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Secured Heart

Page 19

by Measha Stone

  Kendrick paused in the doorway, just out of sight, so he could drink her in without interrupting her. He listened to her humming ,and his cheeks strained from the large grin he wore when he realized the tune she was performing was from the latest Disney hit. She must have caught a glimpse of him because she stopped her musical debut and leaned to the side to see the doorway better.

  “Kendrick?” She put her hands on her hips. “Were you watching me?” she accused when he stepped into the room.

  He pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She hugged him back, and all the tension he felt in her muscles relaxed.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you.” He kissed her again and let her go. “You didn’t have to cook,” he said as he peeked into the pot.

  “I know you didn’t tell me to, but you are always cooking for me, so I thought I’d give it a go for you.” She put the lid back on the boiling potatoes and shooed him away to open the oven. “Roasted chicken.” She smiled up from the open oven door.

  “I didn’t know you cooked,” he admitted, taking a step back to admire her bare backside as she went about cutting vegetables for what looked like a salad.

  The plump round cheeks of her ass were begging to be spanked and kissed and bit. He adjusted his stance as his dick began to react to her body.

  “How did you think I ate?” She laughed over the chopped lettuce. “Did you think I ordered out every night?”

  “It’s just you never tried to take over when you’re here.” He moved to stand beside her, trying to distract his view from her ample ass. The front view he had while leaning against the counter wasn’t much of a distraction from his want of her body. Her tits slid under the apron making her nipples hard. His lips wanted to curl around them. His tongue wanted to flick the hard nubs, and his hands wanted to pinch and pull them.

  “This is your kitchen.” She shrugged as if that statement answered everything. “Since you were working late and I got here earlier than I thought, I figured I’d make dinner.” She gave him a sideways glance. “And I had a craving for mashed potatoes and chicken,” she admitted.

  “Ahh, I see.” He crossed his arms over his chest, willing his eyes to focus on her cooking and not the tempting body she showcased. “How long do you think until it’s all done? I might grab a shower.” He reached out and took her exposed nipple between his fingers, rolling it.

  Her eyes shot up to meet his, but she made no move to stop him. She merely swallowed and shifted her position to give him more access. “Twenty minutes or so. The chicken’s just about done. It just needs to rest before I carve it.”

  He watched her lips move as she spoke and fought the urge to kiss her. If his lips touched her, he may never be able to pull away. “Okay. I’ll be back.” He gave her ass a sharp pinch as he passed and basked in the soft yelp that escaped her.

  The hot shower did wonders for the tension in his shoulders. He’d spent most of the time with his new client hoisting himself up into small crevices in the ceiling panels. It was one of the jobs that made him glad to be the boss and not the workers. He only had to look at the job and put in the bid; his crew would be the ones crawling around doing the installation.

  Once dressed in jeans and an old beat-up T-shirt, he made his way to the kitchen. Kelly had already plated up their dinners and had the table set. He wondered why she hadn’t set everything up in the dining room, but was glad that she hadn’t. He had plans for the dining room, and it didn’t include roasted chicken.

  They ate their meal as any other couple might. Small talk about their day. Kelly vented about a student who was getting under her skin, despite her best efforts to ignore his blatant ignorance. “I mean, I know he’s not stupid, but damn, he is just so dumb.” She waved her hand in the air as though to beg for mercy from a higher power.

  He shook his head and laughed. “Isn’t it your job to teach him?” Kendrick asked as he swiped her plate from the table and took the dirty dishes to the sink.

  “Well, yeah, but he refuses to try. He’s a liberal arts major, so I know chemistry isn’t exactly his thing. I get that, but if he would just try, he might actually learn something, and then he wouldn’t come begging for extra credit reports to bring his grade up.” Kelly brought their water glasses to the sink and poured them out.

  “Won’t the reports help him learn, too?” Kendrick dried his hands on a towel.

  “Maybe. I don’t know. Papers are easy for him. Getting the science down, that’s the hard part. He’s just skating by if I let him do the papers.” She placed the glasses down in the sink and looked up at him.

  “What?” she asked when he openly stared down at her.

  It was so easy with her, to have a casual conversation. She was naked, bared skin for him because he had commanded it. At no time did she complain that she was chilled, and by the look of the bumps on her arms, she was. He knew that if he had directed her to kneel for dinner, she would have. If he had told her to sit in the corner while he sat the table, she wouldn’t have said no. Their roles didn’t get in the way of their casual time; they enhanced it.

  “Nothing.” He shook his head and kissed her cheek. “Dinner was fantastic. I haven’t had mashed potatoes in a long time.” His fingers found the band that held her thick bun in place and worked to remove it from her hair. It took both of his hands because of the weight of her curls, but he managed it. The curls fell down her back, thick lush hair spilling the scent of her honey shampoo into the room.

  She remained still as he ran his fingers through the mass of curls. Distributing hair across her shoulders, he moved his attention to the strings of the apron. With one pull of the tie, the straps of the top came loose. He did the same to the bow at the small of her back. The apron slid down her body and pooled at the floor. Neither made a move to pick it up.

  With his hands on her shoulders, he turned her to face him. Her eyes were large, pupils dilated already, and her nipples peaked with arousal.

