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Quarterback Sneak

Page 3

by Unknown

  “Yea. So?” Galynn could taste her heart beating in her mouth.

  “I bet you wouldn’t last two minutes,” he said with a grin.

  “Of course I could. I would last longer than you.” She couldn’t stop the words from falling from her lips, but she couldn’t take them back now. Why was she doing this? Why was she letting him bait her like this? Was it because he wrote her paper for him – was this what he wanted in return? She would have asked, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.

  Or maybe he just got off on making girls uncomfortable. Maybe this was some sort of sick joke and there was a camera hidden somewhere in the room. Maybe this could be a lot of things, but Galynn wanted it. She knew she shouldn’t and knew she would probably get hurt, but just a small part of her wanted to live a little.

  Galynn always played the part of the conservative sweet girl. She should have gotten up and run, but part of her wanted to push to see how far she could take it. If she didn’t, she would regret it for the rest of her life. She would never have another chance to be alone in Alceo Russell’s dorm room again with him on his knees in front of her. Damn the consequences, she was going to do what she really wanted for once.

  “So, you think you can beat me at this game?” Galynn raised an eyebrow and smirked. No, she didn’t think she could beat him at this game, but was she willing to take a chance? Why not.

  He placed a hand on her leg. “Are you nervous yet?” Galynn could feel the heat from his hand scorching her leg through the sweatpants. She had to keep repeating to herself that she could do this. She could have lost right then, but she was going to push him as far as she could. Galynn shook her head no.

  Who is this person? She thought to herself. Her actions became foreign as she spread her legs slightly.


  Alceo’s mind was reeling. What the fuck was he doing? He had this innocent girl perched on the edge of his bed spreading her legs for him, daring him to go further. This wasn’t what he wanted, was it? This is how he got everyone else into bed. By challenging them, by making them do what he wanted.

  He could tell by the look on her face that this wasn’t something she normally did, so why did he feel the need to take her. Maybe it was the way her curls had bunched around her face, or how her glasses fogged when she got embarrassed. Maybe it was because he was dying to see what she had underneath the clothes she was wearing – his clothes.

  Good Lord, she looks sexy in my clothes. He could tell she didn’t like her body by the way she carried herself. She wasn’t like all the others who he’d been with. They, nameless and faceless girls one after another felt like they were conquering him. They stripped in front of him, bearing it all, not offering any hint of tease or surprise. They never wanted to leave anything to imagination.

  But Galynn, she was different. He could tell she preferred to leave everything in the mind of her beholders. How could she not be taken? Her innocent nature and timidity were so refreshing, and shocking enough to Alceo, a turn on. So why was he treating her like this? Because seeing her strip off her clothes as she trusted him not to look was enough to make him hard. He was intrigued by his arousal.

  He purposely gave her a shirt with holes in it. He wanted to see if she would actually put it on. He could see the tops of her breasts, the flare of her hips and the curve of her stomach through the shirt that was so old it was nearly sheer. She had no idea what she was doing to him, and he hadn’t seen it coming.

  When she stood from the desk and suggested she should stay, he wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but he knew he didn’t want her out of his presence just yet. There was something about her. Galynn’s cheeks had flushed and she held her breath as she tried to decide what to do. He watched as his sweats fell another notch on her hips. She was so distracted she hadn’t noticed. He got the briefest glimpses of her milk chocolate skin and he wanted to see more.

  Usually, he wasn’t attracted to black girls. He wasn’t adverse to them; he just had never found anyone that had roused his interests. That’s not to say he hadn’t had sex with a black girl before – hell, he’d had sex with everyone he could get his hands on his freshman year. But for some reason, he could feel himself being pulled to Galynn.

  So here he was, kneeling before her, his palm hovering close enough to her skin that he could feel her heat through his pants. Just that thought forced blood to his cock. The sexiest thing a woman could do was wear his clothes. No other girls had ever done it. They had always opted for skimpy pieces letting him know what he was in for. He didn’t mind that either, but this was better. Way better.

  He heard himself ask if she was nervous and she shook her head no. He was trying to move slowly so as not to scare her. But he could feel his need growing, and he didn’t think he could wait too much longer. The hold she had on him was almost mystical, like she was controlling his desires in some way, and he was certain she had no idea. She was too timid to be doing this on purpose, and that gave him an even greater sense of urgency. He felt like he needed to protect her and claim her all at the same time.

  “How about now?” His hand had slid up her leg just above her knee.” He could see her pulse drumming at the base of her neck, but she raised her chin and said no.

  Alceo smiled. Good. He crawled closer to her, lodging himself between her legs. She spread her legs wider to accommodate him but she still refused to touch him. Her legs were inches from him sides and suddenly, he caught himself imagining what it would be like to have those legs wrapped around him. Thick and muscular. Womanly. Very much unlike the bones that usually stuck into his sides when he took a woman.

