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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 33

by Tracy Lorraine

  “What?” She pouts, making me smile.

  “I’ve got more plans for tonight yet.”

  “Oh, but you’re all ready and raring to go,” she says rubbing herself against my very hard dick.

  “I always am when I’m around you. It will be worth the wait, gorgeous.”

  “Wait. You’re serious, you’re going to leave me in this state?” I slide my eyes down her body. I removed her hoodie during our little make out session, which means her heaving chest and pert nipples are very obvious. I sit myself forward and take one into my mouth through the fabric of her top, making her moan, before paying the other one the same attention.

  “Yes, that was the plan,” I say, just as the buzzer on the oven starts going off. “Dinner’s ready. You get the table laid and I’ll dish up.” I pick her up and place her on her feet. I hear her grumble something about getting laid as she walks off to the kitchen while I rearrange myself in my jeans.


  I cannot believe how lucky I am to be able to call Ryan mine. He is so thoughtful and caring and generally just amazing and perfect. We have just finished eating the dinner he made at home earlier in this cute little log cabin. When he said he was taking me away, I never pictured something like this. It’s a cosy little one bed and it’s the perfect location for a romantic weekend away. I can’t wait to be laid out in his arms while the log burner crackles away in front of us, or laid in the gigantic bath surrounded by bubbles and candles. I’m going to have to see if there is a shop so we can get some, because I doubt he thought about them when he was packing.

  “Molly?” Ryan asks, pulling me from my musings.

  “Sorry, was in my own little world then.”

  “What were you thinking about?”

  “How perfect you are.” I feel my cheeks blush a little at my admission, but the smile he rewards me with is worth it.

  “So, you never actually answered my earlier question.”

  “What, you mean me throwing myself at you wasn’t enough?”

  “It gave me a clue as to what your answer might be, but you haven’t actually said an answer,” he teases.

  “Ryan, yes, I would love to move in with you,” I get up and perch myself on his lap so I can place a kiss to his lips. “Dinner was delicious, thank you.”

  “No problem, I learnt from the best.”

  “So…there is a second present on the coffee table. Do I get that one?”

  “Yes, go and get it,” he says, laughing as I jump off his lap and rush towards it. “I should warn you, it’s not as meaningful as the last one, I just thought would like it.” I pick it up and am surprised but the weight of it. I carry it back to the table so I can open it with him.

  “Oh my God, I was just thinking we needed some of these for when we make use of that huge bath.” I can’t believe my eyes when I pull the lid off the box and see a selection of different sizes of my favourite vanilla scented candles.

  “Yeah, that idea was in my head too. Plus, I know how addicted to them you are and thought you’d want this place smelling nice.”

  “Thank you so much. I love you.” I move behind him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. “Fancy testing that bath out?”

  “Maybe later. I thought you might want to do something else first.”

  “Um, can’t think of anything unless you are going to continue what we started on the sofa earlier.” I watch him shift in his seat a little at the thought.

  “Oh, we will continue that later, but that wasn’t what I was thinking. Go and pull the curtain back.” I’m seriously confused by the request but do as he says.

  “Oh my God, we have a hot tub!” I feel him walk up behind me before he engulfs me in his arms.

  “Yes we do. Fancy trying it out?”

  “Hell yes!” I say, moving towards the door so we can go and check it out. Ryan lets me go and follows me out. He removes the lid and turns the underwater lights on.

  “You go and get ready while I tidy up the kitchen and pour us some bubbly we didn’t get to earlier.”

  “Okay,” I say, rushing off to the bedroom to find a bikini. I don’t remember seeing one when I unpacked, but Ryan seems to have thought of everything so it will be here somewhere.

  After five minutes of hunting through our cases, I give up. “Ryan,” I shout. Moments later, he is in the doorway.

  “What’s up, gorgeous?”

  “I can’t find a bikini; did you pack one?”

  “Oh damn, I must have forgotten,” he says with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Whoops!” I place my hands on my hips and glare at him.

  “Whoops?” I question.

  “Guess we’ll just have to go in naked,” he shrugs, trying to play it cool.

