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Quarterback Sneak

Page 4

by Unknown

  She gathered her things, remembering her ruined phone and laptop and stuffed them back into her wet bag. She looked around, trying to find something to cover her up. Her shirt was full of holes, and she hadn’t brought a jacket with her to the café the night before. Feeling like a thief, she rifled through the basket of clothes at the foot of his bed and found a hoodie. She slipped it over her head and said a silent prayer asking him not to be angry about it when he woke.

  Galynn spent three minutes standing with her hand on the doorknob staring back at Alceo. She smiled to herself. For once in her life she did exactly what she wanted, and it wasn’t expected. She felt great. She felt invigorated. Just before leaving the silence of the room, she picked up the paper he’d typed for her and left. She thought about leaving a note saying thanks, but she figured that might be tacky, so she just slipped out into the hall.

  It was still too early for many people to be out shuffling around, and she was grateful. She really didn’t want to be seen escaping Alceo Russell’s room in the early morning hours. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to think of her as his latest conquest. She wondered if this is what people called the walk of shame. But she didn’t feel ashamed. She felt happy. All in one night she’d met the guy she’d been lusting after, he’d written her paper and did some amazing things to her body. At the thought, a sharp tingle went through her.

  She smiled widely as she began the long walk back to her dorm, mussed hair, foggy glasses and all.


  Alceo woke when the door to his room shut. For a second, he couldn’t remember if there had been someone in there with him, or if the sound of his door had been his imagination. He looked toward his computer and remembered the night before with a smile. Galynn.

  He could tell by how cold he’d become that she wasn’t in his bed anymore, and the thought angered him.

  How could she leave me? That’s my job. He was surprised by how upset the thought of Galynn sneaking out made him feel. Wasn’t he any good the night before? Didn’t she like it? Of course she liked it he scolded himself. Then why did she leave?

  He sat up on his bed and ran a large hand through his hair. All he had was her name and the dorm she lived in. He didn’t even know anything else about her – not that he usually got to know the girls that spent time in his bed, but he wanted to see her again. He wasn’t sure what it was about this ordinary girl, but he was drawn to her. Too bad she didn’t feel the same.


  It had been three weeks since that night in Alceo’s room and Galynn couldn’t stop thinking about him. Yea, she thought about it every night before she went to bed, but she wasn’t trying to kid herself. She never let herself think it could happen again. He probably doesn’t even remember my name she thought bitterly while huddled in the library.

  She told no one of her escapades. Who would believe her anyway? Instead she took solace in the fact that she had hooked up with her crush, and she managed to leave him before he could her. She was satisfied, and found herself smiling more. At least when she looked back on her college years, she would be able to say that she had lived a little.

  Galynn had no computer, and no textbook, so she was confined to the library for typing her papers and completing her homework. For the briefest of seconds, she wished Alceo were there with her – if anything to help her with her biochemistry homework she couldn’t seem to understand. She’d gotten an A- on the last one, and her professor looked at her sideways as if he knew she hadn’t done it on her own. Galynn just smiled at him and said that the school tutors were great.

  Galynn slammed her notebook shut and stood to stretch her neck. She had been in the library for hours, and she still wasn’t done. Going through several different texts to try and find the answers she was looking for was exhausting. She rolled her neck, cracked her fingers and set out for the science section. Again. She was doubtful she was going to find what she was looking for, but if she didn’t try, she wouldn’t be able to live with herself. Okay, she’d be able to live with herself, she would just be angry at the grade she received.

  Walking though the isles, she noticed that a lot of the students had left. She looked down at her watch and was astonished at the time. Glancing out of one on the floor to ceiling windows lining the far wall, she could tell the sun had set long ago. Galynn sighed and kept walking.

  She liked the library. It was quiet. No one to bother her and most of all, no SportsCenter analysts to talk about Alceo Russell. The season was drawing to a close, and everyone was speculating on whether or not the Celts could finally win a Bowl game. If she had been paying attention to Alceo she would have noticed, like everyone else, that his head didn’t seem to be in the game. All the analysts were speculating the cause of his lapse, and repeatedly asked him if the pressure was starting to get to him, but each time, he just dodged the question and smiled broadly.

  She rounded the corner to the science section and began to chew her lip. If she was ever going to get out of there, she needed to find the right book, and fast.


  Alceo wouldn’t say that he had spent his time away from Galynn searching for her, he would say that he as more interested in getting to know more about her. He’d asked around and found that no one he knew, knew her. That didn’t surprise him. He could tell by talking with her that they didn’t run in the same circles.