  He bypassed the junction where her legs met, not wanting to make things too predictable, and laid his palm on her side. A hole in the shirt let his thumb come in contact with her silky skin and he heard her gasp. The sound was so uninhibited, so unrestricted; he drank in her reaction as his thumb stroked her skin through the hole.

  She was staring down at him intently, her lips parted and breath coming in gasps.

  “Are you nervous yet?”

  His voice was barely above a whisper but she heard him – her response was a choked, no. He could tell she was debating whether or not to stop. There was a hint of panic in her eyes, but there was also something else. He wanted to see more of it and more of her, so he pushed her onwards.

  Alceo’s hand snaked up her side, feeling her sharp intake of breath as he reached just under her breasts running the pad of his thumb on the underside of the fabric separating his skin from hers. He pressed his finger there, feeling her warmth envelope his hand. She placed a hand on the bed to steady her and her legs clamped around his sides.

  He smiled as he watched all her emotions play across her face, the game forgotten. His finger led the way from the base of her bra to circle around her nipple. Her head dropped back and her mouth opened as he pulled at the bud with his thumb and forefinger. He didn’t bother to ask her if he made her nervous this time, he just wanted to watch her face as pleasure over took her.

  With one hand, he unsnapped her bra and pulled it from her body as his other hand grabbed her thigh and pulled it tighter to his waist. Part of him was afraid she’d yell stop and he didn’t want to be caught by surprise.

  Her head snapped up and their eyes met. A mixture of shock, want and need snaked across her smooth skin. He looked at her questioningly, asking if he could continue, she hesitated a second and nodded her head, her glasses slipped to the end of her nose.

  Alceo watched the line of her neck and wanted to taste her skin. He had never felt anything like this, but he wanted more. She cried out when the heat of his hand landed on the sensitive skin of her breast, skin finally meeting skin. She swallowed hard as he stood up higher on his knees and tipped her backwards, a hand still holding her leg to him.

  Alceo watched as Galynn’s eyes widened when she felt the hardness of
his erection pressing between her legs. He saw the surprise and panic on her face, but he didn’t want her running just yet. He pushed her back on the bed and crawled in between her legs careful to hold his weight from her.

  He kept up his ministrations trying to distract her from the bulge in his pants. She looked nervous and nervous was a bad thing. He wanted her open and willing – enough that he could watch and listen to the cries of passion he elicited from her.

  Galynn’s eyes closed as he continued to caress her skin with his hands. He quickly removed his hand from her shirt and lifted it enough to see the expanse of her skin. His lips descended on her stomach and he felt her sharp intake of breath. When he felt her hand tentatively reach for his hair, he was spurred on.

  His tongue took laps around her belly button tasting the sweetness of her skin. His teeth nipped at her sides and he listened to her sighing in pleasure as he continued his onslaught. His mouth traveled higher until he was right at the base of her breast. He could hear her silent pleads for him to continue as he licked the underside of her breast.

  His other hand moved from her leg to open over her stomach. He was trying to keep her still, as much as touch her skin, which he couldn’t seem to get enough of. He gently bit his way to her nipples circling it with his tongue that sucking it hard into his mouth. Galynn Pierce tasted like candy and he wanted more.

  Her cries only served to make him harder, her shaking and moaning causing her leg to stroke his cock, coaxing more precum from the tip. He slid closer to her wanting to get a better grip with his mouth. He licked and tickled her mound with his touch as he heard her gasp over and over again.

  He could smell her musky scent and wanted more. His hand slid from her stomach under the waistband of the sweatpants he’d leant her. He could feel her stomach trembling as her fingers curled in his hair – one of the main reasons he’d kept it long.

  His hand danced at the top of her panties, his breath catching seconds before he slid his fingers beneath them.

  My God, she’s so wet, his mind screamed as his fingers pushed past her soft curls, bypassing her clit and moving to her slit. She was slick with need, the words falling from her hips. He knew she never acted like this, and knew she couldn’t have had that much experience. She couldn’t have. All the other girls he’d ever been with weren’t so open and honest and uninhibited about what was being done to them. With Galynn, Alceo knew right where he stood.

  He fingers danced along her lips as his mouth traveled to her neck. “Do you want it?” he whispered into her ear.

  Galynn nodded but it wasn’t enough. “I want to hear you say it.” His mouth captured the spot on her neck were her clavicle met the base of her neck and her hips bucked.

  “I want it,” she sighed into his neck.

