Albion Dreaming
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Crispin Aubrey and John Shearlaw, Glastonbury: festival tales, Ebury Press, London, 2004.
Richard Barnes, The Sun in the East: Norfolk and Suffolk fairs, RB Photographic, Norfolk, 1983.
Brian Barritt, The Road of Excess: a psychedelic autobiography, PSI Publishing, London, 1998.
David Black, Acid: A New Secret History of LSD, 2nd edn, Vision, London, 2003.
Joe Boyd, White Bicycles: making music in the 1960s, Serpent’s Tail, London, 2005.
William V Caldwell, LSD Psychotherapy, Grove Press, London, 1968.
Cam Cloud, Acid Trips and Chemistry, Ronin Press, Berkeley, 1999.
Sidney Cohen, Drugs of Hallucination, Paladin, London, 1973.
Matthew Collin, Altered State: the story of Ecstasy culture and Acid House, Serpent’s Tail, London, 1997.
Caroline Coon and Rufus Harris, The Release Report, Sphere, London, 1969.
Julian Cope, Head-On/Repossessed, Thorsons, London, 1999.
Barry Cox, John Shirley, and Martin Short, The Fall of Scotland Yard, Penguin, London, 1977.
Richard Crocket, R.A. Sandison and Alexander Walk (eds), Hallucinogenic Drugs and their Psychotherapeutic Use, H.K. Lewis, London, 1963.
David Cunliffe, Blackburn Brainswamp, Redbeck Press, Bradford, 1991.
Johnny Dolphin, Journey Round an Extraordinary Planet, Synergetic Press, Tuscon, 1979.
Jane Dunlap, Exploring Inner Space, Scientific Book Club, London, 1961.
Rob Evans, Gassed: British chemical warfare experiments on humans at Porton Down, House of Stratus, London, 2000.
Mick Farren, Give the Anarchist a Cigarette, Jonathan Cape, London, 2001.
Monica Furlong, Genuine Fake, Unwin, London, 1986. Allen Ginsberg, Selected Poems 1947–1995, Penguin, London, 1996.
Allen Ginsberg, Wales: A Visitation, Cape Goliad Press, London, 1967.
Tony Gould, Inside Outsider, Allison & Busby, London, 1993.
Jonathon Green, Days in the Life: voices from the English Underground, 1961–71, William Heinemann, London, 1988.
Robert Greenfield, Timothy Leary: a biography, Harcourt Inc., New York, 2006.
Christoph Grunenberg (ed), Summer of Love, L.U.P., Liverpool, 2005.
Roger Harris, The LSD Dossier, Compact Books, London, 1966.
Phillip Hoare, Spike Island: the memory of a military hospital, Fourth Estate, London, 2002.
Albert Hofmann, Insight Outlook, Humanics, Atlanta, 1989. Albert Hofmann, LSD: my problem child, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980.
Michael Hollingshead, The Man Who Turned On The World, Blond & Briggs, London, 1973.
Stewart Home, Tainted Love, Virgin Books, London, 2005.
Gordon Honeycombe, Adam’s Tale, Hutchinson, London, 1974.
Michael Horowitz (ed), Children of Albion: poetry of the Underground in Britain, Penguin Books, London, 1969.
Michael Horowitz and Cynthia Palmer (eds), Moksha: Aldous Huxley’s classic writings on psychedelics & the visionary experience, Park Street Press, Rochester, 1999.
Roger Hutchinson, High Sixties, Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1992.
Aldous Huxley, Island, Vintage, London, 2005.
Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception, Vintage, London, 2004.
Robert Irwin, Satan Wants Me, Bloomsbury, London, 2000.
Gary Lachman, Turn Off Your Mind, Macmillan, London, 2001.
Adrian Laing, R.D. Laing: a Life, Sutton, London, 2006.
Timothy Leary, Flashbacks, G.P. Putnam, New York, 1990.
Timothy Leary, High Priest, Ronin, Oakland, 1995.
Timothy Leary, Psychedelic Prayers, Ronin, Oakland, 1997.
Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain, Acid Dreams, Grove Weidenfield, New York, 1992.
Dick Lee and Colin Pratt, Operation Julie, W.H. Allen, London, 1978.
