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Scarred Cliff Volume 2

Page 9

by Skylar Heart

  “Hey.” She laughs. “Don’t thank me just yet. This room is a mess and it needs a lot of work before she can sleep here safely.”

  “And the window needs to be fixed and I’m not sure the heating works in that room. But I don’t care. I love it already, because it comes from you.” I kiss the top of her head, and look down at her, at her shining eyes, at her big smile. “I love you.”

  She starts to blush deeply, her eyes darting away. “I love you too.”

  I tip her head up a little and give her a slow kiss. Just my lips to hers, a slight pressure, revelling in the feeling of having her here, this bright feeling inside me.

  She makes me happy. Being here makes me happy, and I can’t argue with that. I can’t argue with happiness. It’s been gone from my life for much too long, so I’m not going to question it now that it’s back. Not when it’s so warm and wholesome, when it feels so good.

  I’m not going to question happiness, even if it comes in unconventional forms.



  Well, that was awkward. Really awkward... I never thought I’d feel this uncomfortable meeting the parents of one of the other guys, but, of course, being caught as you’re making out with a girl, and together with another guy... Yeah, that’s going to be uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

  In the chat after, I noticed that while Tom has been really vocal about what he wants to do when it comes to us, he’s not sharing those plans with his mum. Maybe because he thinks she isn’t ready, or maybe because he isn’t ready himself. I don’t know, but it was interesting to watch.

  And why did Mal have to start joking about ‘teaching me things’ about living together? It’s not like he has much experience with living together with people in a single place, he’s always been on the move.

  But, I guess I am the one with the least experience when it comes to living together with others, or even having much experience with being around the same people all the time. I’ve never lived together with anyone, not since I left my parents’ place, and they don’t really count. But I didn’t really need a reminder of it. I didn’t really need to remember that I’m usually on my own.

  These last weeks have been the longest I’ve not been on my own in basically ever, and I’m not sure that I care to get back to being alone all the time. I don’t think I want to, but I also don’t know if I won’t get really annoyed with always having people around me in a couple more weeks. Since I have no previous experience, I have no idea how things will be once the novelty of it has worn off.

  I swap laundry from the washing machine to the dryer and then look at everything that’s stacked in this room. If we’re all going to be living here full-time, I think we may have to redo some of the things in here, especially making a couple more shelves and such to store items, and probably making a dedicated place to put dirty boots and jackets, which are now just thrown to the side.

  On the one hand, I like thinking about staying here and not leaving any time soon, coming up with ways to make living here easier. But on the other hand, I don’t know if I can do that, not just with my personality, but also with work and all those things. I’ve barely spent any time on my research in the last week, my head too wrapped up in everything else, and going back and forth to the city all the time is also a chore that I’m not sure will be worth it.

  The door to the hallway opens and Mia steps inside, looking at me, her eyes soft and sweet. “Hey...” She comes over and I take her in my arms. “Are you okay? You looked a little spooked with Tom’s mum here.”

  I nuzzle her head, smiling a little. “I’m okay. I promise. Just didn’t expect this to happen. And I... I hadn’t really thought about explaining this, our situation, to other people.”

  “I know. I just tried not to think about it when I was at home. But, yeah, it’s not like we’ve got examples of how to pull this off, how to tell people. Or how to do silly things like bills... I don’t know.” She tightens her arms around me for a moment.

  “Mia...” I put my head against her shoulder, not sure I can look at anyone right now. “I love you.” I don’t think I’ve ever told her those words like this, out in the open, baring my heart. “I’ve always loved you.” For as long as I can remember. I don’t have memories of her where I didn’t already love her.

  “I know.” Her voice is soft and I still, not sure about her words. “I found a picture of us from right after Oliver’s birth, and I realised that I’ve always been so blind, that I never looked at you properly, that I never even let myself go there in my mind.”

  “Why?” Why does she sound so sad?

