Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 98

by Tracy Lorraine

  I want to scream and stomp my feet like a toddler when the bouncer puts an end to our little moment. I shiver when Fin removes his body heat from me, even though the club is sweating hot in the middle of summer. I reluctantly follow him out of the club and climb in the taxi heading for home. Home alone.

  I know I pout all the way home; I can’t help it. All my plans have gone to shit, and it doesn’t help that I have to listen to all the lip smacking going on in the back seat. I’m sure if Fin wasn’t in the way that Ruben would be fucking that tramp on the backseat of the taxi. Fucking whore, my brother.

  I barely acknowledge Fin when he says goodbye. I’m too pissed off about how my night has ended. The taxi takes us home, and I have to stand and wait for Ruben to detach himself from the girl to open the door to his place. I’m seriously regretting telling Mum and Dad to lock up and that I’d stay in Ruben’s spare room tonight. I could really do without spending the next few hours listening to these two bumping uglies.

  I decide to forgo the date I’d planned with my vibrator. I’m too annoyed to bother. Instead, I peel my dress from my body, slip my nightie over my head and slide under the covers. I don’t even bother taking my make up off. It’ll have to wait until the morning. My head just hits the pillow when I hear something. Presuming it’s just noise from whatever is going on upstairs, I pull the duvet over my head and wait for sleep to take its hold.

  After a few seconds, I hear it again, and then again. Realising it’s coming from outside, I get out of bed and head to the window, thinking it’s an animal. We do live on farmland out in the country, after all.

  When I pull the curtain back, I can’t help the scream that falls from me.

  “You okay?” I hear shouted from outside the bedroom door.

  “Shit,” I mutter. Panicking, I shout back the first thing that pops into my head. “Yeah, just seen a spider.”

  “You want me to come and get it?” Ruben offers.

  “Na, I’m good. It’s…uh…dead?” I say, but it sounds like a question. What the fuck is he doing down here? He should be balls deep in his chosen one by now.

  “Okay, goodnight.”

  “Yeah, goodnight.”

  I go back over to the window and crack it open.

  “What?” I whisper.

  “Can I come in?” he asks, slightly out of breath.

  “Just go and knock the front door like a normal person. Ruben’s in the kitchen, he’ll let you in.”

  “I don’t want him to know I’m here.”

  My heart starts beating erratically in my chest at what he’s implying.

  “Uh, wait by the front door, and when it’s safe I’ll let you in.”

  Before heading out to the kitchen to see if Ruben has gone, I quickly look around the room. Noticing that I’ve left a messy pile of clothes on the floor, I grab them and place them on the chair. I pull down the cotton pair of knickers I put on to sleep in, and instead go to put my thong back on that I wore this evening. Much sexier. I have second thoughts, though. If Fin is here for the reason I think he is, then I’ll make life easy for him and give him easy access. I stuff the very unattractive cotton undies in my overnight bag, give myself a spray of perfume, and top up my lipstick. With a final look in the mirror, I head out to see if the coast is clear. I instantly know Ruben is safely upstairs because of the ungodly noises coming from his room. No little sister should have to listen to that! I love that I can’t even dance with a guy in front of Ruben, yet he’s perfectly okay with doing that with me in hearing distance. I can only hope that in a few minutes, my moans of pleasure will drown theirs out.

  I’ve barely got the latch pulled back before the front door is being pushed open and Fin is forcing his body inside. He closes it quietly before grabbing my hand and dragging me along behind him until we are inside my bedroom.

  Before I know what’s happening I’m backed up against the door and lifted. Fin’s hands are gripping my arse harshly, causing my legs to tighten around his waist. He has a predatory look in his eyes and it causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach and my core to flood with heat. He leans forward and my eyes flutter as I anticipate his kiss. It doesn’t come, though. Instead, I feel his hot breath at my ear.

