Albion Dreaming
Page 37
Guru Maharaj Ji 166, 197
Guy’s Hospital (London) 36
Hadfield, Keith 141
Hagan, Kevin 208
hallucinatory features of LSD use 26–7
Hancock, Graham 198
Harcourt-Smith, Joanna 182
Hardison, Casey xii, 264–68
Hare Krishna movement 168, 198
Harkin, Bill 188
Harris, Lee xii, 225–26, 245
Harrison, George 98, 132, 136, 138
Harrison, Mark 253
Harvard Psilocybin Project 97
Havers, Michael 137
Hawkins, Spike 99
Hawkwind 188, 205, 253
Healy, Kevin 176
Heard, Gerald xii, 65, 69, 71
Helm, Trevor 202
Henry, Dr. Leonard 88–9
Herbert, Detective Chief Inspector 219
Here & Now 205–6
heroin trade 242–43
Heron, Mike 147–48
Heymer, Dennis 36
Hicks, Bill xii, 244
High Sixties (Hutchinson) 163
Highway 61 Revisited (Dylan) 115
Hitchcock, Billy 91
Hofmann, Albert xii, 10–18, 261
background and formative experiences 10–11
employment 11
investigates properties of ergot 11–12
first experience of LSD 13–14
later years 18
media coverage on his death 280
meeting with Sandison 24
as prosecution witness (1967) 132–33
tops Daily Telegraph “geniuses poll” 273
at Worlds of Consciousness Conference (1996) 255
Holgate, Dr. Harold 25
Hollingshead, Michael xii, 74–80, 83
background 74–5
first LSD trip 76
goes to Jamaica 89
as LSD “guide” 92, 100
personality and appearance 92, 108
relationship with Leary 77–81, 88–9, 101
relationship with Trocchi 104
returns to London 100–5, 107–8
sets up psychedelic ashram (Cumbrae, Scotland) 178–79
takes heroin and methedrine 108–9
under surveillance 109–10
sentenced and convicted 120–21
Hollyhock, Maxwell xii, 52, 54–5
Holmes, Richard 164
Holy Fire 11
Home Grown 225–27, 245
Hope see Wally Hope
Hopkins, John (Hoppy) xii, 110, 126, 128, 131, 154
Hopper, Dennis 143, 148
Horsley-Millman, Michael 37–8
Horton, Richard 270, 273
“14 Hour Technicolour Dream” 140–41
Howerd, Frankie xii, 36–7
Hubbard, Captain Alfred M. 65–7, 69, 71
Hughes, Alston 213
Huhne, Chris xiii, 155, 182
“Hung on You” boutique 87
Hurd, Douglas 250
Hussey, Andrew 245
Hutchinson, Roger xii, 163, 194,
Huxley, Aldous xiii, 7, 65, 67–74, 281
first LSD trip 71
joint trips 71–2
last experiences on deathbed 73
Huxley, Laura xiii, 73
hydergine 12
Hyde, Robert xiii, 20–1
I Ching 100, 165
Identification Phenomena 26
import licenses 126
In Search of the Lost Chord (Moody Blues) 134
Incredible String Band 147–48, 162, 168, 239
Indica Gallery 126
intelligence services 4, 7, 19–21
early trials of LSD 43–63
outcome of “truth drug” trials 49–51
international Times (IT) 126, 134, 149, 180, 185
on Operation Julie 227, 236
Island (Huxley) 72–3
“Itchycoo Park” (Small Faces) 146–47
Jagger, Mick xiii, 97, 118, 136–39, 149, 180
Janiger, Dr. Oscar 85
jargon see language of LSD use
Jefferson Airplane 29
Jenkins, Roy xiii, 115, 122–23, 203–4
Jenner, Peter xiii, 140–41
Jones, Brian 128, 143
Journal of Mental Science, on LSD use at Powick (1954) 25
Journey Round an Extraordinary Planet (Dolphin) 122
Junger, Ernst 17
Jungian analysis 25
Kalniczky 175
Kapur, Victor xiii, 150–54, 155–56
Kauders, Otto 20
Kelaher, Victor 175–76
Kemp, Richard xiii, 178, 198, 207, 211–41
driving accidents 216–17
police interviews 221–22
sentencing 235
whereabouts 240
Kent, Patrick 139
Kern & Sandoz (Basel, Switzerland) see Sandoz Clinic (Basel, Switzerland)
