Spare Parts
Page 24
Planet of the Apes, 192
plantaris muscle, 175
Plato, 115
Playboy, 70
plica semilunaris conjunctiva, 119, 128–131
plumage, 51, 53–55
Pochapin, Mark, 7
pogonophobia, 61
Polyp Prevention Trial, 36–37
Pomerantz, Aaron, 141
Pope Francis, 168
Porter, Cole, 47
Precambrian Eon, 146
Preti, George, 99–100
Preyer, William Thierry, 104
Preyer Reflex, 104
Price of Male Facial Hair, 62
primary teeth, 150–151
primate character, 9–10
Prince Charles, 105
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 185
Prokop, Pavol, 64, 69
Proterozoic Era, 146
ptosis, 132
pyramidalis muscle, 176
Rafetto, Louis, 153
Randall, Valerie Ann, 49–50
rattlesnake factoid, 75
Reed, Walter, 14
reliably redundant organs, 166
Remington, Frederic, 14
replaceable/remediable organs, 165–167
reproductive remnants, 176–177
Reston, James, 15
Retallack, Greg, 136–137
ribs, extra, 174
The Riddle of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century (1899) (Haeckel), 84–85
Rogozov, Leonid, 15
Romanes, George John, 85
Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 13
Rosebury, Theordore, 38
Royal Albert Hall, 115
Royal College of Surgeons’ Hunterian Museum, London, 114
Ruskin, John, 69
Saint-Hilaire, Geoffrey, 147–149
Schilthuizen, Menno, 184–185
Science, 147–148
Scientific American, 39
Scott, Lizabeth, 127
“The Scream,” 17
Segond, Paul, 4, 40
Sekimoto, Hiroyuki, 177–178
semilunar fold, 113, 117
Semm, Kurt, 44
sex determining region Y, 176
“The Sex Lab,” 60
Shakespeare, William, 95, 151
shared character, 10
Sheffield University, England, 156
Sheri-Kashmir Institute for Medical Science, Srinagar, India, 90
Short, Arthur Rendle, 40–41, 44
Silvestri, Anthony R., Jr., 157
similarity among embryos, 85
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, 79
Siniscalchi, Marcello, 78
Smelly Ears = Smelly Armpits, 99–100
Smith, Will, 105
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 137
spinal dysraphism, 87–88
spleen, 169–170
Springer, Mark, 147–149
Stahl’s Ear Deformity (elfin ear), 106
The Stand (King), 15
Starship Troopers (Heinlein), 192
stomach, 166
The Structure of Man: An Index to His Past History (Wiedersheim), 1
subclavis muscle, 175
Swee, Gerald, 157
Sydenham, Thomas, 24
Symonds, Charter, 43
synapomophy, 10
tailbone. See coccyx
human, 83–90
lack of, 81–83
talking with, 77–78
versatility of, 74–77
as vestigial, 5
walking with, 79
Tait, Robert Lawson, 25
Talamon, Charles, 26–27
Talpid 2 (ta-2), 86
Tattersall, Ian, 183
third eyelid. See eyelid, third (nictating membrane)
Third Molar Task Force, 153
Thomas, Lowell, 162
thyroid gland, 166
The Time Machine (Wells), 192, 197
toe, fifth, 170
“tooth fairy” cells, 156
tragus and anti-tragus, 99
transhumanism, 198–199
Transplantation Waiting List, US, 167
Trauma Center, 15
Tree of Human Life, 48
Treves, Sir Frederick, 14, 26–27, 43
Trisomy 18/Edwards syndrome, 106
Trowell, Hubert Carey, 35
truly vestigial organ, vomeronasal organ (VMO), 177–179
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, 157–158
Turner, Ted, 14
Turner syndrome, 123
Twain, Mark, 93
Twelfth Night, 95
Two Eyes. Four Lids., 131–133
tympanic cavity, 100–101
Udell, Monique, 78
University of Colorado, Boulder, 79
University of Kent (England), 148–149
University of Lübeck (Germany) Institute of Anatomy, 128
University of New England (Maine), 149
University of New South Wales, Sydney, 79
University of Southampton (England) School of Electronics and Computer Science, 108
University of Tarapacá museum, 16–17
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, 39, 44
University of Trnava, Slovakia, 64
University of Wisconsin, Madison, 183
urinary bladders, bioengineered, 166
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 143
On the Usefulness of the Parts of the body ( De Usu Partium) (Galen), 165–166
useless human body parts
Adam’s apple, 173–174
extra ribs, 174
muscles, 174–176
uterine transplants, 166
Valentino, Rudolph, 14, 127
Van Gogh, Vincent, 96–97
Vasey, Paul, 61
vellus hair, 51
Verheyen, Philip, 21
Verne, Jules, 191
The Vertebrate Body (1986) (Romer and Parsons), 13
Vesalius, Andreas, 20
vestiary hypothesis, 57
Volz, Adolph, 43
vomeronasal organ (VMO), as vestigial organ, 177–179
The Voyage of the Beagle (1845) (Darwin), 140–141
Waal, Frans de, 49
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 166
Washington University School of Medicine, 197
water babies, 56–57
“Waterloo Teeth,” 154
Waterston, Robert, 49
Webb, Wally, 15
Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language, 5
Wedekind, Claus, 65–66
Wedgewood, Emma, 3
Weiss, Robert Anthony “Robin,” 66–67
Weizmann Institute, Israel, 179
Wells, H. G., 191
“Western diet,” 35
Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention (Trowell), 35
Wheat Bran Fiber Study, 37
Where in the World was Charles Robert Darwin? 8–12
Wiedersheim, Robert, 1
Wikipedia, 6–7
Wilberforce, Samuel (Archbishop), 3
Wilder, Thornton, 15
Winston’s Triple Complaint, 30–31
Winthrop University Hospital, New York, 38, 45
wisdom teeth, 132
building and keeping human teeth, 149–156
fish teeth and Darwin’s finch, 136–143
last bite, 157–159
missing bones and surplus molars, 147–149
as vestigial, 6
Woolner, Thomas, 103
Woolnerian Tip, 103–104
The World Set Free (Wells), 191
The World Small Animal Veterinary Association Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, 82–83
Xiaom, Shuhai, 138
Young, Brigham, 14
Zeitschrift für Induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre (Magazine for Inductive Descent Apprenticeships and Genetics), 104
Zellweger syndrome, 123
Zoonomia, or, The Laws of Organic Life (1794–1796) (Darwin, Erasmus), 202