  “I’ve wanted to do this since I got home,” he whispered and lowered his head to her chest. He lifted one breast to his mouth and took her nipple between his teeth. Her heavy sigh drove him to continue, and he began to flick the taut nipple with his tongue, taking long licks. He held onto her breast with one hand, while he turned his attention to the other.

  “Are you wet for me?” he asked, looking up at her while dragging his forefinger down her body, past her belly and into the folds of her heat. He grinned at the warmth of her pussy. “So hot already and we’ve only started.” He pulled away from her and stood at full height. He brought his finger, glistening with her juices, to her lips.

  “Had you ever tasted yourself before that night at the club?” he asked.

  “No.” She answered, keeping her eyes on his finger.

  “You’ve never played with your tits. You’ve never tasted yourself? Hmm…how can a woman so fucking wild in bed be such a prude when she’s alone.” He pushed the finger past her lips.

  “Lick,” he ordered, and she obeyed sweetly, her tongue lapping all of her wetness from his finger.

  “Come.” He quickly grabbed her at the base of her neck, wrapping her hair around his hand and led her through the kitchen and into the dining room.

  “Your ass is entirely too cold.” He smiled down at her once they reached the large dining room table. “What do you think we should do about that?”

  She looked up at him, her head being held back by her hair. There was no fear in her expression, only the glossy look of arousal. “Would you like to spank me?” she asked. The words were formed in a question about his wants, but they both knew she was asking for her own wants to be fulfilled. Lucky for her, he wanted the same thing

  “Excellent idea.” He pushed her down on the table until her left cheek met the cool tabletop.

  Her hands flew to the surface, and she braced herself. He kicked her feet out until they were spread out further, and she wouldn’t be able to clench her cheeks so easily. With no delay, he began to
rain his hand down on her bare ass. He covered every inch of her plump backside and reveled in the beautiful way each cheek bounced from the impact.

  He kept the force of the blows light, and she moaned pleasurable sounds as he intensified the spanking. The tops of her thighs weren’t ignored, nor was any part of her ass. She was warm and red and arching her back to give him more of her ass. He couldn’t have asked for more.

  “Now.” He stopped the spanking as abruptly as he had begun it and dragged her back to standing.

  Her face was flush, her breathing heavy, and her eyes wide with desire.

  “Go into that top drawer on the china cabinet and bring me the four bundles of rope.”

  His eyes wandered down the slenderness of her back to the round, now rosy colored back side. His cock was ready, but he made no move to unzip his jeans. As much as he wanted to toss her facedown over the table and take her, he had other plans first.

  She brought the rope to him, laid gently over both her upturned palms. Her eyes conveyed complete trust in him. There didn’t seem to be a sliver of worry hiding there.

  “Lay on the table, face up.”

  She nodded and slid onto the table, scooting to the middle, laying out vertically. Her feet were pressed together, and her hands rested at her sides.

  He grinned down at her. “Were you late for your class this morning?” he asked as he trailed a finger from her knee to her ankle, grabbing the ankle he wrapped the rope around it several times, making a slip knot and securing the rope to the leg of the table.

  “No, I managed to get there just in time,” she answered, keeping her eyes focused on the ceiling.

  He moved to her other leg. “Cab driver went pretty fast?” he questioned as he secured her second ankle to the table. He had a good view of her pussy with her in such a position. The moisture of her arousal glistened from the rays of light hitting her from the hanging lamp over the table.

  She giggled softly as he wrapped his fingers around her wrist.

  He paused and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “I got lucky. He was halfway to the school when he got a call. His wife apparently had gone into labor.” She bit her lip trying to muffle her laughter. “So he flew through traffic to get me to school, so he could meet her at the hospital.”

  Kendrick couldn’t help but give a short laugh, too. Then he went back to his task of securing both of her wrists to the table. When he was satisfied with the last knot, he stood up to inspect his work.

  She was beautiful. Spread open, giving him access to her pussy, her tits, even her ass if he wanted to fuck her there. Just the thought made his dick pulsate in his pants. His erection was painful, but he wasn’t going to give in to his desires just yet.

  “So this morning…” He turned his back to open the lower drawer in the cabinet. His short black leather flogger had been placed there after she’d headed to work. He pulled it out and ran the thick, leather falls through his hand, turning to face her. “You had a few comments about my driving. Remind me what they were.”

  “All I said was you had a reasonable car and drove at a respectable speed. How can that be bad?” she asked with a hint of humor in her tone.

  He draped the flogger over her breasts, the falls cascading around the generous mounds, and placed a hand on each side of her face, leaning down to her whisper in her ear. “Let’s see how respectable of a speed you can stand.”

  He brushed his lips against her earlobe, picked up his toy, and stood beside her. “If you knew how hot you look like this and how hard my cock was right now, you would better understand the restraint it takes to not jump on this table and take you.”

  She glanced at the flogger and closed her eyes with a smile. “If you knew how fuckable you look holding that thing, you’d know how hard it is not to beg you to jump on this table and take me.” She didn’t open her eyes, but rather arched her back enough to prop her breasts up for him, offering herself to him. His cock was becoming extremely sore, being restrained in his pants.