Kerr, Andrew xiii, 167, 187–88
Kesey, Ken xiii, 171
Ketchum, James 54
Kilbourne Matossian, Mary 12–13
Kilty, Gavin 157
Kleps, Art xiii, 91
Knowle Hospital (Southampton) 40
Knozett, Herbert 17
Ladbroke Grove 126, 158
Ladell, Bill 54
Laing, Adrian 38, 90
Laing, R.D. (Ronnie) xiii, 37–9, 41, 237
on “becoming a psychoanalyst” 38
invites Ginsberg to London 144
meeting with US LSD “Guru” 90–1
support for LSD 109–10
on therapeutic uses for LSD 38–9
on concerns over LSD administration venues 31
on “demonization” of LSD 270
Lane-Fox, Lady 88
language of LSD use 5, 9, 111
Largactil 37
Leary, Susan 91
Leary, Timothy xiii, 1, 4, 7, 74, 77–81, 89–90, 134, 168
experiences of psilocybin mushrooms 78
first LSD trip 79–80
plans to promote London scene 107–8
relationship with Hollingshead 78–81, 89–90, 101
trial for possessing marijuana 106–7
tries to enter UK 162–63, 182
Lee, Ken 175
Lee, Martin 21, 66
Lee, Richard (Dick) xiv, 204–5, 218–19
visit to Laing and Abrams 237
Leff, Dr. Samuel 88–9
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act (1994) 254
Misuse of Drugs Act amendment (1966) 123–24
Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) 181–82, 270–71
review of classification systems 269–73
Leitch, Donovan xiv
see also Donovan
Lennon, John 98.127, 132, 140, 142, 175, 226
Lesmoir-Gordon, Nigel xiv, 94–7, 118
Lewin, Louis 70
Lewis, Roger 119
licensees for LSD 126
light shows 196
Ling, Thomas 36–7
litigation claims 258–60
Lloyd, Suzanne 134
London Life 112–13
London Squatters Campaign 156–57
London’s Drug Squad 175–77
London, Winston 78
The Long Trip: a prehistory of psychedelia (Devereux) 6
Lott, Tim xiv, 3, 210–11
love and LSD 71, 279–81
Love, Courtney 246
LSD: the consciousness expanding drug (Solomon) 81
chemical composition and derivation 1
discovery 4–5, 10–16
first experiences 13–15, 16–18
dosages and potency 2–3, 13–15, 16–18
language and terminology 5
legislation against 6–7, 123–26, 181–82
manufacture of LSD
blotter LSD 203, 246, 248, 255–56
processes for distribution 209–10, 246
d 7, 10, 36, 46, 75, 109, 132
UK illegal networks 122, 125, 136–39, 149–53, 172–77, 209–243, 264–68
US and Holland 126, 144
and issue of import licences 126
marketing strategies 18–9
trade name 18–9, 24
medical and psychotherapeutic uses 23–42
early experiments 6–7, 18–21
for alcoholism 72
litigation claims 258–60
publication of first UK clinical findings 25–7
myths and speculations 1–2, 9, 21, 255–57
opposition to use 5–6, 106–30
first successful prosecution 119
made illegal 6, 7, 123–25, 181–82
media portrayals 5, 112–18
religious establishment 5–6
perceived benefits 2–5, 17–21
precautions 2, 18, 32–3, 34–5
recreational use in UK 83–105, 245–46
free festivals 184–208, 247–48
music scene and LSD 131–43, 145–48, 160–62, 245–46
review of benefits and harms 261–81
calls for reclassification 269–73
LSD trips
descriptions of early experiences 3, 12–3, 16–7, 61, 71, 72, 76, 79
drug administration factors set and setting factors 17
“Sugarlack” problems 103–4
typical regimes 26–7, 36–7
key hallucinatory features 26–7
phenomenon of “contact high” 51
psychotherapeutic analysis techniques 33–4
“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” (Beatles) 132
