Spare Parts
Page 23
introduction to, 2
needle to knife, 23–31
timeline of discovery and treatment, 40–45
“Aquatic Ape Theory,” 56–57
Archaeopteryx, 139–140
Archean Era, 146
Archipiélago de Colón, 8
Archives of Surgery, 39
Aristotle, 11, 18–19
Armageddon 2419 AD (Nowlan), 191
arrector pili muscle, 63
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 164, 137
atavism, 9, 85
Auden, W. H., 73
Australian Veterinary Association, 82–83
Barclay, John, 114
Bauhin, Gaspard, 31–32
Bellamy, Edward, 191
Bellows, George Wesley, 14
Bells’ Palsy, 111
“Beringia,” 183–184
Bernays, Augustus Charles, 26, 44
bicuspids, 151
Bierce, Ambrose, 191
Bilger, Burkhard, 187
biosphere, 136
Birth of Venus, 68
Blade Runner, 192
blepharitis, 131
blinks, eye, 125–127
blue whale, 139
bog mummies, 16
Bollinger, R. Randal, 38
Book of Revelation, 181
Boston Children’s Hospital, 166
Bostrom, Nick, 198–199
Botticelli, 68
Bradbury, Ray, 192
brain, 162–165
Brave New World, 192–193
Brazil, 192
breast, male, 170–171
Brett, Regina, 126
Britain’s Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 61
The British Museum, 114
Brooks, Robert, 60–61
Brown, Peter, 149, 159
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 71
Burkitt, Denis, 14, 35–36
cancer and diet, 35–37
Canine Cognition and Behavior Lab, University of Florida, Gainesville, 78
canines/cuspids, 151
Carnegie, Dale, 162
Carpi, Jacopo Berengario da, 19–21, 42
Casuality Clearing Camp appendix and diet observation, 34
caudal appendage, 87–90
A Century of Family Letters (Darwin), 1
Cervantes, Miguel de, 135
Chadwick, Alex, 143
chalazion, 131
characters, 9
Chinchorro mummies, 16–17
cholecystectomy, 169
Churchill, Winston, 14, 30–31
“Civil War Teeth,” 154
Cleeremans, Axel, 164
A Clockwork Orange, 192
clothing and hair ( vestiary hypothesis), 57
coccygeal process or projection, 87
coccyx. see also tails
defense of, 90–91
and the human tail, 83–90
Colbert, Stephen, 111
Cole, Edward William, 92
Cole’s Funny Picture Book, 92–93
Cole’s Penny Garden Guide, 92–93
colon, 166
comparative psychology, 85
concha, 99
Connery, Sean, 111
Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK), 82–83
Courbet, Gustave, 5, 68–69
Cramon-Taubadel, Noreen von, 148–149
Crisp, Thomas, 30–31
Cushing, Harvey, 14, 26
cutis anserina (goose bumps), 63
da Vinci, Leonardo, 1, 4, 14, 19, 21, 42
Darwin, Charles
on the appendix, 13, 22, 33, 40–42
on the beak, 140–141
beliefs about fossils, 137–139
on the coccyx, 73–74
on destiny of man, 181
on ears, 95–99, 109
evolution of the human body, 1–11
on the future, 199
on hair, 47
on the male breast, 170–171
on muscles, 174–175
on reproductive remnants, 176
on tails, 79–81, 83–90
temperament of, 116–117
on terrified cats, 62–63
on the third eyelid, 113
on wisdom teeth, 135–136
Darwin, Erasmus, 201–203
Darwin, George, 201
Darwin, Robert, 201
Darwin, Sir Francis, 201
Darwin 6, 3–4
Darwin Dictionary, 9–11
Darwin family business, 201–204
Darwin’s tubercule or point, 103–104
David, 68
De Humani Corporis Fabrica (1543) (Vesalius), 20
De la Terre à la Lune (From the Earth to the Moon, 1865) (Verne), 191
Defects Association With “Human Tail,” 89
demi-mondaine Olympia, 68
dental arch, 151–152
Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Japan Women’s University , Tokyo, 177–178
Department of Pediatrics at the National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, 89
derived character, 9–10
The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1873) (Darwin), 1, 13, 47, 73–74, 79–80, 95–96, 98–99, 103–104, 113, 170–171, 174–175, 203
Development of Dress (Darwin, George Herbert)
boots, 217–220
coats, 210–217
hats, 207–210
information on, 203
introduction to, 205–207
trousers, 217
di Caprio, Leonardo, 127
diet and the appendix, 14, 33–37
“Discovery of a Race of Human Beings with Tails,” 92
dispensable organs
fifth toe, 170
foreskin, 172–173
gallbladder, 168–169
the male breast, 170–172
spleen, 169–170
Divergent, 192–193
Dixson, Barnaby, 61
DNA, and human family, 49–50
docked tails controversy, 80–83
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 135
Donelan, Maxwell, 79
Don’t Forget Fibre in Your Diet (Burkitt), 35
Down, John Langdon, 123
Duke University, 44
Dullea, Keir, 126