Donovan Leitch, The Hurdy Gurdy Man, Century, London, 2005.
Shawn Levy, Ready, Steady, Go!, Fourth Estate, London, 2002.
Thomas Ling and John Buckman, Lysergic Acid and Ritalin in the Treatment of Neuroses, Lambarde Press, London, 1963.
Tim Lott, The Scent of Dried Roses, Penguin, London, 1997.
Tom Lyttle (ed), Psychedelics, Barricade Books, New York, 1994.
John Marks, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1991.
Christopher Mayhew, Time to Explain, Hutchinson, London, 1987.
George McKay, Glastonbury: a very English fair, Gollancz, London, 2000.
George McKay, Senseless Acts of Beauty, Verso, London, 1996.
Toni Melechi (ed), Psychedelia Britannica, Turnaround, London, 1997.
Barry Miles, Ginsberg: a biography, Virgin, London, 2000.
Barry Miles, Paul McCartney: many years from now, Secker & Warburg, London, 1997.
Nicholas Murray, Aldous Huxley, Abacus, London, 2003.
Simon Napier-Bell, Black Vinyl, White Powder, Ebury, London 2002.
Elizabeth Nelson, The British Counter Culture 1966–73, Macmillan, London, 1989.
Richard Neville, Playpower, Paladin, London, 1970.
Constance Newland, My Self and I, Frederick Muller, London, 1963.
Christopher Partridge, The Re-Enchantment of the West, (vol 2), T&T Clark, London, 2005.
Martyn Pritchard and Edward Laxton, Busted! The sensational life-story of an undercover hippie cop, Mirror Books, London, 1978.
Jonathan Raban, Soft City, Collins Harvill, London, 1988.
Matt Ridley, Francis Crick, Harper Collins, New York, 2006.
Penny Rimbaud, Shibboleth, AK Press, Edinburgh, 1988.
Penny Rimbaud, The Last of the Hippies, Flowerpot Press, London, n.d.
Ronnie Sandison, A Century of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Group Analysis, Jessica Kingsley, London, 2001.
Nicholas Saunders and Rick Doblin, Ecstasy: dance, trance and transformation, Quick Trading Co., San Francisco, 1996.
Nicholas Schaffner, Saucerful of Secrets, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1992.
Iain Sinclair, The Kodak Mantra Diaries, Albion Village Press, London, 1971.
David Solomon (ed), LSD: the consciousness expanding drug, G.P. Putnam, New York, 1964.
Peter Stafford, LSD in Action, Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1970.
Peter Stafford, Psychedelics Encyclopedia, Ronin, Berkley, 1992.
Jay Stevens, Storming Heaven, Heinemann, London, 1988.
C.J. Stone, Fierce Dancing: adventures in the underground, Faber & Faber, London, 1996.
Dominic Streatfeild, Brainwash, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2006.
Stuart Tendler and David May, The Brotherhood of Eternal Love, Cyan Books, London, 2007.
David Tomlin, Tales from the Embassy Vol. II, Iconoclast Press, London, 2006.
Julian Vayne, Pharmakon, Mandrake Press, Oxford, 2006. Alan Watts, The Joyous Cosmology, Vintage Books, New York, 1970.
Fay Weldon, Auto da Fay, Flamingo, London, 2003.
Irvine Welsh, The Acid House, Jonathan Cape, London, 1994.
Andy Worthington, Stonehenge: celebration and subversion, Alternative Albion, Wymeswold, 2004.
Andy Worthington (ed), The Battle of the Beanfield, Enabler Publications, Teignmouth, 2005.
Peter Wright, Spycatcher, Dell, New York, 1988.
