making my way to the front door, I heard the smoke alarms going off. I swung the front door open and stared at Maverick Cruise. He was wearing jeans and a football jersey. Granted it wasn’t a U of A one, but it was a Cardinals jersey.

  “Did you play football?” I asked. Doctor Hot-as-Hell-in-Jeans smiled at me.

  “I did actually. I know. The nerd played football.” He rolled his eyes and I almost passed out. Dr. Cruise tilted his head.

  “Is your house on fire?” he asked.

  “No, but the turkey is dead.”

  “I hope so, I hate trying to eat them when they’re running.”

  I blinked and then laughed. “Come in. I burned dinner, so we are going out.”

  After opening all the windows and airing the house out, we loaded into my car and left in search of a place to eat. After driving around for fifteen minutes, I heard a stomach’s loud growl. I smiled over at Dr. Cruise in the passenger seat.

  “What do you want? We’ll just get it to go?”

  “How about Mickie D’s?” he said.

  “Sounds good.”

  We pulled in the drive thru at McDonald’s and placed our orders. I noticed that Dr. Cruise asked for two cheeseburgers, no pickles. I contained myself until we got out on the road. Doctor Cruise mumbled under his breath and I cocked an eyebrow.

  “What is it?”

  “They fuck you at the drive thru.”

  I almost slammed on the brakes as the first pickle flew out my car window. As it was, I pulled over on the side of the road until I could breathe normally again.

  “What is it? Are you all right?” he asked, somewhat panicked.

  Dr. Cruise pulled me towards him. My mouth opened and all I saw was Mav. Dr. Cruise looked at my lips and then I was against the car door, just as I had been so many years ago. Ketchup and onions invaded my taste buds as the good doctor devoured my mouth. I felt my dick stirring after a year of hibernation. Just as before, I placed my hand on his cheek as things got hot and heavy. Dr. Cruise backed away from me slowly, breathing hard.

  “My house?” I asked.

  He nodded slowly.

  I swore I was going to get a ticket. I hadn’t had sex in a year and I had just gotten kissed and felt up by a hot doctor. I swore Mav had sent him to me. A gift of sorts I suppose. The front door slammed open and bounced off the wall behind it, shutting it with a slam. I was all over Dr. McHottie. Clothes flew off of us both and I was hopping down the hallway removing my shoes while I dragged him by the lips attached to mine. We hit the bed with him on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his slim hips as he kissed me into a passionate frenzy.

  “Oh God, fuck me, please,” I moaned into his mouth.

  We rolled around on the bed and I told the good - damn good - kisser doc where to find my supplies. We were skin to skin, my hands roaming all over his toned body. Fingers slid up inside me and I arched into it, begging for more. I couldn’t get enough of his lips, his hands, his everything. Doc had a good rub going on in my ass as he fisted my cock slowly while fucking my mouth with his tongue at the same time. Lord the man knew how to multitask. I was in awe and he hadn’t even put that glorious cock to use yet. Dr. Cruise shifted his body weight and I heard the wrapper of a condom open. Lube hit my hole and then pain sliced through me as the good doc slid inside.

  My breath left me in a gasp and his forehead settled on mine. Maverick’s breath tickled my lashes as we both tried to adjust. The heat slid up as my spine as Maverick’s dick slid inside me, filling me to the hilt. I wrapped my hands in his hair and kissed him. We moved slowly, my eyes burned and I couldn’t breathe. I knew this man, I know I did. Lips were on mine and then they moved to my eyes. Soft kisses rained down my cheek. Maverick stopped and my eyes flew open to see his eyes looking right into mine. Everything stopped. I could hear everything outside and then I heard nothing but our breaths leaving our bodies.

  “Roo?” he whispered.

  “Mav?” My legs shook and my heart pounded in my chest.

  “Oh God, Roo!”

  I cried. I couldn’t do anything else but hold onto the man above me as we made love. I knew this body, these lips, the feel of the only man I’d ever love making love to me. It was my Maverick Holliday. My Mav.

  “I love you, I love you so much, Roo! I found you again, oh God, I found you!”

  Maverick cried on top of me.

  I cried under him.

  We held each other as Maverick moved inside me. I knew this man. Every inch of this man. I couldn’t stop crying. Maverick whispered my name over and over again as he made love to me. It was everything I had wanted for a year. My Mav. My orgasm hit me and I cried out, my fingers sinking into Mav’s ass as I shuddered beneath him. Maverick came with a loud roar and collapsed on top of me. Arms wrapped around me tightly. I didn’t want to speak for fear of it all being a dream and then Mav broke the silence.


  Maverick lifted
his head and looked into my eyes. I’ve always heard the eyes are the window to the soul. I believe that now.

  “It is you, isn’t it?” I whispered. “How? When?”

  Maverick gave me his slow, lopsided smile and I almost cried again. He palmed my face and kissed my nose.

  “Let’s just say someone upstairs made a mistake.”

  “Is this real? I couldn’t take it if it was a dream.”

  “Why don’t we get up, we’ll get your caramel latte with a shot of whipped cream and I’ll have my chamomile and I’ll fill you in.”

  Mav slid out of me slowly and I felt the loss right away. He was up and getting dressed when a thought occurred to me.


  “Yes, Roo?”

  “How long are you here for?”

  Maverick turned to look at me with his grin.

  “Forever, Roo. Forever.”


  My memory hit me right in the middle of making love to Roo. I wasn’t surprised in the least. We were connected on so many levels, but in bed, we were one. I spent the night explaining what I remembered to him. Even now, it seems beyond strange. We took a of couple days to ourselves, just lounging around and making love. We decorated the Christmas tree. The one we had bought our very first year together as a couple. It looked like something out of ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ after twelve years. As did the ‘Winnie the Pooh’ ornaments. The first year we’d bought them, Ronin had made the crack that the ornaments all looked real happy; I had asked why and Ronin gave me that seductive grin.

  “They light up, right?”

  I looked closely at the ornaments. “Yes, they do. So?”

  “Look where the light has to go for them to light up.”

  Ronin winked at me.

  “Don’t you think it’s kind of odd that the lights go up their ass?” he chuckled.

  I think I inhaled some eggnog that night.

  Ronin believed that I was me, but that didn’t mean he didn’t test me. I passed, of course. I know exactly who I am and who I was meant to be with.

  My parents on the other hand were harder to convince. I look like Maverick Holliday to an extent; I had to give Gabriel props for that. After hours of answering childhood questions, my mother broke down and cried. My dad patted my back and hugged me. Ronin’s parents sat looking at me for a few minutes. I don’t know if they thought I was a mirage or a psychopath, but between Ronin and me, we finally convinced them that I was real. And I was back.

  We left the truth between just us and our parents. I really didn’t feel the need to broadcast to the hospital that I was Maverick Holliday and had been given a second chance with the love of my life.

  Yeah, I’m not good with padded rooms and strait jackets.

  I moved back into the house I had shared with Ronin and we treat every day as if it’s our last. We still fight, but we never go to bed angry with each other. We make love every chance we get, in every available place. Yes, I am waggling my eyebrows as I tell you that.

  I looked into the eyes of the man I loved and slid the band on his ring finger. Ronin’s eyes were tearing up as I said my vows. We came to California to get married, and our official? A blond-haired twink named Gabriel. I got my second time around and I don’t plan on wasting one more second.

  ~The End~




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