Durrell, Lawrence, 18
ear, loss of, 168
ear drum, 100–101
appreciation of, 96–98
and hearing, 98–102
muscle mechanics, 108–112
pinna, 102–108
as vestigial, 6
Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University, 138
Ediacara biota, 136
Ediacara Hills, Australia, 138
Ediacaran biota, 138
Edward VII, 14
elfin ear ( Stahl’s Ear Deformity), 106
Ellis, Mary Anne, 106
entropion, 132
eons, 143–146
epicanthic fold/ plica palpebronasalis, 123–124
epoophoron, 176–177
Erasistra, 19
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, 110
E.T.the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), 197
Etymology Online Dictionary, 5
Eustachian tube, 101
defined, 10. see also Darwin, Charles
end of evolution, 182–184
next evolution, 184–186
eye, loss of, 167
eye blinks, 125–127
eyelid, third (nictating membrane), 111–112
anatomy of, 119
Eyes of the World, 133–134
fetal development and structural differences of eyelids, 120–128
human version, 128–131
problems with, 131–133
Richard Owen on, 114–117
uses of, 117–119
as vestigial, 6
/> Eyes of the World, 133–134
Fahrenheit 451, 192
Falloppio, Gabriele, 31–32, 42
false teeth, 153–154
Fascinating Far End Factoid (rattlesnake), 75
Fauchard, Pierre, 154
Fernel, Jean François, 42
fetal alcohol syndrome, 123
fictional futures, 191–198
Fitz, Reginald Heber, 23, 43
Flowers, Funnies & Men with Tails, 92–93
Fordham University, 185
foreskin, 172–173
Fornix of Reiss, 131–133
Fowke, Francis, 114–115
Foxx, Jamie, 126
Fraser, Gareth, 156
Fuchs, Charles S., 36
Future Films, 193–195
future man
end of evolution, 182–184
fictional futures, 186–191
man improving man, 186–191
next evolution, 184–186
rise of Mr. Robot, 198–199
uncertainity, 181–182
Future of Humanity Institute at the University, Oxford, 199
Galapagos Islands, 8, 141–143
Galen, Claudius, 19, 165
gallbladder, 168–169
Galton Laboratory, University College London, 183
Gartner’s duct, 177
Gattica, 193
Generation of Animals (De Generatione Animalium), 165
genetic drift, 10
germ theory and the appendix, 37–40
Glasser, Matthew F., 197
goblet cells, 129
Goldbeck, Gottfried, 43
gonads, loss of, 168
Goodhart, Charles, 70
goose bumps, goose skin or chicken skin, 63
Goya, Francisco, 68
Gray, Asa, 81
Gray, Effie, 69
Gray’s Anatomy, 98, 129
Grypania spiralis, 137
The Guinness Book of Records
appendix, 22
hair, 53
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August, 84–85, 97
body hair, 62–66
differences between hair, fur and feathers, 53–55
facial hair, men, 62
hair on top, 58–61
how we lost it, 55–58
less hair on humans, 71–72
nature of, 48–55
power of red, 67–68
pubic hair, 66–67
pubic hair and modesty, 68–71
Hair & Fur & Feathers, 52–55
Halsted, William, 26
Hancock, Henry, 25
Hardy, Alister Clavering, 56–57
Hawks, John, 183–184
heart, 166–167
heat, body regulation of, 56–57
hemispherectomy, 163
Hendrix, Jimi, 126
Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, 155–156
Henry VI, 151
Herbenick, Debby, 70
Hereditas, 104
Herophilus, 19
Hippocrates, 14, 32
homology, 10
hordeolum, 132
horizontal eyelid fissure, 128
Horodyskia, 137
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, 171
Hotel Dieu, 43
Houdini, Harry, 14
Houlihan, Hot Lips Margaret, 15
How Old is Your Eon, 143–146
How to Win Friends and Influence People, 162
Howard, George, 5
Howser, Doogie, 15
Huang, George, 155–156
Huaynaputina, 183
Human Pathology, 87
Hume, David, 155
humors and biles, 32–33
Hunter, John, 154–155
Huxley, Aldous, 193
Huxley, Thomas, 3
“Icemen,” 16
Illustrated London News, 60–61
incisors, 151
Infant Mortality in the US, 2010, 189
Innomiate Society of Louisville, 31
insulin, 166
The Island, 192–193
James, William, 162
John, apostle, 181
John, Elton, 14
Jones, Steve, 183
Jones, Thomas, 92
Journal of Neurosurgery, 87
Journal of the American Dental Association, 157–158
Journal of the American Medical Association, 29
kidney, loss of, 168
King, Mary-Claire, 49
King, Stephen, 15
Kipling, Rudyard, 93
Kiss Me Kate, 47
Knauth, Paul, 138
Koji Eye Talk Tuck in Tape, 124
Krakatoa, 183
Kram, Rodger, 79
Krönlein, Rudolph Ulrich, 25
Kruger, Daniel, 127–128
Kwan, Alana, 198
La Maja Desnuda (The Naked Mistress), 68
La Maja Vestida (The Clothed Mistress), 68