  “Because I never thought that I had a chance. I was a mess and you were this sweet guy who always cared about people, who always looked out for others, who was always there for me. Before Oliver, I didn’t dare to think about you like that because I didn’t want to lose you, I didn’t want to lose my best friend. After Oliver, I couldn’t let myself go there because I didn’t believe that I deserved you. I messed everything up, so how could I take up even more of your life after that?” But she doesn’t let me go, no matter how sad she sounds, she doesn’t let me go. I’ve heard these words so many times, but it feels different this time.

  “And now?”

  “I... I love you too. I...” Her voice wobbles, and my heart beats so fast that it feels like it’s trying to break from my chest. “Please, don’t leave. I need you, always.”

  I nod against her shoulder, pulling her against me as tightly as I can. “I won’t leave. I won’t.” She loves me too. She loves me.

  But why am I still scared? Why am I still scared about our future when I should feel the happiest I’ve ever been?

  I love her. She loves me. This is supposed to be the best feeling in the world, so why is everything still so scary?

  “Have you heard from your parents yet?” Mal is sitting in the big comfy chair and I’m leaning against his legs as we’re all watching some mindless program on TV.

  Mia is nestled between Dylan and Tom on the couch, and Dylan is giving Mal an angry look, but Mia simply shakes her head. “Not yet.”

  Dylan’s glare gets worse. “Don’t you think that’s a little too soon to ask? It’s only been a day since we talked to them.”

  “I know. I know.” Mal moves a little, his fingers sliding along the back of my neck, sending delicious shivers through my body. “I was just wondering, you know, with the house and all... And if we’re going to stay here, and...”

  “Don’t worry.” I reach up, taking his hand, holding him. “We can still fix the house up and make some adjustments to it, even if they’re going to sell it. No offence to your grandma, Mia, but this place is in desperate need of some updating.” Especially when it comes to storage space for more than a single person living here at a time.

  “I know.” She smiles a little. “I was thinking that we could maybe start on that tomorrow? See what things we desperately need to do. Tom and I started cleaning out one of the rooms upstairs today and while many things need to be thrown out, and there are things we can sell off, the room is actually pretty good and I didn’t realise it had built-in closets with loads of space. I never really went into that room, so I’d totally forgotten how it was laid out.”

  “What about sleeping arrangements?” I remember Tom designing a huge bed for her, and I give him a pointed look, but he quickly glances away.

  “We can probably move some of the things around in the room we’re sleeping in right now, make some extra space, and also put a bed for Elly in the other room, once we’ve cleaned it.” He shrugs, but I can still see the way his cheeks are reddening slightly. So, he does know what I meant with my look.

  I’m going to have to ask him about the bed later. His idea was pretty good and interesting, and it would give us an actual bed instead of just mattresses on the floor... But if we’re not staying here, then building something big like that may be more of a hassle than it will be worth to take it apart and move it to a different house dow
n the line.

  “Oh.” Dylan looks around. “If we need closets and things like that, I can pick them up from my place. I’ve got them anyway and I’m not using them much right now.”

  Mia gives him a look and he shrugs, raising an eyebrow. “I’m not sure those fit in with the aesthetics of this place, you know?”

  “Ah.” He lets out a slight laugh. “True... Forgot about that bit. They could work short-term though, if we need them. But, yeah, maybe not for long, if we want something that matches this place.”

  Behind me, Mal moves his fingers over my hand and then down my wrist, before he slides them in the hair at the back of my neck again. Hmmm, seems the guy is getting distracted.

  After our night with Mia, we’ve not kissed or done anything like that since then. I don’t know, at first, it felt weird, and then I wasn’t so sure if he was still interested, especially since he made up with Dylan and I have no idea where I fit in within their relationship or connection.

  But I’m pretty sure these are advances, this isn’t just him needing to always move or play with things, though I guess that is partially what he’s doing too.