Abbott, Tim 200
Abrams, Steve ix, 212, 217, 237
Absolute Beginners (MacInnes) 121
Acid (Black) 8
Acid Dreams (Lee and Shlain) 21, 66
Acid House music 252–54
acid tattoo legend 256
Acidica 196
Ackroyd, Peter 9
Aitken, Don 248–49
Aitken, Jonathan ix, 125
Aitken, Max 182
Albert Hall
“International Poetry Incarnation” (1965) 98
plans for psychedelic rally with Leary 107
Albion 9
Albion Free State 158
alcoholism, treatment with LSD 72
Aldermaston (Central Research Establishment) 215–16
andra Palace, “14 Hour Technicolour Dream” 140–41
“Alice in Wonderland Drug” reference 29–30
All Saints Hall (Notting Hill Gate) 111
Alpert, Richard ix, 77, 81, 89
amphetamines 6–7
“Amsterdam Reflection” (Andrews) 19
anarchist movements 192–93, 197
ancient history, drug use 6
Andrews, George ix, 19, 106
Andrews, John 196
animal testing 16
Arnabaldi, Paul ix, 214
art forms and LSD use 33–4, 111
see also music use on LSD trips; poetry and LSD
Atkinson, John 256
Ayers, Nigel ix, 196, 200–1
Baba Ram Dass 254
Bamfield, R. 123
barbiturate use 34
Barlow, Bill 95
Baron’s Court, All Change (Taylor) 121–22
Barrett, Syd ix, 39, 94–96, 111, 140
Barritt, Brian ix, 86–87
Barton, Richard 265–66
Bateson, Valerie 259
Battle of the Beanfield 250
Bayliss, Kevin 114
24 Hours (1966) 117–18, 123
banning songs and lyrics 142–3, 146
Aldous Huxley interview 72
Panorama (1955) 69–70
The Beatles 97, 127, 138, 140–42, 148–49, 171
Beaton, Cecil ix, 139
Beecher, Prof Henry 44
Bercel, Nick 21
Beresford, John ix, 74–77
Bestic, Alan 124
Better Books 126
Bhagavad-Gita 165
Bhattacharya, Dr. 124
Birmingham Regional Hospital Board 30–1
Black, David 8
Blackwell, Hugh 112–13
Blake, George 120
Blake, William 9
Blakemore, Colin 270–71
The Blarney Club (Tottenham Court Road) 120
Bloom, William 189
blotter art collecting 257–58
blotter LSD, 203, 246, 248, 255–58
1980s revival 246
Bolan, Marc 163–64
Bond, Jack 117–18
Boston Psychopathic Institute 20–1
Bott, Christine ix, 211, 216–17, 224–26, 227–30
Bowie, David 94, 189
Boyd, Joe ix, 149, 154
Branson, Richard 194
Brimblecombe, Roger 51
Brinsley Schwarz 167
British Medical Journal, support for therapeutic use of LSD 40, 123
British recreational LSD use 83–105
background scene in late 1950s 83–85
development of a London-based centre 101–5
demise 107–10
free festivals 184–208
police and press opposition 109–130
“summer of love” (1967) 131–54
see also opposition to LSD
Bromley Psychiatric clinic 36–37
Brotherhood of Eternal Love 172
The Brotherhood of Eternal Love (Tendler and May) 8, 219
Browne, Dr. S.E. 40
Browne, Tara ix, 127–28, 142–43
Brunstrom, Richard ix, 270–73
Buddhist movements 165, 168
Burkes, Leonard 201
Burroughs, William 86
Buxton, Allan 237
Cadogan Lane flat (London) 102–3
Callan-Thompson, Julia ix, 122
cannabis 6
“cartoon strip” LSD 255–56
Cellar 192
Chain, Ernest x, 133
Chalk Farm 126
Chandos, John 72
Channon, Derek x, 46, 62–3
Charlotte Observer 92
chemical warfare see military services
children and LSD 201, 255–56
Church, Chris 206
Churchill, Arabella 187–88
CIA 7, 9, 19–21
Project Chatter 19–20
Cilento, Diane 38
Clancy, Joe 256
Clarke, Nigel 273
The Clash 240
classification systems for drugs 268–78
Clements, G.P. 123
clinical trials, first therapeutic UK studies 25–7
Cobbing, Bob 98
cocaine 6
Coil 254
Cold War 19–20, 43–6, 106
Coleman, John 176–77
collecting LSD blotters 258
Collumbine, Harry x, 49–50, 58
commune living 181