  “Yeah, I guess we will,” I say as I pull my top over my head. When I look back at him I can see his eyes have darkened significantly as he takes in my topless state. I quickly remove my trousers and knickers before grabbing a robe hanging in our wardrobe and draping it over my arm. “Are you just going to stand there staring, Ry, or are you going to join me?” I question as I walk past him and out to the decking, making sure my hips swing seductively as I walk away from him.

  When I get out to the hot tub, I see that he has already put the bottle of champagne on the side in a cooler, and two glasses, along with a couple of cans of beer for him. I hang my robe on the hook on the side and ease my body into the soothing warm water. I just get settled in one of the moulded seats when Ryan appears in the doorway of the bedroom, completely naked. He just stands there and stares at me with a smirk on his face. I can’t help myself - I move over to the edge of the hot tub and rest my chin on my hands on the side and appreciate the work of art in front of me. I slowly take him in head to toe, and maybe back up again! His hair is a total mess from where I was running my hands through it earlier. I move my eyes over his broad shoulders, over his sculpted torso, towards his slim waist. My mouth waters at sight of his very obvious excitement of the situation, before I make my way down his strong thighs and down to his feet. I make my way back at the same speed, feeling my heartrate increase and my clit start to throb as I take in every inch of him and commit it to memory. When I make it back up to his eyes, I see they are dark with lust and he is biting his bottom lip.

  “Finished?” he asks.

  “Never! But I think I need to use my hands to ensure what I’m seeing is real.” He quirks an eyebrow at me and slowly starts making his way in my direction. The closer he gets, the faster my heart beats. “You’re perfect.”

  “Not as perfect as you,” he says, before bending down and placing his lips against mine, stopping me from responding.

  When he releases me, I move back so he can join me. I watch as he pours us both a glass of champagne, then hands me one.

  “To us,” he says, clinking his glass against mine and taking a sip. I follow suit and have some.

  “This is gorgeous. I’m guessing it’s not a cheap bottle.”

  “Only the best for my girl.” My heart does a little flip in my chest at his words. I put my now empty glass down and look at him.

  “The last time we were on holiday, you promised me that my Prince Charming would come when I least expected it. Well, I can honestly say I never expected it to be you. Yes, there have been many times I wished it was going to be you over the last few months, but I can’t believe how lucky I am that it is you. You, in only a few days, have given me everything I have ever wanted and then some. I will spend the rest of my life trying to do the same for you.” I feel myself squeak when he suddenly grabs me and places me so I’m sat across his lap.

  “I have everything I could ever want right here. I love you Molly,” he says, before giving me the sweetest, most passionate kiss I have ever experienced. It causes goose bumps to break out across my skin, my heart to race, and heat to pool between my legs. When Ryan pinches my nipple I gasp in shock, ending our kiss. He moves to trail kisses up my neck instead.

  “Have you ever had sex underwate
r?” he whispers into my ear.

  I shake my head at him. “No, I haven’t.”

  “One day we will.”

  “Why not today?” I pant out.

  “As amazing as it would be to bury myself inside you right now, I’ve promised you a perfect first time and doing it in the hot tub is not that.” I don’t know whether I’m excited or disappointed by this. “Have you ever had an orgasm underwater?”

  “If you mean has a guy got me off underwater then no, but if you mean have I done it to myself in the bath, then yes.”

  Ryan groans loudly. “I would pay to see that, Miss Molly,” he says, before sucking on my neck as his hand makes its descent towards my centre. “I like firsts with you,” he says as his fingers run though my wetness, making my whole body twitch. When he slides one finger in, my head falls back against the side of the hot tub and my back arches so my breasts line up perfectly with Ryan’s mouth. He teases me by kissing, licking and nipping all over both breasts but ignoring my most sensitive parts, while slowly moving his finger in and out of me under the water.

  “Ryan, please,” I breathe out. I feel him stretch me as he slides another finger inside me. It feels amazing but I need more. “Ryan.”

  All a sudden, he presses his thumb down on my clit. At the same time he sucks one of my nipples in to his mouth, and I fall apart in his arms, screaming my release into the night as waves and waves of pleasure wash through my body. Ryan removes his fingers from me once my orgasm has ended, but continues kissing across my breasts.