  Now to know what to do, because my cock is definitely getting interested in the idea of getting him undressed. But I’m not so sure if quickly sneaking out of here to fuck him would go over well with the others...

  We’ve got to come up with a new system and rules, because this is a little frustrating. Like, when is it okay to drag someone off to fuck them, and when would it be better to let the others know first, in case they want to join in too...

  I get up, stretching my legs as I’m willing my dick to go down, trying not to be too obvious. “I’ll be right back. Going for a smoke.” And I walk out of the room.

  That way at least the temptation will go down a little, and so will the awkwardness of sitting in that room with a raging hardon.

  For now.



  I look after Jake as he leaves the room, and then I glance at Mal, who is smirking. What were those two up to? What did I miss there? Mal definitely looks way too satisfied like that.

  “Mal...” Dylan’s voice rumbles as Mal is about to get out of the chair, probably to follow Jake.

  “Yeah?” Mal tries to hide his grin, but he looks a little like the Cheshire cat, up to no good.

  “Elly is asleep in the room behind here, just keep that in mind, will you?”

  I look at Dylan, only then realising what’s going on. Oh! For fuck’s sake, how did I miss that? Of course. Because what else would those two be up to?

  “We’ll be quiet.” Mal winks and then follows Jake, closing the door behind him.

  “Are you okay with that?” I turn to Dylan more, not sure if things won’t get all awkward again soon. “With them? Them doing things together?”

  He shrugs, seemingly calm. “I’m not going to stop him. Jake may not be my type, but he’s definitely Mal’s type. I’m good.”

  I take his hand, trying to figure out how he’s really feeling about it. Sure, I like it when my guys have some fun together, especially because it’s another way to make their relationships stronger, but I already share my love between the four of them, Dylan has a much deeper connection with Mal. And the last time Jake and Mal did things together, Dylan got pretty upset.

  Dylan softly smiles, squeezing my hand a little. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to get upset and angry with them, or with you. Last time, I was angry not about what had happened, but I was angry with myself. Jake had made a move I was too scared to make. He reminded me that I couldn’t stand still all the time, that I had to keep moving, or I’d lose you all.” He raises our hands and then kisses the top of it, keeping his eyes on mine. “I love you. I love Mal. My love does not require exclusivity, it just requires acceptance and love. Their relationship doesn’t lessen the relationship I have with Mal, just like their relationship with you doesn’t lessen my relationship with you.”

  I nod, a lump forming in my throat. “I... I wouldn’t like it if you’d find someone outside of ‘us’, though. Your love for Mal is important and I will never get in the way of that. But I don’t think I could handle it if you did something with someone else, someone not ‘us’.”

  He gives me a slow smile. “I agree. I’m totally on board with that.”

  He pulls me onto his lap, starting to grin, and I quickly stop the surprised sound that tries to escape me. I don’t want to wake Elly up.

  “I’m totally fine sharing you, as long as it’s just with these three guys.” Then, before I can say anything, he leans forward and starts kissing me.

  Hmmm. I’ve missed his kisses. I really like his kisses, and I’ve totally missed them. I push closer to him and his kisses get bolder, his hands sliding under my shirt, touching my bare back.

  Then the couch dips and we slide to the side a little and Tom is there too, looking at me with intense eyes. “Make sure to keep it quiet, Elly is asleep, like Dylan just reminded Mal of.” He comes closer and I start kissing him too. Tom is harder, a little rougher, but also strong and he makes everything inside me heat up, my pussy clenching.

  Fuck. I want to fuck one of them. I really want all of them with me and I want at least one of them inside me. It’s been too long, and I really need them, I need all of them.

  Breaking Tom’s kiss, I put my hand on his chest, his heartbeat fast and strong under my touch. “Does anyone have condoms with them?” Since we didn’t have any last time.

  Tom’s laugh rumbles in his chest. “I think Mal bought some last week.”