Lynch, Detective-Inspector 111
lysergic acid re-combinations 12
McCartney, Paul xiv, 97, 103, 127, 141–42, 226
McCloud, Mark 258
McGhie, Brigadier John 58–9
McGough, Roger 145
MacInnes, Colin 121–22
McKenna, Terence 254
McNichol, Reverend 59
magic and LSD 121–22
Magical Mystery Tour (Beatles) 171
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 149
Mailer, Norman 226
The Making of the Monster (Murray Scot) 85
Marlborough Day Hospital 36, 37–8
Manson slaying (US) 174
manufacture of LSD
blotter LSD 246
processes for distribution 209–10, 246
Switzerland 11–19, 24, 40, 117
UK illegal networks 122, 126, 136–39, 172–77, 209–12, 264–68
police investigations 150–53, 173–74, 211–243, 264
US and Holland 126, 143–44
and issue of import licences 126
see also Operation Julie
Margaret, Princess 238
Marks, Howard 254
Marquee Club (London) 110
Marr, George Logan 62–3
Marriot, Steve 161
Maschler, Tom 145–46
mass hysteria 50
May Hill festival 247–48
May, David 8, 219
Mayhew, Christopher xiv, 69–70
media portrayals 5, 21, 112–18
early positive reports 28–9
and LSD promotion 135, 153
role in urban legend creation (1980–90s) 255–56
medical uses see psychotherapeutic uses
Megatripolis 254
Meher Baba 168–69
Meigan Fair 205, 206–7
Melechi, Tony 8
Mellen, Joey xiv, 102–3, 114
Mellor, Pete xiv, 171
Melly, George 199
mental healthcare see psychotherapeutic uses
mental illness
comparisons with LSD trips 4
deleterious effects of LSD use 3, 34–5, 40, 93–4, 258–60, 262
personality changes 86, 93–6
suicide risks 18, 49, 123
see also psychotherapeutic uses
Merry Pranksters 171–72
mescaline 19–20, 38, 65–71
BBC documentary (1955) 69–70
see also Ecstasy
methergine 12
Metzner, Ralph xiv, 77, 79, 89–90, 100, 107
MI6 45, 49, 60–62, 120
Michell, John xiv, 107, 186–88
microdots 195–96, 209–10
Miles, Barry xiv, 101, 126
military services 43–63
early uses for LSD 4, 7, 19–21
initial interests in LSD 44–5
recollections and personal accounts 46–7
use of LSD field trials 52–58
subsequent investigations 60–3
Millbrook (New York) 91–2, 101, 107
Miller, Arthur 226
Ministry of Defence (MOD) 31–2
on abreactive drugs (1956) 44
lawsuit against 61
see also military services
Misuse of Drugs Act (1964) 122–23
amendment (1966) 123–24
Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) 181–82, 270
Mitcheson, Dr. Martin 230, 242
Monkey xiv, 250–51
Monterey Pop Festival 143
Moody Blues 134
Moonie, Lewis 61
Moorcock, Michael 84
Moore, Dudley 132
morning glory seeds 86, 94
morphine 5
Mostert, Allan 165, 189
The Move 134–35
Muir, Kate 278
Munro, Andy xiv, 207, 214–15, 220–21, 225, 227, 229, 235, 241–42, 245
Murray, Nicholas 67
Murray Scott, Andrew 85
music scene and LSD 131–43, 146–48, 160–62, 245–46
see also Acid House music
music use on LSD trips 33, 71–2
myths and speculations 1–2, 9
LSD in city water supplies 21
urban legends (1980–90s) 255–56
Napier-Bell, Simon xiv, 139
Narg, Jim xv, 131–32
Nathan, Harry xv, 150
Nazis, hallucinogenic drug research 19–20
nerve agents 45
Nestlé 257
Netley Hospital (Southampton) 36, 58–9
New Scientist, on Porton Down trials 52, 54
News Chronicle 28–9
News of the World 114–17, 134–39
newspaper for LSD users 134, 149
Niblett, Judge 265–66
Notting Hill Gate scene 85, 111, 122, 126, 151, 158, 187