  He didn’t want to admit it, but the fact that she left him was bothering the hell out of him. He was the one to leave; he never had any shortage of women asking to stay between his sheets just a little while longer. But not Galynn, and he couldn’t figure out why. Was he any good? That thought brought a smile to his face. No one had ever complained before. But, she did fall asleep.

  He was almost ashamed to admit that some girl he barely knew had him all twisted up. “Have you been listening to me, honey?” The sound of Marie’s voice brought Alceo out of his fog. For the life of him he couldn’t remember why Will chose to let that girl hang around them. She was useless for conversation, couldn’t tell a football from a baseball and had a voice three octaves above shrill.

  Alceo grinned at Will. As they all walked to the library, Alceo watched Will as he looked at Marie. “Yea, babe. I was listening. Hey, can you do my psych paper for me. My hand is a little sore.” Alceo shook his head as Will began to turn on the charm. The girl nodded emphatically.

  “Oh sure, I would love to help you out.”

  “Oh really?” Will asked, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards.

  “Well, I’ve got another problem too.”

  “What’s that?” Alceo was amazed. The girl has the good grace to look like she really didn’t know he was asking for a blowjob.

  “Well, my muscles are a little tight – and sore,” Will added quickly. “I would love to have a massage, but I don’t know where to get one.”

  “I could give you a massage if you like. I’m real good at it too.”

  The stupidity of girls never failed to amaze him. Galynn wouldn’t fall for something that stupid. He cock stiffened at the thought of that night. She hadn’t fallen for anything, what she did was let him do what he wanted, so she could get what she wanted. Alceo doubted if she had ever fooled around with a guy she’d just met.

  Will nudged him in the side with his elbow and smiled. “See how easy this shit it. You want a massage too?” Will raised his eyebrows and Alceo shook his head no. He knew what Will was hinting at. Alceo didn’t like to think about the last time they had tag teamed a girl together. Will was into some freaky stuff, and Alceo had no desire to revisit his best friend’s sexual perversion.

  “What, you don’t like pussy anymore?” Will asked as they entered the library. Alceo would have told him to shut the fuck up, be he knew it wouldn’t do any good.

  “Bro, I’m not in the mood to double team this freshman in a fucking gorilla suit and top hats on.”

  Will stopped walking and gaped at his best friend. “That was one time! And it was Halloween.” He shouted. He dew looks from the few people that still had their noses pressed between the pages of their books.

  “You still have the costume.”

  “I swear dude, I think changing in front of all of us in the locker room has turned you into a homo.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I’m just not into your idea of kink.”

  They carried on their conversation as they walked deeper and deeper into the library. Alceo knew where he was talking the freshman – to the law review section. It was large, quiet and there Will could fondle the poor girl while she tried to write his paper. Sometimes he wondered what parents really think their kids do in college because it certainly isn’t learning.

  “Oh wait,” Will said dramatically. One of the younger librarians was prepared to shush him, but when she looked up from the stack of books she was reshelving, and noticed it was them. She smiled and waved. “You’re not still hung up on that Gay chick are you?”

  Alceo regretted the moment he told Will about Galynn. Immediately, he wanted all the details and to know who she was so he could fuck her. Will didn’t really discriminate; he fucked anything with a heartbeat.

  “Her name is Galynn.” Alceo said through clenched teeth. He took a deep breath as they found an empty table and sat down. Marie pulled out her laptop and opened her Facebook page. He was pretty sure she was posting that she was in the library with him and Will. After a nudge from Will, she opened up her document editor and began to type.

  “Wait,” Marie said as she looked up at Alceo. “You don’t mean Galynn Pierce do you?”

  Alceo’s heart stopped. He didn’t say anything, just nodded as Marie turned her attention back to her computer.

  “Well, do you know her?” Alceo’s hands were bunched as his heart began to pound loudly in his ears. Maybe there was still a chance for him to find her.

  “Kinda,” Marie shrugged. “I know her roommate Jasmine. Galynn must be Jasmine’s jolly fat friend that’s always with her.” Marie laughed while Alceo ground his teeth. “Have you seen her? She’s…round.” Marie said with a faint smile on her face. “She’s not bad looking but she’s just so quiet. While everyone else is talking, she’s usually stuffing her face.” Alceo listened to the sound of Marie’s laughter and thought about punching her in the face.

  How could she say that Galynn was jolly? Jolly conjured images of Santa rubbing his girth and smiling. The image made Alceo cringe. The girl certainly wasn’t fat. She was normal – very much the opposite of Marie. Marie was short and petite and on the skinny side. Her arms looked like twigs, and her waist was probably as round as his bicep.