  “You look so fucking hot when you come for me, Molly. I’ll never get bored of watching you.” He takes my nipple back in his mouth and looks up at me. “I love your body. It’s so fucking sexy.”

  “That’s weird, because I thought your type was slim blondes,” I say, shrugging my shoulders at him. I try to keep a straight face but I can feel my lips twitching.

  “I used to think that, but there is only one woman who is my type and that one woman is you, gorgeous,” he says, placing me back in the seat and hovering his body above mine while he kisses me. I reach out and grab his length, and start stroking him up and down. I feel the vibration on my lips as he growls deep in his throat at my touch.

  “Sit on the edge,” I say against his lips.

  “I’m fine here.”

  “I know, but you’ll be even better on the edge.” I watch as he moves himself so he has his arse leant against the edge of the hot tub. I move over to him and take him back in my hand while he looks down at me with hooded eyes. “Have you ever had a blowjob in a hot tub, Ryan?” he just shakes his head. “Good, I like firsts with you,” I say, repeating his earlier words back to him. I begin teasing him like he did to me earlier by putting my lips everywhere but where he wants them the most. I cover his thighs and lower stomach in kisses while my hand continues to work him slowly. I feel him start to shake the more I tease him.

  “Molly, take me in your mouth.” I really wish I could deny him, but hearing his deep gravelly voice demand that leaves me with no choice. I move my hand and run my tongue from the base of him up to the head, before running my tongue around and lapping up his pre-cum. I love the noises he’s making as he watches my every move. His hand moves behind my head and his fingers tangle in my hair, encouraging me forward. I slowly let my lips slide down the length of him until I feel him hit the back of my throat.

  “Oh fucking hell, Molly,” he groans out. “Yessssssssssss,” he hisses as I start a punishing rhythm with both my mouth and hand. I run my other hand up as high as I can on his stomach, feeling his muscles twitch at my contact before pulling it back down, letting my nails gently scratch his skin. “Argh… shit…yes,” he shouts out, just before I feel the first drop of his salty goodness hit the back of my mouth. I continue sucking him until he’s dry. He then slides his body back into the water and wraps his arms tightly around me while he catches his breath.

  Chapter Five


  I notice Molly is starting to fall asleep in the hot tub and decide it’s probably time to get out. She has been well past drunk for the last hour at least, having finished off the bottle of champagne to herself, but we have been talking about all sorts to really pay much attention to how long we have been in here. It’s only now that I start to get out that I realise how pruned my skin is. I get myself out before walking around to where Molly is. I lean in and scoop her up. I hold her tight against me as I walk us into the huge walk-in shower in the bathroom. I turn it on and wait a few seconds before standing us both under the spray. Molly’s eyes stay shut the entire time, even when I place her down on her feet so I can wash the chlorine off us properly. I don’t let go of her though, for fear of her collapsing. She is muttering under her breath but I can’t make out what she is saying. I’m not sure whether she is awake and just really drunk, or is asleep standing up.

  Once I’ve washed our hair and bodies, I grab a massive towel and dry us both off before picking Molly back up and getting her comfortable in bed. She starts lightly snoring the moment her head hits the pillow, so I cover her up and head out to the decking to tidy up and cover the hot tub back up for the night. Once I’ve locked us in, I slide in to bed next to her and she immediately lays her head on my chest and wraps and arm and leg around me tightly. Her wet hair is dripping water down my side and arm but I don’t care; she’s in my arms, and that’s all that matters. She starts mumbling something I can’t make out again before she says something that makes my heart hurt for her.

  “I have someone at last that loves me.” I tighten my hold of her and kiss the top of her head.

  “You do, gorgeous. I love you more than you could ever know and I’m going to show you how amazing you are every single day.” I can’t help thoughts of those people who should have loved her throughout her life. I try not to because it makes me so angry. I want to love her enough to try to make them not matter anymore.