  The black leather teased her nipples as he dangled the flogger over them, dragging it across her breasts one way and then the other. “Keep your eyes closed,” he ordered when she stole a glance through her lids. “I didn’t bring a blindfold, and I don’t want to stop to have to get one.” He put a warning in his tone and knew she’d catch it. She would obey.

  He pulled back his arm and delivered a sharp hit to her left breast. She sucked in a breath, and he quickly took her nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the peaked nub. Again, he pulled away and brought the flogger down on her breast. This time he didn’t lick the sting away; instead, he gave another two lashes to the same breast before he dragged his tongue over the sensitive flesh.

  She hadn’t opened her eyes or cried out, but she gave subtle moans, gasps of pleasure. He moved his concentration to her right breast, moving around the table to get a better angle.

  She twisted in her bonds after the fourth lick of the leather, and he gave her a moment to relax back into her binds. Her breasts spoke to the beating with a soft redness that could be described more like a blush of red. They rose and fell steadily and in deep quantities, as she took steadying breaths. The soft gasps that had escaped her during the short beating were replaced with the sound of air being taken into her lungs and gently being pushed out.

  She was beautiful.

  “How’s the speed?” he asked, pinching the outside of the breast nearest to him. She gave him a high pitched squeal at the new sensation, and he grinned widely. “Such a beautiful sound.”

  He pinched her again and laughed when she tried to hold back her vocal reaction and failed. “I did ask a question.” He pinched again, but didn’t release her. Instead, he held on until she answered him.

  “Fine!” she blurted out. “The speed is perfect.” She let out a loud gasp when he opened his fingers and let her breast bounce back to its natural form.

  “Good. I wouldn’t want to go too slow.” He knew she couldn’t see the sarcastic expression he aimed at her, but he gave it nonetheless.

  Her smile widened, teeth peeking through, but she kept her eyes closed.

  The lash of the leather against her thighs surprised her, and she cried out in shock. He didn’t wait to deliver another and another to her spread legs. Although she twisted in her rope bonds, she made no attempt to free herself or stop him. Her legs, usually glowing milky smooth, were quickly turning red from the flogging. The diamond on her inner thigh stood out in contrast to the darkening shade around it. Feeling compelled, he bent over and kissed the diamond shaped birthmark, as he wanted to do the first night he had seen it.

  Her thighs weren’t thin and frail like some slender women. They were meaty, thick, and begging to be bit.

  She groaned, a muffled sound of approval, when he sunk his teeth in the thigh. She whispered his name when he licked the birthmark and began to kiss his way up to where she wanted him most. He could smell the faint scent of her arousal, and he shook his head against her leg.

  “No, no. Wouldn’t want to go too fast.” He kissed her just above her clit and bit back a laugh when she growled in frustration.

  “Please,” she begged and attempted to push her hips upward.

  He gave a sharp slap to her thigh, and she settled back down.

  “Please, Kendrick. Please touch me.” Her voice was harsh, as though she were parched and begging for water.

  He took pity on her and lightly placed his forefinger to her clit, she moaned in pleasure. Her toes wiggled, a telling motion. He slid the one finger downward into her moist folds. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out, and he dipped his finger into her, feeling the hot liquid around his finger. The urge to plunge his cock into her, bury himself within her, and find his release was becoming stronger, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could deny himself.

  Her reactions to his attentions were so honest, so pure; he enjoyed watching them almost more than the physical act of flogging, biting, and k
issing her. He slid a second finger into her, and she did make a sound then. A long ragged groan.

  Her chest rose, as her back arched from the table, and he used his empty hand to fondle her breast and pulled the hard peak between his fingers. He put a gentle pressure on it as he rolled it. The act seemed to drive her further to the brink. Her cunt tightened around his fingers, and she was breathing much heavier.

  “Do you want to come?” he asked in a casual tone.

  “Yes,” she choked out. “Please,” she begged.

  “Not yet.” He removed his fingers from her, smiling at the growl of annoyance she let loose, and made quick work of untying her legs.

  Thankful he’d spent the extra money on an extremely thick and sturdy wooden table, he bent her knees, placing her feet on the edge of the table with her pussy exposed to him.

  He pulled a rubber from his pocket then tore off his jeans, kicking them into a corner of the room. He climbed onto the table, again forgiving himself for the extra money he’d spent on the rarely used piece of furniture.

  The swollen head of his cock pressed against her opening, and she spread her legs further for him, welcoming him. Begging for him.

  “God, so fucking good. Such a good girl.” His voice was harsh sounding; he wondered when the breath had been knocked out of him, as he struggled to remain in control of his body. He sank into her wet folds, feeling the warm haven wrap around his shaft and hold him.

  He groaned his own pleasure as he began to fuck her. Any attempt at teasing her with a slow speed was ignored once the feel of her pussy around his cock registered in his mind.

  He sank deeper into her, thrust harder into her welcoming body. She pushed upward at him, taking his cock into her with a fever that matched his own. Her eyes remained closed, but a blush settled on her cheeks. Her hands clenched in fists as he continued to fuck her on the dining room table.


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