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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 52

by Tracy Lorraine

  “No, gorgeous,” he says, before toeing his boots off and lying down next to me. “I came back for you. I couldn’t cope being away from you any longer.”

  He places his hand on my cheek and wipes away the few tears that have fallen, when I notice the watch is on his wrist. “Do you like it?”

  “Are you kidding? I love it Molly, thank you so much. Have you opened yours?”

  I look down at the bear that is now squashed between our chests from where he has pulled me tight against him, and I hear Ryan laugh as he follows my eyes.

  “I guess you have, then! Did you like the bracelet?”

  Before I answer, I shove at Ryan’s chest as hard as I can. he must take pity on me because he easily rolls on to his back, allowing me to straddle his waist. I lean forward so my lips are just touching his and whisper, “I love it, but I love you more…” I take a breath to carry on telling him how glad I am that he’s here and how badly I’ve missed him, but Ryan obviously can’t wait any longer, because he presses his lips hard to mine and I feel his tongue pass my open lips. His arms come around my back and he holds me tight to him while he kisses me like he hasn’t seen me in months, not hours.

  Our kiss soon turns into something much more heated as we explore every inch of each other’s mouths. Ryan’s hands have crept up under my top and his fingers are pinching my peaked nipples though my bra while I grind my sex against his rock hard length.

  I pull my lips from his so I can try to catch my breath. “I can’t believe you came back. Are you sure I’m not dreaming?”

  “I’m sure, gorgeous. God, I want to be inside you so badly,” he groans in my ear before he starts kissing and nibbling down my neck.

  Fuck, I want that too. Why couldn’t we be at home alone right now, not at the Morrisons’? And from the smell now wafting through the room, I’d say dinner is nearly ready. “Ryan, please,” I’m so close already, I’m sure Ryan has some magic powers over me.

  “Molly…you’re killing me. We can’t, Susan said dinner was almost ready before I came up here.”

  Suddenly I feel myself being moved off Ryan and rolled on to my side so we are facing each other again. Both of our chests are heaving up and down from where our hearts are racing in our chests.

  “It would have been quick,” I say, pouting and making him laugh.

  “That may well be true, but I’m not having all them listening when you scream my name. Plus, I want to take my time with you, not rush it.”

  I’m just about to respond when I hear Susan’s voice. “Molly, Ryan, dinner is ready.”

  “See,” Ryan says with a smirk as he gets up and adjusts himself in his jeans before heading towards the door.

  “Ry,” I say before he grabs the handle.

  “Yes, gorgeous.”

  “Thank you for coming back. I cannot begin to explain how much it means to me that you’re here. I take it your dad is okay?”

  “There isn’t anywhere I’d rather be, Molly. I felt like I’d left my heart behind leaving you here. Dad is going to be fine; he should be home in a couple of days. Now come on, I’m starving, I left before we went home for dinner.”

  “You left the hospital to come back?”

  “Yeah, I opened your presents and realised I needed to be with you, so I left and drove straight here. I hated ignoring your calls, but I wanted to surprise you,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along towards the stairs.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as we descend.

  I feel Ryan go to pull his hand from mine as we enter the Morrisons’ dining room, but I hold on tight and together we walk up to the table. All eyes turn our way.

  “Ah angel, you look so much better,” Susan comments when she sees me.

  “Thank you, I needed that.” I know I’m implying the sleep I had, but what I really needed was the person stood next to me. From the knowing smirks I get though, I’m guessing they know exactly what I actually meant.

  “I…uh…we…” I look up to Ryan and he just smiles back at me encouragingly, obviously seeing where I’m going. I take a deep breath and start again. “We have an announcement to make…” I look around at the faces of my adopted family looking back at me, and I can’t help but laugh when I look at Susan excitedly bouncing in her seat, “Ryan and I are together. I love him so much and I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy. I know that-”

  “Don’t even think about going there,” Susan interrupts. “We are all so happy for you both and we are ever so thankful that we don’t need to pretend we don’t know any more.” Susan gets up and comes to give us both a hug.