  “This is for tonight only. If you can’t deal with that, then you need to tell me now, because once we start, I’m telling you that there is no way I’m going to be able to stop.”

  His deep, lust filled voice vibrates through my entire body. Everything in me knows this is such a bad idea, but I’m powerless to stop it.

  He pulls back slowly, I presume allowing me some time to think. As if I’m actually able to think around him! It’s bad enough when I’m in the same room as him, let alone being pinned up against a door by his hips. I’m engulfed by his scent and I can feel his thick length against my pulsing core.

  Does he really think I’d be able to say no right now?

  He’s obviously got more control than I have, if he thinks he could walk away now if I were to say no.

  As soon as his lips enter my vision, I slam mine against them.

  “Fuck,” he mutters in shock, giving me the opening I need.

  When he feels my tongue against his, he growls into my mouth and squeezes my arse even harder, making me moan loudly.

  “Quiet. Ruben,” he warns.

  Shit, I really need to get control of myself. This is not going to end the same way as last time. I intend for Fin to get out of here in one piece, and if that means I need to bite my tongue, then that’s what I’ll do.

  “Fuck. You have no idea how badly I want you,” he groans.

  I roll my hips to try to show him that the feeling is definitely mutual. The sensation makes him growl again before we’re on the move. He doesn’t take his lips from mine the entire time.

  I expect him to lower me gently to the bed, so I yelp in surprise when I’m dropped.

  “Shhh,” he chastises me again. “I would like to get out of this without a broken nose.”

  I go to respond, but Fin folds himself over me and starts kissing my neck. I lift my hands to his shirt and try to focus on unbuttoning it. I fumble around with the top few buttons, but my shaking hands struggle with the tiny bits of plastic. I give up altogether when Fin moves down my body and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth through the satin of my nightie.

  “Shit, fuck, Fin,” I groan, as my back arches off the bed as I offer more of myself up to him.

  He moves over to pay the other nipple the same attention, before lowering himself to his knees on the floor. He grabs hold of my ankle before running kisses from the sole of my foot, up to my knee. When he can’t go any higher, he places his hands behind both of my knees and forcefully tugs so my arse is just hanging off the bed. The movement causes my nightie to rise up around my waist, exposing me fully to him. As I was planning on getting lucky tonight, I took myself off to the salon yesterday and got waxed from head to toe in preparation. The look on Fin’s face right now tells me that the pain was worth it. Shit, I’d do it every day to put that look of admiration on his face.

  “Ahhh, fucking heaven,” he says, before continuing his kisses up my thighs. My entire body tenses as he gets close to my core. I need his touch more than my next breath at this point. My breathing is so erratic that I should be embarrassed that I’m panting like a starved whore, but I couldn’t care less.

  The first swipe of his tongue makes me buck off the bed. He didn’t do this last time, so I have only been able to imagine how it feels. The real thing is so much better than my imagination. I shamelessly tilt my hips to give him better access, my body craving more. Craving everything he’ll give me. If this is a one-night thing like he promised, then I need to make the most of everything. Because tomorrow, when I’m no doubt left heartbroken that it’s over, I’ll need to remember every moment and every touch.

  I reach down and thread my fingers through his hair so I can hold him in place. I don’t ever want him to stop what he’s doing.

  I f
eel his tongue move down from my clit. When I feel him push inside me, a loud, involuntary groan escapes my mouth. Fin tries to move his head back, I guess to tell me to be quiet, but I clench my hands in his hair to make him stay put. I feel his body shake with a laugh.

  He continues his delicious torture with his tongue, and he must feel my body shaking, ready for its release, because I feel him move slightly before the palm of his hand is pressed against my mouth. I don’t get to be grateful for the move, because one more flick of his talented tongue sends me over the edge and I scream into his hand as my body pulsates.

  Fuck me, I’ve never felt anything like that before. Part of me wonders why I’ve waited so long to experience this again, but I know it’s pointless thinking about it, because it’s clear as day that I was holding out hope that I would get another chance to experience it with Fin. And am I glad I waited!