  She was Jasmine’s roommate and friend? Somehow, he couldn’t see that. He knew Jasmine, and knew the type of person she was. He also felt he knew what type of person Galynn was – from what little time he’d spent with her. Jasmine was a viper. She would do anything and step over anyone to get what she wanted. It made Alceo uncomfortable to think about it. If Galynn knew Jasmine, that meant she knew about Alceo. All about him, and that scared him.

  Jasmine hadn’t brought out the best in Alceo…not by a long shot. It hurt him to think that Galynn might see him in the same light Jasmine did.

  “Babe, less talking more writing,” Will said as he tapped her computer to bring her attention back to it. “Let’s go, its gotta be done by seven.”

  Alceo was glad for the interruption. “I’m gonna go piss.” Alceo didn’t wait for an answer. He just stood and walked off. He didn’t like the library, but at least here he could walk around in peace. He didn’t have to worry about people he didn’t know running up to him and shouting in his face or patting him on the back. The pressure he put on himself to win football games was enough. He didn’t need anymore. Plus, here in the library, he didn’t have to hear Pat Forde and Hannah Storm micro analyzing his every move.

  Alceo wandered aimlessly throughout the library, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He rounded the corner and saw a girl standing with her back to him, her head leaning against the shelf. For a moment, the sight of the brown curly hair sent his heart racing. It couldn’t be Galynn though, what would be the odds of that? He stopped a couple feet behind her, his eyes drawn to her backside. She was about five foot eight, but there was something about her he couldn’t place.

  She was wearing a dark green hoodie with a small fist in the bottom right corner. Slowly, he stepped closer. There was a tear at the elbow and white paint on the top of the hood. His smile spread.

  What were the chances?


  Galynn had been flipping through books for what seemed like forever and nothing seemed to hold the answers she was looking for. She was half tempted to go back to Alceo’s room and wait for him. At least then she’d be able to get her assignment done. Maybe she would tell him all the homework she had and he could do it for her. A small snort escaped her throat as she thought about the insanity of it. She laid her head against the shelf and closed her eyes.

  “I was wondering where my favorite hoodie went.” The voice behind her startled her, making her bump her head on the shelf in front of her. She could feel her heart beating in her throat.

  “Looks like somebody is a little thief.” The voice was in her ear before she could turn around. The vibrations of his voice sent wetness seeping into her panties.

  Galynn tried to turn her head to face Alceo, but his hands were on her hips holding her back to him before she could.

  “I -- I didn’t have anything to wear home. My clothes were still wet.” She could feel his fingers opening across her hips pulling her closer to him. “I was going to give it back,” she stammered when he said nothing.

  “No, keep it. It looks better on you than it does on me.”

  “Yeah right.” The words slipped out of Galynn’s mouth before she could stop herself.

  “I’m serious.” Galynn could hear the laughter in his voice as he pressed his stomach against her back. “So doll face, why’d you leave so early?”

  Galynn was thrown by the question. She was even more thrown by the idea of Alceo Russell grinding up against her in the University library. She was trying to formulate a coherent response, but his hands and his hips were distracting her.

  “I didn’t want to cramp your style.” She said as a sigh escaped her lips. She didn’t know what it was about her that had Alceo after her, but she didn’t want it to change.

  The butterflies were flapping in her stomach as his hands reached the hem of his hoodie. She felt the coolness of his hands meet the heat of her bare skin as they buried under her shirt. His palm lay flat against her stomach as he caressed her skin with his thumb. Galynn could feel his hardness growing against her back. Alceo was tall enough that he had to bend down so his lips reached the sensitive skin of her neck. “What makes you think you were cramping my style?”

  His breath fanned over her neck and heated her to her core. She didn’t have a response for him and his hands snaked higher. For a brief moment, she wondered if he did this with every girl he met, but the more his hands began to move, the more she didn’t care.

  Alceo’s lips brushed against her neck, snaking their way to her ear. She moaned as his lips captured her ear lobe and his hands traveled up her sides. Galynn began to panic. What if he felt how fat she was? What if he didn’t like it? What if -- her thoughts were interrupted by the feel of his fingers teasing her nipples through the lace of her bra.

  Alceo’s question forgotten, Galynn leaned back into him, her hands covering his from over the sweater. “Didn’t you have fun?”

  Galynn couldn’t answer as his fingertips teased and tweaked her nipples. His tongue snaked from his mouth and tasted the flesh at her neck. Alceo’s left hand held her close while his other began the descent to the waist of her jeans.


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