  I wake up the next morning with Molly still wrapped around my body. I can’t help smiling; it’s the first time since we got together that she hasn’t been up before me. I hold on to her tightly and just enjoy the feeling of her body cuddled against mine and listening to the sound of her breathing. I lie there as long as I can but eventually I have to go to the toilet. I carefully unhook Molly from around me and slide out of bed. She groans but doesn’t wake up. I go into the bathroom, then to the kitchen to make us both a drink, before getting back into bed with my girl.

  “Where did you go?” she asks me, pouting when I slide up against her.

  “Sorry, I needed a wee! I brought you tea though, to make up for leaving.”

  “Hmm, good boyfriend!” she says smiling. She opens her eyes and looks at me, causing her smile to widen. “Morning, baby.”

  “Morning, gorgeous,” I say as she moves herself so she is sat up against me.

  “Ugh,” she says, putting her face into my chest. I kiss the top of her head.

  “That’s what happens when you practically drink an entire bottle of bubbly.”

  “I drank the whole bottle?” she questions, like she doesn’t believe me.

  “Nearly. I had one glass and you managed to tip another one over the side of the hot tub when you got a bit excited about a story you were telling me about pole dancing, but other than that, yep - you had the whole bottle.”

  “Why didn’t you stop me? Bad boyfriend!”

  “I didn’t realise you’d had so much. I wasn’t counting how many you had; I was too busy enjoying myself watching you get drunk.”

  “Thanks,” she grumbles. “Did you think to pack painkillers?”

  “Actually, I did. Do you want some?”

  “Please.” I get out of bed and quickly locate the tablets and get her a glass of water. While I’m in the kitchen, I remember to grab a present for Molly.

  “Here you go, gorgeous,” she mumbles a thank you before knocking them back and getting herself comfortable against me again once I’m back in bed with her.

  “Did I see a p
resent in your hand?”

  “Even hung-over you don’t miss a trick, do you?” She smiles up at me sweetly. “You have a present every day we are here, and seeing as you are hanging and the weather is shit, this is today’s.” I hand her the gift box for her to open.

  We spend the day lounging around in front of the TV watching the DVD’s I bought her. I spoke to Holly on Tuesday morning and asked her for a list of must-see chick flicks. When she sent me the list I checked to see what Molly already had, then went out and bought a few she didn’t. I never thought I’d enjoy a day watching girly films, but seeing the goofy smile on Molly’s face when it gets to the happily-ever-after makes it worth it.

  I banned her from the kitchen all day and insisted that she relaxed. I made us scrambled eggs on toast with bacon like she did for us the morning we went to IKEA when she first moved in, then we had pizza and garlic bread in front of the TV this evening. Molly’s hangover must have cleared quite quickly because she didn’t turn down a glass of wine with dinner like I expected her to.

  We are now lying on the sofa with some comedy show on the TV. Molly is lying right on top of me like she has taken to doing recently. I can’t see her face but I’m pretty sure she is asleep; her breathing is heavy and she hasn’t said anything for quite a while. She has been torturing me all day by wearing only one of my t-shirts. Throughout the day, she has had more orgasms that she could count on one hand, and I’m not far behind her but every time I look at her I am desperate to do it again. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many orgasms in such a short space of time, and we haven’t even had sex yet. But we just can’t keep our hands off each other. I test to see if she is asleep by moving my hands to the back of her thighs and carefully sliding them up her legs to rest on her arse, lifting my t-shirt as I go. She doesn’t do anything so I decide to push my luck a little. I slide one hand down between her legs and run my finger along her sensitive flesh. I’m not surprised to find that she is already wet; she always seems to be as ready for me as I am for her. I tease her a few times before dipping my finger inside her. She groans a little and I feel her widen her legs for me. I slide my finger deeper into her and press another to her clit. She starts grinding herself into my hand, which is all the encouragement I need to keep going. I can feel her pulse rate picking up by how fast her chest is rising and falling against mine. I can feel her getting close so I slide another finger inside her and put a little more pressure on her clit. It’s only a couple more seconds before I feel her start to contract around my fingers and she is moaning in pleasure. Suddenly, she props herself up on her elbows and looks at me. Her face is flushed and she is breathing hard.


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