labiodental lamina, 150–151
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 10–11, 82
Lamm, Nickolay, 197–198
Lancet, 164
The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers, 76
Langseth, Hans N., 53
lanugo, 50
Laverne and Shirley, 15
laxity, 132
Les Propheties (Nostredame), 181–182
Life Expectancy at Birth in the United States, 190
The Life of Erasmus Darwin (Darwin, Charles), 202–203
Life On Man (Rosebury), 38
limbs and digits, loss of, 168
Living Links Center at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, 49
Livingston, Edward, 40
Ljudevit Jurak University Department of Pathology, Zagreb, 22
Logan’s Run, 192
Lohan, Lindsay, 14
London’s Zoo, 109
Looking Backward (1887) (Bellamy), 191
L’Origine du monde (The Origin of the World), 5, 68–69
Lost, 15
lung, loss of, 168
Luzzi, Mondino de, 20
M*A*S*H*, 15
major histocompatability complex (MHC), 65–66
male breast, 170–172
man improving man, 186–191
“Man of the Year” (Wells), 197
Manet, Édouard, 68
marine iguana, 141–142
The Martian Chronicles (Bradbury), 192
Martin, Loren G., 39
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany, 179
McBurney, Charles, 14, 44
“McBurney’s Point,” 14, 44
McCarty, Arthur C., 31–32
Meckel, Johann Friedrich, 32
Medical Hypotheses, 111–112
Mega Man Battle Network, 15
Melbourne Herald, 92
Melier, François, 43
Merck Manual, 27
Meredith, Michael, 179
Merrick, Joseph, 14
mesonephric tubules, 177
Mesozoic Era, 145
Mestivier, Jean-Vincent-de-Paule, 25, 42–43
Meulen, Bastiaan Coen Ter, 110
Michelangelo, 4, 40, 68
Microraptor gui, 76
Mikulicz-Radecki, Johann von, 25
Miller, Geoffrey, 186, 189–191
Miller, Jerome J., 111–112
Miller, Paul E., 119
Mitchum, Robert, 127
molars, 151
Montgomery, Elizabeth, 111
Morton, Thomas G., 25
“motor teeth,” 152
moving ears syndrome, 111
“Moxon’s Master” (Bierce), 191
Mr. Robot, rise of, 198–199
mummies, 15–19
Mummy Meds (medicines made from mummies), 18
mummy movies, 18
Munch, Edvard,
Munshi-South, Jason, 185
Murphy, John B., 26, 44
Murray, Joseph, 155
muscle mechanics, ears, 108–112
muscles, extra, 174–176
Musée D’Orsay, 5
mutation, 10
mythological creatures, tails, 76
Name That Tooth, 159–160
National Cancer Institute, 37
National Geographic Radio Expedition, 143
National Institute of Information and Cummincations Technology, 125
National Trauma Research Institute, Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre of the Alfred & Monash University Central Clinical School in Melbourne (Australia), 111–112
Nationwide Children’s Hospital (Columbus, Ohio), 29
Natural History Museum, 115
Natural History of Human Teeth (1778) (Hunter), 154
natural selection, 10
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 184–185
nature and nurture, 186–188
Nature Conservancy, 142
New England Journal of Medicine, 87
New York Times, 15
New Yorker, 187
Newman, Jack, 171–172
The Next Gen Scientist, 141
nictating membrane. See eyelid, third (nictating membrane)
Nimoy, Leonard, 111
1984 (Orwell), 192
Nixon, Mark, 108
Nostredame, Michel de, 181
Nowlan, Philip Francis, 191
Nurses Health Study, 36
Obama, Barack, 105
Oklahoma State University, 39
Online Etymology Dictionary at, 144
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859) (Darwin), 1, 81, 199
Orwell, George, 5, 75
Osaka University, the Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), 125
ossicles, malleus, incus and stapes, 101
Our Town (Wilder), 15
Owen, Richard, 114–117, 136
Pagel, Mark David, 57
Paleozoic Era, 145–146
palmaris muscle, 175
Panizzi, Antonio, 114–115
Paré, Ambroise, 18
Parker, Dorothy, 161
Parker, Willard, 25
Parker, William, 38
Parkinson, John, 43
Parsons, Thomas S., 13
Parts of Animals (Aristotle), 18–19
Paxman, Jeremy, 61
peacock’s tail, 81
pelage, 51, 53–55
“perforating appendix,” 29
Personality and Individual Differences, 128
PET (positron emission tomography), 162
Phanerozoic Eon, 144–146
pheromones, 65, 177–178
The Philadelphia Medical News, 26
Phillips, John, 144
Philosophie Zoologique (1809) (Lamarck), 10–11
Phoenix Colon Cancer Prevention Physician Network, 37
Physiology Institute at the University of Jena, Germany, 104
Piglowski, Jory, 127–128
pilomotor reflex, a.k.a. piloerection, 63
pinna, 97, 102–108