see also free festivals; squatting
compensation claims 258–59
Conlon, Pat 197
Connery, Sean x, 38–39
Conservative government policies (1980s) 244, 249–50
conspiracy theories 9, 31
“contact high” phenomenon 51
contraindications and precautions 2, 32–3, 34–5
Cook, Peter 132
Cope, Julian x, 245–46
Coramine 12
Corman, Roger 148
Crazy World of Arthur Brown 140
Crick, Francis x, 226, 239
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act (1994) 254
101 Cromwell Road (West London) 95–6
Cromwellian Club (South Kensington) 139
Cudmore, Stan 138
cults and sects 165–69
Cumbrae (Scotland) centre 179–80
Cunliffe, Dave x, 83–5, 169
custodial sentences for LSD manufacture and distribution 229–36, 266
Customs and Excise 123, 124–26, 150–51
Cuthbertson, Brian 213–15, 219–221, 228, 237–238
Daily Express 227, 257
Daily Mail 142
Daily Mirror 228
Daily Star 256
Daily Telegraph 273
Dass, Baba Ram 254
Davidson, Alexander 150
“A Day in the Life” (Beatles) 142–43
deleterious effects of LSD use 2, 34–5
personality changes 87, 93–6
suicide risks 18, 49, 123
Delysid 18–9
see also LSD
depression and LSD use, early findings 16–7
Depth Psychology 23
detrimental effects see deleterious effects of LSD use
Devereux, Paul x, 6
Dexter, Jeff x, 73–4, 80, 163–64, 168, 172, 188
The Diggers 158
dihydroergotamine 12
discovery of LSD 4–5, 10–16
chemical derivation 13
first experiences 13–15
use of animal tests 15–16
Divine Light Movement (DLM) 166–68, 197
DMT (dimethyltryptamine) 118, 137
Dolphin, Johnny 122
Donovan 97, 104, 110, 133–34, 147
The Doors of Perception (Huxley) 68, 73, 98
The Doors 68
dosages and potency of LSD 2–4, 13, 15, 28
microdots 194–95
Doyle, John 102
drug administration regimes 27–8, 36–7
drug use (general) 244–45
background history 6–7
classification systems 270–73
Dunnett, Neville 220
Dwyer, Bill (Ubi) x, 180–81, 192–93
Dylan, Bob 64, 94, 115
East Anglian Fairs 191
Easy Rider (film) 149–50, 180
Eavis, Michael 187
Ebenezer, Lyn 239
Ecstasy 251–53
Eel Pie island 157
Eisner, Betty 33
Electric Garden Club (Covent Garden) 139
Electric Kool Air Acid Test (Wolfe) 171
Elgar, Edward 22
Elkes, Joel x, 30–1, 44–5, 50
epidemics 11–12
extract and derivatives 12
ergotamine 12
Eric’s club (Liverpool) 245
Esam, John x, 95–6, 98, 111–12
> first LSD arrest 112–13
trial 117–19, 126, 132–33
Evans, Rob 51
Faiers, Chris 157
Fainlight, Harry x, 99, 110, 186
Faithful, Marianne 136–37
The Fall of Scotland Yard (Cox et al.) 177
Fantasy Workshop (Notting Hill Gate) 111
Farren, Mick xi, 127, 185, 190
Ferguson, Maynard and Flo 78
Fielding, Amanda 109
Fielding, Nick (Leif) x, 178
Fielding, Nigel 225
film and LSD 148–49, 181–82
5,000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion (ISB) 147–48
Fonda, Peter 148–49
The Fool 148
Fox, James 180
free festivals
1970s 184–208
1980s 247–48
Freedom of Information Act 44
Freudian analysis 23–4
Gadsby, Neville 59
Gale, David x, 94, 96
Garrard, Bruce 201
Garret, Eileen 89
Gassed (Evans) 51
Gelfer, Dr. Richard 37–38
Gibb, Christopher xi, 102, 117–18, 129, 137–38
Gillard, Frank 143
Ginsberg, Allen xi, 98, 144–45, 254
Gittlinger, John 20
Glastonbury Fair 167, 186–87 192
Godfrey, Detective Inspector Derek 216
Gong 188
Goodman, Dave (Boss) xi, 135, 205
Gow, Eric xi, 47–8, 61, 63
Grateful Dead 168, 172, 189, 246
Greenblat, Milton 20
Greenslade, Dennis xi, 219, 222, 242
Guest, Paul xv, 258
Gunther-Rains, Stewart 114