  “Sorry for keeping it from you guys, we just had to make sure it was right, you know?”

  “We all totally understand and are behind you both one hundred per cent,” Pete adds.

  “You guys are amazing. Thank you,” I say, starting to well up again.

  By the time we have had hugs off all the Morrisons, I’m a blubbering mess. I knew from what Susan had told me previously that they would support us, but for our relationship to be accepted instantly by all of them just blows me away. These guys really are something special.

  Emma is the last one to come over to me. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I ask.

  “Molly, I told you before. Yes, this is a little weird for me, and I can’t promise that I won’t find it hard at times, but I love you both and I’m here for you. Plus, anyone who can make you so happy just by showing his face is fine by me. You’ve looked so sad without him the last two days, kinda like a part of you was missing.”

  “Thank you, and that is exactly how I felt. Come on, let’s eat.” I grab Ryan’s hand again and we sit down together to enjoy our first Christmas as a couple.


  The drive back from Liverpool felt like it went on forever. Once I made the decision to go to Molly, my patience had vanished. I wanted to be there instantly. When my phone started ringing it took all my strength not to answer so I could hear her voice. I had already missed one call earlier when we were with Dad, and now this one. I really didn’t want her to think I was ignoring her, but I wouldn’t be able to keep my coming home a secret if I spoke to her, and I desperately wanted to surprise her.

  When I arrived at the Morrisons’, I found them all busying themselves in the kitchen getting dinner finished off. Not one of them looked surprised to see me when I walked in and greeted them.

  “Oh angel, you came back for her,” Susan whispered in my ear when she hugged me. “She’s missing you so badly.” I had to swallow a huge lump in my throat at the thought of her being miserable at Christmas because of me.

  “Where is she?” I ask when I can talk again.

  “She’s gone up for a lie down. I don’t think she slept a wink last night. She looked exhausted.”

  “Again. I’m really starting to get worried about her.”

  “She needs to get herself to the doctors, maybe have some blood tests to see if there is something wrong.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” I know how stubborn Molly can be, so me just suggesting she makes an appointment isn’t going to get her there anytime soon. “I’m going to go and see if she’s okay.”

  “Okay, she’s in the guest room. Dinner won’t be long, I’ll shout up.”

  “Thank you Susan.” I love how she hasn’t even batted an eyelid about having to feed me at late notice.

  I quietly walk up to the door where I know Molly is and slip inside so I don’t wake her if she is sleeping. Once the door is shut behind me, I lean back and take in her sleeping form under the covers. She is facing away from me so all I can see if the outline of her body and her dark hair on the pillow. I can hear her softly breathing. I’m just about to go over to her when she suddenly throws the covers off and rolls over to face me. My breath catches in my throat when I see that she has the bear I bought her cuddled tightly into her chest. After seeing her reaction to it in the toy shop a few weeks previously, I knew I had to go back and get it for her, and seeing how
today turned out, I think she needed him. I look up from the bear to her sleeping face. She looks perfect with her eye lashes brushing the tops of her cheek bones, her slightly flushed cheeks and full pink lips. Even the sight of her sleeping has my body ready and raring to go. I run my eyes down her body and notice that behind the bear she is wearing a stupid novelty Christmas jumper like the rest of the family downstairs, and dark skinny jeans, which do insane things for her legs. When I look back at her face, I see one dark chocolate eye looking back at me. I notice she isn’t really focusing so I presume she is still asleep, especially when she shuts it again, but to my surprise she then opens both. She has to blink a couple of times, but I know she has come around from the sparkle in the deep, rich colour.

  She makes me laugh when she asks me if she is dreaming, like she can’t believe that I am actually stood here. She looks so cute with a confused frown on her forehead and pillow creases on her cheeks where she has lifted her head up to have a good look at me. My temperature instantly increases as her eyes run over every inch of my body. She looks like she could devour me right here. My dick starts throbbing against the zip of my jeans when I see the heated look in her eyes.