  “I have some.” Jake is standing in the doorway, grinning. I hadn’t even realised he’d come back. “They’re upstairs, though...”

  Dylan lets out a soft laugh. “Sounds like we have to change locations.” He lifts me with him as he gets off the couch, and his dick pushes against my hip as he holds me close. Hmmm. Yeah, it’s definitely been far too long.

  Tom bows his head, his eyes uncertain. “I’m just going to check on Elly, I’ll be right up.”

  I reach out to him, touching his hand for a moment, and he gives me a soft smile.

  “I’m okay. I just need to make sure we won’t be disturbed.”

  I nod as Dylan and Jake pull me out of the living room, towards the stairs, where Mal is already waiting for us, grinning at Jake. “I see you brought company.”

  “The offer was too tempting, everyone wanted in on it.” Jake takes Mal’s hand too and then I see a look pass between Mal and Dylan, before both of them smile. Yeah, they’ll be fine. Probably. Hopefully.

  As I walk up the stairs, I glance back at Tom, who’s still standing in the doorway, trying to give me his best smile. I can imagine this may be a little strange for him, or even scary. I don’t think he’s dated anyone since he lost Poppy, and with Elly in the same house, his constant reminder of the love he lost...

  Dylan kisses my shoulder, slowly letting out a deep breath. “He’ll be right with us. He’ll be okay. I promise.”

  Then we reach the top of the stairs and we stumble into the bedroom as quietly as we can. We really do need better sleeping arrangements, if possible... Because the mattresses won’t do for much longer, especially if we want proper nights’ sleep, or just enough space to have a big orgy or whatever.

  It’s so fun to watch Jake and Mal tease each other as they’re undressing the other, while Dylan is holding me close, his hands wandering over me, touching me, kissing my neck and shoulders. Hmmm, this is a good place to be, a really good place to be able to see everything going on.

  Dylan’s hand slides up my shirt, splaying his fingers against my belly. “You’re so warm,” he murmurs against my neck as he kisses me, his lips pressing against my skin.

  “You’re supposed to say ‘hot’.” My laugh is all breathy and he lets out a low chuckle.

  “That too, but that was never in question.” He pulls me with him to the mattresses, sitting down on them, giving us a great view of the other two guys.
  They’ve both got their shirts off and Jake is tracing some of Mal’s tattoos with his fingers as Mal is trying, and failing, to undo Jake’s jeans.

  Mal hooks his fingers through the loops on Jake’s jeans and pulls him closer. “Less staring, more touching.” Then he does manage to open Jake’s jeans, letting out a triumphant sound and I can’t help laughing at that.

  Dylan’s hand slides up more, covering my bra with one hand, squeezing a little. “Hmmm, I think I’m going to have to undo some of this, or I can’t get to these lovely globes.”

  At the door, Tom bursts out laughing as he stares at Dylan and me. “I’ve not tried to impress a girl in years, but even I know that ‘globes’ is not a sexy word.” He closes the door behind him and immediately takes his shirt off, before joining Dylan and me on the bed. “Come here.” He pulls me into his lap and immediately starts tugging at my shirt, trying to get it off. As soon as he’s got the bottom of my shirt up far enough to expose my chest and bra, he leaves it at that, keeping me stuck with my arms over my head as he starts kissing my boobs right above the edge of my bra, sending electricity through my body, his cold fingers sliding along the bottom of the cups.

  This is... Not much better, and I hear Dylan murmur something like that as he helps me take my shirt off fully.

  “What?” Tom’s amused voice vibrates against my skin, making me all hot. “I hadn’t realised you wanted it off.” He pulls one of the cups of my bra down, licking over my nipple, which immediately pebbles as it gets cold as soon as the air hits it. I push my chest his way, trying to make him do it again, but he instead pulls the other cup down and does the same to that nipple.

  I want more, I want more than some teasing...

  I reach out, running my hands over his chest, down to his jeans. If I can’t make him move faster, I can move faster myself.


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