  Apparently, I moved my hands from his hair with my orgasm, allowing Fin to move. I feel him shift and he starts placing kisses up my stomach, lifting the satin higher with his nose as he goes.

  The higher he gets, the louder his muttering gets, and I begin to work out what it is he is saying. “I shouldn’t be doing this but fuck, I can’t fucking stop. So sweet, you taste so fucking sweet. Never want to stop, want to do this forever. Waited so long for this.” His words make my heart race. Knowing he wants me as much as I still want him gives me false hope. I try not to let myself believe this could be something, because the rational side of me knows that will never happen.

  His mouth eventually finds my nipples, and he begins teasing me with his tongue and lips until I’m begging for more.

  “Fin, come on, I need more. Please,” I pant, as he continues sucking my tips deep into his mouth.

  Getting frustrated, I lift my arms up and pull my bunched up nightie over my head and throw it across the room. I go to make a second attempt at Fin’s shirt, but when he feels me touch him, he jumps back like he’s been burned.

  Panic washes through me that he’s going to put a stop to this. He can’t leave me like this, surely?

  I prop myself up on my elbows and look up to him. His hair is sticking up in all directions from where I had my hands in it. His usually light blue eyes are looking dark and dangerous, and they send a shiver through me as soon as I lock on to them. Our eye contact holds for long seconds, and the longer we are both stock still staring at each other, the more I start to wish I could read his mind.

  “What are you-?”

  “Don’t,” he interrupts.

  I snap my mouth shut at his demand, more confused than before. I continue to watch as his eyes leave mine and begin to run down my body. I feel my skin heat as his gaze licks over me.

  “Fuck, Connie. This is wrong, we shouldn’t be doing this. If he finds out…” he doesn’t finish this sentence. He doesn’t need to, because we are both well aware what would happen.

  “Don’t back down now, please,” I’m not even ashamed that I’m lying completely bare, begging for him not to leave. And I don’t even think twice before sitting up so I’m now resting back on my hands and bending my knees and opening my legs slightly. The move has the desired effect, because I watch as his eyes lower and he swallows hard.

  “Oh, don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere,” he growls, before pulling his shirt up and over his head, toeing off his shoes and dropping his trousers and boxers.

  Now it’s my turn to stare. He’s only got bigger in the five years since we were together before. His body, shit, it’s every woman’s fantasy. It’s his chest, though, that really gets my blood pumping. I want to sink my teeth into his pects.

  He doesn’t allow me any more time to think, because he is moving and pushing me down, then lining his body up against mine. His mouth takes mine with a hunger I can’t even describe, and his hands grab on to every bit of my body he can reach.

  I’m on the verge of screaming at him to get a move on when he suddenly sits himself up between my knees. I watch him go to lean over the bed, I presume to get his trousers, when his eyes go wide.


  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “I haven’t got any condoms, fuck.”

  Shit. My hands slide off his thighs in disappointment, and my heart drops when I feel him begin to move.

  I make a snap decision that I might live to regret, but I don’t care in the moment.

  “It’s okay, I’m on the pill and I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since-” The look on Fin’s face stops me in my tracks.

  “You…you haven’t. Fuck.” I watch as he lifts his hands to his hair and tugs while looking down at me like he wants to devour me.

  “Fin, I…WHOA!” I shout as he suddenly thrusts into me.

  His hands grab on to my hips and he lifts me slightly as he increases his tempo.

  “Oh shit,” I groan out, and he hits somewhere seriously deep inside me.

  My ankles link up behind his back at the same time he grabs my wrists and holds them together in one hand above my head. We move together in perfect harmony, our bodies moulding together perfectly.

  Fin moves his free hand down to my clit, and the sensation of that combined with his cock has my back arching off the bed in pleasure.