  When I get over to the bed, she doesn’t waste much time before she is straddling me and pushing my self-control to its absolute limit. I know we can’t do anything because not only is everyone just downstairs, I know we are going to called down any minute, but it doesn’t stop my entire body aching with need for this woman, my woman. And from the way she starts rubbing her sex against me, I guess she is feeling the same way. I never thought one night away from someone could feel like forever.

  I was right; not long after, Susan called for us to come down. I hadn’t really thought about us telling the Morrisons today. I mean, I know that Molly planned to, but I was so focused on just getting to her that I’d totally forgot about it until I tried to pull my hand from hers as we entered the living room. All eyes instantly locked on to us and our intertwined fingers.

  The response we got from them all then Molly announced that we were together blew me away. Yes, they said they’d be behind us if something was to happen, but saying something and actually meaning it are two very different things, but the support they showed us was out of this world. And of course, just like my sisters, they all explained their delight at not having to hide that they already knew any longer. We really did a shit job at hiding it, didn’t we?

  We just get seated when Emma clears her throat at the other side of the table to Molly and I, making everyone look up. “Okay, so as we are making announcements I would like to say something.”

  We all wait with baited breath for what she is going to say. The silence as we wait is deafening. I cannot begin to imagine what is running through her head right now. Molly squeezes my hand tighter, showing me her apprehension of the situation.

  “So…” Emma begins, “I know you have all be worried about me these past few months and I am sorry that I have caused that, but I have been trying my hardest to deal with losing Hannah. I know you have all been wondering where I have been and what I have been doing, and I feel like I’m now at a point where I want to share with you and ask for some help with what I’ve been up to.”

  “Right, go on,” Susan encourages when Emma looks like she’s about to bolt from the room.

  “Okay so…it all started when I wanted somewhere quiet to go to think. I started going to the village Gran and Grandad used to live, and sitting down by the river. I used to spend hours there thinking about Hannah and everything we had done together. Eventually though, I ran out of thoughts, and once I got past the guilt of not being able to remember anything else, I started thinking about what could have been. All these thoughts just started flowing around in my head so one day I took my laptop with me and I started writing. So to cut a long story short…I’ve written a book about what Hannah’s life could have been like.”

  “Oh angel, that’s wonderful,” Susan says.

  “Now I need to make a huge apology. Ryan…I may have used a little creativity about the car crash and I’m sorry but it was you who died that night, and the story is about Hannah rebuilding her life and moving on.”

  The look on Emma’s face as she says this tells me all I need to know about how scared she has been to tell me this. Yes, okay, this is all come as a bit of a shock, but I think I understand. “Emma, it’s-”

  “No, let me finish please.” I nod at her to continue. “So as I said, I am sorry that I killed you. but I think you should be thanking me because it was writing about Hannah moving on and finding someone new that helped me understand what has been going on with you two, and how that it is what Hannah would want. She loved you both and would want you to be happy, and if that is together, then so be it. Giving her a new life, even if it is a fictional one, made me realise what you have been going though Ryan and you deserve every happiness you can get.”

  “Wow, I don’t know what to say, but yeah…thank you, I guess.”

  “Can I read it?” Molly chips in excitedly. I know she is as big a reader as Emma is, so I’m not surprised by her enthusiasm.

  “I was hoping you would. I’ve only just finished typing the story so it’s going to need quite a bit of editing. I can only imagine how many errors will be in it. But I was also hoping you’d help me with a cover design and with promotion when it’s done.”

  “Oh my God, of course I will,” Molly squeals as she gets up and runs around the table to hug Emma.

  A thought suddenly hits me. He may not thank me for it later, but I’m sure he’ll be willing to help. “I’ve got a mate who’s an English teacher; I’m sure he’d read it for you to help edit it.”