  Alceo slowly pushed his middle finger into her center. He could feel the puffy, swollen lips trying to pull his fingers in deeper. Galynn’s hips bucked again as he slid his finger deeper into her. He bit at her neck not caring if he would leave a mark there. This girl was bunched sexuality, and someone needed to mark her.

  The hand in her pants continued to dance until he couldn’t hold off any longer. He pushed two fingers deep into her eliciting cries of passion and moisture continued to coat his hand. His hands began to move faster as he heard her breath start to reach a fever pitch.

  He lifted his head from her neck and watched as her emotions played plainly across her face. She was beet red, her mouth open, begging him not to stop. His thumb found her clit for the first time and he pressed and rubbed it in furious circles. Her eyes shot open as she stared skyward.

  Alceo’s mouth clamped down on her nipple and he sunk his teeth into her flesh just as her inner walls were trying to milk his fingers for the seed that they couldn’t give her. He pulled his fingers from her body and shoved three as deep into her core as he could get them. He watched her face as she exploded on his hand, screaming and crying his name, her hand twisted in the back of his shirt.

  Alceo watched Galynn’s body tense, her mouth hanging open as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Her eyes squeezed shut and her body relaxed as her hand came to rest on the back of his head. He slipped his fingers from her pants and placed them in his mouth tasting her sweetness. He smiled as his tongue danced over her neck, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

  He leaned up and looked at her face. He took in her crooked glasses, her tousled curls, her lashes lying firm against her cheeks as her eyes closed and her skin flushed. Who knew someone could be so satisfied? He smiled at his handy work. He tried to get closer to her on the bed, but she turned to her side facing away from him.

  He would have been upset but two seconds later; her breath fell into a deep rhythm. He continued to lick the sweetness from his fingers as his other arm wrapped around her.

  Now what?

  Chapter 2

  Galynn’s eyes snapped open. She tried to move and panic settled into the pit of her stomach. There was something very solid behind her. She woke up for the first time in her life in the bed that wasn’t her own. She stared at the wall in front of her debating what to do. A part of her felt happy, prideful even that she made it through the night. She cringed at the thought of her falling asleep after the wonderful things Alceo had done to her but now she was guessing that would have been better than letting things progress. But now what was she supposed to do?

  Galynn turned as slowly as she could, careful not to wake Alceo. How was she going to get out of this one? What was the protocol? Should she just leave? Pretend like it never happened, or should she wait for him to wake and be faced with the awkward morning after conversation? Sneaking out sounded better than waiting around for him to wake and realize he hadn’t meant to take things that far.

  She rolled over slowly to face him, trying her best not to jostle the bed and wake him up. His long dark lashes pressed against his cheeks, his mouth slightly parted. She wanted to kiss him, to taste his lips. With everything that happened last night, she hadn’t gotten the chance to taste his lips. But she wasn’t going to press her luck, for now she could just settle with looking.

  Her eyes traveled down his chest. He had a scar between his ribs, but it must have been old because it was white and hard to see. She wondered where he could have gotten it. Before she thought about what she was doing, her hand reached out and traced the small scar. It was barely noticeable, but she could feel its roughness against the smooth skin around it.

  Galynn took in his tanned skin, the soft sprinkling of hair on chest and his sweat pants slung low on his hips. She wanted to venture lower but didn’t dare. She felt that thing pressing against her leg the night before, but she had been afraid of it. Never in her life had she seen the look in someone’s eye like the one he had given her the night before. If she hadn’t fallen asleep, she wasn’t sure what he would have wanted her to do with it. She wasn’t a virgin by any means, but she also knew that he had way more experience than her. And that scared her a little.

  Tearing her gaze from the body in front of her, her mind turned to getting out of the bed without waking him. Alceo was sprawled on his back, arm thrown above his head, sound asleep. There was no way for her to escape without climbing over him, and that included straddling his body. Her face heated at the thought, but she had to get out.

  Slowly, watching the rise and fall of Alceo’s chest for any signs of him waking up, Galynn tried to stand. It wasn’t easy but she managed to get into the crouched position without jostling him too much. She eyed a spot on the floor where she wanted her foot to go, held her breath and slid over his legs – she wouldn’t dare think about straddling his waist. What would he do if he found her perched upon his chest in haste to sneak out of his room? This was probably a common occurrence for him, but it wasn’t for her. The very last thing she wanted was for him to wake.

  Safely making it to the floor without to
o much noise, Galynn found her clothes from last night, still wet. She frowned. She would have to steal his clothes to wear them back to her dorm. She didn’t like the idea, but she didn’t really have a choice. Silently she berated herself for being so careless and leaving her soaking clothes in a pile on the floor. How did she ever expect them to dry? But in honestly, the drying of her wet clothing hadn’t been at the forefront of her mind last night.


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