O’Brien, Desmond xv, 101, 104, 112–15
Observer magazine 278
Oldham, Vizard 259
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey) 171–72
Operation Antler 59
Operation Julie 177–79, 183, 198, 204, 207–8, 211, 214, 215–243
key officers 218–19
finding Kemp 216–17
request for support 225–28
sentences 235–36
Operation Moneybags 52–5, 59
Operation Recount 55
Operation Small Change 56–7
opposition to LSD use 5–6
first LSD arrest in UK 111–12
first successful prosecution 120
legal framework 122–23
made illegal 5, 7, 123–25
media portrayals 5, 112–18
police corruption 175–77
police investigations
Hardison case (Brighton 2004) 264–68
Operation Julie 177, 198, 204–8, 215–43
and custodial sentences 228–36, 266
police “riot” confrontations 199, 249
prosecution of UK manufacturer 150–53, 155–56
religious establishment 5–6
see also myths and speculations
Osmond, Humphrey xv, 65–67, 69–71, 226
outpatient use 27, 31–42
Owen, Robert 58–9
Page, Russell 117, 118–19, 132–33
Pallenberg, Anita xv, 128, 180–81r />
Palmer, Clive xv, 147
Park, Hugh xv, 228–30
Peace Convoy 249, 240
People 114–18, 139
People’s Free Festival see free festivals
Performance (film) 180–81
Pescado, Glenda 248
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 116
Phun City (Worthing) 185
Pilcher, Norman xv, 153, 156, 175–77
Pink Floyd 39, 94, 95, 110–11, 127, 134, 140
Plas Llysyn (Montgomeryshire) 214–220, 223
poetry and LSD 144–45
Poisons of the Past (Kilbourne Matossian) 12–13
Polanski, Roman 103
police corruption 175–77
police investigations
Hardison case (Brighton 2004) 264–65
Operation Julie 177–79, 183, 198, 204, 207–8, 211, 214, 215–243
and custodial sentences 228–36, 266
police “riot” confrontations 199, 249
The Politics of Ecstasy (Leary) 80 reviews 164
Pont Street flat (London) 101–03, 108
see also World Psychedelic Centre (London)
Porton Down (Wiltshire) 45–63
field trials 52–8
subsequent investigations 60–3
Powick Hospital (Worcester) 22–36, 39–40
receives funding for new unit 29–31
The Pretty Things 132
Prichard, Nick 176
Pritchard, Martyn 204
Private Eye 131–32
Proby, P.J. 97
Project Chatter 19–20
Projection Phenomena 26
psilocybin mushrooms 78–80, 84
Psychedelia Britannica (Melechi) 8
“Psychedelic Baby” (Narg) 131–32
The Psychedelic Experience (Leary) 135
Psychedelic Prayers (Leary) 168
“psychedelic” terms origins 71
Psychic TV 254
psychosis 32–3, 41
psychotherapeutic uses 3–5, 270
with alcoholism 72
early European trials 16–19
experiences in the UK 23–42
hospitals offering treatment (UK) 36
subsequent doubts and compensation claims 258–60
psychotherapy 23–4
publications, first UK clinical findings 26–7
Punk scene 245–46
Purchase, Ken 258–59
Quintessence 165, 188–89
Raban, Jonathan 158
Raggett, Mike 95
Rainey, Michael 102
Rambridge, Don 138
rave scene 251–55
Rawat, Prem 166–67
Rawle, Sid xv, 167, 193, 202–3, 206–7, 249–50
recreational use 83–105
development of a London-based centre 101–5
demise 107–9
free festivals 184–208, 247–48
see also opposition to LSD use
Redlands drug raid 137–38
relationship breakdowns and LSD 34–5
Release 248–49
religious establishment 5–6
religious experiences and LSD use 15
see also spirituality and LSD use
Richards, Keith 128–29
Riley, John 98, 132
Rinkel, Max xv, 20–21, 46