  “That would be amazing, thank you. And thank you all for understanding and being patient with me this year. I truly couldn’t have done it without you.”

  Everyone has just about finished consoling Emma, who seemed to be a bit overwhelmed after confessing what she’s been up to, when Dec pipes up. “While we are at it, I’ve got news too.”

  “Are we ever going to get to the turkey?” Dave complains light-heartedly.

  “Don’t worry old man, you’re not going to starve to death anytime soon,” Dec deadpans as he waves his hand in the direction of his dad’s rather round belly. “So, as you know, I like to make money,” this makes Lilly groan; she has witnessed her brother’s wheeling and dealing for years. I guess she is dreading what he is up to this time. “Thanks for the support, Lills! Anyway, I’ve started up my own surf school. Someone from uni introduced us to this little bay about an hour away from campus. It’s really up and coming with tourists and the surf is insane. So instead of working for the company that does lessons on the more popular beaches like I have been, I’ve set up on my own there. It’s early days but it seems to be doing well.”

  “My goodness, when did all our children become so successful?” Susan chimes in, looking like she could burst with pride.

  Eventually, there is enough of a break in the conversation that we can actually start dishing out the dinner. Thank God, I didn’t want to say anything because of all the revelations but I thought I was about to pass out! Dave makes a really touching speech for Hannah which has us all sobbing into our gravy, but soon the conversation resumes around Emma’s book and Dec’s business.

  “Lilly, have you go anything to announce while were here?” Dave asks.

  “Uh no, I don’t think so.”

  “What about that new boyfriend of yours? When do we get to meet him?” Susan has been trying to get an invite to meet this mysterious man of Lilly’s for a while now, but she keeps putting her off.

  “He’s not my boyfriend, Mum, we’re just…friends?” Lilly says but it comes out more like a question.

  “Hum,” Susan mumbles her disapproval quietly and the heat is soon taken off Lilly, much to her relief.

  Once we have finished eating, Susan gives us all jobs to help tidy up. Molly and I are doing the washing and drying of everything that won’t fit i
n the dishwasher.

  Everyone else who had jobs in the kitchen has now finished and left leaving us alone for the first time since we were upstairs. The electricity between us hasn’t lessened since we were on the spare bed a few hours ago. My body is still aching for her and every time she so much as brushes my skin, fireworks go off around my body. Molly is acting like everything is normal, but I can tell by her eyes that she is just as effected as I am. She is just as desperate as me for us to have some time alone.

  I just put the last tray away before coming up behind her at the sink and wrapping my arms around her waist. I feel her shiver when my breath whips past her ears and she leans back into my body, her arse lining up with my already hard dick. Just being in the same room as her has an effect on my body, and nothing I seem to do can stop my reaction to her. She obviously feels it too, because she starts rubbing against me.

  “We are not staying here tonight,” I practically growl in her ear.

  Her breath picks up and she shakes her head, “No, we are not.”

  “Okay so let’s finish up in here then go make our excuses. I want you alone and naked and neither of them are happening while we are under this roof. I think it’s time we celebrate Christmas our own way, don’t you, Molly?” I ask as I run my hands up her stomach and squeeze her breasts. The moan that comes from her almost makes me forget where we are. I continue teasing her and kissing down her neck, but we are soon interrupted.

  “Dude, seriously, just take her home already. We all know you don’t want to be here,” Dec says with a laugh.

  Molly is instantly out of my arms and looking panicked, “O-of course we want to be here,” she stutters.

  Dec comes over and wraps his arm around her shoulder, “I was joking, Molls. You two deserve some time alone today. Plus, with you gone I’m a dead cert for winning Monopoly.”

  “Declan Peter Morrison, who are you kidding? You whoop our arses every bloody time. Now get out the kitchen and leave them alone,” Lilly snaps as she grabs his arm and starts pulling him from the kitchen.


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