  “Come around my cock, Connie. I need to feel you,” he rumbles into my ear quietly. That, combined with another flick of my clit, has the desired effect, and my muscles contract tightly around him as my orgasm rushes through me.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Fin repeats in my ear before he moans loudly then latches on to my neck as he reaches his climax.

  I can’t describe how I feel in that moment with Fin twitching and spilling himself inside me. I feel more content and at home than I think I ever have in my life. This is exactly where I’m meant to be.

  The feeling is short lived, though, because all too soon, Fin is pulling out of me and looking unsure of himself.


  I’m pulled from my thoughts of that night as another wave of nausea washes over me. Thankfully, my morning sickness has reduced so that it is just in the mornings now. I had no idea I was pregnant until I started throwing up at all times of the day. I first thought I had a stomach bug, but when it didn’t stop after a couple of days, I started to get suspicious. I was too scared to take a test and have it confirmed, though. I just knew it was going to be a disaster with Fin and Ruben, so I kept it secret from everyone and tried to pretend like everything was normal. I guess I was hoping for some inspiration as to how to deal with the whole thing, but of course that didn’t happen. All that I achieved was to hide the fact I felt and looked like shit from everyone so they didn’t start questioning me.

  I drop down on to my knees and heave into the toilet while dreading going to work. The smell of coffee, yuck! I really need to come up with a plan for work if I’m having a baby.


  I’ve been hard since thinking about Connie’s birthday night five years ago. That night was unbelievable. It was like we were making up for all the time we’d kept away from each other since that first time.

  Five years ago…

  That was the most amazing few minutes and the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. I pull out of Connie and get up off the bed. I stand, staring at her, wondering what the hell I just did. I’ve spent the best part of five years trying to keep my distance from her, and now I’ve gone and ruined the little bit of progress I had made trying to forget her. I’ve caved to my need for her, and now I’m going to have to leave her again. I can tell by the way that she’s looking at me that it’s going to hurt her just as much as it’s going to hurt me when I walk away. There is no other choice, though; Ruben won’t accept us. The Fosters are my family. This can’t happen.

  “Fin?” she questions. I don’t answer though, just continue staring at her as if she might disappear at any moment. “You said that is for tonight only, right?”

  I nod.

  “Well, it’s still early, so I suggest we make the most of it,”
she says, looking slightly embarrassed.

  It’s all I need to hear. I reach out, grab her ankles and pull her down the bed. Once I can reach her hips, I hold tightly and flip her over so she is on all fours. I waste no time in lining myself up and sliding slowly back into her. Feeling what I left of myself in her only a few minutes ago makes me want to punch my chest like a caveman. I allow myself to believe for a few moments that this amazing woman is mine. I can’t allow the feeling to take hold, though, because I know how much it’ll hurt once tonight is over, and I know it’s not the case.

  Some movement outside the bedroom door catches my attention, but not enough to stop what I’m doing. Instead, I gip Connie’s hips a little tighter so I can get even deeper inside of her. It obviously works, because she lets out a load groan.

  “Shhh, baby.”

  She turns and looks back at me. The sight of her shining dark eyes and flushed cheeks makes my heart hurt a little. She holds my eye contact for a few seconds before reaching out to grab a pillow so she can shove her face in it.

  Another noise from outside distracts me, but I’m soon pulled back to the job in hand, because Connie starts contracting around me and screaming what I can only presume is my name in to the pillow she has practically wrapped around her face.

  “Connie…are you okay?” Ruben shouts through the door.

  “Shit,” I hear her mutter as he lifts herself up. “Yeah.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I just…uh…stubbed my toe.” As she says this, she turns back to look at me as if looking for help. I’m not sure there is anything I can do to help right now. I’m stood at the end of her bed with my hard cock still inside of her. The only thing that doesn’t need to happen right now is for Ruben to come in. If that happens, then I am well untruly fucked. As in, there is a good chance I wouldn’t see another day, and Ruben would find himself in prison, kind of fucked.


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